GATE: And Thus The UNDF Fought There V2

Hey Quickdraw, i have the question about the Immortals. How the Immortals are created exactly? Based on what i read so far, I interpret that the Immortals are trained from childhood and then undergone extreme training and mental conditions much like the Spartans. Once they reach adulthoods, those that pass training will be magically and alchemically enhanced to be much stronger than normal human but most all gaining access to the ability to utilize magic to limited degrees, much like how the Witchers are created.

For the UNDF, it is a great incentive for them to research and reverse-engineer Immortals to achieve one of humanity wildest dream: real-life super soldiers. People might argue that exo suit is enough but exo suit only worn by normal human and it has limitation since there is only so much enhancements the suit can give to normal human body. Sometime, in order to gain even more combat efficiency, drugs have to be used since human physiology a lof time cannot keep up with the full potentials with exo suit or powered armor leading to negative side effect like hallucination or psychosis. Therefore, just imagining a magically enhanced super soldier wears an exo suit, you get a guy that can wreck havoc on a large military complex all by him/herself like BJ Blazkowick without any risks of he or she turns psychotic.

UNDF version of the Immortals obviously should be much stronger due to combination of magic and genetic enhancement as well as the compliment of exo suit. I am not so sure whether UNDF researched super soldiers during the First Contact war or not but I assume they have in various ways since even creating new kinds of steroids to give troops an edge in combat is worth it in the war for survival against the Phauthi. 43 years after the war, i think biotech should be advanced enough to enhance human physiology like giving human much higher resistance to radiation or healing wounds faster than normal.

Finally, I think UNDF version of the Immortals should be called Spartans since Immortal troops are referenced to Persian elite troops so UNDF version should be called Spartans since UNDF version should be better much like the Spartans are much better than Persian Immortals in combat
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really hope Molts fate is different to canon it bothers me that despite.

-order the unprovoked invasion of the warrior bunnies led by zorzal knowing full well of his (habits) and the later broken treaty.

-killed his own first-born son because he was so smart and competent, he could have challenged his power (so much for putting the wellbeing of the empire before oneself)

-playing God by ordering the mages to enlarge the gate and hold it open something that lead to the arachnid invasion and nearly ENDED BOTH WORLDS.

-ordering the invasion starting the war in the first place with the express goal of killing looting and enslaving everything in sight without warning or justification.

-deceiving the vassal armies leading to their deaths because of the mere possibility of a revolt.

-ordering a scorched earth policy on his own people with no plans for an evacuation of the populace (even Russian tsars where not that callous).

-tricking zorzal into nearly attacking the peace faction risking his and dozens of other lives as well as any nonviolent end to the conflict (this alone could have very easily bitten him in the ass).

-making zorzal his heir the guy that despises the otherworlders who are kicking the empires ass with a passion thinking he could be controlled.

-attempting to use zorzal as a scapegoat to make an alliance with Japan (but like Philip from overlord he was overqualified).

there are a whole bunch of other examples and more I am probably forgetting all with plenty of him just being callous and arrogant.

All of his plans either backfire or succeeded due to factors completely unrelated to him.

He is completely reliant on luck and his high position for his plots to succeed and to avoid repercussions when they backfire.

-making pina empress out of the blue without informing her beforehand then dismissing her desertion after cracking under the pressure because (in time she will learn the importance of her position). she comes back but only due to before mentioned unrelated factors.

-never takes Japan seriously despite its overwhelming victories he is more concerned with a vessel uprising and using their attempt at peace as an excuse to purge the senate and when he does witness the gap in power, he lectures them like children about their (excessive righteousness).

-he plans to use zorzal as bait to make an alliance with Japan, but he bases all of his assumptions on how they would respond off of the words of his naïve daughter and a single interaction with them. He was leaving the empire wide open and exposed betting its future. the plan nearly failed but again succeed due to unrelated factors.

after all this like herm and other imperial war criminals all he got was a slap on the wrist the worst to happen to Molt is being forced into retirement something he was planning on doing anyway needing a wheelchair and having to share his new puppet ruler with the senate.... Lead by sherry.

Despite repeated blunders he is never called out for them and still treated as some kind of genius for a GOT analogy He is less season 1-4 Tywin and more season 5-8 Tyrion.

critical drinker in his Asoka review when describing thrawn fits Molt perfectly.
"His entire presence in this show is nothing but a constant stream of blunders and costly defeats but he somehow acts like he is some grand strategist that always intended for it to play out this way. he is stupid person idea of what a smart person should be doing incredibly dumb things hidden beneath a thin veneer of cold composed intellectualism".

in conclusion he is a vane callus entitled arrogant and greedy know nothing know it all selfish tyrant. I really want to see him captured and tried like a common criminal then publicly executed or staring at the same set of walls for the rest of his days lamenting his failures and losses knowing that his empire is either a puppet state to the very people he wanted to conger or has been broken up and balkanized never to reunite.
Justice ain't much now that the UNDF can't subjugate all those lands in a timely banner while the empire's remnants are doing what happened to Canon!Italica everywhere.

