[x] Gman
You approach Shasa as she finishes preparing her horse. She appears to have recovered well from the assault last night, appearing to have gotten sufficient rest for the journey today. She sets a saddlebag on the side of the animal and latches it on properly, and when she looks up from her efforts she sees you.
"Ah!" she exclaims. "Sosuke-san. It is good to see you up." She moves away from her horse and bows to you. "Forgive me if I cause offense, but I was a little uncertain you would be awake as early as the rest of us thanks to your wound."
"This?" you ask, motioning to your stomach. The injury still pains you, but you hide your discomfort with practiced ease. "It is nothing. I'll not be troubled by something so minor."
"As you say, Sosuke-san," she responds, though she smiles at you knowingly. "If you are so adamant, then it must be true."
You keep yourself from fidgeting, but it is a near thing. Shasa doesn't believe for a moment that you've fully recovered yet from the blow Hachi struck upon your belly. That much is obvious just from her expression. On the other hand, she's not calling attention to it. A gesture of respect for you.
"Good morning Shasa-san," you say as you bow, trying to move the conversation away from your boasting. "I am glad to see you again."
"And I pleased with your presence as well, Sosuke-san," Shasa replies. She looks like she's about to start giggling. "But how could you not see me again, considering we are both assigned the same duty?" she quirks her head. "It would be very strange if we rarely met, considering this is the case."
That sensation to fidget returns, stronger this time. You clamp down on it with an iron will. You will not make a further fool of yourself in front of your compatriot. She is taking care not to shame you by drawing attention to your floundering, but she is taking amusement from it.
Well, at least it is making her smile. Shasa has a nice smile. You certainly don't mind looking at it, in any event. That's some small compensation.
"So next we head to the lands of the Lion yes?" you ask, trying once again to move away from your fumbling. "Do you think we'll have as entertaining a time there as we did here?"
"We will be venturing first into Ikoma territory once we pass the mountains," Shasa says back. "Amongst the Lion, they are said to be the most open. Perhaps even too open, if rumors are to be believed." She frowns. "It is said that the Ikoma feel no shame for great displays of emotion, sometimes bursting into tears as they tell stories of great deeds and powerful tragedies. It is… Well, if true it would be very strange for Samurai to act thus."
You've heard the same rumors. The Ikoma Family are the smallest amongst the Lion, but they are often the ones most seen in the other courts. They are the Face of the Lion Clan, the historians and storytellers. None can boast to be their superior where the weaving of tales is concerned. Even the Crane, for all their focus on artistry, can only match the Ikoma when it comes to this pursuit.
And they are also known to be very… forward… where their emotions are concerned. You've heard some comment that the Ikoma serve as the point of release for the rest of the Lion, so stiff and concerned with Bushido as they are. The Ikoma are great entertainers, but you must admit the thought of being around those so unrestrained with their feelings makes you a little uncomfortable.
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