Update should be coming in ~12 or so hours; finally managed to figure out the fight scene, as well as how butthurt both factions are gonna be over it. Spoiler Warning: The butthurt is beyond mortal comprehension.
Huh, does that mean Rwby is his dream humanity? Fighting to survive in a deathworld.

Seeing as humanity only has 4 bastions of relative safety and is fighting against an enemy that literally controls the rest of the planet and has a murder boner for humanity and potentially limitless numbers yet they're still fighting to survive, to live.


And that's why Gil is pissed and completely unimpressed with modern society.

"Oh, we had that stuff in my time and it was waaaayyyyy better."

All Riders. Odd

Perhaps Riders are more carefree spirits. Medusa likes reading and biking
and we all know Drake would have a ball at a casino.

Like I said most servants are either too serious or too much of a battle-junky to take the time to just relax and enjoy modern society.

Yep the ship of light.

That scene is just great for every servant.

Kiara: the fuck? I sent you to the edge of the galaxy. How the hell did you get back so quickly.

Gil: I have a faster than light spaceship bitch.

Tamano: Oh I just reversed time because as an aspect of Amaterasu I can kinda make time my bitch.

No Name: the power of past heroes brought me back.

Nero: I have no damn clue myself. The power of love or something? Who care time to kick you very very nice ass!

Update should be coming in ~12 or so hours; finally managed to figure out the fight scene, as well as how butthurt both factions are gonna be over it. Spoiler Warning: The butthurt is beyond mortal comprehension.

Oh man Shiroumine alone will produce enough salt to last humanity forever and Darnic'a tears will flood the planet.
Update should be coming in ~12 or so hours; finally managed to figure out the fight scene, as well as how butthurt both factions are gonna be over it. Spoiler Warning: The butthurt is beyond mortal comprehension.

Who's exactly footing the bill for the massive amounts of collateral damage/terror that'll be induced from the idiots bros not having the sense to try and restrain themselves from blowing up the plaza?
... finally managed to figure out the fight scene, as well as how butthurt both factions are gonna be over it. Spoiler Warning: The butthurt is beyond mortal comprehension.
Oh man Shiroumine alone will produce enough salt to last humanity forever and Darnic'a tears will flood the planet.
You mean that Yu-Gi-Oh ripoff? Who would honestly be better of giving him get well soon trading cards for him to focus on. Or that whole Yggdmillenia family who give off enough Harway vibes to probably be prime trolling candidates, not to mention be ripe for curiousity on 'what were Magi like at that time?' Period, when we can lol hack their hearts away.

If anything, I'd be more concerned over the potential to outheart Assassin of Black pre-emptively, before she gets any funny ideas. But by that point, and perfect ploys in mind, it'd either result in more Servant hijacking via Alice allusion, sneaking the Master/Servant off with some remedy and 'advice' trolling wise, or outright deal with a Yandere servant as an aftermath. Eh, decisions decisions...
Who's exactly footing the bill for the massive amounts of collateral damage/terror that'll be induced from the idiots bros not having the sense to try and restrain themselves from blowing up the plaza?
Gil will just use "repair all environmental damage caused by Gilgamesh and Enkidu" NP.

GoB is pretty handy.
Or if need be, we could use what we've learned to quickly gain finance to foot the bill, deliver the ice cream and tacos, and in general then ensure financial experiment on 'what if I cause this to happen with this financial trade deal?' But it's all sidelines.
Seeing as humanity only has 4 bastions of relative safety and is fighting against an enemy that literally controls the rest of the planet and has a murder boner for humanity and potentially limitless numbers yet they're still fighting to survive, to live.


Perhaps Riders are more carefree spirits. Medusa likes reading and biking
and we all know Drake would have a ball at a casino.

Like I said most servants are either too serious or too much of a battle-junky to take the time to just relax and enjoy modern society.

: .
Achilles is pretty casual and cheerful too, and don't even get me started on Asfolto.
Was Gil's Vimana armed? I would think he would have preferred using such armaments than throwing at his treasures at a mongrel that could steal them when he dueled in the skies against Berserkalot.
You mean that Yu-Gi-Oh ripoff? Who would honestly be better of giving him get well soon trading cards for him to focus on. Or that whole Yggdmillenia family who give off enough Harway vibes to probably be prime trolling candidates, not to mention be ripe for curiousity on 'what were Magi like at that time?' Period, when we can lol hack their hearts away.

If anything, I'd be more concerned over the potential to outheart Assassin of Black pre-emptively, before she gets any funny ideas. But by that point, and perfect ploys in mind, it'd either result in more Servant hijacking via Alice allusion, sneaking the Master/Servant off with some remedy and 'advice' trolling wise, or outright deal with a Yandere servant as an aftermath. Eh, decisions decisions...

