Glory to the machines! (Empire Builder)

Should I switch this Quest to Single Transferrable Vote?

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Can we integrate Carmote into the structure of a ship? In other words have a Carmote actually be the ship. Basically having the ships computer network/mainframe all be one or multiple Carmotes integrated into the vessel? Can we create lesser AI specifically to run the vessels?
Can we integrate Carmote into the structure of a ship? In other words have a Carmote actually be the ship. Basically having the ships computer network/mainframe all be one or multiple Carmotes integrated into the vessel? Can we create lesser AI specifically to run the vessels?
Yes you can! On all counts. In other news, I've been pondering how a sudden Pacific Rim crossover would likely go. Poor unfortunate kaiju. (NOTE: This will not actually be happening, it disrupts what I've already got planned and doesn't make sense with the rest of the universe I've constructed.)
Yes you can! On all counts. In other news, I've been pondering how a sudden Pacific Rim crossover would likely go. Poor unfortunate kaiju. (NOTE: This will not actually be happening, it disrupts what I've already got planned and doesn't make sense with the rest of the universe I've constructed.)
Well, they're isn't an ocean and they isn't an atmosphere so we'd probably just turn one of the orbiting PBC Sats around and fire a 3 second burst at the portal. If it remained intact we'd just build a wall around the portal and put PBCs on top.

I always hated that they build that ginormous wall and didn't bother to shoot the damn kaiju breaking it down. Seriously, just put some tracks along the top and make plasma cannon trains or something. Or maybe actually use your missiles! Mount the plasma cannons on tanks, make a giant lawnmower out of that uber!sword, do something! (All those jets shooting bullets at the kaiju and not one time did they both firing their missiles.) \Rant (I really dislike badly justified mechas, I'd rather be told that some "energy field" makes humanoid creatures/machines over 20m tall 100x as strong/durable than simply not have any reasonable explanation.)
Guys, I'm actually going to slow this down to an update every two weeks so I've got time for other projects. I hope you're OK with that.
Same here, I don't exactly like it but if you don't have time there's not really anything to do about it.
I haven't lost interest, I'm just happy with whatever plan at the moment. The key things we need right now are to expand, to crack FTL, and to develop warships worthy of the title, and the present planning does that. Once we have the basics down, there's much more scope for disagreement on the best course of action, and that's when I'll start planning and voting.

tl;dr - Not apathy, just laziness. Also, ooh, sweet, supercrit.
Supercrit you say? Shweat. Not bored. Just don't know how to tally and didn't really think anything else actually required a response.
Just so everyone knows, I'm treating all your planet's combined effort on training soldiers as a single action with a ton of slots being spent on it.
I am still tracking this, but the more it goes on, the less I think I can contribute anything meaningful to the discussion.
@Isaacssv558 @Doomsough @Nevill @Ginger Maniac @The Froggy Ninja

Have you guys lost interest or something? Anyways, good news, you guys got a nat 100 on the roll for (NOT TELLING JUST YET). With how I'm handling crits, that isn't just a regular crit, but something even more impressive.
I'm still interested, I've just been waiting for the update. Would've posted a vote count but I haven't been on SV the last two days or so.
Things are slowing down on my end too. I really don't want this game to die, but I think it might wind up going that way.
I think we have three issues:
1) We only have like 5 or 6 players. We usually only have 2 plans each turn and my plans have won literally every time. (Excepting race choice because I wasn't playing then.) The solution would be to advertise the quest some and solve the second problem. As far as plan variety goes we'll probably get more variety once we're out of survival mode, right now most plans have differed only in methods, not goals.
2) One update every two weeks is... not very much. Keeping discussion going that long is difficult, even for extremely large quests with 50-100+ players. One update every week is manageable, one every two weeks runs the risk of players simply losing interest/forgetting the quest.
3) We've become stuck in the "prologue", right now the quest has limited appeal due to not yet being very far along. It's sort of like the CIV games, in the early game your turns will be fairly quick and routine and in the mid/late-game the time and thought required for reach turn increases. The issue here is that we're spending a week or two on actions that only take a few days, at most, to plan.
EDIT: Have you considered a multi turn like the Atlantis Rising quest did after the second relocation? A tri-turn should allow us to get our infrastructure set up enough to get started on extrasolar exploration.
I am still tracking this, but the more it goes on, the less I think I can contribute anything meaningful to the discussion.
I really like the game but I have more ideas than plans you know?
Even if you don't have plans you can still post your ideas for discussion, I always consider incorporating new ideas in my plans and hopefully other planners will do the same.
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I'm still interested, I've just been waiting for the update. Would've posted a vote count but I haven't been on SV the last two days or so.

I think we have three issues:
1) We only have like 5 or 6 players. We usually only have 2 plans each turn and my plans have won literally every time. (Excepting race choice because I wasn't playing then.) The solution would be to advertise the quest some and solve the second problem. As far as plan variety goes we'll probably get more variety once we're out of survival mode, right now most plans have differed only in methods, not goals.
2) One update every two weeks is... not very much. Keeping discussion going that long is difficult, even for extremely large quests with 50-100+ players. One update every week is manageable, one every two weeks runs the risk of players simply losing interest/forgetting the quest.
3) We've become stuck in the "prologue", right now the quest has limited appeal due to not yet being very far along. It's sort of like the CIV games, in the early game your turns will be fairly quick and routine and in the mid/late-game the time and thought required for reach turn increases. The issue here is that we're spending a week or two on actions that only take a few days, at most, to plan.
EDIT: Have you considered a multi turn like the Atlantis Rising quest did after the second relocation? A tri-turn should allow us to get our infrastructure set up enough to get started on extrasolar exploration.

Even if you don't have plans you can still post your ideas for discussion, I always consider incorporating new ideas in my plans and hopefully other planners will do the same.
Another issue: I misplaced my other player's completed turns.