We have 6 wisdom, 3 wrath and 7 qi for a total of 16 ghosts so far.
We could do with some co-ordination though.
Edit: Next qi player should look into getting us more qi to work with.
Currently, we are looking to have just 4/20 qi next turn if my calculations are right.
If they are wrong we are looking at less than 4 likely 2 or less.
[X] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [0/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.
I know.
I am currently unsure if the amount gained is 1 + whatever you rolled divided by 3 or just gain 1 per 3 you pass.
Unless the QM gives the answer I am doing both and do have both numbers in my notes.
Good to know, so 8ish qi for next turn.
You might want to put how much of qi/hp/any other resource the actions picked cost so we can use them in our planing.
Should I start another Quest when I already have 4 projects? No, probably not but this idea won't leave my head and I've been experiencing writers block recently and I've found that starting something new is helpful with it.
"I've done it… I've finally done it!" a rather plain boy exclaimed as sweat and gunk covered his body and cloths.
He didn't seem to care as (he) jumped up and down in his excitement, letting the impurities expelled in his breakthrough spill into the even plainer room he was in.
It was several minutes before the young boy seemed to remember his currant predicaments and hurried to clean himself using the water from a basin prepared beforehand.
When he was as clean as he could reasonably get, the boy turns (turned) to his self-appointed task once more.
"Okey (okay/ok), if (I) remember right the Qi should go like this and then like that and then diffuse into (I think "spread through" is more appropriate, but I'm not sure) my entire body" with a look of determination and concentration on his face, the boy began twisting his Qi in patterns half remembered before finally letting out an "ahaa!" sound as you and your fellows were tugged -ever so gently- one step closer into the physical realm.
Of course, one step out of a million was nothing but it was enough, enough for the boy -and only the boy- to look upon the shades that you were. Enough for you to influence him through the power of your blood.
At your appearance the boy fell to the ground Kowtowing "honored ancestors, this humble Guang Li begs for your support. The Guang family is gone, our killers free to glut themselves on our corpses, grant me your aid so I may acquire the power to avenge our line."
There was no response, no response you could have given for you were not far enough on the path to the physical realm for anything like sound to be possible for you to emit. But you didn't have too (to).
You too felt the rage at your bloodline destruction and so you answered the call and were dragged one step even closer to the realm of the living.
But who where you?
[ ] The old, the infirm, the wise.
You were the ghost of an elder, old and gray, your time at the land of the living has given you wisdom beyond your fellows.
When picking a wisdom action roll 2d6 instead of 1d6.
Guang Li starting attributes are weighted toward Intelligence and wisdom.
[ ] The broken, the sorrow, the wrath.
You were the restless ghost, the one who died unfulfilled, the one who was killed with regrets(,) the innocent killed at the hand of a murderer. You have been born into this world with anger in your heart and it will never fade.
When picking a Wrath action roll 2d6 instead of 1d6.
Guang Li starting attributes are weighted toward strength and dexterity.
[ ] The young, the lifeful, the Qi.
You were a child, a teenager, so full of life, so full of promise, all of it cut short by cruel fate, you died without regret, without anger and your youthfulness has carried though to the realm of the dead. You are more connected with the living, more aligned with the energy of life itself.
When picking a Qi action roll 2d6 instead of 1d6.
Guang Li starting attributes are weighted toward constitution and perception.
"Thank you oh honored ancestors, for answering my call" the Boy have yet to rise form (from) his supplication as he bowed toward his ancestors' spirits. "After the destruction of the family hold, I fled here, to the Verdant Flames Sect and has (have) been accepted as outer disciple, as far as I can tell no one else has survived but you would know more about this then me, honored ancestors."
The boy was right, through the connection of your bloodline, all the knowledge accrued by the family members was available to you, including who was currently alive(,) who perished and joined with the collective. Except… except for some reason that reservoir of knowledge was muddy and sluggish. knowledge that should have been at your fingertips requiring active effort to claw even the barest hint.
you frown, did the boy('s) foolishness cause this… or was it merely your enemy reaction ('s action. Why would it be a REaction?), a way to strike at your family beyond the realm of the living.
