Gate - Thus First Recon Fought There!

Typo for gang. All the mistakes are right next to the correct letter.
Ok. I honestly had no clue what it was supposed to mean and google wasn't being helpful.

LA tends to have a fair amount of gang activity. San Diego much less so. It has the lowest rate of murder for the 10 largest cities in the US - roughly 1/5 the rate of Philly and half of LA.
We expect better of an American.
Really? You could hold yourself back from flying off the handle when you see people literally mutilated in front of you?
About how they ignore the fact that there are buildings allround them that makes their largest most bueatiful and most expensive cultural relic looks like a joke.
Spoiler, the gate opening was done by a god. the god of the underworld at that. You don't ignore that in a society like theirs.
Or rather how they are merely uneasy and refuse to give their all to common sense that a society with the engineering required to raise so many of the damn things and keep them in good repair speaks of a wealth and warhost that outstrips their vaugest imaginings or magic that does the same.
Duty, loyalty and the fact that not doing what they're told will get them dead.
Or what that 'magic' that merely seems like some weird cross bow might due in numbers they could produce the equivalent of. But wait. They do go to this and don't Shank the Imperator despite having the loyalty of the men
They have no reason to believe that there are more of these magic crossbows. Also, you don't seem to understand how a military works. It isn't a democracy its a tyranny. The guy in the shiniest armor calls the shots and you do what he says or you get fucked. It's even more true the further back in history you go, as the landed elite/nobility generally commanded the troops.
I guess there might be some minor nobility in their foolish rapine doom but for a man who calls himself cautious I can only see cowardice and treachery to the espirit de corps.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here, the Imperator is a bombastic jackass, but he's the boss. Merovich is the one urging caution in the face of all the unknowns they've run into. The Imperator doesn't care because like most of the higher ranks in the military, he's a political beast. He wants glory so he can keep climbing that social ladder and gives exactly one fuck about the men: They can earn him more glory.
And he lets this happen. Is the Imperator a mage? Does he not have command? Did he not send scouts. Or rather how poorly did they do their job
The Imperator is higher on the command chain than Merovich is, they are basically operating on divine mandate to go and conquer since a god opened the Gate.
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are you people that bloody obsessed about it? He's human, he makes mistakes, he saw people hacked apart in front of him. Jesus the mook fat balding cop gets more discussion than the legion's plans. :jackiechan:

I will have to assume that it's because stupidity that goes against common sense like this really gets people going. If you're trying to prop it up as something else, then you might need more explanation and/or description regarding his action, because there's not even an implication of what he's actually trying to achieve by doing this since what's written is literally 'he ponders a bit before retrieving his gun and starts shooting'.

Also, what of legion's plans, really? Because this early into it, their role is nothing more than those dudes who spilled the first blood and kickstart the story. They're gonna get shanked without any difficulty whatsoever once the military gets there, so why the fuck do their plans matter, really?
Really? You could hold yourself back from flying off the handle when you see people literally mutilated in front of you?
Nope. I'd run people over. Or pull out the sidearm and start shooting. Or just run and call the rest of the army.. Anything but turning my back on those guys to get the bolt action rifle to futile die.

Spoiler, the gate opening was done by a god. the god of the underworld at that. You don't ignore that in a society like theirs.

Was under the impression that people like Emroy and really really hated Hardy. Who acted like Zues with the domains and icky rep of hades

Duty, loyalty and the fact that not doing what they're told will get them dead.
But also doing it will get them also killed in larger numbers.

They have no reason to believe that there are more of these magic crossbows. Also, you don't seem to understand how a military works. It isn't a democracy its a tyranny. The guy in the shiniest armor calls the shots and you do what he says or you get fucked. It's even more true the further back in history you go, as the landed elite/nobility generally commanded the troops.
Eh. Why do they not have reason to beleive that the magic cross bow that the really really sucky warrior has is particularly unique given the scale of everything that going on and the insane casual wealth that literally trump their entire capital within a five block radius of the area around the gate?

