Forsaken: A Survival Island Quest

Her hand quickly reached inside her backpack, made a twisting motion, and then she vanished. Well, not really vanished. She very swiftly got up and left the beach, striking rapidly into the forest. I know that, I remember seeing her do that. But back then, I didn't notice at all; it was like there was a mental blind spot around her. I went back to tending the fire, completely ignoring her presence as she scurried away. It was only a few minutes later, when the effect wore off or she ran out of range that I suddenly remembered where the missing piece of jerky had gone. At that point, of course, she was long gone.

Well. At least I now know how she managed to survive for so long.
Related? :V


Originally I thought that the symbol on her bag may just be a coincidence, considering how the Manji/Wan Zi is a common symbol in Asia, but her bag and her German speech both kinda leave us with a not-so-pleasant image of her background.

Her Stealth looks to be pretty strong, considering how it prevents people from recognizing that she's present, rather than simply camouflaging her and muffling sound around her. The only real defense against it would be to have traps around the area, since she'd still set them off and be captured/hurt even if we don't notice them going off. (Although we may be unable to recognize she's stuck, which could allow her to possibly escape).

[X] Scavenge: I have food, but it's always wise to find more. I'll stick to places I know, see if I can scrounge anything up
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best..
-[X] Shoes: We have skin left over from killing the pig. Might as well make something useful out of it.
[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Interact: These people or creatures are interesting and perhaps helpful.
-[X] The Runt: The Titanshell crab with a clam for a home is always slower than the others. It's pitiful, and perhaps more malleable than the others.
[X] Scavenge: I have food, but it's always wise to find more. I'll stick to places I know, see if I can scrounge anything up
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best..
-[X] Shoes: We have skin left over from killing the pig. Might as well make something useful out of it.
[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Interact: These people or creatures are interesting and perhaps helpful.
-[X] The Runt: The Titanshell crab with a clam for a home is always slower than the others. It's pitiful, and perhaps more malleable than the others.
I'd rather we go native and adapt to not needing shoes, our feet tough enough to run over jagged stones without flinching. Otherwise we'll be left with soft feet if anything happens to our shoes.

Besides, our survivor hasn't complained about sore feet once (must be the 10 Vit), but he has lamented his lack of a spear.
[X] Scavenge: I have food, but it's always wise to find more. I'll stick to places I know, see if I can scrounge anything up.
[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best.
-[X] Spear(s). Weapon, walking stick, and tool for things at a distance. Simple too, what's not to love?
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Learn to use new spear(s).

Somehow, I doubt that trying to track down a woman who can go unnoticeable at a moments notice is likely to work out for us. Even if we spot her and try to make contact, she'll probably panic again, vanish, and we'll have wasted an action.
[X] Scavenge: I have food, but it's always wise to find more. I'll stick to places I know, see if I can scrounge anything up.
[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best.
-[X] Spear(s). Weapon, walking stick, and tool for things at a distance. Simple too, what's not to love?
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Learn to use new spear(s).

Somehow, I doubt that trying to track down a woman who can go unnoticeable at a moments notice is likely to work out for us. Even if we spot her and try to make contact, she'll probably panic again, vanish, and we'll have wasted an action.
That's...a good point. I guess the only way we could get her to stick around after catching up with her is to stealthily take away her magic backpack first. And then we'd have to take responsibility for her well being, since it seems to be the only thing keeping her alive. And we probably wouldn't be able to communicate with each other anyways.

What else should we do? We just scored a decent supply on top of our awesome trait, so our food situation isn't urgent. Since climbing trees seems to have saved us from a lot of the most dangerous things we've encountered so far:

[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best.
-[X] Spear(s). Weapon, walking stick, and tool for things at a distance. Simple too, what's not to love?
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Learn to use new spear(s).
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Climbing.

After this we can practice vine swinging and our transformation into Tarzan will be nearly complete.
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Originally I thought that the symbol on her bag may just be a coincidence, considering how the Manji/Wan Zi is a common symbol in Asia, but her bag and her German speech both kinda leave us with a not-so-pleasant image of her background.
Her bag hardly says more about her than a machete does about us, or the lamp about the skeleton we found in the vines. People dropped here seem to have one special item with them, and the backpack looks very distinct compared to everything else the woman has.

Why is she The Secretary, though?

