Forsaken: A Survival Island Quest

ok paranoia kicking in again
Zhade just place insightful either its a compliment or there will be a roll either the skull do mischief or encountering skull or both
[X] Gather
-[X] 25 Handfuls of Quickweed
[X] Find Food
-[X] Scavenging (DC10, 1d6)
--[X] Boost Action (7 Days Remaining)
[X] Craft
-[X] Atlatl. Not much more than a piece of wood the length of my forearm with a cup/notch carved into the end for the spear butt, the leverage of this simple spear thrower will greatly increase my range, power, and accuracy.
[X] Train
-[X] Accuracy. Get used to the atlatl.
Heads up, but no update today or during the weekend; I need to go through my Bestiary and bring it up to snuff.

The gathering action is for when you know both what and where something is. Compared to the Scavenge action, you will always get something from it. However, it is still a roll, so you may need to invest more actions in case you want the entire 25 bunches. The roll for this is a d20, with a minimum roll of 5 (should have put this in the update, apologies).
Okay, so it's based on rolls, and we can improve our chances by either taking extra actions or using the Boost feature right? Since I'd rather knock this quest out as quickly as possible (we need to head North before our lantern runs out for good), would this work out?

[X] Gather x2
-[X] At least 25 Handfuls of Quickweed
--[X] Boost Action (7 Days Remaining)
[X] Find Food
-[X] Scavenging (DC10, 1d6)
--[X] Boost Action (7 Days Remaining)
[X] Craft
-[X] Atlatl. Not much more than a piece of wood the length of my forearm with a cup/notch carved into the end for the spear butt, the leverage of this simple spear thrower will greatly increase my range, power, and accuracy.

Training will have to wait. Hope this doesn't stress us out too much.
Collect 30 Quickgrass
It's been two weeks since I drifted onto the Island, two weeks of frantic survival. I am sometimes unsure of how I managed to last this long. I guess I have my semantic memory to thank. While knowing who I am and where I come from would be a blessing, I can't deny that the fragmented bits of knowledge I've recollected are useful.

Two weeks of living here has acclimatized me to this place. My nights are never quiet, full of screams and roars as the creatures far mightier than me hunt. My days are spent as a rat, hiding and fleeing, desperate to grab any extra piece of food I can acquire. My skin has become darker, my hands and feet rougher and my nails are ragged. I stink of salt, as the sea is the only place I can wash myself, and I fear my face is becoming weathered before it's time.

And yet, this Island still manages to surprise me. A giant hermit crab throwing fresh seafood at you was never something I expected.

It was delicious.

There is a moral in this, but I leave it as an exercise to you, the reader. I'm more concerned with preserving the leftovers.

Gathering grass is also one of those things I never imagined I would do. Herbs? Yes. Mushrooms and reeds? Perhaps, after I found which are safe to eat. But grass? I'm not even sure humans can eat such things. Some flora you can boil into soup, but grass always looked too unfulfilling even for that. If I were to boil the grass I found on this Island, I may as well be drinking water. Unless I found actual grains, like rye and rice, grass would never be on the menu. I couldn't even use it for crafting; most of the grass here barely grew longer than my hand. Too thin and weak for cordage.

But when a Witch asks you for payment, you pay.

Keeping in mind what the Witch said, I searched the small area I had come to view as "my territory". Finding grass was easy. Finding Quickgrass was harder. It is easy to say 'find the grass that sways with no wind'. But actually finding such grass was a trickier task than I had anticipated.

Especially if it's a windy day.

I spent an entire day searching for the blasted things. I could only search when the wind had died down, which never lasted for long. The weather was abominable; perhaps something was coming? I may need to bunker down in the coming days.

In the meantime, I began another crafting project. My spears have proven useful so far, even though I've rarely had to use them directly. Hunting is dangerous on this Island. Nevertheless, the spears have proven adequate if I needed to scare away some rats. But I've been considering how to extend my reach. My throwing ability with the spears leaves something to be desired, and if I wish to truly hunt using such tools, I would need spears that would fly further and hit harder.

