That shouldn't have made me laugh out loud, but it did. Thank you, I needed that.

EDIT: When did you get ninja training, Terrabrand?
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yeah thats not gonna happen

the original sets the high water mark, trying to out-zany it gets you convoluted messes like this that just burn out the author even sooner

the dice simply dont need your help
To be specific, I'm considering starting one up with significantly less order and limits than usual!

Yeah, I doubt you'll be able to get that much more.
(Have a school setting or five ready?:V)
Alright, here's the actual thought. First 21 posters to post a character? Those characters go in the pool, no matter how familiar I am with the source material or how many settings they come from. Roll a d21, the one it rolls is who I get self inserted as! And it all happens in some formless school setting (until the votes inevitably give it form).

So, crazy, brilliant, or Salt Quest material?
To be specific, I'm considering starting one up with significantly less order and limits than usual!

Alright, here's the actual thought. First 21 posters to post a character? Those characters go in the pool, no matter how familiar I am with the source material or how many settings they come from. Roll a d21, the one it rolls is who I get self inserted as! And it all happens in some formless school setting (until the votes inevitably give it form).

So, crazy, brilliant, or Salt Quest material?
If you could stick with it, Salt Quest material.
Yay! But is 47 enough for character 5 to become Chen Haze's roommate? That's the critical question, it seems.

My method for DC:

1-10 = Critical Faliure
11-49 = Only considered or mentioned by character
50 - 90 = It or something similar happens

Also in order to add another crossover, you need only to roll a 95 or above and prey to the dice gods.
Salt quest insanity aside, I have actually done background planning to accommodate changes. If you're doing something extremely crossover heavy without said planning, you're gonna be in trouble.

Unless it's this quest.

In which case you can slap a few ideas together, call it a setting, and know that it's purposefully shit.
To be specific, I'm considering starting one up with significantly less order and limits than usual!

Alright, here's the actual thought. First 21 posters to post a character? Those characters go in the pool, no matter how familiar I am with the source material or how many settings they come from. Roll a d21, the one it rolls is who I get self inserted as! And it all happens in some formless school setting (until the votes inevitably give it form).

So, crazy, brilliant, or Salt Quest material?
Yeah thats not a Salt Quest.
If you could stick with it, Salt Quest material.
Its really not.

The main conceit is that the author is themselves a Self Insert. Not some possession gig.

The setting is then shaped by the changes wrought by the votes and the die, and the SI has to navigate the hell they've walked into. Like...It's really not a Salt Quest. It's a mess from the sound of things.

I guess i'll have to get good at improvising then, won't I?
I'm good at improvising.

The bar you've set for yourself requires near godlike or even Tolkien-esque writing skill to pull off.
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In which I'm arrested by a police group that doesn't exist
So Yesterday was... insane.

I got abducted from my hotel hours before I was supposed to leave Japan, found out that no, I hadn't graduated middle school, met characters I previously thought to be fiction, saw an absolute massacre, ran around screaming, had my life turn into some sort of fighting game, and then-

Gah! Still hurts my head when I think about.

But, despite it all, I felt... strangely calm about it. Accepting of the fact that yeah, this might as well be me life now.

...Ha ha fuck no! I've been up since four am and I spent the first two of those hours screaming my heart out!

I am so lucky I don't have a neighbor.

Still, it's not like I could ditch school. I mean, I probably could, but then the insanity of everything else would catch up to me an-


"Gah what the fuck!"

My body automatically drops to the floor as something flys above me. The blur slowly reveals herself to see a brown haired girl in an aloha shirt over her school uniform as she lands on a wall and kicks herself off, doing a flying flip in the air before landing gracefully on her feet as I bring myself up to my feet.

The other people around us seem to ignore the sight beyond a quick glance our way. The two of us just stared at each other, olive-green meeting my own brown eyes.

...Give me a sec, I can figure out who this is. Uh let's see, red ribbons, green hair, brown eyes- Nope. Dammit, that shirt just throws me off.

"Sorry about that," She hesitantly chuckled, breaking the silence. "Ah, quick question! Yesterday we had clear skies with a chance of...?"

Yesterday? Clear skies with a chance of... is she talking about the battle yesterday? That one where... Nanoha I think went beserk?