For all I'm concerned, it may even be the palace guards that will kill Molt since we don't even know if Sadera still had its granary.
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I just realized something, after watching a video of how Iran kept harassing boats in the 80's (referencing a Fat Electrician).

The UNDF is gettin' uh, proportional. Which is adequate enough, but it couldn't hurt to do more.
really hope Molts fate is different to canon it bothers me that despite.

-order the unprovoked invasion of the warrior bunnies led by zorzal knowing full well of his (habits) and the later broken treaty.

-killed his own first-born son because he was so smart and competent, he could have challenged his power (so much for putting the wellbeing of the empire before oneself)

-playing God by ordering the mages to enlarge the gate and hold it open something that lead to the arachnid invasion and nearly ENDED BOTH WORLDS.

-ordering the invasion starting the war in the first place with the express goal of killing looting and enslaving everything in sight without warning or justification.

-deceiving the vassal armies leading to their deaths because of the mere possibility of a revolt.

-ordering a scorched earth policy on his own people with no plans for an evacuation of the populace (even Russian tsars where not that callous).

-tricking zorzal into nearly attacking the peace faction risking his and dozens of other lives as well as any nonviolent end to the conflict (this alone could have very easily bitten him in the ass).

-making zorzal his heir the guy that despises the otherworlders who are kicking the empires ass with a passion thinking he could be controlled.

-attempting to use zorzal as a scapegoat to make an alliance with Japan (but like Philip from overlord he was overqualified).

there are a whole bunch of other examples and more I am probably forgetting all with plenty of him just being callous and arrogant.

All of his plans either backfire or succeeded due to factors completely unrelated to him.

He is completely reliant on luck and his high position for his plots to succeed and to avoid repercussions when they backfire.

-making pina empress out of the blue without informing her beforehand then dismissing her desertion after cracking under the pressure because (in time she will learn the importance of her position). she comes back but only due to before mentioned unrelated factors.

-never takes Japan seriously despite its overwhelming victories he is more concerned with a vessel uprising and using their attempt at peace as an excuse to purge the senate and when he does witness the gap in power, he lectures them like children about their (excessive righteousness).

-he plans to use zorzal as bait to make an alliance with Japan, but he bases all of his assumptions on how they would respond off of the words of his naïve daughter and a single interaction with them. He was leaving the empire wide open and exposed betting its future. the plan nearly failed but again succeed due to unrelated factors.

after all this like herm and other imperial war criminals all he got was a slap on the wrist the worst to happen to Molt is being forced into retirement something he was planning on doing anyway needing a wheelchair and having to share his new puppet ruler with the senate.... Lead by sherry.

Despite repeated blunders he is never called out for them and still treated as some kind of genius for a GOT analogy He is less season 1-4 Tywin and more season 5-8 Tyrion.

critical drinker in his Asoka review when describing thrawn fits Molt perfectly.
"His entire presence in this show is nothing but a constant stream of blunders and costly defeats but he somehow acts like he is some grand strategist that always intended for it to play out this way. he is stupid person idea of what a smart person should be doing incredibly dumb things hidden beneath a thin veneer of cold composed intellectualism".

in conclusion he is a vane callus entitled arrogant and greedy know nothing know it all selfish tyrant. I really want to see him captured and tried like a common criminal then publicly executed or staring at the same set of walls for the rest of his days lamenting his failures and losses knowing that his empire is either a puppet state to the very people he wanted to conger or has been broken up and balkanized never to reunite.
I think you should really stop compare this story to the cannon since this story is clearly written with realism. Based on the fact that UNDF put tons of imperial troops and officers in front of the firing squad in Proptor for raping should have sent the clear message that Molt and many hawkist senators gonna end up in front of the firing squad or the gallows no matter what.

For all your points, let just say Everyone in the cannon from Japan to the Empire are made by Yanai to be dumb to the point that make the stupidest anime and manga character like Son Goku looked like Albert Einstein.

I dare you find decisions that Japan or the Empire make that are smarter than all the reckless and straight-forward decisions made by Son Goku.
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Even more so considering they don't have much a military left on the continent. Sure, they have many thousands of legionaries left, but leadership is FUBAR, their heavy units are all but destroyed, and all their forces outside the continent are isolated with no Navy. They had once shot to throw the UN back at Proptor and it failed. Now, they are well and truly fucked.

