Gate - Thus First Recon Fought There!

...You didn't read my post carefully, did you?
:oops: In my defense, it was like 3 am when I replied to your post.

Edit: Also,
Or to make it a bit simpler, remember that plot arc where the Bunny Queen orders one of bunny girl (Adelle or Delilah? I don't remember) who's working in JDSF's area to sow conflict (EDIT: by murdering the enslaved citizen they manage to bring back) and ends up critically injuring one of the officer? Make it so that one is the bunny girl he's boinking, and make Person to be the guy she ends up almost killing. It's not much, but that'd be a good source of drama.

Why did the Bunny Queen decide to start shit with her liberators? Seems incredibly stupid what with her people still being a shattered race on the brink of extinction and JSDF being the guys who kicked the shit out of the guys who kicked the shit out of her race when the Bunnies were much more numerous and powerful.
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It'll most likely be the first thing through the Gate.

Anyone say, "Tomahawk Missile"? That or a dozen M1 Abrams.
Without intel, the army will not have data on where local population centers are. Without this data, no knowledge how much fuel you will need to get a drone inside.

Beyond that, there are no easy methods of identifying where political entities and their borders start/collide and as such, no certainty on who you are bombarding.

Unlike Japan in canon-gate, America will not be sending some measly task force to hold and couple of vehicles & crew to scout out. Unlike Japan, USA armed forces are more than able to expand, explore and exterminate all opposition within a large radius around the gate that would make canon-gate base look anemic in comparison.

As long as the gate exists, it is the only supply route to an entire land (potentially) full of hostile barbaroi who have attacked America unprovoked, slaughtering civilians and attempting to take over a major city which hosts a substantial amounts of American fleet-assets. WW2 veterans are going to be Triggered like mad at the similarities, even with the large number of differences in question.

They are going to fuel entire army-groups through the gate the moment they believe it is safe - American scouting will likely favor heavy air patrols/drones to scout out the airspace and (if the planners are competent), they will be focusing on the old maxim of air superiority in order to defeat the only known effective military assets before they can be potentially gathered en-mass.

Methinks the local dragon population is going to have a very bad day. Wonder how that will change things: will that elven village survive? Will they borne witness to american air force swooping in to shred the wild dragon before she starts burminating the populous?
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Why did the Bunny Queen decide to start shit with her liberators? Seems incredibly stupid what with her people still being a shattered race on the brink of extinction and JSDF being the guys who kicked the shit out of the guys who kicked the shit out of her race when the Bunnies were much more numerous and powerful.
She found out that she had been lied to, found out that her people actually believed the lies about her and then went "I will see this world and all in it burn, Burn, BURN!" The plan was to implicate one of the crown prince's as the one calling the hit and thus unleash a War To End All Wars.
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Shouldn't the Empire refer to a lot of things by its Latin names? Ex: Lupus for Wolf.
I forgot, will the Iraq invasion still happen in this timeline?
Shouldn't the Empire refer to a lot of things by its Latin names? Ex: Lupus for Wolf.
I forgot, will the Iraq invasion still happen in this timeline?
Not sure of dates, but unless the war has already started, it is likely that USA public slash political opinion will pressure focusing entirely on defeating the much weaker but closer opponent before thinking about going for middle-east.
Shouldn't the Empire refer to a lot of things by its Latin names? Ex: Lupus for Wolf.
I forgot, will the Iraq invasion still happen in this timeline?
Probably not. We have bigger fish to fry on the home front. Afghanistan is still going to happen though because even though it's two years after the fact, Bin Laden still had 3000 Americans to answer for and were going to kill the holy shit out of him by any means necessary.
Methinks the local dragon population is going to have a very bad day. Wonder how that will change things: will that elven village survive? Will they borne witness to american air force swooping in to shred the wild dragon before she starts burminating the populous?
More importantly, the question is, will Hardy look at the massive population of scalies crowding the entrance to Hell and go, "Well shit, I think I dun goofed"?
And with the USA becoming the newest next door neighbors, well, we do have kind of a reputation for shooting things and mounting them in the living room. It's all part of the big game hunting phenomenon, and I have no doubt dragon teeth will make for one hell of a bottle opener too, so there's even some small utilitarian aspects to it.
Probably not. We have bigger fish to fry on the home front. Afghanistan is still going to happen though because even though it's two years after the fact, Bin Laden still had 3000 Americans to answer for and were going to kill the holy shit out of him by any means necessary.
Afganistan would still be going on at this point. That started like a month after 9/11. Saddam will be dedicating his life to Allah for taking the heat off of him with these Roman lookalike morons.
It'll most likely be the first thing through the Gate.

