Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

And mechanicle, what would level 3 in the ring of air and a new level in reflex offer us that a new level in tetsubo and storytelling wouldn't?

Pretty much what Hydro said. If you raised Reflexes to 3, that would immediately bump up your Armor TN by 5. Also, it would give you 10 Insight points since the whole Ring has been raised, thus bringing you very close to the next Insight rank and thus the next School Technique.
[] gman

Seriously we need to consider spending some points in combat-related stats, since I think this won't be the last time we will face the creatures of the shadowlands out of the crab lands.

Oh, also.

[] Save the exp.
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Eh... actually, insight probably isn't that big a deal for us at the moment. Chances are that we're getting a decent number of exp dumps by the time we get back out to the wall *anyway* (assuming we don't timeskip a lot - and we don't seem inclined to do that). Given that...
well, we do want testubo 5 at some point. In addition to the extra die, it makes "knockdown" into a single raise, rather than two. Knockdown is strength-based, but otherwise awesome... and the advanced school that we'll want to take for rank 4 requires a pretty high str. The question there, as with many of our potential purchases, is not "if" but "when".

So, for right now, though I twitch a little to say it, let's actually put aside the idea of insight. What should we be paying attention to, and what do we really want to focus on?

- Storytelling: We'll want at least 2. 3 would be nice and impressive, but it doesn't get a mastery effect, and there's a question of how much use we'll get out of it *after* we see the Dragon. Admittedly, we *should* buy this now, as points purchased before we hit the Dragon lands are a lot more useful than poitns purchased afterwards, and buying level 2 now will let us justify buying level 3 later.

- Void: In some ways, this is like a far more expensive, and far more broadly applicable version of storytelling. We will want to be blowing void on our perform rolls, and the more you have, the more you can spend. It also lets us call more raises, which can be handy sometimes.

- Courtier/Sincerity: our social support skills. These are the exception to the trend of "not if but when". If we want to push them, we should do so now, as the dragon lands will be where a silver tongue would serve us best. Sincerity 2 is a reasonable defensive pick, to help keep us safe in a court full of duellists, but there's an argument to be made that the exp would serve us better long-term elsewhere. Courtier 3 is in some ways less directly useful, but it has that sweet, sweet 1-for-1 cost-to-insight ratio which keeps it tempting.

- Investigation 3: Not a terrible plan. I sort of feel like we're about due for a mystery of some sort, and Investigation is all about those. Also, the mastery at 3 can be pretty useful.

Fighting stuff:
- Heavy Weapons 5, Testubo Emphasis: does some nice things for our ability at combat, and synergize both with each other and with strength buys. Still, I don't *think* we're headed straight back into combat.
- Strength, Endurance, Will: We'll want a lot of all of these... but I do not thing we need them *now*. Of these, we probably want str 3 first, for its synergies with the Testubo of Flattening.
- Reflexes: Similar, with the added benefit of being a highly efficient pick as far as insight goes. We'll want to buy this on our return trip if we haven't gotten it before then, but it's not a huge priority for the moment.
- Kata: We should totally get a kata at some point... but every kata after the first gets a lot less useful. WE'll pretty much just want to pick one for our career, I think.

For me? I'd say
[x] Perform (storytelling) 2
[x] save remaining points.
This comes out of a vague idea that we might make it to void 3 before we have to start busting out the sagas. That's by no means the only reasonable choice, however - predicting what we'll need next is fuzzy at best.
I realy am confuse by all the votes for gman and to save our xp... do they mean to anul the prevision of expending xp on the vote proper?
I, too, would like some clarification and consensus on what y'all would like to do with the 8 exp you currently have.
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[x] Perform (storytelling) 2
[x] save remaining points.

Sirrocco's argument has convinced me (Plus I'm to lazy to really think things out at the moment), so let's go with this.
[x] Sirrocco

I agree with getting an update in Void points. Still I think we should focus in getting some points into the Water ring as well, so is safer to attempt for some raises. It may come handly one day.
speaking of which - what do the rings do, anyway?
- Earth does HP, and taint resist.
- Void does void points (how many you get, and how nice they are, IIRC) and raises.
- all of them give you access to various katas/kihos/spells as appropriate, but other than that, what do fire, water, and wind do for you?
Water is what determines your move speed in game. (Move speed as a free action is Water Ring*5, going up from there)
Fire is used both for your intelligence and agility, determining your overall skills in combat (Outside of Iaijutsu and Archery every weapon skill runs off of Agility) and ability to learn knew things. (rank 1 in a lore is very different for an intelligence 3 character compared 2)

Air in turn is primarily your defense and art ring. Reflexes is what gives init, defense and all that jazz, while Awareness powers almost all court skills that aren't powered by intelligence.

Mechanically the GM (Although not sure WK is running with it) having imbalances in your rings (IE really high Earth or Air at the expense of everything else) Can cause mechanical penalties and in universe is seen as unbalancing leading to bad things. Higher rings also help with spell effects.