On another note, the low turnout and views I get nowadays does some damage to my desire to write future chapters.
so how many more chapters till the empire falls?
you said 5 in the last thread, but I forget when and how many you have added since then.
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"Not today, you orc scum!" Were the only words she spoke as the shield turned bright white, momentarily blinding all those looking in her direction. As the orc woman swung her sword and was preparing to make contact with the shield, it disappeared, taking the mage with it, and any hope of revenge for the orc woman.
Did that mage use a teleportation magic? If they got this knowledge from the science books that the Saderans stole from Earth, then the UNDF, when they occupy the Falmartial Continent, will have trouble fighting insurgents with teleportation capability!
Did that mage use a teleportation magic? If they got this knowledge from the science books that the Saderans stole from Earth, then the UNDF, when they occupy the Falmartial Continent, will have trouble fighting insurgents with teleportation capability!
I really hope it's not too late that the people of earth start a propaganda to believe all wizards are evil, and the planning to create the anti wizard association. Just like in Harry Potter, the newspaper shows "Anti-Wizard Sentiment On The Rise". I hope there won't be a hate crime for those people are born without magic harassing pesky mages. Might be planning to become a mage slayer.

For those who never seen the newspaper search it on Google then click images.
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Say is the newly ascended god actually Big G himself
Nope. He was a human named Jason Burns who lived and died during the First Contact War. A Phauthi squadron aircraft bombed a convention center in Anaheim, California as he was helping the evacuation of the people who had attended.

When he was killed, he is met by an American Soldier who had chosen him to be humanity's protector of Will Power.

Plus, Jason is a fan of Doctor Who which explains on why he appeared in front of the Falmartian gods in a blue British-Styled telephone box.
When he was killed, he is met by an American Soldier who had chosen him to be humanity's protector of Will Power.
You ever get the feeling that you have several questions, but you don't know what they are so you just ask what, how and why.

I wonder if the Phauti have actual Gods too.

Also before I reread the chapter I'm going to guess that means the French were right.
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Think a mixture of CoD Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 3, and a smattering of early Infinite Warfare levels technology. Or let me put it to you like this, if you dropped gas on top of a UNDF formation, their helmets are already enclosed and have a filter. Only rear echelon mother fuckers will be wearing "modern" helmets as we know them. Or in training.
so why dont they use Incapacitating gas on imperial positions so the hostage's both won't be harmed and can be recovered with no resistance? while the imperials lose and capturing the noble leaders of said forces so that the undf can pull the uno reverse on the hostage card.
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so why dont they use Incapacitating gas on imperial positions so the hostage's both won't be harmed and can be recovered with no resistance? while the imperials lose and capturing the noble leaders of said forces so that the undf can pull the uno reverse on the hostage card.
A knock out gas is useful. If any imperials has enchanted armor why not use nerve agent. Falmart doesn't have Geneva Convention.
Updated List of Cities Hit By Nuclear Ordnance During The War
Looking at how long ago I made this, I figure it needed an update really bad. If you guys have any questions, go ahead and ask.

The America's:

The United States

Texas: El Paso/Ciudad Juárez and Laredo.
California: San Diego, Oakland, and San Bernardino.
Utah: Salt Lake City
Nevada: Las Vegas
Louisiana: Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette, Lockport, and New Iberia.
Florida: Clearwater, Largo, St. Petersburg, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale.
Mississippi: Gulfport.
Michigan: Detroit and Dearborn
Maryland: Baltimore
Ohio: Cleveland
Arkansas: Harrison

Numerous saturation strikes in and around hardpoints in the United States, which carried cobalt-60 warheads, combined with global warming, has rendered most of the Gulf Coast uninhabitable. Between radioactive contamination and rising sea levels only exacerbated by the First Contact War, only strategically important cities along the Gulf Coast are still inhabited by American, Canadian, and Mexican military personnel. The shipyards at Pascagoula and Mobile, the Naval Base at Pensacola, and CENTCOM Headquarters in Tampa Bay, are among those which contain any major human presence along the Gulf Coast.

As it stands today in 2081, all of Florida south of Tampa Bay, is mostly abandoned due to tainted water supplies, and radiation. The same applies for most of coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Coastal Texas is mostly spared the

Brazil: Brasília, Rio de Janeiro
Mexico: El Paso/ Ciudad Juárez, Laredo, Mexicali, and Tijuana.
Chile: Talca

France: Toulouse, Toulon, and Nice.
Italy: Rome
Spain/Britain: Gibraltar and Malaga.
Turkey: Izmir, Sirnak, and Adana.
Russia: Sevastopol, Krasnodar, Astrakhan, Nazran, Grozny, Sochi, Rostov on Don, and Belgorod.

