Gate - Thus First Recon Fought There!

Different taste is all, mate. Japanese likes that kind of thing, and it's not like they have to satisfy everyone's taste, now is it? Their main consumer is their own people, after all.

No no no. It's not because it's Japanese. It's their equivalent of shit-taste people have and support with our own pop culture. GATE is only a couple of steps removed from Twilight. :V
No no no. It's not because it's Japanese. It's their equivalent of shit-taste people have and support with our own pop culture. GATE is only a couple of steps removed from Twilight. :V

Well, considering the kind of horrible shit I found in Twilight (The vampire babies, for one. That one freaked the shit outta me) at the very least, the male protagonist of Gate does his best at deflecting the advances of the girls he's with, so there's that. Also, I surprisingly have little problem with the Mayfly-December Romance between Itami and Rory since, unlike Ed and Bel, Itami is at least a grown man so it doesn't really feel like pedophile.
Uh, I think the pedo part would be from Rory being jailbait (that is actually x bazillion years old so it's completely fine guys) .
Hm, the anime (or manga) might not show this, considering the art style, but she's actually supposed to look 16. Again, I have little problem with this, considering I live in a country where the lowest age for marriage is 16 for girls, and 19 for guys. Hell, even Japanese girls themselves can marry when they're only 16, although it can only be done with parental consent so it mostly only happens in arranged marriages.
That being said, I would think Hardy and co couldn't care less what happens on the world on the other side of the Gate. So if Lelei were to do her thing just in the US, no divinity on the Gate-world side would probably care, so long as she doesn't publicize or teach said methods in Gate-world.
Building schools for peasants certainly seems like typical public relations fluff.
I suspect Americans will be hanging out children's science textbooks like candy as part of their "hearts and minds" campaign.
To their great dismay. . .
. . . the local gods won't realize *basic* physics can make *anybody* a walking nuke until knowledge is everywhere :p

Well, this directly contradicts how I was explaining away the lack of magic. Y'know, by just having 'em all be dead, except for Gandalf the Perv and his lil' apprentice.
I disagree completely.
Everything you said neatly explains why magic isn't more predominant!
Killing 'em all be dead might refer to mages the empire was knocking down as they established themselves?
I disagree completely.
Everything you said neatly explains why magic isn't more predominant!
Killing 'em all be dead might refer to mages the empire was knocking down as they established themselves?

Or maybe it's like the manga Magi - Labyrith of Magic? Where the magic academy and its surrounding city is considered a country unto itself? And because magic is more prevalent and focused there, it explains why magic isn't predominant in the Empire, who seems to fashion itself like the Roman.
Or maybe it's like the manga Magi - Labyrith of Magic? Where the magic academy and its surrounding city is considered a country unto itself? And because magic is more prevalent and focused there, it explains why magic isn't predominant in the Empire, who seems to fashion itself like the Roman.
Taking this a step further, said City-state could even be why the Empire went and killed all the mages they could (in an attempt to limit the city's influence and prevent a supposed takeover).
Technically, there is. The current arc that the manga is following (after the current detour involving the village with the sickness that is only affecting women) should, according to anons in /a/ Gate threads, peripherally involve Lelei going to a magical academy city to formally present her findings in order to officially earn the title of sage. Apparently, we are introduced to her sister in that same city.

However, this doesn't lead to a revolution in magical principles, because
Hardy comes around to possess Lelei at said city to warn her and the rest of Itami's crew about combining technology from Japan and magic from the Gate-world to create something much more powerful in their world, like Lelei did, since it doesn't conform to the plans of the Gods for technology growth in their world. Lelei is threatened by direct intervention via apostle if she tries to spread the knowledge of her discovery, and I think I remember reading that Rory and/or Giselle would be the ones forced to intervene on the direct orders of their gods, which shuts down that idea.

So yeah, that knowledge isn't going to spread around in any large amount, it'll mostly stick with Lelei alone.
How does that make any sense? If Hardy didn't want magic and technology to be mixed why the hell did she open the gate to a universe filled to the brim with advanced technology? Hell even if the only world she could open Gates to was Earth why didn't she open it near more primitive societies? :eyebrow:

Uh, I think the pedo part would be from Rory being jailbait (that is actually x bazillion years old so it's completely fine guys).

Really I do.
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How does that make any sense? If Hardy didn't want magic and technology to be mixed why the hell did she open the gate to a universe filled to the brim with advanced technology? Hell even if the only world she could open Gates to was Earth why didn't she open it near more primitive societies? :eyebrow:
Standard "because the gods are bored" reasoning?

