==> Create red arrows from powers to the powers they cancel the effect of

==> Create blue arrows from powers to the powers whose effects they can duplicate

==>Create green arrows from powers owned by those who have defeated another power owner in combat to powers of those they have defeated

==> Create orange lines between powers that are dangerous in combination

==> Create purple lines between powers with a synergistic effect on one another

==> Create red rings around powers owned by individuals defeated in combat

==> Create green rings around powers of those who have defeated others

==> Create pink rings around powers owned by our friends and family

==> Create orange rings around powers that have never before been seen

==> Create blue rings around powers that would allow one to continue receiving other powers

==> Create purple rings around powers that allow for the creation of other powers
A surprise Lantern quest!
Personal Experience: Magical Girl Lecture
When you were younger, your mother showed you a recording of a lecture at Dragon Academy. It was rather... educational.

"Today, we're going to be discussing that most annoying of heroes, the magical girl. Fighting magical girls is rather similar to repeatedly banging your head against a wall: you may manage to dent or break the wall, but by the end of it, you will have a headache and will be less intelligent than when you started the process. They announce their attacks, engage in ridiculous pre-battle speeches, wear completely impractical outfits, assume that talking in the middle of a fight is a perfectly valid strategy, are hopelessly naïve, and yet still manage to win."

"If they are part of a team, killing or wounding one will often result in their teammates becoming exponentially stronger. Harming a friend will make them stronger. Attempting to belittle their beliefs will result in a mind-numbing speech and then make them stronger. Letting a fight drag on too long will make them stronger. Letting them talk too long can make them stronger. Letting them transform will make them stronger. Harming them past a certain point can make them stronger. Starting to see a pattern here?"

"They tend to be aged ten to seventeen, rarely surviving past that point. If you ever have the displeasure of encountering a grown woman using the powers of a magical girl, your best recourse is to flee or surrender. The MGs that survive into adulthood tend to be skilled powerhouses with massive webs of acquaintances. Even if you do somehow manage to kill one, her allies will do their utmost to return the favor."

"Despite how frustrating fighting MGs can be, they are not without weaknesses. Pretending to be misunderstood or redeemable will make them sympathetic and more likely to allow your escape. Interrupting their initial transformation sequence will result in an unarmored, incredibly embarrassed, and often powerless foe. Their strongest attacks are long-ranged and extremely powerful, but easily avoided. Planning your activities for the morning will either allow you to pass unhindered or introduce complications into their civilian life. Sonic attacks or ungodly loud music will make it more difficult for them to properly activate their stronger abilities."

"Your assignment for the next eighty minutes is to formulate a plan for eliminating a MG of average power. Non-lethal methods are permitted and encouraged. Assume that you don't know their civilian identity and will only have the equipment you have on by the time of submission. Thanks to their high physical resistance, 'just shoot her' is not an acceptable answer."

Got sidetracked while doing family backstory. Whoops? Oh, well.

Still hoping for more portrait recommendations before we start voting. Right now, we only have:

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[X] Twins

We would either be the long haired or short haired one, the other one would be our twin.
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Seeing as we have a monstrous father and a magical.... (Was mom a dark magical girl!?!) the top foxy one seems appropriate.
Overview: Your Parents
[X] Enchanter: One of your parents can use their abilities to make the guidelines of physics cry in a corner. They insist their abilities follow specific rules, but since their creations can't be replicated, who can tell?
-[X] Mother
-[X] Villain: This parent uses their abilities to commit actions frowned upon by the law.
--[X] Serious: They get in, complete their objective, and get out. No fuss, no shenanigans.

[X] Abomination of Nature and Humanity: One of your parents is living monstrosity who is fully capable of causing mass chaos, destruction, and death upon the unsuspecting world.
-[X] Father
-[X] Hero: This parent uses their abilities to fight crime or otherwise has helping humanity as their primary goal.
--[X] Silly: They enjoy their job waaaay too much. "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!"

[X] Twin Sister
-[X] Cooperative

[x] Female
[x] Age: 16
[x] Name: Evelyn

Your Father

Name: Aidan Adair

Nicknames: Double-A, "That Eldritch Abomination Hero"

Cape name: Catastrophe

"Tremble, villains, and despair. DOOM HAS COME TO THIS- Well, okay then. Girls, an important rule of the game: if you're going to faint just from hearing a booming, demonic voice, find a different hobby. Or wear earmuffs. Either works."

Your dad is a total goober, and proud of it. Despite his monstrous appearance, which is supposedly capable of supernaturally inducing temporary madness and fear in those near him, he has stubbornly remained on the side of the angels for over thirty years. Fortunately, you've always been immune to his aura, so you can't comment.

