Mostly it's that he doesn't think before he acts and he thinks he's invincible, but he also tries to hold back as much as he can. As soon as somebody stronger or smarter than him, he's going to get hurt and get hurt bad.

As just an example, in this exercise trying to force a direct confrontation like Takoe did was the wrong move. Delaying Hadrian by making the place a maze, even re arranging the floors when he was't looking to create a shifting maze, would have worked. Hadrian wouldn't have just smashed through the walls of his own initiative thanks to that desire to hold back and would have just wandered until time ran out.

Of course, that's not including the influence of a partner but you probably get the idea.
Huh...That actually works out pretty well. Essentially he tries to deliberately take the harder option even when it's to his detriment.
Huh...That actually works out pretty well. Essentially he tries to deliberately take the harder option even when it's to his detriment.
Not exactly. It's just that he wants to be like All Might but also realizes that he's a scary motherfucker so he deliberately tries to be as non-threatening as possible. Sometimes it doesn't work out because of his "doesn't think things through" weakness, like earlier when he threatened to have their eyeballs rotted out.
Not that, more that you mentioned dodging one of my strikes when I haven't even posted my response yet. I mean, of course I'm going to fight back and of course you'd dodge if you could but, um, yeah. See what I mean? Or maybe you don't. I'm not being very well spoken today...

The message came across. Also, the edit has been made.
I hope this is more to your liking
It's just hit me how we might progress.

@LostDeviljho is it cool if I take control of Riku until the end of the fight? We can figure out what to do with Khawy, if anything, afterwards.
Post coming SoonTM​.
Apologies for the delay. Been busy and I'd write it now but it's already 0130 hours, sooooo....
Nawa spits out dirt and wipes her mouth, gross, and then grabs the growing vines with both of her hands and lightly levers her body to flip over the plants.

Tedium. Brief shock. Annoyance.

Embarrassment. Determination. Envy.

Riku-tan was only a few feet away, and Nawa swiped her feet out from under her. As she coughed and sputtered, not quick to react to the sudden change, Nawa pulled a long stripe of her restraint tape out, aiming to make this quick and take advantage of her opponent being flat-footed.

Hitting the ground hard, Riku choked and then spat out a stream of mud straight into Nawa's face. Nawa blocked the brunt of it with an arm, and kept her attention on Riku through squinted stinging eyes. Diverting an attempt to twist away, she grabbed one of Riku's arm and grinded a foot into the downed girl's stomach.


Nawa, eased into nolstagia, reached for the tape again.

It appears I wasn't very clear - I apologize. The vines in question aren't growing out of the ground, they're growing out of the dirt.

Specifically, the dirt that's currently covering Nawa's body.

There's a completely logical path to the roots - through the wall, through the line of ground Riku's spewed, and onto gosh darn it I just got the pun to Riku's name
It appears I wasn't very clear - I apologize. The vines in question aren't growing out of the ground, they're growing out of the dirt.

Specifically, the dirt that's currently covering Nawa's body.

There's a completely logical path to the roots - through the wall, through the line of ground Riku's spewed, and onto gosh darn it I just got the pun to Riku's name
Woops~ welp, it's no big deal, I'll just edit that part then. Doesn't change my overall plan, and I'm hopefully leaving a bunch of room to do whatever you want!
...I just realized there is a nonzero possibility for you to throw flaming chunks of ice at him if the two of you ever fight.
Heres the thing.

I can set fire to water. I just don't do it often because the gas gets dispersed more easily, so with large volumes of water its really impractical.

If its a solid like Ice, I could totally set the ice on fire. It'd melt very quickly, but t also wouldn't have as much of the dispersing problem as it'd be a fixed chunk.

So I'd be flinging Blazing Ice and Flaming Water. That might very well melt through his own ice.