This update in summary: In which Gilgamesh used Doomsday Device as opening volley, and Enkidu blackmailing the World into giving him power to oppoose him, before then engaging in the most destructive danmaku fight ever (which is likely to end in a mano-a-mano wrestling at the end). All as a friendly sparring. Meanwhile, everyone else is scared shitless. To top it off, I'm pretty sure they're going to party hard with alcohol and tea. Yep, Gilgamesh and Enkidu confirmed to be the Original Touhou characters.
Best. Fucking. Quest. Don't you let it die now, Ender, don't you fucking dare.
Edit: My choice:
[X] Move towards the blonde Servant, see what's up with her
Gonna go with this. Poor girl, really pitying her. Also, I don't want her to interrupt their fight. This is the fight between bros, and as their brosis, we are going to make sure nothing gets to interrupt their fight. Other than that, there is a small chance that she will try to kill us if she realize we are their Master; small chance, but contribute to the choice still.