Libya: Tripoli
Egypt: Aswan and Port Said.
South Africa: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, East London, Durban, and Port Elizabeth

Israel: Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazareth, Jericho, and Bethlehem.
Iran: Tabriz, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, and Hormoz Island.
Syria: Homs, Hama, Idlib, Ar Raqqah, and Aleppo.
Iraq: Baghdad, Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, and Kirkuk.
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Buraydah, Tabuk, Jeddah, Damman, and Al Khobar.
Bahrain: Manama
Qatar: Doha
UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, and Al Ain.
Kuwait: Kuwait City
Oman: Muscat and Sohar.

Pakistan: Karachi, Hyderabad, and Multan.
India: Varanasi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Chennai.
China: Lhasa, Kunming, Baise, Tiandong, Nanning, Chongzuo, Sanya, Xingyi, Pu'er, and Hong Kong
Singapore: Singapore
Republic of Korea: Pyongyang
Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City

Australia: Sydney
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Honestly I ain't got any questions here, though I will probably post in another one of your threads. I found something interesting from a SpaceBattles fanfic.
Looking at how long ago I made this, I figure it needed an update really bad. If you guys have any questions, go ahead and ask.

The America's:

The United States

Texas: El Paso/Ciudad Juárez and Laredo.
California: San Diego, Oakland, and San Bernardino.
Utah: Salt Lake City
Nevada: Las Vegas
Louisiana: Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette, Lockport, and New Iberia.
Florida: Clearwater, Largo, St. Petersburg, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale.
Mississippi: Gulfport.
Michigan: Detroit and Dearborn
Maryland: Baltimore
Ohio: Cleveland
Arkansas: Harrison

Numerous saturation strikes in and around hardpoints in the United States, which carried cobalt-60 warheads, combined with global warming, has rendered most of the Gulf Coast uninhabitable. Between radioactive contamination and rising sea levels only exacerbated by the First Contact War, only strategically important cities along the Gulf Coast are still inhabited by American, Canadian, and Mexican military personnel. The shipyards at Pascagoula and Mobile, the Naval Base at Pensacola, and CENTCOM Headquarters in Tampa Bay, are among those which contain any major human presence along the Gulf Coast.

As it stands today in 2081, all of Florida south of Tampa Bay, is mostly abandoned due to tainted water supplies, and radiation. The same applies for most of coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Coastal Texas is mostly spared the

Brazil: Brasília, Rio de Janeiro
Mexico: El Paso/ Ciudad Juárez, Laredo, Mexicali, and Tijuana.
Chile: Talca

France: Toulouse, Toulon, and Nice.
Italy: Rome
Spain/Britain: Gibraltar and Malaga.
Turkey: Izmir, Sirnak, and Adana.
Russia: Sevastopol, Krasnodar, Astrakhan, Nazran, Grozny, Sochi, Rostov on Don, and Belgorod.

Libya: Tripoli
Egypt: Aswan and Port Said.
Israel: Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazareth, Jericho, and Bethlehem.
Iran: Tabriz, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, and Hormoz Island.
Syria: Homs, Hama, Idlib, Ar Raqqah, and Aleppo.
Iraq: Baghdad, Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, and Kirkuk.
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Buraydah, Tabuk, Jeddah, Damman, and Al Khobar.
Bahrain: Manama
Qatar: Doha
UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, and Al Ain.
Kuwait: Kuwait City
Oman: Muscat and Sohar.

Pakistan: Karachi, Hyderabad, and Multan.
India: Varanasi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Chennai.
China: Lhasa, Kunming, Baise, Tiandong, Nanning, Chongzuo, Sanya, Xingyi, Pu'er, and Hong Kong
Singapore: Singapore
Republic of Korea: Pyongyang
Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City

Australia: Sydney
Can magic and alchemy fix the irradiated environment? You make magic powerful in this story for a reason
Can magic and alchemy fix the irradiated environment? You make magic powerful in this story for a reason
I agree with you also. I hope that the Mages are given the Project: Paperclip treatment and use whatever magic knowledge that they have to be used amongst the UNDF.
Imagine the massive gravesites for those cities destroyed by the Phauthi Nuclear Strikes. A massive stone obelisk or anything similar could be erected for people to see.
Indonesia was lucky it was hit, but our sudden expansion caused by the war probably made the Phauthi fear angry Asians, especially the Vietnamese and Indonesians who went into Jungle Ghost mode.
Did the undf installed orbital weapons in Falmart? If it does, whenever they spot an imperial mage. It must be a prioritize high value target.

The question is what does it look like? Does it look like a mac from Halo? Or the hammer of dawn from gears of war?