Forsaken: A Survival Island Quest

[x] Accept
[x] Nothing lost, nothing gained. It may be dangerous, but gaining allies is a necessary task.

Alchemy recipes, here we go!
We aren't making friends with Tiö, that's for sure.
Sorry for the late update guys, I'm currently doing some revamp of the quest, including the bestiary, map, mechanics and some future storyboarding. Still not done yet, but I should have an update out by the end of this week and updates should come much quicker after that.

Again, apologies.
"There is certain moss that I need, which you can find in the Southern Wastes. Follow the curve of the coast west until you reach a peninsula. From there head straight south until the jungle gives way to grass. Do not stray too far into it, as the Terrorbeaks run rampant inside. You would die against a single Terrorbeak, let alone a full flock."

"The herb I seek is called the 'Redeye' herb. It is like the Quickgrass you brought me, but...bring it to me and it'll be easier to explain. Look for the green beds of moss speckled with red. Rip it out by the roots and roll them up; bring me a good amount, say, five armfuls. That's all for me, mind; if you want your own you'll have to gather more."

"Oh, and don't bring any mirrors to the Wastes. Don't look at me like that, I don't know why either. It's a saying that's been passed down. Don't bring anything that can cast a reflection and don't look in anything that is one. Might be simple superstition, but even lies have a core of truth in them."

"It's better to be safe than not."


The Gän aren't hard to find. You just have to follow the ruckus. Which, I now believe, is a rule of thumb when it comes to them.

I moved out of the little clearing from which the Witch's Abode rested and headed in the direction of the loud rumbling. Of course, I didn't intend to join in the hunt. That would be foolish and could likely get me killed. The beasts the Gän were hunting could feed them for a month; such a thing bespoke an immense size and strength. While joining in may have won me friendship and food for a month, the risk to my life was to great. Especially as I was already wounded.

Moving through the trees and sweltering jungle as quietly as I could was difficult on my wounded leg, but I managed somehow. My pace was much slower than it could have been, but already I could feel my body beginning to heal the damage. It would take some time before I was fully healed, but there wasn't likely to be any permanent damage.

I turned my thoughts away from my wound and towards the Gän hunt. The sounds of the hunt were gathering closer and closer, enough for me to make out individual sounds and shouts.

I took shelter behind a cluster of ferns and came onto the sight of a massacre.

At a distance, the Gän's hunts look like a nest of aggravated ants swarming out of their anthill. Tiny figures crawl over mounds of earth, waving tiny sticks angrily. And then the anthill moves.

A change in perspective and the ants become people, fierce and tattooed, and the anthill becomes an Auroch, shaggy with brown fur and eyes rolling madly.

It is a huge creature, smaller than the Direwolves I've seen, but where the wolves are built slim and sharp like a sword, the Auroch was built like a greataxe. Wide, powerful shoulders literally push aside the jungle as it struggles against it's foes. Legs bursting with muscle cleave great tracts, hooves almost as large as myself scarring the earth. The most frightful is it's horns, two wickedly sharp instruments that make the air scream when they slice through it. It is a great beast, the most massive and powerful I've seen on this Island.

I describe the Auroch this way, dear reader, so you may understand a bit of my feelings when I say that despite all this, the Gän were winning.

Awe, yes. Admiration, plenty. And perhaps a touch of prudent caution.

But there was also envy.

The Gän did not hunt, per say. It would be a lie to say that they hunted the Auroch. No, more appropriate to say that they waged a war on it. I could see multiple groups in play, each performing a specific function. One group kept it's attention, distracting it and making it ignore the others. They dodged and weaved around it's hooves, a careful dance in which a single misstep would see them gored or trampled. Some did. They did not get back up. The Auroch had eyes only for them, trying desperately to kill the annoying gnats in front of it.

Meanwhile, scores of other hunters would work in lashing the beast down. Ropes were used to entangle it's legs while others peppered it's hide with darts. Others twirled in on vines, aiming spears at vital spots. The ones who actually dealt the damage. I wondered briefly why they did not try to blind the thing, before it hit me. Blinding it would mean it would just cause it to ignore the tumbling dancers, letting it simply barrel straight ahead and flee. I doubt they would be able to catch an Auroch if it was running at full speed.