My broken memory spat out something useful for me. An Atlatl, a spear-thrower. A simple device, a stick that would have a notch at the end for the butt of a spear, with a weight for support. The entire thing acts as a lever, allowing me to throw my spears with much more force than a simple overhand throw ever could. I managed to puncture deep into a tree while testing it.

I built and tested it over the course of two days, careful not to draw too much attention to myself. The sound of a spear hitting wood is very distinctive and carries.

My accuracy could use some work, but at least I familiarized myself with it.

[Atlatl: +2 on Spear throws]
My search for Quickgrass sped up once I was able to identify them. The Witch hadn't said everything; they only looked like grasses from a distance. They actually had multiple, branching stems instead of just one. They were more like long, thin leaves then grass.

The swaying I was told about is fascinating. It seems that they can detect warmth; sunlight causes them to slowly shift about, trying to rotate themselves to get the maximum amount to land on their surface. It's almost as if they're fighting each other for it. They're very sensitive too. Simply standing in a patch causes them to swirl around you, like a slow, green whirlpool. A bit dizzying.

I quickly gathered as much as I could carry, then tied it together with string before searching for more. I stopped by the cave now and then to store them, as they quickly grew heavy, but the task was much easier than I had envisioned.

It wasn't enough though. I acquired enough to fulfill the Witch's first task, but not the second. Not enough to learn something.

And I did have only one week before the lamp goes out...

[+8 Quickgrass]
[+13 Quickgrass]

Night gathering was not fun. Even if it was in more familiar environments. The Island wakes up at night, and it's not very friendly.

A Tusker found me. Must have wandered into it's rooting ground or something. It chased me for a bit, and I managed to give it the slip in the river, but not before it wounded me. A single cut across my leg, the skin flapping down. Luckily, the tusk avoided striking too deep; I can still use the leg, although I am slowed by it.

I managed to make my way back to the sea and was able to boil some water to clean the wound. I used the last of my rags to warp and bind it, after sterilizing the best I could.

[Moderate Wound: -2 to Celerity rolls for 1 Week]
[Boosts nulled for next three days]

Gathered lots of Quickgrass however.

[+9 Quickgrass]
Day 15
I needed to eat. So, ignoring the pain in my leg, I set out. My stomach was full, but my stores were depleted and I needed food to stay alive

What saved me were the memories of a crow. I remembered good foraging sites from the air, places where I was most likely to find something to eat. Most of it was plants, things like roots and fruits that were tasteless, but filling. I did come across the freshly killed carcass. I didn't know what it was, but it was big and there were still lots of meat left. Scaring the scavengers away took some doing, but I managed to hack off enough to last me a rough three days.

I don't know what it says about the Island and me that I managed to find more food wounded and slow then when I was whole.

The Witch hadn't given a specific time for the task to be completed, just "in a couple of days". Not an exact unit of measurement, but I feel like the deadline is approaching. There is still enough light today for a trip, but my wound would slow me...

How much of the Quickgrass do you give the Witch?
[] 25 Handfuls, as she requested
[] 30 Handfuls, more than she asked for

Do you seek medical aid from the Witch?
[] Yes, she may have some healing arts to speed my recovery
[] No, the wound isn't deadly and I do not wish to be further in her debt

GM: Enough votes and I may update again tonight.​
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[X] 30 Handfuls, more than she asked for
[X] No, the wound isn't deadly and I do not wish to be further in her debt
Since the grass is useless to us until Shelog teaches us how to use it, I don't mind parting with a mere 5 handfuls to butter her up a bit.

@Zhade question, do we need medical supplies to treat the wound on our own, or do we just need to dedicate an action to it?
[X] 30 Handfuls, more than she asked for
[X] No, the wound isn't deadly and I do not wish to be further in her debt
[X] 30 Handfuls, more than she asked for
[X] No, the wound isn't deadly and I do not wish to be further in her debt
So considering recent events, how do people feel about investing in leather working tools and making some leather armor next time we have crafting actions available?

