GATE: And Thus The UNDF Fought There V2

BBC news report, March 31st, 2081: The UN Strikes Back!
"This is Renee Syhan, reporting live from New Delhi to bring you amazing news! Just hours ago, soldiers from nine different nations have struck the first blow against the enemy that declared war against our world, the Saderan Empire. The military operation was the culmination of months of preparation from every member of the United Nations. Military commanders have reported they now have complete control over the other side of Alpha Point. In a battle that lasted less than half an hour, the remnants of the army that invaded Iceland back in December, have been completely destroyed. It's been reported that of the 55,000 Saderans that awaited our soldiers on the other side, less than 6,000 have been taken prisoner. However this victory did not come without loss of life on our own side. Nearly 200 lives were lost, with nearly that same number being injured. But not all is death and destruction. In the campsite of the enemy, 57 individuals who were reported missing during the Battle of Iceland have been rescued."

"But this is only the beginning. As I bring this to you, tens of thousands of more soldiers and equipment continuously pour through Alpha Point, bringing with them the supplies and tools required to build a base on the other side. From there, the hundreds of thousands of men still waiting in Iceland can finally begin their mission. A mission to not only rescue those stolen from our world, but to defeat the enemy that dragged our world into this new war. But despite our victory against our enemy on land, what directly lays beyond Bravo Point, in Faxa Bay. Even now, military planners are still figuring out the best course of action for entering unknown seas. Naval commanders have suggested the use of underwater drones to scout the area for possible dangers for ships that will eventually cross the other side. But until that day arrives, all military operations undertaken will be based from Alpha Point."

"On top of the combat engineering units that have been crossing over almost nonstop since the battle had ended, additional combat units from Norway, Sweden, Spain, Japan, Korea, and Morocco have arrived to help secure the immediate region around Alpha Point. Even nations like the South African Republics, Kurdistan, and the Aymara Republic of Bolivia, have pledged support in this endeavor. Despite this however, thousands of protesters clamored around the streets of Geneva, Switzerland today, once again decrying the war effort as an unjustified imperialistic action. Hundreds were arrested as riot police worked hard to restore order to city streets."

"In other news, the massive build up of military personnel and equipment in Iceland, has led to massive improvements in the infrastructure across the tiny island nation. It's also led to a massive influx of currency from the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and international Red Cross members stationed there. This has come to great economic benefit for the people of Iceland, as tourism is not only at all time low, but a multitude of local business were shut down after the attack in December. In international news, due to recent events in South Africa, as well as scattered reports in rural regions regarding strange cloaked figures being seen in forested areas, all reservists are hereby required to carry their service weapons with them at all times until further notice. Active duty personnel will continue guarding key pieces of infrastructure across the globe, until the threat of further attacks has ceased."

"Renee Syhan, BBC news, New Delhi."
Emblems and Insignia: UNDF Battle Insignia
This patch was made by Katmada20xx, whose deviantart I will link here. I've also got a commission in the works from him, which basically mirrors the chapter 58 cover of the GATE manga, only with both sides being replaced with the equivalent in my fic, and Hardy facing off against you know who.

In the wake of the most devastating war mankind has ever fought, the newly formed United Nations Defense Force was formed from the remnants of the military forces of the United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, China, Korea, and Japan. Among the need for a truly integrated force to defend Earth from any and all threats, the United Nations Security Council set out to find an insignia that would best fit the members of the Defense Force, should they ever have to go into battle. While the normal United Nations flag represents the peacetime symbol of Earth's military forces, placed above the flag of their home nation, there was a need for an emblem which would represent the Defense Forces, should they ever go to war. The request was answered by a number of artists in the postwar world, and after combing through dozens of different designs, one was finally picked.

The accepted design was a redesign of the current UN flag, only done with a darker blue color, and in place of the Earth, a variant of the Medieval Heater Shield, with 7 stars set up in a circular pattern. The shield represents those standing in the way of any outside force which wishes to do harm to our world, and how they'd have to break said shield in order to do so. The stars however, have two different, but equally important meanings. The first being a representation of the major power blocs that survived the First Contact War, those who not only spent the next few decades rebuilding the shattered world left behind the invaders, but those who's militaries and governments made up the backbone of the UNDF.