"Giant... pink laser beams?" I guessed, "That's the only thing I can think of when you mention the weather."

"That's right!" The mysterious girl exclaimed as she let out a breath of what I can only guess to be relief, "So you do remember... well, I guess I'll see you at school then."

And with that she promptly began to run in the direction I could only guess was the school.

Should I...?

Nah, I can get her name later.

The school building was absolutely as I remembered it, namely super duper plain.

The people however?

"Chen Haze!" The blonde haired girl with meatballs for hair yelled as she pointed at me in front of the school gates, "Know this, I will get you in the Tunnel Snakes! No matter what it takes!"


Usagi was just as bombastic as yesterday, and unfortunately I didn't actually have someone to help me get out of this situation.

Can I just leave? I think I would be chased all over campus if she dared to do that so either I wait here and hope one of her friends would bail me out or-

"...Chen." A new voice called out to me, tugging my shirt causing me to jump up in the air only to be greeted by the cold face of one Koneko Toujou.

You know, the bitch who tried to mug me yesterday.

"Apologize," She spoke, looking away slightly. "My mistake."

"...Oh." I mumbled, calming myself down. "Well, okay."

"Hey hey hey!" Usagi exclaimed as she stormed to the two of us, "What the hell does a high schooler like yourself think you're doing here?! You've already graduated!"


"What kind?!"

"Personal business."

"Tch," Wait no don't tell me you're actually going to accept that! "Whatever, just get out of here! This guy is a mark of the Tunnel Snakes!"

The white haired girl's yellow eyes looked off to the side before I suddenly found myself flung to the side and into something soft. My vision turns into a mess of red, black, and white as I tumble onto the hard ground with a loud yep.

Ugh, what the hell-

I blinked.

The person in front of me blinked, red eyes shining bright.

My head hurts...


"Ah I'm sorr-"

I slowly dragged myself up before offering my hand to the person in front of me, a girl around my age with bright red hair and eyes. "Here."

"Ah, thank you!" She smiled brightly, taking my hand and pulling herself up to her knees. "I'm sorry that was just so sudden I didn't expect you to come flying at me!"

"It's not your fault." In fact I know just who to blame. "Hey Koneko, what the hell was that about?!"

Koneko herself just seemed to be taking the sight in front of her with... satisfaction? I can't tell.

Then she gave me a thumbs up.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" I yelled as I began to chase the older girl, who promptly decided to run away from the campus and get to her own. Eventually she turned into a blur leaving me alone with the redhead and crazy. "...Screw it. Not worth it."

"Oh shit it's the Hero Club!" Usagi yelled as she ran ahead into the school. Wonder what that was about...

"Hey, would you happen to be Chen Haze?" The red haired asked, "I've been looking for him and you look like the description Fu-senpai gave me..."

"Yep, that's me." I sighed, "You need me for something?"

"Uh-huh!" What is it this tim- "My name's Yuki Yuna and I'll be your guide!"

"You!" Hibki and I exclaimed at the same time as we spotted each other in the school office.

"You two know each other?" Yuna asked, "That's great! You're both transferring in at the same time so..."

"We met each other yesterday," I explained, "Didn't really have enough time to get to know each other really but we met."

"I see..." The redhead trialed off before looking at the clock, "Ah, I have to head to class! A teacher should be heading to meet up with you soon to give you your schedules! See you!"

And like that she was gone, giving us a slight wave waiting for someone to come get us for our first 'official' day.

"Sooooo..." I began, plopping myself in the chair next to my pale haired companion. "Transferring in as well?"

"Yeah, I just arrived from Lowee." Lowee huh? Winter wonderland. "What about you?"


"Eh?! Really?!"

"Yeah, don't know how I ended up here." I admitted, "You think if I ask they'll tell me?"

"Tell you what?" A new voice cut in. In synch, we both turned our heads to the older women who now stood in the doorway. Brown hair which touched the ground in a side ponytail and blue eyes which seemed to pierce through every mental defense I had as she began to walk closer. "You're the new students correct? My name's Takamachi Nanoha..."

Then something clicked.

"And you're both under arrest."
"You know," I began as I sat in the super cramped space next to Hibiki. The sky flying by as we had front row seats on the floor of the cockpit."This spaceship is super uncomfortable."