We'd probably want to start with our thighs, since they seem to be popular targets for punishment. :p
hhhmm we could make strips and weave it into pants or a kilt?

Okay, after finally getting off of work, I was able to do some amateurish research on leather armor. Apparently our ultimate goal in that direction is lamellar armor, which is made from layers of platelets/scales of boiled leather/rawhide sewn together in horizontal rows. Which is good, because boiling leather will be a lot easier for us than treating it. We can also coat the scales in animal fat/glue or some kind of resin lacquer to weather proof them and increase their durability.

This design will give us the most protection and mobility, and it will be much easier to maintain than solid pieces of molded leather, by replacing damaged scales. But we will need high Weaving and Leatherworking skill and a lot of time to make each piece: vest/cuirass, pants/cuisses, vambraces, greaves, etc.

But before we can do any of that, we need access to some kind of cloth to use as an underlayer or lining. Otherwise any kind of armor will chafe and skin us something awful. know looking at this, I could probably make an omake out of it if I had some kind of narrative to work with.
@Zhade question, do we need medical supplies to treat the wound on our own, or do we just need to dedicate an action to it?

Apologies for just getting to this now. Because of Unquenchable, so long as you spend a single action on it over the week, it will heal. If you don't, it will still heal, but at a much slower pace.

Spending an action on it basically assumes you're devoting an adequate amount of time on the wound (cleaning, applying cloth, etc) instead of the bare minimum. Competent Medical really helps you out there.
I'm back after disappearing from this for two months (durrr) :V

[X] 30 Handfuls, more than she asked for

[X] No, the wound isn't deadly and I do not wish to be further in her debt

Unsure if the vote is closed (my apologies if it is), but this does seem like the best option. A chance to improve our relations with the Witch is much more important than 5 handfuls of a plant that is abundant in our territory, considering her knowledge and how much she's helped us (and may end up helping us in the future).

While I want to ask her for healing, being put back into her debt immediately after we got out of being in her debt doesn't strike me us the best thing to do, and we do have a very robust physique so I am tentatively voting for no healing (although we probably want to take it easy on our wounded leg).
[X] 30 Handfuls, more than she asked for
[X] No, the wound isn't deadly and I do not wish to be further in her debt
"You're early. I wasn't expecting you for a few more days."

I shrugged wordlessly. No need to make a commotion about it. I reached into my bag where the grass was packed together tightly and began taking the bundles out.

Her eyebrows raised after the fifth bundle and raised even higher after the twenty-fifth. After I had laid out all thirty, she spoke up dryly.

"Is that it?"

I let small smile form on my face. "As much as I could find within the last two days."

"Hmm." She said, thoughtfully. "When you came back so soon, I thought you were just trying to clear your debt. I thought you would only bring me five. But you don't bring me five. You don't even bring me twenty five. You bring me thirty."

"I found a little extra. I had no need for it, so I decided to give it to you." I sat myself on the ground in front of her. I had collected all those grass to learn something and gods be damned, I wasn't leaving until I did.

The Witch's eyes flicked to the wound on my leg. "Not without some trouble it seems."

"It's nothing." I said firmly. "I can deal with it myself."

There was a pause, and the Witch nodded. In respect? Pity? Agreement? I'm not sure.

"You said you would teach me something." I began, growing impatient. I can't spend the entire day here.

"Of course." She interrupted. "I always fulfill my bargains. Now sit. This will take some time."

Quickly, she took a bundle of grass and started arranged them on a flat piece of rock.

"Quickgrass is valued throughout the Island. It's not a medicine however, for you would never give it to someone who's sick. It is a drug."

Using a small, sharp stone, she nicked each blade of grass at the stem, then began squeezing the sap out.

"The sap is what's important; it's what gives the Quickgrass it's ability to seek sunlight. Everything else is unimportant." So saying, she tossed the empty grass to the dirt. The collected sap was a clear blue color, sticky, viscous and slightly acidic.

"Not everyone uses it of course. Mainly warriors and hunters. The ones who stay at home have no need of it. They say we once imbued it for recreation, but I find such a notion fantasy."