Or if need be, we could use what we've learned to quickly gain finance to foot the bill, deliver the ice cream and tacos, and in general then ensure financial experiment on 'what if I cause this to happen with this financial trade deal?' But it's all sidelines.

Oh yeah we are so trolling everyone in this war. Especially Shiroumine.

Huh Jackie is probably going to give enough Alice vibes that Hakuno's going to be sympathetic and possibly try to help her out.

Hmm that reminds me someone did mention Sieg has a similar background to Enkidu and Hakuno and he does become Jeanbe's lobe

We do have C rank Golden rule so finding money probably won't be that much of a problem.

Was Gil's Vimana armed? I would think he would have preferred using such armaments than throwing at his treasures at a mongrel that could steal them when he dueled in the skies against Berserkalot.

Like I said it has armaments like nukes and machine guns.
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To be more specific on Vimana

He can freely use the Gate of Babylon to launch projectiles while piloting the vessel, and he can also summon shields to block midair projectiles. Within the myths of ancient India, it was apparently loaded with a variety of weapons ranging from ancient machine guns to ancient nuclear warheads, which have been collected and stored within Gilgamesh's treasury.[2] It has many other capabilities detailed in theVaimanika Shastra, a technical guide following descriptions written about Vimana in the 10th century BC, including flying in a zigzag motion, deploying its wings to travel at high speeds, employing emergency evasion techniques to avoid collisions with other Vimana, optical camouflage and stealth functions, communication interception, the use of laser beams, and the deployment of biological weapons. It is also possible all of its functions were not described.

As to why Gil didn't use it to its full potential that's easy. The same reason Gil doesn't just always win like he should.

I dunno.
Lancer and Caster go pretty well in Hollow Ataraxia, and Lancer's kinda the definition of a battle-junky.

Hence why I said during the war.

When there's no war going on, the servants relax more as HA shows.

Most servants just aren't so non-chalantly as to act so relaxed when a grail war is going on.
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To be more specific on Vimana

As to why Gil didn't use it to its full potential that's easy. The same reason Gil doesn't just always win like he should.

So, he basically sees using his usual method of (somewhat) casually throwing Noble Phantasms at Berserkalot to be more fitting than properly using the Vimana?
You know, RWBY could potentially pass as something of a Notes-type verse, with the Grimm being beings formed from the energy/Ether/Grain of Gaia's corpse (it is called Remnant after all) but now holding full malevolence towards humanity, and humans having undergone magic mutation as a result of the spread of Dust/Ether/Grain and learning to harness it for their specially designed anti-Beasts of Gaia weapons...or something. I'm, not majorly familiar with Notes and I've forgotten a lot, but I know enough of the basic picture to have an idea and see a potential resemblance to many of the ideas of Notes.
You know, RWBY could potentially pass as something of a Notes-type verse, with the Grimm being beings formed from the energy/Ether/Grain of Gaia's corpse (it is called Remnant after all) but now holding full malevolence towards humanity, and humans having undergone magic mutation as a result of the spread of Dust/Ether/Grain and learning to harness it for their specially designed anti-Beasts of Gaia weapons...or something. I'm, not majorly familiar with Notes and I've forgotten a lot, but I know enough of the basic picture to have an idea and see a potential resemblance to many of the ideas of Notes.

That was actually a similar thing I was planning to reveal in my quest, though it had Zelretch's clash with CM on a parallel world where life hadn't evolvrd yet.