[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best..
-[X] Shoes: We have skin left over from killing the pig. Might as well make something useful out of it.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best.
-[X] Spear(s). Weapon, walking stick, and tool for things at a distance. Simple too, what's not to love?
[X] Interact: These people or creatures are interesting and perhaps helpful.
-[X] The Runt: The Titanshell crab with a clam for a home is always slower than the others. It's pitiful, and perhaps more malleable than the others.
Her bag hardly says more about her than a machete does about us, or the lamp about the skeleton we found in the vines. People dropped here seem to have one special item with them, and the backpack looks very distinct compared to everything else the woman has.

Why is she The Secretary, though?
Pinstripes on her clothing, I believe. Makes her office-like, probably.

[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best.
-[X] Spear(s). Weapon, walking stick, and tool for things at a distance. Simple too, what's not to love?
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Learn to use new spear(s).
[X] Interact: These people or creatures are interesting and perhaps helpful.
-[X] The Runt: The Titanshell crab with a clam for a home is always slower than the others. It's pitiful, and perhaps more malleable than the others.
[X] Explore: I need to know more about the island, it's secrets and it's mysteries.
[X] Craft: I should really make something to help me on this island, even if my skills aren't the best.
-[X] Spear(s). Weapon, walking stick, and tool for things at a distance. Simple too, what's not to love?
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Learn to use new spear(s).
[X] Train: My survival skills are lacking; I must fix that. The Island doesn't forgive.
-[X] Climbing.
There will be a tipping point during your stay, a point when things will start getting familiar. You will still be cautious of the island, but you won't be as scared of it anymore. The brain is highly plastic, and can get used to anything. For me, it took a week. Of course, I wouldn't necessarily call it my home yet, and there are still a lot of dangers I have yet to conquer, secrets to uncover and mysteries to tame. But, if you're like me, then at this point you're past the first hurdle. So take heart.

Speaking of, the jerky from the pig's heart is extra tough. I recommend just boiling it instead of trying to make it into jerky.

There was very little left of the pig after the butchery yesterday. After I had my fill of the soup and collected the jerky, I buried the unusable remains. Believe me, if the stomach hadn't been mutilated in my process of cutting it out, I would have tried to use it as a water-proof container (no, I'm not cheating on Pot; it's just something on the side). All I had left from my first kill (aside from the jerky) were some stretches of skin that hadn't been cut to pieces. For now, I just removed the flesh from them and hung them on a wall in my cave. Maybe I'll make some gloves or shoes. Would need some needle and thread though...

I did manage to make something today, however: Spears! Three of them in total, I made them from saplings. I suggest you find ones that are about your height and smooth, a few centimeters wide and dead; otherwise they don't feel right. Then, stick the shaft into a fire and sharpen until it's black, stiff and pointed.

What? You wanted one with a sharp stone at the end? Doesn't work; trust me I tried. You need stronger rope than vines to make it work. It starts wobbling and shaking right after you tie it; completely useless for hunting or fighting. The whole thing might come apart after a few hard throws. The fire-sharpened sticks are cheaper and more reliable, until you find or make better rope that is.

The rest of the day was spent practicing with them, either as projectiles or melee weapons. While my familiarity with them wasn't as great as it was with my machete, I could definitely feel my body acclimatizing to them. My throws grew surer, my strikes firmer and I fumbled a lot less. I could definitely hurt someone with these, and maybe I won't even have to get up close to do it. The bruises on my chest throbbed in agreement.

Aside from the spears, today was a pretty slow day. I decided to stick close to my cave, cautious of any other castaways or natives. I had wanted yesterday to be a slow day, and yet I ended up fighting a pig and playing host to a deranged Neo-Nazi. Or a woman with a Nazi backpack. Whatever.

Today, at least, I didn't venture far, barely out of sight of my cave. I needed some to time to process recent events, center myself again, before I head out tomorrow. And when I do, it will be with these spears.


This jerky is delicious.

Day 7

My dreams have been getting worse recently. I don't know if it's something I ate, but the golden eyes are still there, except this time they started calling me names. Thankfully, I don't feel any different when I'm awake, which I hope means I'm not delirious.

Moving on. Today, I'm heading out for another exploration and scavenging mission. I still have two whole days worth of food left, but that just means it'll take two more days for me to starve. I should probably institute a personal rule about that, like 'always go out scavenging if your food stores drop below three days worth'.

