Forged Symbol (MHA Celestial Forge alt-Quirk)

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I enjoyed Brockton's Celestial Forge a lot and thought I'd have a go in another fanfic-bait setting when the updated version came out.

I'll be using this version of the Celestial Forge.
I've made a copy of it for my reference, so I won't notice any changes or additions to it since I started writing this.
Midoriya starts with the basic cosmic warehouse only. Every 1000 words, he gains 100CP and rolls for a category then a perk or item within that category. If he doesn't have enough CP, it's banked for the next roll. The 1000 words metric is approximate, I'll likely delay rolls until the next appropriate moment for them if I'm having fun with a scene. Also, he doesn't get any of the freebies from the associated Jumps like in the Brockton Bay version.

I'm writing this for my own amusement so I'm not going to bother trying to get the MHA timeline exactly right or reading much more than the perk description if it's from a piece of media I'm unfamiliar with. I'm also going to skip over inconveniences like language barriers if they wouldn't add to the story.
Similarly, Midoriya won't have any additional knowledge of the mechanics, media origins, or even names of what his Quirk pulls in, so he'll often be leaving value on the table because he doesn't realise something's possible - like not trying the Warehouse key because he assumes it's for a specific location rather than literally any door with a lock.
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Chapter 1: Ignition
New Jersey
The child of an absent fire-breathing father and a mother who could attract small objects, Midoriya Izuku's own power was nothing as obvious or straightforward as either of his parents. It was no wonder his classmates had written him off as Quirkless by the age of four.

The first time he realised he had a Quirk, he was defending a younger boy from the local bullies. He reached for something, anything, imagining a Quirk like his mother's pulling a trash can lid up as a shield, and felt an object appear in his closed fist: a small key, like the one his mother used to unlock the front door.


Then Bakugo Katsuki punched him in the face, sending him tumbling and the key flying out of his grip and bouncing into a drain. Gawping at the palm of your hand isn't a good tactic in a fight. Bakugo and his buddies postured and laughed while Midoriya lay on the ground staring at the grille the key had bounced through, wondering if he'd simply imagined it. He had heard adults mention tricks of the light sometimes, but light wouldn't explain the feeling of the metal against his skin.

Eventually, the bullies tired of congratulating themselves and wandered off, departing after throwing a few more insults at Midoriya which he was too distracted to listen to. The younger boy he had stood up for had long since run off.

Slowly, he got to his feet, feeling the stings in his knees from where they'd hit the sun-baked earth of the playground, and returned home. Rushing through the door and into his room, asking her to run him a bath on the way past, meant she wouldn't worry over his scrapes. He just needed to hide them while they were fresh and soon he'd be able to dismiss them as a forgotten stumble if she noticed them and asked.

When he flopped on his bed, though, he felt something poke into his thigh. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out an exact copy of the key that he had seen fall irretrievably away. He held it up to examine it in the sunset light through his window, pressed its teeth into the pad of his thumb, tried to bend it, and even put it in his mouth to tentatively bite it like he'd seen a pirate do to a gold coin in a movie. It was indisputably real. He had a Quirk.

His bathwater was lukewarm by the time he got in, having scribbled pages of childish notes on every aspect of the key and then placed the key itself in pride of place on his bedside table. The thought of trying to use it came up, but it wasn't like he knew what it was a key for. Mom's key only worked on the front door, after all.

That night, he went to bed with a smile for the first time in a week as he thought about the fact he had a Quirk. But much as his mother would have wished otherwise, his newfound contentment didn't last forever.


At his next Quirk check-up at the doctors, Izuku brandished his prized key and breathlessly explained the story of its miraculous appearance and return to the doctor. The bespectacled professional was merciless, dismissing it as childish fantasising.

"You have two toe joints, after all, indicating that you are of the previous stage of evolution rather than the next. You possess no Quirk at all, and your mother should not get your hopes up by indulging any tales of lost items coming back," he said with an admonishing look over Izuku's shoulder. "Why, I lose my car keys all the time, only to find them in a different place to where I thought I left them. It's a trick of the fallible human memory, nothing else."

Back at school, calls of "Quirkless" washed over Midoriya, but the bullies tried different ones until they found ones which were hurtful again. Quirked or not, it was hard for Deku to deny his uselessness. It only got worse when a loose-lipped parent was overheard talking about how the poor boy was Quirkless and in denial - he had the second toe joint, after all - and then his bullies made sure to taunt him about that under the guise of asking him to demonstrate his mystery ability.

More than once he threw the key away, only for it to return when his mood lightened. It became something of a ritual for him, to give himself proof of his dubious value even at his lowest. In the absence of any advice or acceptance from the adults or his peers, he turned his attention to the authority of internet debates and analysis videos, spending long hours glued to the screen scrawling down bits of information as he searched for anyone with experiences like his own.

He learned a lot about the categories of Quirks (Emitter, Transformation, Mutant, and all the subcategories and why the taxonomy was misleading) and the capabilities of Support items (Unobtrusive teleportation of a small item into a moving pocket? Definitely not possible). No two-thousand-page forum thread or two-hour podcast by Present Mic revealed the secret of how he could use his bizarre Quirk to become a Hero, however.

His childhood passed slowly and with a nagging sense of dissatisfaction, a feeling like struggling through a math question with a half-remembered formula. Over time, Bakugo's bullying became less physical ("No way shitty Deku could survive one of my punches at full power, anyway") and his sense of disdain expanded to include the rest of his classmates. Midoriya was bottom of the pack, but he had noticed that nobody else met those standards either.


One morning, ten years later, the walk to school was interrupted by distant roars, clouds of dust, and the chatter of civilians watching as a dreadlocked figure with a gigantification Quirk rose above the train tracks to face off against Kamui Woods. As had become the young boy's instinct whenever he was faced with even a vaguely threatening situation, he held one hand by his side and flexed it while imagining the same pulling feeling he had felt a decade ago.


This time there was a hint of a connection, as if he was brushing against whatever he was reaching for with his fingertips, only to fade away. Ignorant of the ongoing fight, he sat down against a storefront to note down every detail of the sensation he could recall. He really hoped that his next chance would come sooner than ten years in the future.