There are certain milatary implications of such wealth that an officer of roman style milatary with the knowledge of discipline and engineering that implies that make this a bad no suicidal idea even if he assume the Army of the people he's attacking have miltary knowledge equivalent to his own.

And yeah guy in shiniest armor calls the shot adn you obey or you get fucked , if asskicking equals authority and he eclipses you, and you don't have more ot the personal loyalty of the people that would do the fucking and the ability to get them to listen to sense.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean here, the Imperator is a bombastic jackass, but he's the boss. Merovich is the one urging caution in the face of all the unknowns they've run into. The Imperator doesn't care because like most of the higher ranks in the military, he's a political beast. He wants glory so he can keep climbing that social ladder and gives exactly one fuck about the men: They can earn him more glory.
See things this type of political beast, who blatantly doesn't care about the men well seems like he'd lose in the contest of who do we listen to if Merovich hardlined on the caution unless Imperator is like a mage or something. Due to the whole we'd be walking to our deaths for this jackass thing.

The Imperator is higher on the command chain than Merovich is, they are basically operating on divine mandate to go and conquer since a god opened the Gate.
I mean I get that milatary indoctrination is a thing but it seemed like he was failing in the whole engender loyalty thing too hardcore.
Based on what the (rather sparse and poorly written) Gate wikia tells me, I am of the impression that Hardy - god of the underworld - opened the Gate because she was feeling a little bored one day.
Fuck my life. In that case, if she wants a good time, maybe she could open one up to Brockton Bay in the middle of an S9 attack.

Back on subject: Emroy is the god of the act of death, including those caused by Khorne's Littlest Princess Rory's favorite act, mayhem.

Hardy, on the other hand, is the god of the underworld, be it the final resting place of the dead, or the domain of underground dwellers such as dragons. Side note: As so many of them live in their mothers' basements, Hardy is also the god of Internet Trolls.
Hardy, on the other hand, is the god of the underworld, be it the final resting place of the dead, or the domain of underground dwellers such as dragons. Side note: As so many of them live in their mothers' basements, Hardy is also the god of Internet Trolls.
:mob::rage::mad:The Fiend!:mad::rage::mob:

Anyway, the only issue I have with the chapter is that patrol cops don't have bolt action rifles. They're issued the Colt Automatic Rifle (AR-15) or spare M16s.
Nope. I'd run people over.
Then you have no idea how terrible cars actually are against pedestrians, much less ones weighing something like 200 pounds. He'd get about the same number of people he got with the shotgun.
But also doing it will get them also killed in larger numbers.
Victory in the end is what matters. Pyhrrus was an accomplished general before his 'victories' got him dead.

The Empire doesn't think like the US does.
Eh. Why do they not have reason to beleive that the magic cross bow that the really really sucky warrior has is particularly unique given the scale of everything that going on and the insane casual wealth that literally trump their entire capital within a five block radius of the area around the gate?
See above.
There are certain milatary implications of such wealth that an officer of roman style milatary with the knowledge of discipline and engineering that implies that make this a bad no suicidal idea even if he assume the Army of the people he's attacking have miltary knowledge equivalent to his own.
As the Imperator sees it, the police officer was a random mage. he will gladly trade 4 lives for one when it comes to mages, he even says as much. Merovich and Radomir tried to use reason, but the Imperator didn't want to hear it. Huh, that sounds familiar, almost like the entire theme of Gen Kill. :|

See things this type of political beast, who blatantly doesn't care about the men well seems like he'd lose in the contest of who do we listen to if Merovich hardlined on the caution unless Imperator is like a mage or something. Due to the whole we'd be walking to our deaths for this jackass thing.
Hey guess what it happens in real life too. Just look at First Recon! They'd all rather do something other than what the bullshit they get put through. But they don't revolt and start murdering their COs now do they?
:mob::rage::mad:The Fiend!:mad::rage::mob:

Anyway, the only issue I have with the chapter is that patrol cops don't have bolt action rifles. They're issued the Colt Automatic Rifle (AR-15) or spare M16s.
A Remington 870 isn't a bolt action rifle either.

