Gate - Thus First Recon Fought There!

He may have expected this pack of Ren Faire rejects to break and run when cut down by firearms, and been fatally surprised when their discipline held.
He may have been too pumped up on adrenaline to realise how deep he was in the shit before it was too late to wade for shore.
He may have made a cold-blooded calculation to trade his own life for another few seconds in which more civvies could de-ass the area. Pudgy old guy or not, he may well have remembered that 'To Protect and Serve' is written on the side of the cruiser as a mission statement, not just a snappy punchline.
He may have expected this pack of Ren Faire rejects to break and run when cut down by firearms, and been fatally surprised when their discipline held.
He may have been too pumped up on adrenaline to realise how deep he was in the shit before it was too late to wade for shore.
He may have made a cold-blooded calculation to trade his own life for another few seconds in which more civvies could de-ass the area. Pudgy old guy or not, he may well have remembered that 'To Protect and Serve' is written on the side of the cruiser as a mission statement, not just a snappy punchline.
The fact he stood and kept firing while they charged him makes me inclined to think he was doing the last choice.
And ISTR Espera had some approving things to say about a similar incident in Generation Kill. "Motherfucker died trying to get a round off. Combat discipline."
Oh yes, Imperial Legion marching in San Diego. What do we have there...

Quick internet search gives out

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego
Naval Base Coronado
Naval Base Point Loma
Naval Base San Diego

And those are in nearby of the gate.

Then there is Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton at some travel from city.

With all the cops, criminals, citizens with guns...yeah, if these guys were destroyed when JSDF run over them, how doomed are they now?
This story is full of WIN and AWESOME.

On a side note, I wonder how the story would have been different if the Empire hadn't opened the Gate in a populated center. If the Gate had opened in a rural area and the Empire was given time to consolidate their defenses with magic and whatnot, would we have seen such a curbstomp?

On the other hand, if the Gate had opened in say, Appalachia, you'd have a lot of angry rednecks with some damn big guns clamoring to kill the invaders. Isn't there an infamous paramilitary group located in West Virginia or Virginia? I forget.
He may have expected this pack of Ren Faire rejects to break and run when cut down by firearms, and been fatally surprised when their discipline held.
He may have been too pumped up on adrenaline to realise how deep he was in the shit before it was too late to wade for shore.
He may have made a cold-blooded calculation to trade his own life for another few seconds in which more civvies could de-ass the area. Pudgy old guy or not, he may well have remembered that 'To Protect and Serve' is written on the side of the cruiser as a mission statement, not just a snappy punchline.
Don't try to glorify stupidity. He had car. Run em down.
Don't try to glorify stupidity. He had car. Run em down.
From the narrative, it looked like he was only a couple of dozen meters away from the troops at most. So from the time he gets back inside the car and gassed it, he would've only had 15 meters or so to build up speed.

And from there... What I'm saying is that you're probably running on video game physics when thinking about how much damage a police cruiser can do to a disciplined and ordered mass of armored troops.
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This story is full of WIN and AWESOME.

On a side note, I wonder how the story would have been different if the Empire hadn't opened the Gate in a populated center. If the Gate had opened in a rural area and the Empire was given time to consolidate their defenses with magic and whatnot, would we have seen such a curbstomp?

On the other hand, if the Gate had opened in say, Appalachia, you'd have a lot of angry rednecks with some damn big guns clamoring to kill the invaders. Isn't there an infamous paramilitary group located in West Virginia or Virginia? I forget.
The fact is, the Empire did not open the gate.

Instead, it was one of the goddesses of the Fantasy World. A real bitch who gave one group of her followers a fatal case of "sacrificed as dragon-feed" in canon and then had her apostle/prophet laugh at the survivors and to comment how their prayers for safety against the dragon were annoying.
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Hitting anything solid at speed slows you down and damages your car, He probably would have killed a couple from the first rank, then injured some more before being taken out. Presuming, of course, that the soldiers just stand there and let the big object slam into their lines, rather than trying to get out of the way.
Hitting anything solid at speed slows you down and damages your car, He probably would have killed a couple from the first rank, then injured some more before being taken out. Presuming, of course, that the soldiers just stand there and let the big object slam into their lines, rather than trying to get out of the way.
Highly disciplined pikemen/spearmen historically did just that even with cavalry large/fast enough to continue sliding through your pikes after the killing blow, and then seriously maim if not outright kill the one who held the line.

Not sure if these troops would be able to do it, but they are Fantasy!roman-lite... at some point at least.
Its a bit jarring how the Legatus keeps thinking of warrior bunnies. Can't they have a more dignified name?

I had a conversation with RedRum the other day about how ridiculously on-the-nose that title is. But its canon, so I'm just going to make a note to mock it for being silly later on down the line.

How come the cops didn't get back in the car and run? I mean seriously. he did no have enough bullets.