There really isn't any one stat you can afford to ignore completely in l5r, you need to specialize, but that can't be without some generalization as well.
-[x] Spend 2 exp to get Storytelling 2. Bank the rest.

Asami leads you and your companions in the march back to Kyuden Bayushi. The rest of the magistrates remain behind to look over the longhouse, and very likely to burn it to the ground within the next hour. Controlled, of course. No one wants a wildfire in the middle of a city. Even still, it's for the best.

Half an hour later you are back within a familiar sitting room with people looking over your injuries. You've striped out of your armor to let an old woman clean the wound and smear more of that foul smelling paste on your belly. It stings a bit, but in the end it does manage to deaden the pain a little. Not much, but any amount is helpful.

The bandages are just finished wrapping around your stomach when Bayushi Yarato exists the Daimyo's chambers. He looks over you and your comrades as the servants put the final touches on treating your injuries, and nods.

"The honored Daimyo is ready to receive you now," he says evenly.

You nod and rise to your feet, covering your chest with your shirt. It's stained from the blood, but otherwise serviceable. It's certainly better than stepping into the Daimyo's presence bare-chested, at any rate.

You bow low as you enter, though not as deeply as either Asami or Mataru. But that is only right, since Bayushi Chisata is not a Daimyo of your own Clan. Still, it is enough respect for one of her station, as well as for your lord who sits near by.

"My lord, and Bayushi-sama," you say, still bowing. "I report that the Lost has been destroyed."

"I would hear this in more detail," Bayushi Chisata says, lazily taking a sip of sake from a small cup. "Please, go on."

"At Bayushi Asami-sama's direction we moved to assault the longhouse," you say, falling into step immediately. You've given after-action reports before. "Myself and Hiruma Shasa-san leading the assault with Shirou of the Osano-wo Temple and Bayushi Mataru-san. Once inside we engaged the Tainted. They consisted of mostly peasants, with the exception of a thing known as Hachi." You grimace. "Hachi and I had a prior encounter. Right before the Battle of Skulking Shadows, he killed a comrade of mine."

"Ah," Yasuki Goro says. "You speak of the Nezumi hero, Gazat'ken."

"Yes," you say, unable to keep the melancholy from entering your voice at the memory of your friend's last, agonized moments. "Before Hachi and I did battle, he did something to strengthen the rest of the Tainted as the Magistrates poured into the fight."

"He displayed the ability to empower his allies?" Bayushi Chisata cut in, a tinge of alarm in her voice. She sat up a little straighter. "Was he a Maho-Tsukai? Did he work blood magic?"

"He didn't display any Maho," Shasa answers for you. "This seemed more like something intrinsic to the Taint itself, rather than any kind of spell." She shifts a little, taking weight off of her right side, where you see she has suffered a cut to her hip. "If the lost One had known Maho, he would undoubtedly have used it during the fight."

"I admit that it was a difficult battle," you continue. "And that without the help of the rest of the initial squad Hachi may very well have been able to flank us. However, with effort we defeated him and broke the back of the Lost's resistance. As soon as reasonably able, I reported to you my lord, and you Bayushi-sama."

"And I am glad you did," Bayushi Chisata says, resuming her lounging posture. You get the feeling she is not truly relaxed, however. "Still, this is troubling. A creature so obviously Tainted, and yet he could spread his vileness to the peasantry without being noticed…"

"You suspect he is one of many," Yasuki Goro says. "You think there are more like him within the Empire."

"Yes," Bayushi Chisata responds. She sets down her cup and places her hands on the table. "If this abomination could worm its way beneath the watchful eye of the Scorpion, then who knows where else they might be hiding?" She shakes her head. "We will need to send missives to the other Clans. These subversive actions cannot be allowed to spread any further."

It is a disturbing thought. The Scorpion are the ones who walk in the shadows, for all that they deny this fact to the rest of the Empire. Of all the clans, they are the most likely to have caught this before anyone else. And yet it took them a month before figuring out the spiders hiding within their lands, and more time still before you came along and helped in burning the Tainted out. It is a testament to their skills in remaining unseen.

If the enemy has become so organized it can send agents to hide within the Empire, then times are indeed becoming dire. Information could be fed back to the Shadowlands, or, even worse, the infiltrators could sabotage Rokugan's efforts against them. If left unchecked, the coming war might be lost before it even truly begins.

[] Write in.
[] Retire for the evening and timeskip to the morning departure.

With treatment, Sosuke has healed 1 wound. He has 59 remaining.
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[x] Retire for the evening and timeskip to the morning departure.

I really don't think Souske should be up too much longer since lol only healed 1 wound.
We gotta go see Shirou and Mataru
[x] Check on our squad. We might not be a Nikutai, but still we should see how they're feeling and if they're being taken care of