I headed south this time, following the curve of the mountains instead of the shore. I only had my three spears, my machete, the lamp and the harness on me. The rest I kept back at the cave (the jerky was wrapped in waterproof leaves, stored in a coconut and then buried), although I kept a few pieces of meat to chew on if I got hungry.

The woods immediately surrounding my cave began to clear up, but they didn't quite become like the open grassland. I traveled far that day, before the sun even reached it's apex, and even managed to reach a wide river. I decided not to ford it though, given the dark, oblong shapes slicing through the water. Eels perhaps? They weren't in the river back in my forest.

I mentally shrugged and started heading south. So far, I had found a few pieces of edible fruit, things that looked like bananas but bright red. And straight. I knew they were edible because I found their discarded peels around their trees. A few tests showed they were harmless, and eating one found them a bit tangy, but otherwise palatable. Finally, a vegetable that made sense! No bizarre motility or poison or the capacity to explode! Just some normal, non-domesticated fruits that are full of seeds. I carefully picked the seeds out before eating; only polite. And it seems that's what every other customer at this fruit stand had done, judging by the amount of seeds scattered around. I can get a hint when it's this obvious.

I grabbed a few and noted the location of the banana grove for later, and continued my journey southwards. I headed away from the river, seeking the shore, which is basically an edge-piece with regards to cartography.

We almost missed each other, both of us walking quietly through the woods. My feet were louder, but he seemed preoccupied by a wound on his hand. But my feet accidentally hit a patch a dead leaves and his head whipped towards me. The grunt of pain he made at the movement alerted me too, and then we both started at each other through the trees, scant meters between us.

"Gedra", the tattooed and face-painted native hissed. A look of wonder and wariness flashed across his face, almost too fast to see. He took a step towards me.

[] Write-in (Note: You can choose a name for yourself here, if you want)
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Whoops... Well, now what?

Is he 'native' in the tribal sense, or native like the Other and in comparison to the Secretary, who is recognizably from civilized world?

[X] Wary, but polite stance. You did the same with the Secretary, and you did find out that she had- Whatever it was that made you forget her.
-[X] Don't approach, but don't attack either.

EDIT: Actually, we really should start checking the Lantern. If it kind of like an NV goggles -only the user can see clearly- then we might want to start roaming at night.
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Curious, sadly our medical skills and supplies are almost nonexistent, so we can't offer to fix his hand to break the ice.

[X] Wary, but polite stance. You did the same with the Secretary, and you did find out that she had- Whatever it was that made you forget her.
-[X] Don't approach, but don't attack either.

a point when that things will start getting familiar.

I suggest you find one's that are about your height
my strikes more firmer

Today, at least, I didn't do venture far,

if your food stores drops below
[X] Wary, but polite stance. You did the same with the Secretary, and you did find out that she had- Whatever it was that made you forget her.
-[X] Don't approach, but don't attack either.
[X] "Jeffery
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[X] Wary, but polite stance. You did the same with the Secretary, and you did find out that she had- Whatever it was that made you forget her.
-[X] Don't approach, but don't attack either.
[X] "Jeffery"
I don't have any good ideas for a name, and that's fine. A name is something for other people to use to interact with us. If we ever interact with anyone else (like this guy) long enough to warrant one, then they can call us what they want.

And the name they choose will indicate how they see us. Like how we named The Other and the Secretary.
[X] Wary, but polite stance. You did the same with the Secretary, and you did find out that she had- Whatever it was that made you forget her.
-[X] Don't approach, but don't attack either.
Is he 'native' in the tribal sense, or native like the Other and in comparison to the Secretary, who is recognizably from civilized world?

Think stereotypical native, with a loincloth made of reeds, necklace of strange items and holding a spear that's far more advanced than your own. You think he's a native because, unlike the Secretary or even you, there's not a part about him that's not from this island.

I will note that you don't get a sense of wrongness that you get from the Other, but that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous.

Also, for the name, I would like at least four votes for a name to count; otherwise it will be as if you didn't choose a name. Not that big a deal; at any point from now on, you can choose a name for yourself. But I would like a majority vote for the name to stick.
On another note, I'm closing the vote on what to do, as there doesn't seem to be much debate on it. The name vote will still be open for another two hours. Seeing if I can get the update out by then.