Nawa spits out dirt and wipes her mouth, gross, and then grabs the growing vines with both of her hands and lightly levers her body to flip over the plants.
Tedium. Brief shock. Annoyance.
Embarrassment. Determination. Envy.
Riku-tan was only a few feet away, and Nawa swiped her feet out from under her. As she coughed and sputtered, not quick to react to the sudden change, Nawa pulled a long stripe of her restraint tape out, aiming to make this quick and take advantage of her opponent being flat-footed.
Hitting the ground hard, Riku choked and then spat out a stream of mud straight into Nawa's face. Nawa blocked the brunt of it with an arm, and kept her attention on Riku through squinted stinging eyes. Diverting an attempt to twist away, she grabbed one of Riku's arm and grinded a foot into the downed girl's stomach.
Nawa, eased into nolstagia, reached for the tape again.