The blue sap was scraped together until it formed a single glop. The entire thing was then forced into a small necked flask, which was held over a fire. A wooden vial was held over the top.

"The sap needs to be heated, which will take a few minutes. Be careful not to hold it there for too long, as the sap can break apart and you'll be left with only useless black gunk."

The Witch's movements were smooth, efficient. If I were to do the same thing, I wouldn't approach her level of expertise and competency. At the very least, I could still follow them and understand what to do.

"What's the flask for?" I asked, partly out of curiosity and partly to show that I was still paying attention.

The Witch's hand was still firmly gripped on the flask and vial. "The sap will melt and rise to the top. That is what you need."

Condensate. Must not be a very efficient process if she's doing it by hand. Then again, we are on an Island. Things like glass and ceramics are unavailable here.

"Done." The Witch exclaimed. She did a complicated little motion with both the flask and the vial, before removing and stoppering the vial with a wax cap. "You must be careful not to let too much air into the vial, otherwise the mixture will be rendered useless."

"Alright." I said, reaching for the vial. She didn't hand it over. Of course. "What does it do?"

"It affects your mind." She said, bluntly. "It infuses it with the speed and quickness that it once gave the Quickgrass. Drink a vial's worth, and for the next hour your thoughts and movements will move quicker than sunlight."

"I can see how that would be useful." I murmured.

"Quite." The Witch's smile was anticipatory. "Now that you know how to do it, make six."

The time passed slowly. Painstakingly, I learned how mimic the Witch's motions, extract the sap and collect the condensate in a manner that wouldn't expose it too much to cool air. The Witch had a plethora of vials and flasks, baked from river mud it turned out.

It's a good thing I brought thirty bundles; making a single vial took five and my results on the first four were...less than stellar.

The Witch herself was much more strict and harsh than she usually was, but I noticed how she would hesitate sometimes, whenever I made a mistake or didn't do something perfect. It seems teaching is not something she normally gets to do and was trying to make sure she did a good job. And I'll accept a little harsh instruction if it means I make a drug and not a poison.

"Passable." The Witch finally said. I sighed in relief. I was growing tired of her judging all my efforts as poorly. Even if I accidentally exploded the vial on the third attempt.

"Here then." The Witch said, handing over a full vial and a flask. "I'm not so sure you can make these by yourself, given what I've seen today. Better this you making an poor vessel and killing yourself."

I reached for them, a thanks on my lips, when I stopped. "And what will this cost?"

She smiled. "You're learning fast. But yes. I need someone to gather ingredients for me. Herbs and roots, from places I cannot go to. My duties bind me, and I have some mobility thanks to my Abodes, but not enough. You can go where I cannot, gather what I can't."

"All that for a flask and vial?" I asked. It didn't seem worth it, considering I could probably make my own with some trial and error. They weren't that complicated.

"Of course not. But they would be the basis of an agreement between us, a contract if you will. You bring me what I ingredients I request and I teach you what they do and how to use them. I may even give you some useful reagents of my own. And you won't need to bring in as high a quantity as you did today to learn something."

Interesting. On one hand, it was a good deal. Having more items like the Quick potion would do wonders to help me survive. On the other hand, doing so would bind me tighter to the Witch, which may or may not be a good thing.

[] Accept
[] Refuse

"In any case, here's your own Quick potion." The Witch said, handing me the only success I had achieved by myself. I shook the vial slightly, but it was stoppered tight. Good.

"Make sure to drink it immediately once you open it.It's best to drink it all in one go as well, otherwise the air might leak in."

+1 Quick Drug: Grants one extra Celerity die for one hour

I was just getting ready to take my leave, when I heard a rumble in the distance. It sounded, and felt, like a stampede, but oddly regular. Like the animals were marching in perfect step, instead of chaotically.

"Looks like the Gän are hunting again." The Witch said, her head tilted to the side. "Noisy fools."

"What are they
hunting?" I asked, in disbelief. The noise sounded like it belonged to something you would run away from, not hunt.