Looking up from his latest notebook minutes later, the once-giant man was down to human size and being led away by a quartet of Villain custody officers while an unfamiliar female Hero with horns was talking to reporters about the fight and posing for their cameras. Izuku used his short stature to slip through the crowd and get closer, listening in for any clues as to what had prompted the brief activity of his Quirk. Was it the proximity to active Quirk use? This was only the second data point and it didn't help his understanding very much.

Before long, the crowds dispersed and he had to rush to get into school on time. He slipped into his unobtrusive seat near the back of class just before the teacher entered with a stack of paperwork.
"You guys are all third-years now. It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures!" He announced, raising the sheets demonstratively. "I would hand out these future career forms, but…" Another dramatic gesture sent them scattering into the air. "I assume you all want to be Heroes!"

Midoriya kept his head down, doing his best to tune out the posturing and bickering of the class, and especially Bakugo. He didn't want to hear about how the U.A. cutoff was 79 when he only got a 74 on his last test, he still flinched every time his old bully got too loud, and he definitely didn't want to hear the teacher say -
"You're also going for U.A., aren't you, Midoriya?"
The collective disbelief and pitying amusement of the class at the Quirkless in denial wasn't anything new to him, but he felt compelled to stand up and justify himself.

"I - I know it seems delusional, but the U.A. entrance exam process is kept secret and changes regularly so it's hard to say exactly how much a Quirk contributes to the final admissions score, and besides -"
Bakugo's palm slammed down onto his desk in front of him, the explosive sweat blasting him backwards over his chair before he could embarrass himself by bringing up how U.A.'s faculty had the skills and enthusiasm that made them his best hope for investigating his Quirk.
"Even the extras with the crap Quirks can do something! You think you can match me, Deku?"
"Being at your level isn't the point, Kacchan, it doesn't hurt for me to try..."
"You're taking the entrance exam just to "try"? With an attitude like that you'll always be useless."

The young boy kept his gaze down and waited for the jeers to end. Once the lesson resumed, he distracted himself checking the latest Hero news on his phone under his desk: Mt. Lady's coverage from the morning, All Might pursuing a bodysnatching Villain made of sludge in the area, and an interview with Kamui Woods that was, to his annoyance, mostly about Mt. Lady's debut. He managed to lose himself in the discussion of the precise nature of her gigantification Quirk, rewatching her flying kick onto the scene to try and work out how her change in size and mass affected her momentum, until the bell rang.

His fingers brushed his notebook on Hero Quirks when Bakugo snatched it away with a disdainful expression, an echo of the feeling from his Quirk in the morning.

"Look, Deku, the best Heroes all showed potential from an early age, and you ain't got jack shit." He clapped the notebook between his hands for emphasis, scorching the pages, then tossed it out the window. "I'm going to be the first and only student to get into U.A. from this shithole middle school, and I don't want your failure distracting from my success." He smiled with excessive friendliness. "Why don't you be useful for a change and give up? It's not like you're getting in anyway."

Izuku bit back his reply, trembling from the close contact and the smell of Bakugo's explosive sweat on his shoulders. He stood there, waiting for them to leave.

Bakugo called over his shoulder as he left the room. "If you're still convinced you've got a Quirk, why don't you put it to the test with your life on the line? Even if it doesn't work, you might have better luck in your next life."

He snapped his head up to glare at the departing boy, holding his gaze even as he tightly gripped the key in his pocket and small explosions played menacingly over his bully's fingers.

After giving the other students enough time to leave the school grounds, Izuku slowly descended to search for his notebook. Plucking it out of the water trough, he unpeeled the pages from the morning and committed his observations of his Quirk to memory once again. Details of other Heroes were interesting, but nothing else in his notebook was as valuable to him as his firsthand experience.


The feeling from the morning played in his mind over and over again as he walked home through an underpass. So caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice the sludge Villain until he was upon him, thick ooze suddenly forcing its way down his throat and making him gag as the amorphous attacker's face leered at him.
"Stop squirming, brat, I need to hide out until the heat dies down and All Might leaves. Your body will do nicely."
Izuku struggled desperately as his eyes watered, clenching and unclenching his fist inside the fluid Villain wrapped around him.
"That's not going to do anything, you can't tear me off that easily," he taunted. "Get a grip."

The shadow of a Herculean figure fell over both of them.
"Fear not, kid! Why? I am here!"
All Might landed, throwing a punch - Izuku spent subjective moments wondering if this was how he was going to die, the panic of the sludge Villain attack replaced by a cool clarity - and then the fist passed in front of his face followed by a shockwave of air that blasted the Villain off of him and splattered him all over the wall of the underpass.


The sensation from the morning clicked in Izuku's mind as a parchment scroll appeared in his grasping hand, only to be carried away by the lingering gusts from the Hero's punch. Torn between the Number 1 Hero and the secrets of his Quirk, he hesitated for a moment before running after the unknown document.

"Hey, kid! Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry All Might sir it's a Quirk thing I've got to get this - " he babbled over his shoulder, nearly crashing into a lamppost.
In another rush of wind, All Might was standing in front of him. One hand held a Coala bottle trapping the Villain, the other held the parchment forward for Izuku to take.
"I don't know what this is but I can tell it's important to you, young boy. Thank goodness you're alright."

Midoriya accepted the product of his Quirk with both hands and a deep bow, like a student accepting their graduation certificate. When he looked up with wide eyes, the Hero had already sunk into a crouch.
"I signed your notebook while I collected this fellow to bring to the authorities as an apology for getting you involved in my Villain hunt, but now I must go. A Hero fights enemies, a Pro battles time!"

Izuku reflexively tightened his grip on the scroll to avoid it blowing away again as All Might shot up in a jump like a stuntman from a circus cannon, flying to the roof of a nearby apartment building. The silhouette flashed him a thumbs-up before ducking out of sight from ground level, leaving him to gather his thoughts in a daze. In the space of a minute, he had been attacked by a Villain, rescued by the Symbol of Peace himself, and he had even managed to use his Quirk successfully for the first time in a decade!

He carefully unfurled the scroll.
"Transfer of business ownership… Mr. Peren Amakiir? To me? This even has my signature, did someone forge this?"
He skimmed the dense text, eventually finding an address for the business in question: Iron and Velvet Tailoring, 5 Chome 2-6-Miyama, Musutafu. That wasn't far from the train station for the mall with the Hero merchandise store he liked best. Even if it was a forgery, maybe there would be a clue there. It could even be what his key was meant to unlock!