Unknowing of your thoughts the boy continued on "In three months' time, the sect will test all outer disciples and expel those it deems unworthy and untalented."
"Honored ancestors, I possess no resources, no backing and little talent(,) if I am expelled from the sect my journey of cultivations -and the change (chance) for vengeance- would end. I implore you to help me!"
Event tracker.
Time: 3 turns.
Type: threshold, combat.
Description: the sect is going to test it (its) outer disciples, their cultivation and skills. Those found unworthy would be expelled with the rest allowed to stay in the outer sect. those who prove talented beyond their peers would see their status advance.
Failure: expelled form (from)the sect. end of quest.
Successes: remain in the outer sect.
Welcome to Ancestor ghosts, in this quest you'll be playing as the ancestors of Guang Li as he tries to advance in his cultivation, find out what happed to his family and gain vengeance.
The main way time is going to pass is between events, whenever on (one) event is done, another will be put on the event tracker, you won't have information on all of them, some would actually be completely hidden with you needing to take action to reveal them.
Every event will have a timer, which shows how many turns before it occurs. It has a type which determines how it is resolved (for example combat means, combat rolls would occur and threshold means that a certain point must be reached in your cultivation/skills) an event may have more then than one type and that means it judges successes based on either both of them or one of them.
Every turn, Guang Li will pick 3 action to do (in time you will have a way to affect this) and every player may pick an action from the list and then roll according to the type of ancestor he chose (1d6 for action no tin (actions not in) your category and 2d6 for action (actions) in your category) you roll by posting and then hitting edit on that post and clicking roll dice on the bottom of the post.
There are two types of action, progress and DC. Progress actions are easy your roll total is added to the shared progress count and when that count reaches a certain number it resolves and you gain its effect.
Dc actions are different (and there is currently only one) here the rolls aren't added up but rather every roll is checked against the DC, if its higher or equal the action passed if its lower than (then) it failed. For every failure the next player gains a +1 to his roll until the action passes but be warned that rolling too low against the dc may have negative consequences.
Guang Li starts out with 6 different attributes and 4 skills (certain action may or may not unlock new ones). The six attributes are Strength, dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence and perception these attributes add a modifier to his roll (and only his rolls at this time) the modifier is determined by taking the score-10 and dividing it in 2 (basically how DnD dos (does) it).
The skills are different, every skill level adds a d10 to Guang rolls (and if his skill is 0 or there is no skill relevant to the action, he only gets his attribute modifier).
The four skills are the following.
Combat- this is the skill for combat. And it covers everything about it.
Cultivation- this is the skill for cultivation, gathering Qi, condensing it or refining body is using this skill.
Breakthrough- this skill is for breaking through bottlenecks, realms and basically anything that has a Dc in cultivation. (think of cultivation as the skill for progression type action and this for Dc type action) this skill is difficult and so has a higher progress requirement to advance.
Fellowship- this is the social skill; any social challenge or encounter uses this skill.
Currently you have 2 types of cultivation available (Techniuqlly Technically) 3) Qi cultivation and body refining. Both cost Qi (which you must gather) and give benefits. Body refining is separated into 8 sections, each representing refining a different part of the body and each give a different benefit as well as having different costs (completing the entire Tier gives an additional benefit).
Qi cultivation on the other hand, only has a single path forward. Currently you are in the Qi condensation great realm. This realm is divided to 9 stages each of which is then further divide to 4 phases, low, mid, high and peak, each phase gives +1 to all attributes and going up a stage gives an additional +5 Qi reserve limit and +5 Hp.
You may only attempt go up a stage when you have reached the high phase of your current stage, this will require a breakthrough roll but well get to that when we get there.
Lastly, we have meridians. Each one you unlock (beyond the first which you started with), gives you a +0.1 multiplayer to gathering Qi. (So, if you had 11 meridians opened every time you would gain 1 Qi you would actually gain 2).
Qi reserve [10/20]
Guang Li actions.
