From A Broken World: God Quest

[] Plan: Feeding Frenzy
-[]Artifacts 1 (26/50)
-[]Monsters 2 (40/40)
-[] Protect from hunger
-[] Control monsters
--[] protect the people from other monsters

Same plan as above, except we focus on the monsters this turn. We can do Artifacts next season, when we might actually have a Artifact relevant action.

Although, we are kind of ignoring our main domain.
Maybe we could transform their primitive weapons to be better?
Or transform the people themselves to be better somehow? Make hero units with special abilities like monster taming powers, night vision, or monster strength.
Maybe transform a food dispenser to be a sustainable source of food?
Perhaps even Transform the Monsters themselves? Into clothes or bags, beds, tents, weapons, etc.
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[X] Plan: Feeding Frenzy
-[x]Artifacts 1 (26/50)
-[x]Monsters 2 (40/40)
-[x] Protect from hunger
-[x] Control monsters
--[x] protect the people from other monsters

Keeping it simple this turn, to build our people up more is probably a good idea.
We can experiment with Transformation and go Artifact hunting next season.
[x] Plan food and monsters
-[x]Artifacts 1 (50/50)
-[x]Monsters 2 (16/40)
-[x] Protect from hunger
-[x] Control monsters
--[x] protect the people from other monsters
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Wonder if we can forcibly domesticate monsters with enough control. That ought to solve our food shortage.
This assumes that they can safely ingest the monster flesh.
Though we could probably make them capable of handling it if they aren't already with our Transformation domain.
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[x] Plan food and monsters
-[x]Artifacts 1 (50/50)
-[x]Monsters 2 (16/40)
-[x] Protect from hunger
-[x] Control monsters
--[x] protect the people from other monsters

Still have artifact rolls going on in the background, might as well finish it up.
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Regardless of which one wins next turn we'll finish off the other and then probably start throwing some points into our main domain to see what happens there. Kinda curious to see what we can do with it.
I think a good change to try to make to the monsters is to slow their metabolism so they are less likely to be hunting our followers, since they will need food less often and will have less energy.
Adhoc vote count started by notbirdofprey on Oct 20, 2020 at 11:35 AM, finished with 19 posts and 9 votes.
notbirdofprey threw 7 6-faced dice. Reason: Actions Total: 25
6 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 5 5
notbirdofprey threw 1 29-faced dice. Reason: Random Event Roll Total: 23
23 23
Season 3 Results
You continue to wax in strength, seeking to gain greater power and control over monsters so that you can keep them from hurting your people. As you do, you discover a new ability, and a hint at a yet greater one that could be gained.

Monsters 3, better chances of controlling monsters, can grant people monstrous traits, need

Life-related domain to modify monsters.

Protect From Hunger – Thresholds at 1, 2. 2 successes

But it is not just monsters that threaten your people, but the specter of hunger. Though they have mostly avoided it in the past seasons, the memories still haunt them and what little reserve they had has run utterly dry.

So once more you ensure that dispensers appear nearby, and that the food the produces is filling. And, mindful of the mental dangers that can be just as harmful as physical ones, you also make sure at least some of it is tasty as well.

Control Monsters – Thresholds at 1, 3, 7. 1 Success
Unfortunately, you find yourself neglecting controlling the monsters until a great tar blob nearly shatters a wall in an attempted pursuit, and only then do you pull yourself from feeding your people to make absolutely sure the monsters will not harm them. Though your newly increased skill prevents deaths, the monsters have reorganized themselves, enough that they could begin to seriously threaten your people, hunting and dividing and ambushing them like they did before. You will have to find a better way to deal with this…

Random Event Roll – 29

Fortune does smile upon your people in the aftermath of the great tar blob, for the broken wall reveals a treasure trove of artifacts: a beam of light bright enough to burn at the monsters, a helm that does not break, and most importantly of all, some sort of device which seems to map the caverns, although trying to understand what the thousands of symbols on the map mean will take much time and effort.
Great they got some weapons(a laser!), and won't need to worry about food next season.
You know, instead of looking for more artifacts, we could try improving the ones they have using Transformation and Artifacts, 2 domains working together.

@notbirdofprey can we get some info on the kind of monster traits we know about?
So we definitly need to step it up against the monsters next turn, maybe both protect from them and control them.
How would you recommend transforming them?
I asked notbirdofprey what we currently know of monster traits, that can give us some ideas.
The most obvious would be Monster Strength and Toughness. Maybe regeneration. Night vision perhaps. The power to tame/control monsters themselves.
We can probably minorly boost them as a whole with the strength and/or resilience of the monsters that prey upon them, or majorly boost a few or an individual, creating Hero units for our people.

As for the Artifacts? Make them better, stronger, add an affect or 2 that makes sense. Like the Helm making the wearer's body as tough as the helm itself.