He sent his mother a text. "had a good day, i got to see two hero fights up close (i was safe!) and saw a new hero and all might (!) and spoke to him (!!) and got his autograph (!!!) going shopping near the mall now but will be back for dinner. love you!"


Word count: 2585
A/N: This is my first go at writing something like this, I'd welcome any feedback you have. This first chapter was a bit slow, dealing with the canon start, but things are starting to diverge already. Midoriya was neither rejected by All Might nor offered One for All, the sludge Villain never had Bakugo trapped and helpless, and now our protagonist is the official owner of a small business!

Perks gained:
0.0 Cosmic Warehouse
This is the basic Cosmic Warehouse Jumpchain supplement, with no CP spent. It's just a 40,000 square foot warehouse with fluorescent lightning, accessible from any door you can stick the key in.

9.17 Sexy Evil Tailor (Dungeon Keeper Ami) (200)
This is a deed to a tailors shop with included dark elf tailor, he knows exactly what is needed to make a person look their most sexy, evil, and impressive, able to create clothes for any shape and size ranging from leather strips covering the important bits all the way up to dark billowing cloaks. No matter what look you are going for he can help you pull it off and look good doing it, though he normally works for gold he will accept any currency and at the end of the week he will give you your portion of the profits made from other customers. You will receive a new deed every jump to place as you wish. Beware though, he does try to push the leather underwear look.
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The idea is good, but there's a point of contention though.

MHA has a quirky (ha!) thing about it's fanfics: The sports festival kills every fanfic's momentum super dead. In the anime and manga it's fine. The action is good and the characterization was important.

In written fanfic form? Hoo boy. Another matter entirely. I've seen people take over 100k words on the festival and that's just bizarre (it was also very boring).

So in truth, MHA is theoretically an interesting setting, but if a fanfic sticks only to stations of canon then it'll probably struggle not to be boring.

For example: I would be very interested in this Izuku if he went to support course.
on Midoriya placement
things get a bit tricky, the forge gives maximum advantages if he goes into the support course, but there are perks that would make him excel in the hero course
it all depends on what perk he gets first
(or he can just do the support course as an elective or something )
You should know that version of the document is missing quite a few of the old Forge perks that got skipped when he created it. If you look at it, you see that a lot of the Celestial Forge v1 perks were left off entirely. You don't need to include them, but you might want to know there is about ~300 perks missing because of that, the same perks that would show up in Brockton's Celestial Forge.
The formatting of the chapter seems quite off, lines are missing all over the place, did they get lost when you copied over to forum?
MHA has a quirky (ha!) thing about it's fanfics: The sports festival kills every fanfic's momentum super dead. In the anime and manga it's fine. The action is good and the characterization was important.

In written fanfic form? Hoo boy. Another matter entirely. I've seen people take over 100k words on the festival and that's just bizarre (it was also very boring).

Yeah, that kind of bloat is something I want to avoid. Not to mention it would also build up a big backlog of rolls to deal with.

on Midoriya placement
things get a bit tricky, the forge gives maximum advantages if he goes into the support course, but there are perks that would make him excel in the hero course
it all depends on what perk he gets first

Yup! Support course Izuku is a big option, like you said it depends on the rolls.

You should know that version of the document is missing quite a few of the old Forge perks that got skipped when he created it.

Thanks for the heads-up, I hadn't noticed. In retrospect I'm alright with that, it means I'm less likely to end up dealing with the same perks.

The formatting of the chapter seems quite off, lines are missing all over the place, did they get lost when you copied over to forum?

Thanks for pointing that out, I'm on mobile so I hadn't noticed. It looks like I pressed the wrong paste button, that should be sorted now.
Chapter 2: Outfit
The building was in an upscale part of town and immediately stood out from its neighbours: a front wall made of stone and carved with intricate spiderweb designs, with no windows and a thick wooden door. A sign on the door said it was open, despite appearances, so Izuku pushed through with a creak and blinked to adjust his eyes to the dim lighting.

The interior reminded the boy less of a clothes shop and more of a Hero museum. There had been an exhibit on a school trip once, a somber room with the costumes of fallen Heroes lining the walls, and the teacher had needed to drag him away from his reverent admiration of them. The outfits here were all of the tight-fitting and minimalist sort, the kind that had come into fashion after the arrival of the Symbol of Peace (and he still couldn't believe that he'd met him in person!) and before the advent of the modern costume regulations.

"I can see why you would require my services, but I don't expect you'd be able to pay for them. Did you enter the wrong shop, boy?"

The proprietor was standing behind the counter, his haughty stare all too familiar. He was pale, dressed in a revealing leather outfit like the ones on the wall, completely bald, and had long pointy ears. Midoriya dragged his eyes from those tips back to his face just like the school assemblies on Heteromorphic Quirks had told him to do and mustered his courage.

"Excuse me, Mr. Amakiir, I, um, I recently came into possession of this," he said, placing the parchment deed flat on the counter between them. "It says I own this place - but I don't remember signing it?" He trailed off into a mumble.

"Hmm?" He stiffened, then hummed thoughtfully as he read through the legalese. "Forgive me for not recognising you, Owner. Yes, this looks to all be in order, and a contract like this explains my presence here."

"So I own your business now?"

"Yes, and you will receive your share of the profits weekly. Do you wish to have it delivered to you or pick it up in person, Owner?" Izuku didn't question being referred to as 'Owner' constantly. For all he knew, that was how all adults did business.

"Um, ah - I'll pick it up," he blurted. He didn't want to give out his home address to this guy. "And, er, how do you feel about me being the owner?"

"Well, I feel it's far too early in our business arrangement for me to comment on that," the tailor replied with a gold-toothed smile. "Do you intend to be an absentee landlord, or are you going to be a micromanaging meddler?"

Neither of those sounded good. "Could I - no. What kind of owner would you want me to be, Mr. Amakiir?"

The man unfolded himself from his chair, revealing his full slender height, and tapped his chin. "I am a recent arrival here, and some of the local culture and customs are new to me. Tell you what, I'll show you around the shop and ask you questions when I need to, and in return you keep your hands off how I run the place. Is that agreeable, Owner?"