Anyone say, "Tomahawk Missile"? That or a dozen M1 Abrams.


Do you have any clue how a tomahawk missile is targeted? It involves spy satellites or high altitude aircraft. Without detailed terrain maps and/or GPS, a tomahawk is a very expensive self propelled iron bomb. At a million+ a pop, you don't launch them willy-nilly hoping to hit something.

Lets be realistic here. The first thing they are going to send through is heavy infantry with multiple crew served weapons like .50 cals and mortars. Probably a few APCs or a tank or two as well. They are going to secure the area and dig in. Then special forces/recon will be sent out to try to talk to the locals and find out what the **** is going on as well as aerial drones to gain intelligence, locate the enemy forces, map the area, etc. Depending on whether radio signals go through the gate without interference, they may build up a comm center to relay drone commands and communicate with forward operating teams. If drones can't be operated effectively due to communication limitations and lack of GPS infrastructure, then they might send through a recon plane or use more locally controlled drones.

On the US side, they will be staging men, tanks, trucks, supplies, etc. Everything necessary for when the generals figure out what are the targets and how they are going to attack them.

But they are not going to rush into a totally unknown situation before gathering as much intel as possible. For all they know, this is just the enemy's version of recon in force and they have massive war golems and flights of dragons waiting to be deployed. Or worse, mages capable of mind-controlling whole armies. Think what the worse case scenario is - its a general's job to figure that out before the fact and develop a plan to avoid it. You can't do that without intel and lots of it.

So they are going to be interrogating any combatants that were captured - trying to figure out what language they speak, what they want, what are their capabilities, what are their leader's goals, etc. Until then, they will play a defensive waiting game unless the situation changes and requires immediate action. Because that is the safest thing to do.
What about ramifications of discovering that different dimensions exist and there is life in other worlds? And the proof is right inside the US of A. So there is no room for denial.
Probably because they'll see the non-human girls as illegal immigrants (even though that ain't happening considering there's only one heavily-monitored and guarded gate) and as abominations before God or something.

Or it could be that they would concider them as not human and thus not equal, just like their kind thought of Blacks, Women, and Asians.

You know, anyone with any difference at all.
Kinda late for this but: Leviticus 18:23

Which, in turn, makes me wonder about the reactions of organized religions on powerful 'entities' declaring themselves as gods.

Edit: :facepalm: Removed Shamefur Dispray
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-A merger of Chozo and Federation technology. Like the Paralyzer it was based on the Paralyzer beam will harmlessly enshroud targets in energy and freeze them for a period of time. If the target is in the air it will freeze them in place in defiance of gravity. When the effect wears off gravity will re-assert itself, however all prior momentum will be lost. Unlike the Pistol it was based on the Paralyzer beam always operates at full power.

To have someone who we can trust, who can keep their head on

Probably because they'll see the non-human girls as illegal immigrants (even though that ain't happening considering there's only one heavily-monitored and guarded gate) and as abominations before God or something.

Or it could be that they would concider them as not human and thus not equal, just like their kind thought of Blacks, Women, and Asians.

You know, anyone with any difference at all.

Kinda late for this but: Leviticus 18:23

Which, in turn, makes me wonder about the reactions of organized religions on powerful 'entities' declaring themselves as gods.
*looks at first quote*
What do the Chozo from the Metroid series have to do with anything in this fic?
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