[X] Cultivate (Wis)- condense Qi in his Dantian.
[X] Work for the sect (Variable)- grunt work (Con).
[X] Train (Int)- combat.
[ ] Map Guang Li body [0/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.
[ ] Map Guang Li spiritual roots. [0/50]. Unlock actions and gain knowledge.
[ ] Scout the meridian blockages [0/50]. Reduce the DC needed to clear meridians.
[ ] Look for knowledge about the verdant flames sect test [0/25]. Reveal basic requirements for the passing the test.
[ ] Teach Guang Li.
-[ ] Cultivation. [0/25]. Raise the cultivation skill to 2.
-[ ] Combat. [0/25]. Raise the combat skill to 2.
-[ ] Breakthrough [0/50]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 1.
-[ ] Fellowship [0/25]. Raise the fellowship skill to 2.
[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.
-[ ] Knowledge of alchemy [0/50]. Unlock Alchemy actions.
-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.
-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [0/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.
-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.
-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.
[ ] Refine the bloodlust. [0/100]. Unlock more wrath options.
[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track.
[ ] Screams of death- nothing more than restless ghosts wailing of their death, diffuse and weak, it is nonetheless the best way for the ancestor ghosts to directly attack their enemies. The result depends on the final roll.
[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [0/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.
[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.
[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.
-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined skin (+1 Constitution).
-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined muscles I (+1 Strength).
-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).
-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).
-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).
-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).
-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).
-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).
[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 10 (15/20/25) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian.
Currently you have 2 types of cultivation available (Techniuqlly 3) Qi cultivation and body refining. Both cost Qi (which you must gather) and give benefits. Body refining is separated into 8 sections, each representing refining a different part of the body and each give a different benefit as well as having different costs (completing the entire Tier gives an additional benefit).
Qi cultivation on the other hand, only has a single path forward. Currently you are in the Qi condensation great realm. This realm is divided to 9 stages each of which is then further divide to 4 phases, low, mid, high and peak, each phase gives +1 to all attributes and going up a stage gives an additional +5 Qi reserve limit and +5 Hp.
You may only attempt go up a stage when you have reached the high phase of your current stage, this will require a breakthrough roll but well get to that when we get there.
standard first realm (well, sometimes body refining is actually the first realm instead of a separate cultivation path, but that depends on the story).
And let's be real, we KNOW we will only try the breaktrough once at peak, not high. That's how it basically always goes unless the alternative is a game over.
Lastly, we have meridians. Each one you unlock (beyond the first which you started with), gives you a +0.1 multiplayer to gathering Qi. (So, if you had 11 meridians opened every time you would gain 1 Qi you would actually gain 2).
To peal down the curtain a little, I balanced the initial challenge with 20-30 players in mind, Riot quests are known to attract more active voters and I wasn't sure how many people would actually participate and decided that adjusting down would be far better than adjusting up in the case balance adjustments must be made.
difficulty can easily be balanced anyway. Xianxia is eternal escalation, if somehow you get too many players then we just rank up and get worse rivals and enemies to worry about.
a prodigy will have to worry about sect politics far sooner, for example, and young masters try to get him in their own factions or groups...
ok, so currently...
9 qi, 6 wisdom, 4 wrath.
and as for the actions...
(4) Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
10+6+9+9 = 34. 34/3 =
+11 QI
(3) Look for knowledge about the verdant flames sect test [0/25]. Reveal basic requirements for the passing the test.
7+5+5= 17/25.
need another 8 to complete
-3 QI
(3) Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.
3+10+8= 21/50.
needs another 29
-3 QI
(2) Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 10 (15/20/25) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open
5 (failure), 6 (failure)
-10 QI
(2) Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [0/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.
4+11= 15/10
+1 to Guang actions, -2 HP
(1) Fellowship [0/25]. Raise the fellowship skill to 2.
needs another 16
(1) Scout the meridian blockages [0/50]. Reduce the DC needed to clear meridians.
needs another 42
(2) Refine the bloodlust. [0/100]. Unlock more wrath options.
