[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
- [x] Check Gil's vault to see if he has a Noble Phantasm that'll let you keep up with the speed of the battle, like the All Seeing Eye.

Though I do definitely want to talk to Jeanne afterwards.
We're going to be coworkers after all. So it'd be great to get along with her.
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[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
-[X] You have GoB. Get some wine, a chairthrone, binocularsNP that projects multiple screens that show other PoVs of fight around you and 256.16 sound system blasting music specifically picked by a "Pick most suitable epic shit for this moment" NP. If you are going to watch this, you are going to do it right.
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[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
-[X] You have GoB. Get a chairthrone, binocularsNP that projects multiple screens that show other PoVs of fight around you and 256.16 sound system blasting music specifically picked by a "Pick most suitable epic shit for this moment" NP. If you are going to watch this, you are going to do it right.

Changing vote to this to keep in character, Hakuno is on the Path of Pleasure after and she definitely would want to watch the reunion in all of its full glory
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[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
-[X] You have GoB. Get some wine, a chairthrone, binocularsNP that projects multiple screens that show other PoVs of fight around you and 256.16 sound system blasting music specifically picked by a "Pick most suitable epic shit for this moment" NP. If you are going to watch this, you are going to do it right.
This sounds...intriguing. Though we've only one set of eyes.
You are not thinking in GoB terms. Let me help you:

"We didn't ask GoB to solve problem of us only having one set of eyes. Yet."

Actually, if we're going to have multiple screens around us to show the reunion between Gil and Enkidu, should we have a few screens around the surroundings to check for (and if needed neutralize) any threats that may seek to interrupt said epic reunion?
Actually, if we're going to have multiple screens around us to show the reunion between Gil and Enkidu, should we have a few screens around the surroundings to check for (and if needed neutralize) any threats that may seek to interrupt said epic reunion?
I'm counting on Enkidu and his 20km radar. And given how Gil works, he can probably read Enkidu noticing someone entering his range. So they will probably come down on poor sap like a ton of bricks before going back to duking it out.
Honestly, I'd rather just use the All Seeing Eye Noble Phantasm. That apparently can be used to see anything. So using it to keep up with the battle should be cake.
This update in summary: In which Gilgamesh used Doomsday Device as opening volley, and Enkidu blackmailing the World into giving him power to oppoose him, before then engaging in the most destructive danmaku fight ever (which is likely to end in a mano-a-mano wrestling at the end). All as a friendly sparring. Meanwhile, everyone else is scared shitless. To top it off, I'm pretty sure they're going to party hard with alcohol and tea. Yep, Gilgamesh and Enkidu confirmed to be the Original Touhou characters.

Best. Fucking. Quest. Don't you let it die now, Ender, don't you fucking dare.

Edit: My choice:

[X] Move towards the blonde Servant, see what's up with her

Gonna go with this. Poor girl, really pitying her. Also, I don't want her to interrupt their fight. This is the fight between bros, and as their brosis, we are going to make sure nothing gets to interrupt their fight. Other than that, there is a small chance that she will try to kill us if she realize we are their Master; small chance, but contribute to the choice still.
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[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
- [x] Check Gil's vault to see if he has a Noble Phantasm that'll let you keep up withthe speed of the battle, like the All Seeing Eye.
I'm counting on Enkidu and his 20km radar. And given how Gil works, he can probably read Enkidu noticing someone entering his range. So they will probably come down on poor sap like a ton of bricks before going back to duking it out.

Detecting them doesn't mean that Enkidu will do anything about it since he's so wrapped up in his fight. Plus we should try to avoid any Interrupts of it at all
[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
-[X] You have GoB. Get some wine, a chairthrone, binocularsNP that projects multiple screens that show other PoVs of fight around you and 256.16 sound system blasting music specifically picked by a "Pick most suitable epic shit for this moment" NP. If you are going to watch this, you are going to do it right.
-[X] Also Make sure nobody interrupts the Match
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[X] Just keep watching the fight, moving along with it as necessary
-[X] You have GoB. Get some wine, throne, NP that projects multiple screens that show other PoVs of fight around you and 256.16 sound system blasting music specifically picked by a "Pick most suitable epic shit for this moment" NP. If you are going to watch this, you are going to do it right.
[X] Move towards the blonde Servant, see what's up with her

I feel bad for Caules , he's being dragged into the war and actually cares for his family. Also we better help explain this to Jean, she's going to need the emotional crutch support of Hakuno for the rest of this war.

It'll be interesting to see how everyone tries to deal with the fallout of Enuma Elish, it kinda did wreck the countryside with alot of distressed citizens.