Izuku nodded. Getting paid for doing nothing didn't sit well with him, but helping a small business owner adapt to an unfamiliar city seemed like the right thing to do.


In the fitting room, Izuku stepped on the platform surrounded by three mirrors twice his height, then stepped off again and saw a hologram of himself standing there.

"You scanned me that quickly? Amazing, I thought only I-Island had this kind of technology -"

"I'm glad you approve, Owner, but I would prefer to impress you with my skills rather than my furniture." The tailor cut off his mutterings, then gave a voice command to the device. "This is one of my more popular outfits."

The image of Midoriya flickered, reappearing in long black boots and a leather loincloth with a pair of crossed bandoliers and spiked gauntlets. It reminded him of the glimpses he'd seen of Bakugo's designs for his Hero costume, though definitely showing more skin than either of the boys would be comfortable with. He leaned in closer to examine the details, again impressed by the quality of the hologram. He could make out the tiny stitches along the seams of the boots, which had a sequence of buckles that seemed designed to act as armor as well as fastenings, while the gauntlets were finely articulated with metal fingertips tapering to sharp points that would make the wearer the equal of anyone with a claw-based Mutant Quirk. A small cape falling from the tops of the bandoliers filled out the skinny silhouette of his holographic double.

"It looks incredible, the craftsmanship is definitely the equal of the other Hero costumes I've seen up close - and you said you make it all yourself? You must know leatherworking and blacksmithing and - oh, and there are engravings on the gauntlets too! That's such a broad skillset. But, um, I have to say, it looks rather… Villainous."

"Yes, it does," the tailor said.

"Well, most costume designers say in interviews that they try and inspire the populace."

"These costumes will inspire fear."

Midoriya furrowed his brow. "The 'Cowardly and Superstitious Lot' school of thought? I see, over here that perspective mostly vanished after the Licensing Laws passed, now it's just Vigilantes who dress like that."

"Vigilantes?" He sneered.

"Yeah, nowadays most mainstream costumes emphasise the wearer's power and, uh, appearance. Like… the cape at the back is good, the boots are functional, but the spiked gauntlets are all "Fear me!" when the outfit should say "Look at me!" instead," Midoriya said, thinking about Mt. Lady's debut as a Hero to the cameras in the morning and All Might's imposing presence during his rescue in the afternoon. (All Might had rescued him! He had his signature in his notebook!)

"I see… Yes, thank you for telling me about the surfacer trends, Owner. I'll have to redesign most of my stock, this will be a good challenge."

"Also, loincloths aren't very popular for Hero costumes, they're too impractical and exposed, and the costume laws set a minimum percentage skin coverage."

"Fine, fine. What accents could I use to replace the spikes with? More etchings? Hmm…" His new business partner seemed lost in thought, not really listening to him anymore, so Midoriya mumbled a thank-you and slipped away to return home.


"Hold on, did the brat say 'hero costumes'?" The dark elf asked his empty shop. The magical illusory mannequin shrugged.



Midoriya's Quirk activated again on the train as he went over his memories of the day, to the same sensation of brushing against an object just out of reach. The disappointment didn't last, not compared to the earlier highs and lows. To think, this morning he had worried that he might not feel his Quirk for another decade, only for it to go off twice more in the same day!

His mother, Midoriya Inko, was waiting for him at the kitchen table when he got back. He related a lightly-edited version of the day, the lies of omission starting from the end of school when his notebook got damaged by chemicals (technically true), so he ended up leaving late after trying to salvage it (as well as hiding from Bakugo and his cronies), and then when he walked through the underpass he saw All Might punch the sludge Villain right in front of him (not to mention off of him). Then his Quirk activated again, for real this time, and led him to a shop that makes Hero costumes where he got talking to the owner, who agreed to pay him in exchange for filling him in on Hero culture. "Like... like a part-time job!"

"Oh, Izuku," his mother said. "I know you see the bills sometimes, but I can handle it and buy you your Hero toys, I'm a grown woman. You don't need to grow up so fast, there's no need to be thinking about jobs at your age."

"It's not like that, mom! I mean, I want to help with the bills too, and I can buy my own figures now, but really I'm just helping out. The shopkeeper is from another country so I'm teaching him about the local fashions and styles, and I'd be doing all the same research anyway even if I wasn't getting paid for it."

Inko leaned down to hug him, and he could feel the dampness where her eyes met his school uniform. "My little man…" She put her hands on his shoulders and held his gaze. "If you do really want to do this, of course I'll support you. But I'm going to need to meet your boss first if he's not from around here, to set some ground rules and make sure he can be trusted. Why don't you invite him over for dinner this weekend?"


The next day, Izuku visited Iron and Velvet Tailoring again to break the news to Mr. Amakiir, and the three evenings after that were spent coaching him in manners and the part-time job ruse and convincing him to wear a suit like the people on the street outside instead of his usual leathers. He feared that his mother would be scared off, that she'd ban him from visiting that part of town and denying him access to the latest clue about his Quirk.

He had not expected Midoriya Inko to be charmed instead.

Oh, she started the evening by laying down the law: no letting Izuku into the backrooms, no dangerous tools anywhere near him, no calling him outside of regular working hours or asking him to come in for any question that could be answered over the phone instead. But Mr. Amakiir had shown up in a shirt so thin as to be transparent, a black blazer so shiny it must have been entirely silk, and a pair of trousers that looked normal but Izuku suspected hid his usual leather underwear. He was polite and deferential, echoing her concerns and accepting her conditions without argument. At the end of the evening he even gave her a thin silver necklace with a chain so fine it looked like a single thread, "as thanks for raising such a thoughtful and diligent young man."

As soon as he left and the door was closed, she turned to him to gush.

"That suit! Oh, he looked sharper than your father did on our wedding day. I should ask him if he does - but no, if he works for Heroes normally there's no way it would be affordable even with an employee discount. And the necklace! He must be very skilled with his hands."

Midoriya Izuku resolved to keep his mother and his supposed boss apart for an entirely different reason to his original one.


