Voting is open for the next 8 hours, 17 minutes
I think her issues with intimacy, while a problem, aren't that big of a problem. I don't think she's particularly a lush either. As Jinx said, on of the problems with alcohol is it interfering with your ability to tell how much you've had, which is harder with a bowl of punch to begin with.

This is an oppertunity to get to the heart of her desire to be an enforcer. Maybe convince her to that she doesn't need to do it as a way of honoring greyson.

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why Caitlyn wants to become an enforcer, what it means to jinx for Caitlyn to become an enforcer, what Caitlyn could do instead of be an enforcer.

[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

One ramification with talking about the adoption.

Cassandra asked this to not be mentioned to Caitlyn and as she's as drunk as a skunk she's going to spill the beans Jinx mentioned it.
Fair point.

Well, let's hit the iron while it is hot...
[X][Walking] Lux
[X][Willpower] Spend One for +3 to Rolls
Umm. Your supposed to come up with a conversation topic. Are you really, actually fine to spend our last bit of willpower on talking to Lux and just trust that someone else will come up with a worthwhile conversation subject?
Who Does Jinx Walk Home?

[ ][Walking] Lux
- [ ] Write in what they should discuss
Issues: Abandonment (-3), Trauma (-3)
Failure Result: Jinx struggles with trusting Lux enough for a real conversation.

[ ][Walking] Seraphine
- [ ] Write in what they should discuss
Issues: Abandonment (-3), Trauma (-3)
Failure Result: Why do things feel so awkward right now?

[ ][Walking] Caitlyn
- [ ] Write in what they should discuss
Luck Roll: DC 5
Failure Result: Caitlyn is too drunk for much useful conversation.
It says to write in what they should discuss for a reason. If you literally can't come up with anything to discuss with these characters after at least 3 updates each, you shouldn't be voting for them.

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

I domt think we should talk while she's drunk and we shouldn't leave her alone at the same time.
That's not what we are being asked to vote on. The votes include a write in a discussion option. There is no way everyone votes to not discuss something and no way chengar doesn't choose one of the presented write ins in the end.
If you literally can't come up with anything to discuss with these characters after at least 3 updates each, you shouldn't be voting for them.

I just think walking our drunk sister home is a good thing to do, even if I don't have anything in particular I want to talk to Caitlyn about. We already ditched her at a concert and let her make a fool of herself. Now it's time to be a responsible sister.
I just think walking our drunk sister home is a good thing to do, even if I don't have anything in particular I want to talk to Caitlyn about. We already ditched her at a concert and let her make a fool of herself. Now it's time to be a responsible sister.
I get that, but the failure result is caitlyn being too drunk for much useful conversation. A conversation 100% is going to happen during these walks whoever we take home. It's "Write in what they should discuss" not "Write in what they should discuss(optional)"

It just feels very much like typical sv rush voting without considering the vote more deeply. Admittedly, I'm more vexed by the votes where there isn't even a single conversation option suggested this time when the whole reason Jinx is even considering walking anyone but Caitlyn home is that she has things she wants to discuss with them.
Of course, now that the concert and the rest of the school festival was wrapping up, I had a completely different problem to deal with. Lux and I needed to talk some more about everything that just went down, but I also wanted to check in with Seraphine and get her thoughts about it all. I could use walking Seraphine home or Lux back to her hotel as an excuse to squeeze in a little private conversation, but it wasn't like I could ask the other to wait back here while I walked one of them home, then turned around to pick up the other.

Then there was the whole Caitlyn issue, she was still pretty smashed, so I didn't exactly trust her to make it home on her own. Sure, since I had two Enforcers hanging around I could probably tell one of them to escort her home, but there were a few obvious problems there. Even leaving aside the whole 'do I trust a pig with a drunk girl' question, it was a pretty safe bet that the Enforcers would just take Caitlyn's drunk butt to the front door and bail. If I was the one taking her home I could help cover for her and explain the whole spiked punch situation.
[X][Walking] Lux
-[X] Talk about how you first started working on Hextech, making a point of mentioning how drawing power with nothing to do with it makes the thing explode.

There. Conversation topic with Lux. Guard-safe way of explaining how what she wants won't work. Might also work for the "magic destroying your mind" thing, who knows. And I think it's neat that what Lux is asking for was the first thing Jinx did with Hextech.

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why Caitlyn wants to become an enforcer, what it means to jinx for Caitlyn to become an enforcer, what Caitlyn could do instead of be an enforcer.
- [X] She was calling Jinx her sister a lot back there.

Don't explicitly bring up the adoption offer, but let the specter of it hang ominously over the conversation.
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Lux watched with a raised eyebrow and an amused smirk as she watched me hastily stuff the padding back into the cushion before using Zapper to seal it shut, then flip the cushion over to hide the damage. Which would've worked a lot better, if not for the fact that the other side of the cushion had a large stain on it. I mean, really! Who ruins one of the cushions on a shared piece of furniture and just flips it over to try to hide the damage?!
lol love this
I was definitely impressed by Seraphine as well, but in my case I wasn't impressed by the spectacle of her being on stage so much as her ability to keep on singing despite Caitlyn being just the absolute worst sort of fan. She'd already tried to climb up on stage once to hug her, and I'd barely managed to cover her mouth in time to stop her from shouting about how Seraphine was 'her sister's girlfriend.' I guess I really must love Caitlyn like family, because I was putting up with her drunk ass despite all of this.
lol drunk Caitlyn is a menace. I still love drunk her.