The resulting spread of Grain from CM's physical death then caused mutations in the development of life that created Remnant. Grimm were the result of CM's lingering hate against the species which defeated him.
You know, RWBY could potentially pass as something of a Notes-type verse, with the Grimm being beings formed from the energy/Ether/Grain of Gaia's corpse (it is called Remnant after all) but now holding full malevolence towards humanity, and humans having undergone magic mutation as a result of the spread of Dust/Ether/Grain and learning to harness it for their specially designed anti-Beasts of Gaia weapons...or something. I'm, not majorly familiar with Notes and I've forgotten a lot, but I know enough of the basic picture to have an idea and see a potential resemblance to many of the ideas of Notes.
While there are many similarity's between Notes and RWBY, Grain is supposed to be ultra-toxic unlike Dust. There is a reason the earth is called the Land of Steel in Notes time, humans needed very advance technology and special medicine to survive and the A-Rays and Liners were specially engineered to be able to survive in a Grain-filled environment. While there might have been some remnant plant and animal life kept alive they would have required living in special enclosed environments to keep from being killed by the Grain as it would have been impossible for them to grow in the wild. Where as Remnant is filled with wild plant and animal life instead of being populated entirely by Humans, Faunas and Grim. And if Dust is Grain, and the humans in Remnant are actually Liners and the Faunas A-Rays, and the other lifeforms have simply been adapted to live in a Grain filled planet as well, why is everyone so weak? Ether Liners and high level A-Rays are "punch things and make a nuke scale explosion" strong, not to mention all the hax they must possess(this is the nasuverse after all and Ether Liners do possess Knight Arms, and high level A-rays aren't exactly exempt from bullshit either). Dust really doesn't have the potency of Grain in terms of how much energy it must pack.
While there are many similarity's between Notes and RWBY, Grain is supposed to be ultra-toxic unlike Dust. There is a reason the earth is called the Land of Steel in Notes time, humans needed very advance technology and special medicine to survive and the A-Rays and Liners were specially engineered to be able to survive in a Grain-filled environment. While there might have been some remnant plant and animal life kept alive they would have required living in special enclosed environments to keep from being killed by the Grain as it would have been impossible for them to grow in the wild. Where as Remnant is filled with wild plant and animal life instead of being populated entirely by Humans, Faunas and Grim. And if Dust is Grain, and the humans in Remnant are actually Liners and the Faunas A-Rays, and the other lifeforms have simply been adapted to live in a Grain filled planet as well, why is everyone so weak? Ether Liners and high level A-Rays are "punch things and make a nuke scale explosion" strong, not to mention all the hax they must possess(this is the nasuverse after all and Ether Liners do possess Knight Arms, and high level A-rays aren't exactly exempt from bullshit either). Dust really doesn't have the potency of Grain in terms of how much energy it must pack.
Obviously, the Overcount 1999 of Remnant is a far more gradual process than that of Nasuverse due to it happening without the interference of the Aylesbury Ritual and the Dark Six; also because they had no True Ancestors or Dead Apostle Ancestors to fuck shit up. :V

In other news, my internet's working again and not on the fritz; so I can actually get that damn update out soon.
Obviously, the Overcount 1999 of Remnant is a far more gradual process than that of Nasuverse due to it happening without the interference of the Aylesbury Ritual and the Dark Six; also because they had no True Ancestors or Dead Apostle Ancestors to fuck shit up. :V

In other news, my internet's working again and not on the fritz; so I can actually get that damn update out soon.
That doesn't answer my question about why Remnant isn't a lifeless wasteland filled with utterly lethal poison while superhuman post-humans fight over the remaining scraps. Even if you subscribe to the theory* that the year Overcount 1999 = 3000 AD, the backstory of Angel Notes has it that the A-Rays and Liners have been fighting for so long they don't even remember why the fighting started in the first place, which would be centuries minimum. And since they both only exist because Gaia died and the world got flooded with Grain that means that the Grain in the environment had been there for a very long time from the perspective of the people living in Notes. And if you look at the plot of fate/kaleid liner prisma illya drei, life still was around when Grain first appeared, the death of Gaia and with it all life was a gradual process. But RWBY's own backstory has it that Dust had been around and used for centuries as well so if Dust was Grain, then Remnant should be just as lifeless as the Land of Steel, or at least littered with wasteland area's where life refuses to grow in it and is toxic too enter unprotected like in fate/kaleid liner prisma illya drei. But it doesn't. Unlike Grain, Dust is not super toxic. It doesn't kill all normal life around it. That and the lower energy output compared to Grain is the biggest difference between the two.

*Personally I subscribe to the theory takes the Melty Blood info of Gaia finally croaking over completely in the year 3000 and also looks at the name of the Land of Steel's calendar, Overcount and see's that as a reference to Gaia dying long before the events of Notes and that the passage of time after Gaia's death is simply well an "over count" a reference to how all life on earth should have died with Gaia but humanity stubbornly clinged on is spite of it all, living past when they should have died. This would put the date of Overcount 1999 as the year 4999 AD.
"Hmm, it is you Darnic. You are welcome to join me."

"Thank you my lord"

"How are preparations going?"

"Adam will be finished in a couple of days. Saber of Black is summoned and is powerful as we expected while Archer is already giving out the skills to our Servants. Assassin has yet to come, but it is Assassin so nothing of value was lost. Rider and Berserker .. are doing their best not to get in way. "

"Told you to just do summon without catalyst"

"That would be unprofessional, my lord"

"Right. Anyway, with Adam almost finished and our defenses being ready our victory is all but guaranteed. Unless enemy does something silly like building gigantic flying death fortress or summoning Karna, Enkidu and Gilg-"

/Hanging Gardens take flight to the west
/Torrent of power beyond mortal understanding towards the east

".. oh fuck my whore mouth. Darnic"

"Y-yes, my lord?"

"Go change your pants."

"O-of course, my lord"
"God, we are fucked. I fucking hate being summoned as Lancer. I could have used sword to decapitate people, but nooo, Vlad had to Impale. Fucking stakes. Fuck me."

"Oh hi Lanc-"

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