The next time Izuku visited the shop after school, the tailor handed him two folded bills ("Here's your minimum wage, kid.") and then another one with two more zeroes on it ("And here's the rest of your cut of the profits, Owner.").

While he boggled at the fact he was holding more money than he'd seen in his life, Mr. Amakiir thanked him for his advice on making costumes appealing to Heroic customers, and especially for filling him in on the business side of Pro Hero work over the past week.

"Back where I come from, kid, most heroes start without two gold coins to rub together, and get most of their armor from looting. Over here, they get a government salary and tax breaks for necessary expenses? I'll gladly add a few primary colors and some skin coverage to get at that market."

Indeed, most of the costumes in the shop had already been redesigned, with spikes traded for costume jewellery of appropriate Heroic colors and boots or gloves extended up their respective limbs to cover much more skin while remaining just as provocative. A glance at the books showed the prices had rocketed up to the maximum limit for a tax rebate too. Izuku shivered at the thought of receiving the same windfall every week. What would he even do with the money? How could he hide it from his mom? He felt vaguely nauseous. Spending money always felt a little uncomfortable to him if he wasn't supporting a Hero in the process.

He found himself wandering through the nearby mall, ending up in front of the Hero merchandise store where he spent most of his pocket money in the past. Browsing idly, the figurines and posters no longer felt as special when he could buy all the ones he wanted. Eventually he left the store with a coin bank styled after the distinctive helmet of the Number 3 Hero, Yoroi Musha. It had a clever design, his signature single long horn acting as a slide the coins could be rolled down into the slot, and he stuffed the other banknotes inside it before he took it home so he wouldn't have to keep looking at them.

His mother was unsurprised at the latest addition to his room, though she cautioned him against spending his whole paycheck at once which forced Izuku to suppress his guilty giggles at having done nothing of the sort. While All Might still held the majority of his wallspace, including a small shrine centered on his autograph in the battered notebook, he had branched out into other Pro Heroes whose Quirks he thought might be similar to his own and the Equipped Hero was foremost among them.


Over the next couple of weeks, the coin bank accumulated notes out of sight and out of mind, and the tailor gradually ran out of questions about Japanese Hero culture. Instead, Mr. Amakiir did pointedly ask him if the Owner would like to update his wardrobe. That week's cut had been smaller, so perhaps he hadn't had much business and was feeling bored. Izuku agreed, and walked through into the fitting room to activate the hologram again.

"I know you don't like how I dress but my clothes are the school uniform, I don't have a choice there. What about an accessory instead, something I could add to it?"

"Say no more," Peron said. A few short phrases in his sibilant language and the hologram was wearing a spiked iron crown and a thin black cloak that seemed to curl around him like ink spreading through water.

"I really like the cloak, but I'd prefer something more discreet that I could wear without anyone noticing."

"All the better for a dramatic reveal of your true nature?"

"Yeah, exactly that."

"Fine, fine. How about these?"

The holographic mannequin rolled up the sleeves of his school uniform, revealing a pair of black leather bracers. With a sweep of the arm, a footlong serrated blade jutted out from behind the elbow.

Izuku's mind flashed back to the attack of the sludge Villain, the suffocating struggle to breathe and the disgusting taste in his mouth.

"I could put the cloak in a quick-deploy pouch, too." The image reached behind his neck and swept his hand out, the cloak spilling out behind him again.

If he had been armed, could Izuku have saved himself from the Villain?

"It's perfect, I'll take it," he heard himself say.
The tailor smiled, revealing the points of his teeth. "I'll have them ready for you next week, but it'll cost you your cut of the profits for the rest of the month." The boy didn't care.

The next week, he returned home with the two bracers and the cloak. He had decided against wearing them to school after all: a girl from another school in the city had stabbed someone with a knife she brought in, and he didn't want to get caught by his school's new searches. Even with them sitting in their packaging in the bottom of his closet, he still felt safer.

He sat down for dinner with a smile, which spread into a broad grin when he felt his Quirk reach out once again.


"Mom, can I start doing the shopping for us? I feel like I'd be good at it all of a sudden."


Word count: 2736/5321
A/N: This chapter was a blast to write, I had a lot of fun with all the mistaken assumptions between Midoriya and Peron Amakiir, the Sexy Evil Tailor. Maybe I should have a go at an Oregairu or Youjo Senki fic next?
I haven't read Dungeon Keeper Ami so I'm assuming he didn't get any more characterization beyond the single chapter he's introduced in, he mainly seemed motivated by professional pride and money so I imagined he'd be willing to fleece the other side of the law as well as his usual clientele.
Because I got caught up in the writing, I thought I'd up the CP gain for the roll at the end accordingly rather than interrupt the scenes with an out-of-place roll. I'll probably continue with this approach in future.

Perks gained:
13.54 Scrounging (Arcanum Of Steamworks And Magic Obscura) (200): It's a sad fact that finding the right materials and components for your research and manufacturing can be a difficult task. Collecting the necessary tools to create Molotov Cocktails and Healing Salves might be fairly easy, but for more complex devices it can take days to find the things you need. Lesser inventors might need to keep track of every source of tools, from the General Store to the local junk merchant to areas for finding medicinal herbs... but not you! Your keen sense for finding the materials you need means you'll always have a vague idea of just where to go to buy that Minute Steamworks, Tesla Coil, or Spirit Of Camphor, and you're quite likely to walk into the store right when they're on discount. Amazing!
Looking good so far. It's amazing what reasonable formatting can do for your story, since your first chapter felt awkward because of the messed up formatting. Now that you've fixed it, it flows much more smoothly and I'm enjoying it. You seem to have people's characters well in hand.
I find it kind of hilarious that he has had that key for literal years and yet hasn't bothered to try it on literally anything. Sort of surprised he didn't try it in any of the doors in the place his power gave him.
I find it kind of hilarious that he has had that key for literal years and yet hasn't bothered to try it on literally anything. Sort of surprised he didn't try it in any of the doors in the place his power gave him.

It's actually worse. I'm surprised he never tried putting it on a keyring and seeing if it can drag other things along with it when it teleports into his pocket.

