Garden of Eden (Worm AU)

1) Yetch. Even if we don't know know how old we are in comparison to her, or how old anyone might be.

2) From canon, we only know that Dauntless, Miss Militia, Armsmaster, Chevalier, Jack Slash, and Richter are capes in this alternate timeline. And Mortifer might have AU'ed even them out of existence.

3) Yetch. Seriously.
[X] Kishar

P.S. Just so that people can remember in case they forget, there are potentially >100 players here. At what point do you think they are going to come to exact same conclusion as each other? What is going to happen is that people are going to have their own ideas of what consequences their actions will elicit that will differ to those of another person's, and this will result in them proposing a different plan to said other's.
Eventually we're going to have people going on tangents to each other, assured that their deduction is correct.
Which is why I'm going with Kishar. She's simple. Increase/Decrease gravity. Hard to munchkin, hard to infer wrongly. I would choose Eloah, but that would be hypocritical of me.
Actually, Eloah would allow me to maybe have a huge plant monsterfriend... Highly tempted to make an endbringer with the word 'Fluffy'. Highly HIGHLY tempted.
She also doesn't exist.

You mess with power you cannot hope to control with mere mortal minds! :o


Over 100 voters? Dear god, that puts a lot of pressure on me to keep up the quality.
Perhaps you could ask one someone who has shown he or she is capable of writing quality work who is participating and offer them a beta position or something to make it easier.
I want to make an Endfriend that purifies water of pollution. Basically a huge suicune.

Because that'd be good for everyone.
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Positive, and huggable are both bad. what you want is benevolent.

Changing vote: [X] Ceres
Cuz I don't want to have to argue over tinker bullshit forever, and mini-endbringers don't really appeal to me.