6+1= 7/100
needs another 93 (A LOT)
(1) Combat. [0/25]. Raise the combat skill to 2.
needs another 15
Here the current situation. For future players a few safe choices would be
1)Verdant Flame test intel
2)Fellowship training
3)Combat training
1)Restless Anger, but ideally nothing at all.
1)Condense Qi
2)Gather Qi
Gather Qi (we're at 5 out of 10 due to wasted attempts at clearing meridians
[x] The old, the infirm, the wise.
[x] Look for knowledge about the verdant flames sect test [0/25]. Reveal basic requirements for the passing the test.
Hoping we can make progress on mapping our protagonist next turn but best to coordinate for now.
I also have a worm/xianxia cross over on SB (the handale name is diffrent) if one could not conclude form my writings, I do like my Xinaxia stories (and progression fantasy in general).
Yes, I already reserved the space for that in the informational threadmarks, I'll edit it all in when I close the vote and add to it as new players join.
difficulty can easily be balanced anyway. Xianxia is eternal escalation, if somehow you get too many players then we just rank up and get worse rivals and enemies to worry about.
To a point yes, there are ways I can handle increasing the difficulty on the back end but there are limits to that. it also pays off to be somewhat conservative when it comes to balance, balancing around 10~ players and getting 60 would be a disaster while planning for 30~ and getting 60 just things are easier (but not a cake walk).
It's always easier to adjust down then to adjust up after the fact.
(4) Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
10+6+9+9 = 34. 34/3 =
+11 QI
(4) Look for knowledge about the verdant flames sect test [0/25]. Reveal basic requirements for the passing the test.
7+5+5+9= 26/25.
(3) Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.
3+10+8+2= 23/50.
needs another 27
-4 QI
(2) Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 10 (15/20/25) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open
5 (failure), 6 (failure)
2 failures, next roll has +2
-10 QI
(2) Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [0/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.
4+11= 15/10
+1 to Guang actions, -2 HP
(1) Fellowship [0/25]. Raise the fellowship skill to 2.
needs another 16
(1) Scout the meridian blockages [0/50]. Reduce the DC needed to clear meridians.
needs another 42
(4) Refine the bloodlust. [0/100]. Unlock more wrath options.
6+1+1+5= 13/100
needs another 93 (A LOT)
(1) Combat. [0/25]. Raise the combat skill to 2.
needs another 15
adding my vote now... 9 (10 with mine) qi, 7 wise, 5 wrath...
I should probably go for wisdom, but I just REALLY want to go for Qi
[X] The young, the lifeful, the Qi.
[x] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.
[x] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.
I think we have a bit of breathing room with qi, so I'm going to spend a little in the hopes of a breakthrough.
I know we have a lot of qi ancestors already, but I always like playing these types of guys in riot quests.
once the MC gets to cultivation 2 or 3 we should try to have him open meridians, since that is a long term growth option and his bigger dice give him a huge advantage over ghosts in regards to actions with DC.
Qi Ghosts for instance only have a 1/6 chance of clearing a meridian which means that one meridian takes 30 qi on average for ghosts to clear one meridian.
Qi Ghosts for instance only have a 1/6 chance of clearing a meridian which means that one meridian takes 30 qi on average for ghosts to clear one meridian.
we should give priority to meridian MAPPING I think, and of course we don't know how much control we have over the guy.
I'd say maybe we can reach Qi high first though? We'll see how it goes.
also we're at 6/20 (EDIT 5 counting the MC's action actually) current qi, and 31/50 to mid-qi phase.
QI: Qi gathering (we're a bit low)
QI: Qi condensing (we need another 3 players on average to finish it)
WISDOM: Fellowship lesson (probably 3 players, maybe 2 if lucky)
WISDOM: Combat lesson (probably 3 players/ghosts, maybe 2 if lucky)
WISDOM: Meridian Blockage (probably 7 players, not really a priority actually)
[X] The young, the lifeful, the Qi.
[x] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.
roll 5 and 3
I don't know where dice roller is