Suppose he put his magic key on a keyring, and put the key to his house on that same ring, and then maybe a mini flashlight, a library card, USB stick, or whatever. Then he set the keyring down and walked into another room or something. The key would reappear in his pocket, but would it bring all the other things on the keyring with it? If it did, that would basically give him a single keyring's worth of stuff that he could never lose. Don't tell me that wouldn't be useful. Of course, even if it didn't work that way I'm sure Midoriya would have tried it at least once.

Also, I'm pretty sure a responsible young boy like him should have a copy of their housekey so he can let himself in after school. Even if his quirk doesn't let him carry both keys on the same keyring, there should have been at least one instance where he came home, wanted to open the door to their house, pulled the wrong key out of his pocket, and accidentally opened the door to his cosmic warehouse instead.
Ya I am pretty surprised that his intent on going to the shop was to test the key out yet he forgot about it as soon as he arrived.

Izuku is a smart kid really, he should be making smarter choices.

He had the key for 10 years by now it should be tested on everything he has access to.

Poor MC he just missed a op cultivation artefacts. Oh well this is V2 a op perk is just another roll away.

Look forward to the next chapter!
I recommend making it so that he has instinctive understanding of what his perks do, like the other celestial forge stories. You can write it off as him being 4 years old when he got the key and just got punched in the face so he didn't understand what the key really did.
I recommend making it so that he has instinctive understanding of what his perks do, like the other celestial forge stories. You can write it off as him being 4 years old when he got the key and just got punched in the face so he didn't understand what the key really did.

That, or his power doesn't really activate until he's older. If the Celestial Forge power is intelligent, it might have given him the key when he was 4 years old as a bit of an ego boost, to let him know that he has a Quirk and isn't as useless as others might claim. However, it also knows what his power is capable of and decided to lay low for years until he was old enough to handle it.

Though now that I think about it, it would have been adorable if four year old Midoriya had gotten a key to an extra-dimensional workshop, and then his power decided a metalworking shop is too dangerous so it gives him an infinitely replenishing supply of construction paper, glue, magic markers, and molding clay.
That, or his power doesn't really activate until he's older. If the Celestial Forge power is intelligent, it might have given him the key when he was 4 years old as a bit of an ego boost, to let him know that he has a Quirk and isn't as useless as others might claim. However, it also knows what his power is capable of and decided to lay low for years until he was old enough to handle it.

Though now that I think about it, it would have been adorable if four year old Midoriya had gotten a key to an extra-dimensional workshop, and then his power decided a metalworking shop is too dangerous so it gives him an infinitely replenishing supply of construction paper, glue, magic markers, and molding clay.
Ya that could work, though I think brain development is a better expansion, since having the mentality of a trained military engineer shoved into your brain at the age of 4 would fuck you up.

So his power waiting till he reached a certain mental threshold would make more sense. As fo why he gained is during middle school (if someone wants to argue that 15 isn't mentally developed enough) it can be explained as a combo of his higher intelligence (as shown with his hero analysis) and his abusive childhood pushing him to mentally develop faster.
Ya that could work, though I think brain development is a better expansion, since having the mentality of a trained military engineer shoved into your brain at the age of 4 would fuck you up.

So his power waiting till he reached a certain mental threshold would make more sense. As fo why he gained is during middle school (if someone wants to argue that 15 isn't mentally developed enough) it can be explained as a combo of his higher intelligence (as shown with his hero analysis) and his abusive childhood pushing him to mentally develop faster.
If its a perk it wouldn't really fuck you up. Perks can be universally applied to all kinds of things from concepts to crystal creatures to fetuses to exotic aliens. And all safely.
If its a perk it wouldn't really fuck you up. Perks can be universally applied to all kinds of things from concepts to crystal creatures to fetuses to exotic aliens. And all safely.
What I mean is he wouldn't have built a sense of identity yet. And then he would start seeing the world from the perspective of a trained spy or a trained space army engineer (if he rolls the right perk) and it would affect his development as a person. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's better to allow the person to gain a sense of self first.
What I mean is he wouldn't have built a sense of identity yet. And then he would start seeing the world from the perspective of a trained spy or a trained space army engineer (if he rolls the right perk) and it would affect his development as a person. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's better to allow the person to gain a sense of self first.
Ya that's true, it would shape said kids mind a bit.
How long do you think it will take for Midorya to realize the other side of his shops business? Will he see a villian with a familiar pair of leather undies?
Chapter 3: Bargain
Izuku had gone into town at the weekend to shop for his mother, but really it was a chance for him to test out the latest mystery his Quirk had pulled in: some kind of mental compass that guided him towards things.

By focusing on whatever he wanted, the compass tugged him towards the nearest shop selling it, but only some of the time. His mother's shopping list was by now thoroughly annotated with which items his Quirk worked with. Eggs, yes. Rice, yes. Fruit, no? Vegetables, mostly yes. Lightbulbs, yes. Toilet paper, no.

Having finished that chore, the boy headed to his favorite mall to investigate further. The sense worked in three dimensions but it gave him directions rather than a route; he had to double back and go up the escalator to reach the stationery shop for more coloring pens. Following it while trying hard not to think about anything in particular led him to a used bookstore, where he found a box full of old Hero magazines at a big discount which would be perfect collage material for art class.

As always, he eventually made his way to the Hero merchandise store. Intriguingly, his Quirk worked on All Might figures, but only some of them. Examining two packages side-by-side, the difference seemed to be that the one the compass pulled towards had to be assembled. Was the difference to do with making something with them? What about if he wanted to make something out of lots of pre-built All Might figures, like gluing them together into a human pyramid?

His mind recoiled at the thought of desecrating so many images of his Heroic savior like that. No, that wouldn't do. But what about the Clone Hero, Ectoplasm? Assembling a group pose of his figures would actually be a good way to showcase his self-duplication -

Guided by his Quirk, he reached behind the front row of boxes and pulled out a dusty, discounted, no-assembly-required figurine of Ectoplasm. Then another, and another.


Izuku put down his phone and slumped over the counter with a sigh. He had been debating whether to buy the figures, and if so then how tall a pyramid he wanted to make, when Mr. Amakiir called him. Apparently a customer had just come in for a lengthy consultation in the back rooms, and he needed someone to man the front desk of Velvet and Iron in case anyone else visited.