Uh...while I could make a stunning defense of my intelligence and why the dude got murderified, but you're kind of right. He's one fat, old dude rocking a Remmy, he should known when to cut his losses.
What I find rather nonsensical is how the cop just drives up to the group of hostile without any backup whatsoever, and with just a short pondering, immediately takes a gun and begins shooting. No warning, no shout of "Freeze!", no nothing. I mean, I'm not American so I can't be sure, but is this the right protocol for the police force when dealing with hostile groups of armed men? Or is this particular cop just that stupidly suicidal?
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What I find rather nonsensical is how the cop just drives up to the group of hostile without any backup whatsoever, and with just a short pondering, immediately takes a gun and begins shooting without any warning. I mean, I'm not American so I can't be sure, but is this the right protocol for the police force when dealing with hostile groups of armed men? Or is this particular cop just that suicidal?
The key words to me are "hostile groups of armed men." Also, the fact there's probably quite a few people already dead. Dismembered dead. No amount of movie magic is going to conceal the grievous nature of limbs that have been hacked off.
The key words to me are "hostile groups of armed men." Also, the fact there's probably quite a few people already dead. Dismembered dead.
Exactly. All the more reason to not drive up there alone like some suicidal shmuck. Common sense dictates that even with groups of unarmed hostiles, you should at least have enough ammo for each and every last one of the motherfuckers. Cops are supposed to be trained, dammit!
From the narrative, it looked like he was only a couple of dozen meters away from the troops at most. So from the time he gets back inside the car and gassed it, he would've only had 15 meters or so to build up speed.

And from there... What I'm saying is that you're probably running on video game physics when thinking about how much damage a police cruiser can do to a disciplined and ordered mass of armored troops.
But then why'd he get out of the car stand around abit go to the trunk and get the gun?

Why didn't he stay in the car and run after seeing them? Or hell run them down? Or take his pistol and drive by while running the CB? Or honk the horn and stuff?
Hitting anything solid at speed slows you down and damages your car, He probably would have killed a couple from the first rank, then injured some more before being taken out. Presuming, of course, that the soldiers just stand there and let the big object slam into their lines, rather than trying to get out of the way.
WEll then run. Or try horn terror tactics. Or shoot from the car. Or use the sidearm...
Don't be stupid. Do you realise how much damage a car can receive just by hitting a single pedestrian, nevermind an entire legion of heavily armoured dudes?
Alot. But well. He got out the car and shot at them with a Remington. If there are few enough to make that a feasible idea he'd have been better off in the care with his sidearm. And if it's not a goo idea he's better off running and calling the rest of his boys instead of standing there to die while the romans ignore the car so the soldiers can pick it up.
Exactly. All the more reason to not drive up there alone like some suicidal shmuck. Common sense dictates that even with groups of unarmed hostiles, you should at least have enough ammo for each and every last one of the motherfuckers. Cops are supposed to be trained, dammit!
It's a fair point; unless the cop was doing something immediately heroic (like protecting a specific group of civilians as they retreated), he should have called for backup before engaging.
They don't quite realise the difference between 'medieval era response times' (that is, days at minimum) and 'modern era response times' (hours, at most) for effective military action.
Heck, for this city in particular, hour tops, I'd say, for military response times. 03, after 9/11, in a major US city with a shitload of US military bases, and a pretty good sized PD.....
Molotov is easy to make. And there's a lot of tall building to throw them from. Or, hell, drive a truck up a straight road, put a brick or something to hold down the gas and lock the steer, and jump out while it's still building up speed is a valid stragety to fuck up people who group up together in large number. Sure it might have ended up in a lot of collateral damage, but what do gangs care about that anyway?
Or just truckdrivers deciding that these people would make good roadkill, a loaded truck should be able to kill at the least dozens just by ramming soldiers without getting more than cosmetic and other minor damage.

A normal person car wouldn't make that good a weapon, but trucks, fire trucks, cranes, busses and so makes excellent ramming weapons, if your ready to accept some damage to them.
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But then why'd he get out of the car stand around abit go to the trunk and get the gun?

Why didn't he stay in the car and run after seeing them? Or hell run them down? Or take his pistol and drive by while running the CB? Or honk the horn and stuff?
He may have expected this pack of Ren Faire rejects to break and run when cut down by firearms, and been fatally surprised when their discipline held.
He may have been too pumped up on adrenaline to realise how deep he was in the shit before it was too late to wade for shore.
He may have made a cold-blooded calculation to trade his own life for another few seconds in which more civvies could de-ass the area. Pudgy old guy or not, he may well have remembered that 'To Protect and Serve' is written on the side of the cruiser as a mission statement, not just a snappy punchline.

Also, the cop was trying to deal with a Wildly Out of Context with only a few seconds to think. His training might've prepared him for two or three sword-armed lunatics LARPing as Roman Centurions, but I doubt it included how to fight a few hundred of them that are marching and slaughtering civilians (and some whom he probably knew, met and talked with daily) in an organized fashion. Oh, and let's not forget the thousand-strong rabble of monstrous-looking Goblin army and the few dozen dragon riders in the air.

You're labeling a cop 'stupid' because he didn't do the 'optimal' choice when he's this close to panicking and saving his own skin, but instead he stood his ground when all he had to fall back on was his gun and his duty.
Something tells me the Legatus and some of his men are possibly going to survive the coming slaughter.

Whether it's more likely that they'll survive as prisoners or through a judicious retreat where there was none in canon is yet to be determined, though.