I don't think Mike is going home, and I don't think they exist outside their own context now. The coconut crew was described by ShiftySpooks as a memetic infestation and they convinced Mike that his real dad was the coconut king. I don't really think the coconut king exists as a singular entity anymore, if he ever did at all; I think he's just the manifestation of their shared illness. If mike actually went to talk to his dad, I think he'd find that he died long ago, and would pass on without anything to tie him anymore. Their use of words like "mango" to simply describe everything that is counter to them, reminds me of how totalitarian ideologies "destroy everything" to create a cultural framework for themselves, in which everything else is Strange And Different. I don't think this is particularly different; the meme must live, so the enemy must die and choke, no matter what, it must be given no quarter, and none must be asked for.
this is why truenorth should fuck the leader up, echo chambers happen all the time, who's better to fuck them up, make those crybabies go back to their coconut hugbox bcos they can't stand the truth, show them who's fucking boss