Thanks to several bounties on psychopathic villains he took down early in his career, he doesn't really bother with a real day job. Instead, he mostly just goes out and patrols, or as your mother puts it, "goes looking for trouble."

After large amounts of pestering some perfectly reasonable arguments, you have managed to get him to bring you along on a few outings. Your mom objected, but you were able to annoy her into submission convince her as well.

Of course, then Mom insisted on outfitting you with most of her own protective equipment, but you were alright with that. What you were not okay with was Dad referring to you and your sister as "My minions, Thing One and Thing Two." It's been eight years since that incident and the internet still hasn't forgotten. All attempts to purge mention of yourselves from Dad's wiki page have failed. Thank god your mother insisted on rendering you unrecognizable before letting you go out.

In any case, your mother managed to make him a bracelet for the purposes of giving him a human form. Supposedly, it copies the shape from an alternate version of your father via some complicated method that went right over your head. He hates wearing it and barely ever does so, though.

Your Mother

Name: Elspeth Adair

Cape name: None, briefly Apparition

"If you give them what they expect, a lot of people will just stop looking."

Some capes have abilities which make the known laws of physics go off and cry in a corner. Your mother creates objects which not only do that, but then decide to steal their lunch money and hide the criminal action from any other passing laws of reality.

She doesn't bother with dramatic speeches, excessively-complex plots, or anything else many villains attempt. She rarely bothers with a single cape name, instead choosing to take full and malicious advantage of illusions to change her costume before every heist. Despite being an Enchanter, she has avoided using anything but protective items, personal enhancements, stealth equipment, and illusions. She has other equipment, but is saving those objects for emergencies.

Your mother hasn't even bothered to disguise her blatant attempts to turn you and your sister to crime. Despite her claim of merely wishing to teach her daughters the dangers of the world, you note that most of the "dangers" she's warning you about just to happen to be of the heroic variety. "Mother's self-defense lessons" have become somewhat of a family joke, much to the confusion of outsiders.

You've never managed to get her to take you along on a job, but she has been willing to occasionally record her progress. And then destroy the records later, of course, but her primary concern appears to be the acquisition of raw materials for Enchanting.

She has a large amount of equipment stored away for the day you and your sister become capes.

When you were young, you managed to convince your mother to make you a gauntlet capable of generating snowballs upon command. Harmless, right? She has regretted the decision to give you one ever since. It is a wonderful weapon for when your parents are being passive-aggressive and refusing to speak with one another.

How they met:

Your parents met and bonded over wanton destruction. Your mother had intended to steal everything from Overseer's local supply depot after he attempted to expand to your hometown, while your father (Catastrophe) wanted to just destroy Overseer's surveillance drones. They compromised: Catastrophe would eliminate the perimeter defenses while your mother, who called herself Apparition, would steal any unused material and/or supplies.

They met a couple more times to oppose Overseer's continued attempts to be a creeper, and as your father puts it, "things went downhill from there."

Alrighty, officially starting appearance vote now. I'll still count the few votes tossed in just prior to this unless someone changes their mind.

[] Foxy

[] Mordred

[] Twins​

[] Maka

[] Q

[] Suit

[]Write-in (insert photo here)
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So, thanks to our choice of mother we're going to get some special gear after character creation is done?

can we do evil twin good twin?

If we do, we'll have to take turns. It's not like anyone else can tell us apart anyway.

...And now I want to see rival teams of heroes and villains, each with one twin, but occasionally they swap places without telling anyone.

Anyway, I like 'suit' best.

[X] Suit
can we do evil twin good twin?

Erm... I suppose? Maybe? After we're finally over and done with SCIENCE! and a power has been picked, I'll be slightly tweaking Evelyn's personality based on the first few votes people go for. You'd have to come up with something rather strange to prevent your twin from following your lead, though, since "Cooperative Twin" won by an overwhelming margin.

If we do, we'll have to take turns. It's not like anyone else can tell us apart anyway.

...And now I want to see rival teams of heroes and villains, each with one twin, but occasionally they swap places without telling anyone.

Or this works too.

So, thanks to our choice of mother we're going to get some special gear after character creation is done?

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[X] Suit

can we do evil twin good twin?
I think that we would need to be the good twin in that situation. It seems that personalities are us taking more after our mother, and our sister taking more after our father. The other side of things needs to go the other way around.

Erm... I suppose? Maybe? After we're finally over and done with SCIENCE! and a power has been picked, I'll be tweaking Evelyn's personality based on the first few votes people go for. You'd have to come up with something rather strange to prevent your twin from following your lead, though, since "Cooperative Twin" won by an overwhelming margin.
This works.