I don't think Hardy knew what kind of society was on the other side of the Gate, she just wanted some people on the other side to stumble across it and cross over to provide a new source of worshippers, after which it would eventually close after an undetermined amount of time. The Empire's mages were the ones who decided to make the Gate permanent so as to add to their conquests, to their dismay ever since the other side proved that it could fight back with overwhelming firepower.
How does that make any sense? If Hardy didn't want magic and technology to be mixed why the hell did she open the gate to a universe filled to the brim with advanced technology? Hell even if the only world she could open Gates to was Earth why didn't she open it near more primitive societies? :eyebrow:
Can't say why Hardy didn't foresee this happening, but the reason why Earth was chosen was probably because Conflict. After all, the god (goddess?) of death, war, murder and other such stuff would like Earth-humanity bringing in the slaughterboots, yeah?
Can't say why Hardy didn't foresee this happening, but the reason why Earth was chosen was probably because Conflict. After all, the god (goddess?) of death, war, murder and other such stuff would like Earth-humanity bringing in the slaughterboots, yeah?
Hardy is the god(dess) of the Underworld. Emroy is the one that's the god of Death and War; though all things considered, pretty nice guy from what we've seen of him through Rory, albeit said take is probably biased since she's his apostle and all...
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Taking this a step further, said City-state could even be why the Empire went and killed all the mages they could (in an attempt to limit the city's influence and prevent a supposed takeover).

Or said city-state has a lot of soft power and can influence the supply of mages willing to work for the Empire. If said city-state is one of the few places that can provide consistent access to rare services and goods, then a lot of mages may suddenly decide that they're busy if the city-state disagrees with the Empire over certain aspects of foreign policy.
Or said city-state has a lot of soft power and can influence the supply of mages willing to work for the Empire. If said city-state is one of the few places that can provide consistent access to rare services and goods, then a lot of mages may suddenly decide that they're busy if the city-state disagrees with the Empire over certain aspects of foreign policy.
Yeah, that's very much what I had in mind, I just couldn't figure out how to phrases it.
Or maybe it's like the manga Magi - Labyrith of Magic? Where the magic academy and its surrounding city is considered a country unto itself?
Alternatives include sheer Imperial bureaucracy to control magic?
If you're not attending Empire sponsored apprenticeship or school - you fall under scrutiny of Empire.
That has apprenticeship serving a purpose beyond mere tradition.
Fall in line or DIE.
Gate magic users can usually beaten by a dozen men with swords.
Not like Imperials can't enforce any rules they're setting.
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How does that make any sense? If Hardy didn't want magic and technology to be mixed why the hell did she open the gate to a universe filled to the brim with advanced technology? Hell even if the only world she could open Gates to was Earth why didn't she open it near more primitive societies? :eyebrow:

Link is borked.
at the very least, the male protagonist of Gate does his best at deflecting the advances of the girls he's with, so there's that

And wait, what was the point you were making with this? (Oblivious, dense as fuck) men who reject the advances of girls is a staple of harem anime. GATE using another yet another cliche does not make it better. :V
And wait, what was the point you were making with this? (Oblivious, dense as fuck) men who reject the advances of girls is a staple of harem anime. GATE using another yet another cliche does not make it better. :V

Dense? Have you really read the manga or watch the anime? Because Itami is fully aware and the show makes it a point of showing how uncomfortable he is with the advances, and it's with the right reason too: because Rory and Lelei are way too young for someone his age (only appearance-wise, in Rory's case, but it still counts).

Also, the point I was trying to make is that comparing Gate with Twilight is just way too cruel (not to mention a bit inaccurate considering their respective target audience), kinda like comparing a mediocre bread with a moldy one.
Dense? Have you really read the manga or watch the anime? Because Itami is fully aware and the show makes it a point of showing how uncomfortable he is with the advances, and it's with the right reason too: because Rory and Lelei are way too young for someone his age (only appearance-wise, in Rory's case, but it still counts).

Also, the point I was trying to make is that comparing Gate with Twilight is just way too cruel (not to mention a bit inaccurate considering their respective target audience), kinda like comparing a mediocre bread with a moldy one.
So Gate is the mold?
Because war with them seems inevitable.

How so? They're not specifically antagonistic (save for maybe Hardy, and that's just through waking up the Flame Dragon early and the actions she commanded Giselle to do as her apostle), they just want worship and for their followers to do as commanded of them.

As I said, Emroy seems pretty cool so far for a god of Death and War...
Dense? Have you really read the manga or watch the anime? Because Itami is fully aware and the show makes it a point of showing how uncomfortable he is with the advances, and it's with the right reason too: because Rory and Lelei are way too young for someone his age (only appearance-wise, in Rory's case, but it still counts).

That's why I put it in parenthesis, since the trend now is to make the self-insert slightly more self-aware, but still sexless like much of their target audience.