The second, and arguably most important meaning, is how each star represents each of Earth's continents. How each and every nation on every continent poured unmeasured amounts of money and lives into safeguarding our world. How our world, for the first time in recorded history, is entirely united, and at peace. No warring amongst each other, but working together for a greater good. While it was hoped that such insignia would never be worn by United Nations soldiers while veterans of The War still lived, the recent attack by the Saderan Empire, has forced UN troops to switch from their light blue peacekeeping berets and patches, to the dark blue battle insignia that represents military actions. For as long as UNDF troops wear the insignia, a state of war exists between UN forces, and whomever provoked them.
Front Page of Reddit: December 3rd, 2080
I remember reading through the Worldfall fic by Thuktun Flishithy, and seeing the front page reddit bookmarks he made, I figured I might as well give it a shot, and make a reddit page of the first day the war began.

1. (1.7m) Reports are coming in about an unknown force invading the city of Reykjavik, in the nation of Iceland. Hundreds of videos show strange creatures flying in the skies, and what seem to be Roman Legionaries marching down the city streets, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Details are still scare, but Icelandic Police Forces have reported being overrun across the city, and the Icelandic president has requested assistance from the United Nations. [BBC World News]
Posted to r/WorldNews three hours ago - 223,583 Comments

2.(1.3m) Reports are coming in from nearby towns that multiple squadrons of Tempest Fighters of the Royal Air Force have been scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth in response to the attack from an as of yet unknown enemy which is sweeping over the nation of Iceland. [BBC World News]
Posted to r/MilitaryNews two hours ago - 115,670 Comments

3.(1.1m) U.S. Marines part of the Barrack Obama Fast Reaction Strike Group, cancel their exercise in Brazil early, and board their transports, with orders to deploy to Iceland immediately.
Posted to r/MilitaryNews 15 minutes ago - 123,670 Comments

4.(1.1m) I was just watching the news feed from a TV Station in Iceland, and suddenly a fucking group of Legionaries came on screen and fucking killed her. Then they started speaking in fucking English, rattling off a list of demands. Like seriously, did you guys fucking hear what he just fucking said? How the hell did he know some of the shit he was talking about? How the hell did he know about nuclear weapons? Just who the fuck are these people? []

5.(1m) Reports indicate that civilians casualties have reached into the thousands, and many thousands more have been seen on camera being dragged behind the front lines in chains. Local Police are unable to do more than set up perimeters and evacuate civilians not yet behind enemy lines.

6.(990k) Army and Marine Fast Reaction Units from around the world board aircraft and ships bound for Iceland. The governments of the United States, Canada, Russia, and the United Kingdom have stated that troops are on their way to the beleaguered nation at this very moment. [BBC World News]
Posted to r/MilitaryNews 10 minutes ago - 113,103 Comments

7.(860k) So here I am, a server at Applebee's working the noon shift, when half the phones in the place started ringing nonstop, and half the customers in the place just walk out. Literally every single soldier, airman, marine, and sailor, got up, paid, and rushed out to their cars. The TV screens are showing dragons flying across the skies in Iceland, and I'm hearing the nonstop roar of jet engines overhead, and the emergency broadcast system blaring over the TV. What the hell is going on? []

8.(855k) Haven't we had enough? Its been less than 50 years since we fought the bloodiest war in human history, and now another threat shows up on our doorstep, demanding we surrender to them. We lost just shy of 4 billion people, lost numerous cities, cultural, and religious landmarks, and suffered severe damage to our environment. Now these Saderan chucklefucks show up thinking they can do what the Phauthi couldn't do? I almost feel bad for the unholy ass whupping they'll receive once our boys get to Iceland. These fucks wanted a war, well by god they'll fucking get one. They'll get a war their descendants will remember for 1,000 years! []