This is an 870 Express, shorter pump action but you get the idea.
Then you have no idea how terrible cars actually are against pedestrians, much less ones weighing something like 200 pounds. He'd get about the same number of people he got with the shotgun.

Victory in the end is what matters. Pyhrrus was an accomplished general before his 'victories' got him dead.

The Empire doesn't think like the US does.

See above.

As the Imperator sees it, the police officer was a random mage. he will gladly trade 4 lives for one when it comes to mages, he even says as much. Merovich and Radomir tried to use reason, but the Imperator didn't want to hear it. Huh, that sounds familiar, almost like the entire theme of Gen Kill. :|

Hey guess what it happens in real life too. Just look at First Recon! They'd all rather do something other than what the bullshit they get put through. But they don't revolt and start murdering their COs now do they?

A Remington 870 isn't a bolt action rifle either.

This is an 870 Express, shorter pump action but you get the idea.
Oh, it was a shotgun. My bad.
Victory in the end is what matters. Pyhrrus was an accomplished general before his 'victories' got him dead.

I'll note that the victory that made Pyrrhus famous was still a victory. He was just well aware of the fact that while he had won the battle, if Rome had any ability left to raise an army he'd lost the war due to the losses he'd taken and couldn't replace.
Got to say, considering what happened in Iraq, America has a very war heavy mindset at this time, (2001~ish?) Firing heavy munitions through the portal before sending in mainline battle tanks, and wings of jets and heli's is a real possibility. To some extent, yes the officer was stupid, but he was reacting to something so far out of left field the officer must of felt he was in the Twilight Zone. So right now, based off the weapons that most people have, Empire wins. Once Swat, the navy and airforce and everyone else starts reacting, Empire is so screwed that no one can say where the screwing starts. Dragons are well and good, I doubt they can stand up to a 30mm Gatling gun, also, laser guided missiles and 120mm guns on abrams. Sorry, don't think the empire has anything that can compete with that.
Also, are there ships that the Empire has, can't recall, but if they do, a coast guard boat is more than a match, a battleship or any of the other ships? So much overkill that the ships wouldn't have to fire their guns "RAMMING SPEED!".
Also, are there ships that the Empire has, can't recall, but if they do, a coast guard boat is more than a match, a battleship or any of the other ships? So much overkill that the ships wouldn't have to fire their guns "RAMMING SPEED!".
Sorry to say, I believe that Alnus is landlocked. The only fun the Navy's likely to get in this story is on the IRL side of the gate.
[QUOTE="CowboyCapo]Sorry to say, I believe that Alnus is landlocked. The only fun the Navy's likely to get in this story is on the IRL side of the gate.[/QUOTE]
Just, lets see, there's navy air elements, the navy seals... Navy can still get in on it on the other side, they just can't bring their cruiser's or missile subs:lol.
So much overkill that the ships wouldn't have to fire their guns "RAMMING SPEED!".

What's with SV and their retarded willingness to strike enemies with their precious, very expensive vehicle.

You can be charged with martial court if you're found guilty of purposefully endangering your vessel and it's precious crew because you want to channel your inner 40K fan.
OTOH, I'm pretty sure that even the smallest modern warships used by the Navy outmass the Imperium's ships by several orders of magnitude, and are made of metal rather unlike the wooden ships of the Imperium.
Which means that most likely ramming those ships does little but scuffing the paint.

What's with SV and their retarded willingness to strike enemies with their precious, very expensive vehicle.

You can be charged with martial court if you're found guilty of purposefully endangering your vessel and it's precious crew because you want to channel your inner 40K fan.
Because it's fun?
Oh yeah, I am pretty sure that will go really well with the judge and your lawyer.

For fuck's sake, not everyone is freaking Zhuge Liang and is flawless. Just accept the fact that the police officer is mortal and is liable to commit mistakes, ESPECIALLY when he faces a virtual Out of Context problem like holy shit the Roman Legion is upon us!
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