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why she so adamant to become a pig, she mean, enforcer
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
@Chengar Qordath I have seen Sylas mentioned here, does that mean that he has lsready started his little revolution?

Because AFAIK he was pretty unremarkable until he did (and IMO he is completely justified in wanting the heads of all the nobility and royal house)
[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why Caitlyn wants to become an enforcer, what it means to jinx for Caitlyn to become an enforcer, what Caitlyn could do instead of be an enforcer.

[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why Caitlyn wants to become an enforcer, what it means to jinx for Caitlyn to become an enforcer, what Caitlyn could do instead of be an enforcer.
I think her issues with intimacy, while a problem, aren't that big of a problem. I don't think she's particularly a lush either. As Jinx said, on of the problems with alcohol is it interfering with your ability to tell how much you've had, which is harder with a bowl of punch to begin with.

Pretty much. She's not a problem drinker, she just got drunk this time because she didn't know she was drinking spiked punch and has had a few too many cups before other people realized it.

@Chengar Qordath I have seen Sylas mentioned here, does that mean that he has lsready started his little revolution?

Because AFAIK he was pretty unremarkable until he did (and IMO he is completely justified in wanting the heads of all the nobility and royal house)

Sylas is still in lock-up right now, no revolution yet. Even before that, Sylas was probably the most infamous mage criminal in Demacia, who the Mageseekers liked to point to as proof of how mages can never be trusted. After all, he killed two Mageseekers in an accident because he didn't understand his powers with evil base treachery in his heart, because he was born evil.

lol drunk Caitlyn is a menace. I still love drunk her.

I had some fun writing her antics.
Honestly, the whole enforcer thing has already been already explained, and I think there is little to be added to it...

So let's ask her what is in her mind, because unless she is a total lightweight, she was actively trying to get this drunk, and that is not good...

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
-[X] Anything in your mind Cait? Because no one gets this drunk with spiked punch unless you are actively trying to...
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So let's ask her what is in her mind, because unless she is a total lightweight, she was actively trying to get this drunk, and that is not good...
Pretty much. She's not a problem drinker, she just got drunk this time because she didn't know she was drinking spiked punch and has had a few too many cups before other people realized it.
Agreed on the Enforcer thing, though. We know from earlier that it's been pretty well litigated. We're probably gonna need something other than a conversation to make any progress there. Taking my vote for that back.
Honestly, the whole enforcer thing has already been already explained, and I think there is little to be added to it...

So let's ask her what is in her mind, because unless she is a total lightweight, she was actively trying to get this drunk, and that is not good...

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
-[X] Anything in your mind Cait? Because no one gets this drunk with spiked punch unless you are actively trying to...
No, it's been argued by a caitlyn with enough inhibitions to talk around things. She likely hasn't confronted or acknowledge the fact that her motivation is largely fueled by a sense of obligation to Greyson, or actually had to genuinely answer the quest of whether there is anything else she'd do with her life if she didn't become an enforcer.

The QM literally just posted that she didn't realise at all the punch was spiked and had to many before other people realised and diverted her from the punch bowl. She didn't get drunk on purpose. All of these questions about her drunkenness are a complete waste.
Agreed on the Enforcer thing, though. We know from earlier that it's been pretty well litigated. We're probably gonna need something other than a conversation to make any progress there. Taking my vote for that back.
It's well litigated while caitlyn can talk around the issue and refuse to make any progress by not discussing things honestly because her hero worship of greyson and sense of obligation to her isn't being adressed. This is a chance to speak to her without the inhibitions to confront her feelings on greyson getting in the way and causing it to degrade into the same tired old argument, and possibly discover an alternative career which appeals to Caitlyn.
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Agreed on the Enforcer thing, though. We know from earlier that it's been pretty well litigated. We're probably gonna need something other than a conversation to make any progress there. Taking my vote for that back.
The QM literally just posted that she didn't realise at all the punch was spiked and had to many before other people realised and diverted her from the punch bowl. She didn't get drunk on purpose. All of these questions about her drunkenness are a complete waste.
Ok, fair enough...

Well, this other topic is much heavier, but let's discuss why Hextech Slave Collars won't be a thing if we have anything to say about it...

[X][Walking] Lux
-[X] Explain why her idea about Hextech wouldn't work.
--[X] Hextech channels and stabilizes the Arcane, blocking and suppressing it could have explosive consequences.
--[X] Even if it would it would never satisfy the Mageseekers, who have been imprisoning people just for being born for centuries because of Damacian's fear of magic, and a new invention won't change that.
--[X] Finally, even if it was possible you would never ever consider using Hextech to make Slave Collars.

[X][Willpower] Spend One for +3 to Rolls

And a fairly light one for Cait with potentially hilarious Drunk Cait shenanigans...

[X][Walking] Caitlyn
-[X] Anything you want to talk about Cait? Because I feel that you are projecting a little bit to much on Seraphine and me...
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[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why Caitlyn wants to become an enforcer, what it means to jinx for Caitlyn to become an enforcer, what Caitlyn could do instead of be an enforcer.

[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

While I'm tempted to talk with Lux, we can probably discuss things with her later. This might be one of the few chances we get to bring up the enforcer thing to Caitlyn and get her unfiltered thoughts on the matter.
[X][Walking] Caitlyn
- [X] Why Caitlyn wants to become an enforcer, what it means to jinx for Caitlyn to become an enforcer, what Caitlyn could do instead of be an enforcer.

[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
Voting is open for the next 8 hours, 17 minutes