It was a balancing game. They had to keep both the beast's anger and it's wounds balanced, otherwise they would. Tilt it too far one way and the beast would run away. Tilt it too far in another and the beast would grow enraged enough that the distraction wouldn't work and the Auroch would refocus to kill most everyone present.

The war was long. The beast seemed to have endless stamina, lasting for hours. But eventually, as it's movements slowed and the slices of it's horns became less ferocious and it's legs began to tremble. The tail, which I saw had once swatted a tribesman hard enough for him to get dragged out, became stiller and stiller, until eventually it drooped.

Not long after, the Auroch fell as well.

I didn't stay long after that; the Gän would likely be trying to secure their kill. Which meant unfriendly scouts asking pointed questions with the help of pointed spears. Not something I looked forward too. I stayed long enough to see them cut into the cut into the side of the Auroch and pull some meat out, which one of them ate ceremoniously, before I left.

My mouth was watering.

Day 16
A new day, a new week, and new tasks. There is something up north that can give me Light in the accursed night, and my dreams are calling me there as well. I also need to head south to gather some Red-Eye. I should also try to explore more of the tunnel system Dora showed me, attend to my wound, perhaps learn more about the ongoing conflict between the two tribes and let's not forget my personal training.

Best get to it.

Choose Five Actions for the next five days:
[] Find Food
-[] Scavenging
-[] Trapping
-[] Hunting
[] Explore
[] Gather
[] Craft
[] Train
[] Write-in

-[] Boost Action (5 Days Remaining) (Unavailable for next two days)

Switching to a week system from now on. Aside from this one time, you're going to choose seven actions to do over seven days. Easier for me to write about and makes time pass faster. In recompense, your actions are going to be more effective. No numbers yet because I'm fiddling with some stray bits here and there and I don't want to give hard numbers just yet, but you can view these new actions as "double" the old ones.

Also, Boost actions can still be used if it's for "stationary" actions. Crafting, training certain skills, tending wounds, etc. You just fear the night and won't go out into it.
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@Zhade do we have to include our journey for the Northern Light in this plan? Or can we initiate it after these five days for preparation?
@Zhade do we have to include our journey for the Northern Light in this plan? Or can we initiate it after these five days for preparation?

Upto you. There really isn't an action for "Seek the Northern Lights", you basically have to head up North. If you're lucky, you'll find what you're looking for on the first action, otherwise you may have to keep looking.

Same goes for the Witch's Request, actually. You'll gather some Redeye while exploring South, but a concentrated effort (read: spending an Action gathering) will net you more.
Alrighty then. That hunt was cool, and even though it would have been awesome to participate in, I'm glad we didn't because it probably would have killed us. Not only were we wounded, but it involved specialized teamwork that we have zero training in. We would have just gotten in their way. But we may be able to participate in next month's hunt if we befriend them and have them train us in their formations ahead of time.

It sounds like the Redeye plant is the Ferocity equivalent of Quickweed.

[X] Heal Wound
[X] Find Food
-[X] Scavenging
[X] Train
-[X] Traversal
[X] Search for the Light in the North
[X] Gather
-[X] Redeye

Preliminary plan. Not too attached to the training action, just thought it would be useful for what we're doing.
[X] Heal Wound
[X] Find Food
-[X] Scavenging
[X] Train
-[X] Traversal
[X] Search for the Light in the North
[X] Explore
-[X] South
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I will point out that the Gather action only works when you have already explored the location.

You can't Gather any Redeye because you have no idea where they are. You need to Explore South to do that.
Alright, guess this will take more time. Shelog will have to be patient I guess.

[X] Heal Wound
[X] Find Food
-[X] Scavenging
[X] Train
-[X] Traversal
[X] Search for the Light in the North
[X] Explore
-[X] South
[X] Heal Wound
[X] Find Food
-[X] Scavenging
[X] Train
-[X] Traversal
[X] Search for the Light in the North
[X] Explore
-[X] South
Since this Quest doesn't get nearly enough appreciation, here's some crappy fanart.

Seriously, this is the first time I've drawn anything in years. At least the sketch format matches the IC journal entries.