Well, it had been three hours since he'd arrived at the shop and put on the (mercifully modern and modest) uniform left out for him by Mr. Amakiir, and nobody had come in. The first hour went quickly enough, as he tested his hypothesis of how the mental compass worked by thinking of different items and comparing the direction with his map app. Hammers and nails pointed towards the hardware store down the road. A bicycle by itself didn't work, but when he imagined using one to make a pedal-powered blender he was able to locate the bike shop on the other side of the mall.

The next hour, he started daydreaming about what he could buy with his cash to support his future career as a Hero. A costume was a must, but mom said he was still growing so he knew there wasn't much point buying a nice one now, as had been the case for most of his clothes growing up. He could get some weights for training, he had seen Bakugo's set at his house when he used to come over, back when he was less of a bully and more of a friend. Support equipment was usually commissioned to support a specific Hero's Quirk, hence the name, but that just drew his thoughts back to how he didn't have a proper Quirk to support.

Because of that, he had spent the third hour reading the online rumors about the notorious U.A. entrance exam with growing trepidation. It was only 9 months away, and he still didn't know how he could get in. The few Quirkless communities online skewed heavily towards the older generations, which made it hard to find anyone else's thoughts on applying to U.A. with a weak-to-nonexistent Quirk.

The creak of the fitting room door behind him snapped his attention back to his nominal job and he straightened up into a more attentive posture behind the desk. Mr. Amakiir's mystery customer walked out, waving goodbye over her shoulder as the door closed. She was a tall woman with glasses and a noticeable mole, dark hair done up in a ponytail, and was wearing what looked like a sweater but was presumably supposed to function as a dress.

"Thank you for your patronage ma'am," he blurted out, expecting her to leave. Instead, she leaned against the counter, looking right at him. Izuku stared back, paralysed.

"You're too anxious, boy. What are you, star-struck?"

Famous, tall, dark hair, willing to buy a costume at Iron and Velvet… his mouth moved as he put his thoughts together. "You're -"

The R-rated Hero, Midnight, interrupted him with a wink and a finger on her lips.

"Don't worry, Mid-ma'am, I won't say a word!"

"And here I thought I could have some fun teasing a fan. I have to know, what is it that could get you so hot and bothered apart from me?"

Izuku hesitated. His problems weren't really important enough to deserve a Pro Hero's attention, were they?

"Out with it, boy. You clearly need the catharsis and I have people to do, things to see."

"Um, I want to go to U.A. and be a Hero and help people but I don't know if I'm good enough! I barely understand my Quirk and can't get it to work and everyone else" - Bakugo's sneering face flashed up in his mind - "is so much stronger, and I don't know what to do, I don't know how I could even pass the entrance exam," he trailed off.

She tapped her lips with a finger thoughtfully. "You know, tests and trials go both ways. They're a way to show people how you perform under pressure, but also an opportunity for you to find your limits and push up against them. You're aiming for the Hero course, I assume?" Izuku nodded firmly. "You should consider the Support course as well. If you're good enough that Peron listens to your advice, you might just have what it takes, and costumes can make or break a Pro Hero's career. Can you think of any examples?"

Trying to ignore how Mr. Amakiir was on a first-name basis with his mom and now Midnight too, he considered the question. "Air Jet. His office used to be here, without his signature jetpack he wouldn't have been able to patrol the entire ward from the skies."

"Good boy. Tell Peron I'll see him at the munch."

Izuku barely listened as she exited the shop, pulling a spare notepad out of his uniform to note down everything she'd said. Just as he was putting pen to paper, his Quirk reached out again without him even trying.


He opened his writing hand and out fluttered a crumpled page of dense handwritten notes like a cheat sheet for an exam. Smoothing it out, it looked to be for a chemistry exam specifically: a single lengthy chemical diagram, without any elaboration.

His mind whirled as he wrote down his conversation with Midnight on autopilot. Perhaps his Quirk responded to people with powerful Quirks, rather than the Quirk use? He had pulled in three objects so far, the key with Bakugo, the deed with All Might, and now a chemical formula after meeting Midnight. Could the items be connected to the people? If the chemical was Midnight's soporific gas… the key was sharp and spiky and kept coming back, like Bakugo? Could All Might have something to do with the shop? His costume was made by David Shields of I-Island, though, and he didn't even know if the Midnight connection was valid.

Mr. Kou, his chemistry teacher, had said he used to be a researcher, didn't he? For once in his life, Monday couldn't come soon enough for Midoriya.


After another distracted day of middle school, he went to find Mr. Kou in his office.

"Mr. Kou, did you say you used to be a research chemist?"

"Huh? Mitoriya, was it? Yeah, that's right. A good one, too, until I got canned for not bothering with all the red tape around handling hazardous substances. What's the point of a Quirk like mine if you can't use it, huh?" He waved his fingers, each one a test tube or pipette which could suck up or deposit precise quantities of liquid.

Midoriya hummed a vague agreement. "I wanted to ask, how do you go about researching a new chemical?"

"You mean like a new element? I gave your class the periodic table talk already, there's no gaps left to fill."

"Sorry, I meant… Say you got handed a chemical formula, how would you work out what it does, or even make it?"

The bearded teacher rubbed his head, his glass fingertips making a squeaking noise against his bald scalp.
"That's more like the kind of work I used to do. See, a good chemist can tell a lot just from the formula. If there's lots of C, H, O, and N then it's probably organic and you have to hand it over to the biologists to find out what the hell it does. Fluorine is a bitch to work with - don't tell anyone I said that, kid - but it comes up a lot for polymers, coatings, anything you want to stick around for a while. Interpreting the structure is a whole organic chemistry degree right there. And so on, and so forth."

He nodded approvingly at the sight of his student making notes as he spoke.

"Once you got the ingredients and you know what the end result looks like, you gotta figure out a recipe for going from A to B. Usually via X, Y, Z and producing a whole load of crud you have to get rid of at the end as well. It's a good intellectual puzzle, maybe you should think about it as a career option once you give up on being a Hero."

Izuku frowned, but the teacher didn't notice as he started to ramble on about the high-end equipment needed to do proper chemical research. There were a lot of expensive instruments, each one tugging his internal compass in a different direction as he heard their names, and he doubted even his bloated coin bank would be able to foot the bill. Not to mention, how would he hide it from his mother? Most of the devices wouldn't fit in his bedroom by themselves.