9(850k) My brother just got called to mobilization from the Florida National Guard. Just minutes ago my father broke down in tears, begging him not to leave. He was a veteran, and a survivor of the Battle of Miami. He saw his home city reduced to a smoldering ruin that to this day is still that. After everything he saw and did during the war, waking up in the middle of the night crying, its not surprising he tried to physically pull my brother away from the door. Now he's just sitting on the couch with my mother, both pleading with god to allow them to go instead of my brother. I haven't gotten a call for mobilization yet, and I'm afraid of what'll happen if I do, and I have to leave. []
List of Cities Hit by Nuclear Ordinance During The War of First Contact
The America's:
The United States
: El Paso/Ciudad Juarez, San Diego, Clearwater, Miami, Salt Lake City, Laredo, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Lockport, New Iberia, New Orleans, Gulfport, Largo, Palm Harbor, Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Palm Beach, Boca Raton. Numerous saturation strikes in and around hardpoints in the United States, which carried cobalt warheads, combined with global warming, has rendered most of Louisiana, Southern and Eastern Florida uninhabitable, including most of the coastal regions. As such, the coastal areas are both flooded and radioactive, and even cities like Pensacola, Tampa, Jacksonville, and Mobile, while not suffering from nuclear strikes, suffer from the effects of rising sea levels. As it stands today in 2081, all of Florida south of Tampa Bay, is abandoned due to tainted water supplies, and radiation. The same applies for all of southern Louisiana, and all of coastal Mississippi west of Gulfport.
Brazil: Brasília, Rio de Janeiro
Mexico: El Paso/ Ciudad Juárez, Laredo, Mexicali, and Tijuana.
Chile: Talca

Toulouse, Toulon, Nice
Italy: Rome
Turkey: Izmir, Sirnak
Russia: Sevastopol, Krasnodar, Astrakhan, Nazran, Grozny, Sochi, Rostov on Don

Egypt: Aswan, Port Said
Israel: Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazareth, Jericho, Bethlehem
Iran: Tabriz, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Hormoz Island
Syria: Homs, Hama, Idlib, Ar Raqqah, Aleppo
Iraq: Baghdad, Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, Kirkuk
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Buraydah, Tabuk, Jeddah, Damman, Al Khobar
Bahrain: Manama
Qatar: Doha
UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, Al Ain
Kuwait: Kuwait City
Oman: Muscat, Sohar

Karachi, Hyderabad, Multan
India: Varanasi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai
China: Lhasa, Kunming, Baise, Tiandong, Nanning, Chongzuo, Sanya, Xingyi, Pu'er, Hong Kong
Singapore: Singapore
Republic of Korea: Pyongyang
Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City

Australia: Sydney
United Nations Military Crisis: January 6th-February 7th 2038
On January 6th 2038, twelve days after the end of the War of First Contact, Government leaders world wide voted unanimously to not only cut funding for the UN's Militaries by a large margin, but also with the hopes of de-legitimize the global military organization, seeing as they feel that it is no longer needed to defend Earth from future alien invasions and the hope of returning back to the prewar status quo. However, reaction from the world wide populace was immediate. Protesters took to the streets demanding that the government leaders repeal their decision.

Despite the protests that lasted for weeks, government leaders we're still keen on signing the law that would see the weakening of the newly formed UNDF. With the situation escalating even further, with protesters being beaten and arrested by the police while some refuse to follow their orders, the Military Commanders and Generals decided to make their move. On January 30th 2038, Military Forces loyal to the UN and those who defended the human race began entering the Capital Cities of Washington DC, London, Moscow, Beijing, and many other respective nations demanding that if the governments do not repeal their decision by February 8th, The military will remove them by force.

The police, realizing that they're now in the mercy of the UN Military, began to defect to the military forces and decide to become supportive of the protesters, even deciding to release the ones they've taken in custody, in repealing the world governments decision. With the world now against them, the governments finally capitulated. On February 7th 2038, the law to cut funding for the UN Military was finally repealed.
Let me guess, strike against Vatican City to "demoralize" the Christian-Catholic believers?
Yep, and Italy got most of its major ABM launchers, and a good chunk of its Air Force and Command Structure when Rome and everything around it got fucking flattened. Likewise, Israel lost most of its ABM and a whole lot of its military when Jerusalem got hit. Central Florida and sites in Utah got the same treatment, as did the ones in China and India. The ruins of all those places are for lack of a better term, off limits to anything vulnerable to radiation. Cobalt warheads were used, to even in places like Mecca and Medina, where Egyptian and Iranian forces tried to get back into, failed horribly.