"Great beasts, what else?" The Witch sounded exasperated. "The Gän refuse to eat plants, so they have to hunt large game to feed themselves. They do this every month, run down one of the larger creatures to butcher. It can last them for the entire month, if they don't forget themselves. Which has happened many a time."

She sighed, and began putting away her vials and flasks, as well as whatever she managed to salvage from my unsuccessful attempts. "You could try joining them you know. They don't believe in that Lamb nonsense and there's no quicker way to the Gän's heart than in taking part in one of their hunts."

I considered. Joining such a hunt would no doubt be dangerous, but there is a chance I could learn much and gain more. Not just in food, but in allies. The Gän were hunting the Tio, weren't they?

Everything has a price. Choose one:
[] You refuse to take part in any such hunt. You are heading home to rest and heal.
[] You won't take part in the hunt, but you will at least observe it. You may learn something useful.
[] Nothing lost, nothing gained. It may be dangerous, but gaining allies is a necessary task.
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[X] Accept
[X] You won't take part in the hunt, but you will at least observe it. You may learn something useful.

Let's see what happens now.
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[X] Accept
[X] Nothing lost, nothing gained. It may be dangerous, but gaining allies is a necessary task.

Do it! /Palpatine
A persistent error I've noticed is you spell "sighed" as "signed."

[X] Accept
[X] You won't take part in the hunt, but you will at least observe it. You may learn something useful.

I think that our current wound would slow us down in a hunt like this (although using the drug we just got would mitigate it somewhat), and I'd rather get a better idea of what we're getting into before throwing our lot in with these guys. And I'm surprised that Shelog is advising us to join up with the Gän, since they're currently at war with the people she's taking care of, and she doesn't seem to have much respect for them anyway.

Edit: Although, the only way for us to increase our stats is by throwing caution to the wind and taking part in risky activities like this. And we'll need everything we can get when we go on our quest North, so I won't really mind if the participate vote wins.
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[X] Accept
[X] You won't take part in the hunt, but you will at least observe it. You may learn something useful.

Accepting a partnership with Shelog gives us access to more resources, while we go on more fetch quests for her to obtain ingredients. I think it's a fair trade, considering she's offering her knowledge on how to make our own and we've seen the potency of what she can do (maybe we can go back to being a giant bird in the future?).

Also, regarding the Gän, @NaanContributor raises a good point that we're wounded. Considering how Shelog described the hunter's targets as great beasts that can sustain them for a month, I don't want to risk hunting an animal that can supply a village with 30 day's worth of meat.
[X] Accept
[X] You won't take part in the hunt, but you will at least observe it. You may learn something useful.

Hopefully their target are mammals cause i kinda like krabby to live
So, we should probably plan ahead a bit, since our lantern will last around 5 more days, and we'll want to go on our quest North before it breaks. It might last a bit longer if we don't actively use it (and the fact that we're not able to Boost actions until our wound heals should help there), but I don't want to rely on that.

If we're given another two days after this before heading out, that's four actions to prepare for our journey. So what should we spend them on? Unless we want to scavenge on the way, we'll want food for the trip (I suppose this is another reason to participate in the hunt now).

If our recent dream is a hint, then our destination is in an underwater cave. So we'll want to save the lantern for that, and we'll also want to unlock our swimming skill. Although finding a safe body of water to practice in might be a problem.

Speaking of water, we've gotten our own from the river near our cave so far. But we'll want a portable supply in case we don't find any while traveling. I guess we can use the clay flask Shelog just gave us for this?

And there are a variety of skills that we could train that might be useful. Piercing and Accuracy for combat against the black frills. Traversal is obvious, and we can still work on Acrobatics and Stealth. Would we want to put together a grappling hook to go with our rope, just in case? Would we need higher Perception to find what we're looking for?

I could use some help narrowing this down.

Edit: Oh, and we also need to spend an action healing our wound.
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[X] Accept
[X] Nothing lost, nothing gained. It may be dangerous, but gaining allies is a necessary task.

if we do this we have contact with some people who are not violently hunting us down