"We don't really know much about it," My captor admitted as she sat in the only chair in the cockpit. "It's a relic that we spiced up from an ancient civilization."

"Huh, you're using a Lost Logia as a space ship."

"It's not like they were lacking in numbers."

"Ah, excuse me but um," My companion began, "Where are we going?"

"Hm, to make a long story short. We got a dimensional signal yesterday and you two were spotted in the middle of it." Okay, I guess- wait. "So I'm taking you to my organization's, the TSAB, headquarters.

Space but-

I shared a look with Hibiki.

-20 Sanity.

"Hey," I whispered to her as I tried to recall yesterday, "Do you remember what happened when you cut that sword?"

"A-A little."

"Then I don't thin-"

"Dimensional Barrier reached, preparing to breakthrough." The ship exclaimed, causing Nanoha to blink.

"Dimensional Barrie-"

"TURN AROUND NOW!" I yelled in panic as I struggled against my bindings. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING BUT IT'S NOT WORTH WHAT'S OUT THERE!"

What's out there? What's out there?! I can barely remember and yet my entire body just shakes at the mere thought of it.

"I'm sur-"

The whole ship begins to act like it's being tossed around causing the three of us to scream as the world outside the cockpit turns to a bright rainbow. My entire body tenses up even as I'm thrown against the cold metal walls of the ship until suddenly the jerking stops as the rainbow light clears away.

"What is this..." Nanoha gasp as we observe the scene in front of us.

A desert wasteland over the ruins of a forgotten city lied before us. Incomprehensible creatures crawled the dead earth as something shined over us.

There was no sky, only a bright orange that seemed to burn the concept of heat into my mind.


A sharp pain pierced through my head as I passed out.

Ugh, my head...

"Ah, you're awake!" A voice yelled, vibrating throughout my head only serving to worsen my headache.

"Please be quiet." I mumbled out, my sore throat making itself known as I opened my eyes to be greeted with Yuna looking down over me. "Where... am I?"

"You're in the nurse's office after you collapsed with Tachibana." Huh, "The day's already over... Ah! Fu-senpai told me to go get you because she needs to talk to you about something!"

"Probably wanted to thank me for yesterday." I replied as I got off the admittedly cosy bed, "You mind guiding me there? If you're worried about my health I'll be fine."

"Eh?! Um, Right this way!"

[] Make his life a living hell

AN: Still trying to get into the swing of things, sorry for lack of craziness

Homura had an interesting day when two little girls fell from the sky looking to make a team of loli's with attitudes during her shift as a waitress.
Kuro tries to deny reality, it doesn't work.
Kero doesn't want to set the world on fire
Kanji's manliness is intact when he gets a killer bunny
Nisa begins apartment hunting
Fate wonders if turning Nanoha male could solve a relationship issues that they might have. She doesn't really know why she feels this way though.
Sakura's bloodline makes itself known and a new power might breakthrough for her
Nanoha tries to bring in Hibiki and Chen for questioning aboard her stolen spaceship, it doesn't work because she really didn't want to know what's out there.
Koneko apologizes for yesterday before making her inner shipper known
Tougo begins to make plans to help her followers of the ferret of the revolution
Issei wants to overthrow God. Hayate has no idea what he's talking about and Homura is surprisingly all on board with this idea before showing him the two girls who just arrived at their door step.
Karrin summons servant Caster in the Holy Grail War and engages in a fight with Lancer, which is promptly interrupted by Nanoha crashing her ship into the blue irish man knocking the two other passengers in her ship unconscious. She's got detention for a week on charges of Truancy.
[X] Turns out the JSDF is recruiting teenagers with attitude and training them to be fighter pilots. You just got conscripted.
Highwind threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who's the victim? Total: 15
15 15
Highwind threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How well does this go? Total: 77
77 77
[x] Realize that reality is a simulation, the universe is a hologram, and the best available stock market investment is gold.
LostDeviljho threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who? Total: 19
19 19
LostDeviljho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How well? Total: 62
62 62
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[X]Things are becoming dangerous search for the Main Character of this Game/Anime/Whatever and try to steal his/her plot armor.
ziizo threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: WHO? Total: 12
12 12
ziizo threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Plot armor stolen? Total: 34
34 34