"That's why nowadays it's all getting centralized, you'll have one big research lab in every prefecture capital or so, and everyone else mails in their orders for them to synthesize. Two guys in their garage don't stand a chance anymore, not like in the good old days."

Or he could just do that.

"Thanks Mr. Kou!" Izuku underlined 'research lab' three times and stood up. "That was really helpful."


As he walked home, his enthusiasm waned. Would a research lab really take an order from a middle schooler? If it was all postal, they wouldn't know his age, but mom had warned against sending money in the mail so he wouldn't be able to pay with his cash. He still didn't know what the chemical did, which was the whole point of getting it synthesized, and it could even be dangerous. Quirks didn't tend to harm their users, but his one was hardly normal.

Mr. Kou had said a good chemist could tell a lot just from the formula, though. Maybe he could find someone to ask on the internet.

His first thread, "Can anyone tell me what this chemical is?" got one reply from a smartass who wrote out what the full name would be in chemical nomenclature instead of telling him anything useful (and, Izuku noticed, seemed to have got it wrong too), and then an administrator locked the thread because it wasn't in the homework help subforum.

His second thread, "Help! What does this mystery chemical do?" got him banned by the same admin but was viewed by a few dozen people who didn't reply before then. Frustrated, he made a fresh account on a new forum and reconsidered his approach.

"Check it out! I discovered a chemical panacea, formula below!" hit fifty replies telling him he was wrong in informative ways before a mod waded in. A few people said the chemical structure was impossible, before someone who posted a picture of their chemistry degree explained that it would be expensive, difficult to make, and definitely wouldn't be a panacea because that would be ridiculous: "if a single chemical could fix everything then our bodies would have evolved to produce it already." A botanist commented that it resembled the kind of compound produced by plants in regions with lots of heavy metals in the soil, and then the thread descended into what seemed to be memes about alternative medicine believers poisoning themselves by accident.

Izuku felt a bit bad about baiting people online, but he reassured himself that anyone gullible enough to believe in cure-alls they read about on the internet wouldn't be harmed by one more outlandish claim.

Repeating that thread on a third forum told him that it might be some kind of metabolite or enzyme, and making a thread titled "LOL look at the shape this enzyme makes" got him screenshots of the chemical from multiple angles, rendered in expensive folding simulation software by people complaining that it didn't look like anything interesting and asking what was so funny about it.

His posting spree ended once he had run out of chemistry forums he hadn't been banned from and mom called him for dinner. While waiting for replies he had also read up on Midnight's Quirk, generally agreed to be pheromone-based, which meant his own mystery chemical was probably something entirely different. A few creepy and possibly Villainous fans had written long poetic articles about how Midnight's Quirk smelled and what it felt like to be put to sleep by it, which could in theory contain useful information, but he wasn't desperate enough to read through them.

After washing up, he wrote an email to the nearest research laboratory. Nobody on the forums had said the chemical was obviously illegal or dangerous, and a big lab probably had lots of safety protocols like the ones which got Mr. Kou fired, so he felt like he could at least ask how much it would cost to make. The lab didn't need to know he was a middle-schooler who would be paying in cash just yet.


Late that night he lay in bed with his hand above his head, watching the muscles and tendons move with each flex in the dim moonlight as he thought about what Midnight had said before he got distracted by the formula. He still wanted to be a Hero, to inspire others like the faces covering his walls inspired him, but applying to the Support course as well wouldn't detract from his chances of getting into the Hero course. If he failed after all, maybe that would be a sign he wasn't cut out for that life and should help people indirectly instead. He sighed.


Then his Quirk reached out of its own accord again, and a stack of pages fell from his outstretched hand and smacked into his face with the sound of rustling paper. With a groan of frustration he gathered them up and stacked them on his bedside table to worry about in the morning.


Word count: 2641/7962

A/N: I was pretty excited when the Erskine formula got rolled, but it's actually pretty limited as it's just a chemical formula which Izuku has no idea what to do with. Not only that, he'd need to know about vita radiation to avoid all the horrible side-effects of drinking it neat. Apologies to the actual chemists reading this for any mistake with the descriptions in this chapter!

I think Midnight has a lot of emotional intelligence, and her sultry persona helps to make people drop their guard and overlook that. The conversation with her was included because she seemed like an obvious customer for the Sexy Evil Tailor, but it also was a chance to lay some groundwork for a Support course Midoriya. I'm not sure if the story will go that way yet, but without OfA or some good rolls on the Forge it's hard to see him managing to get into the Hero Course.

Regarding the warehouse key, Izuku using it too early on would make it obvious to everyone else that he had a strange nonstandard Quirk, and I didn't want to change his characterization and upbringing that much. At the latest, he'll realize how it works when he gets a roll that affects the warehouse. That said, the idea of four-year-old Izuku opening the door to his workshop and making fiat-backed pasta art cracks me up. I might take a shot at a sidestory chapter on that what-if, if I want a break from the main story.

Strange Formula (MCU) (100): This chemical formula is the brainchild of the German scientist Dr. Erskine, and is directly responsible for the creation of Captain America. As is, this is only the formula, and you must make it yourself... but as a result it could possibly let you modify the serum for other uses. Beware its tendencies to amplify the personality traits of the user, or be prepared to find a way to fix that fact.

Engineer's Notes: Avvenire (ARIA) (50): A last set of documents that was kept in the archives – this copy was seems to have been fragmented into components, though as you compile more of it together it will become evidently that this details the specifics of the actual terraforming process, including the equipment and calculations involved in the process of creating Aqua. It does go to note that while the knowledge stored within this could help a new engineer tackle a different terraforming project, each planet presents its own challenges, and this information is better taken as a sample of notes rather than a hard guideline. Each time you take this option your own abilities at controlling the logistic and engineering elements of terraforming improves slightly, though with ten purchases you'll find that the documents will be complete – further purchases won't help you much...unless you had a different use for them.
I can't believe MC freaking posted it online, is he insane! Dear god the fallout of this will lead to a world war.

And now it's up in multiple forms forever, all it will take is one dude seeing the post and it will all blow up like a nuke. MC is freaking dead.

Why did he even think it was a good idea, it's literally a strange chemical formula his power gave him. Why would you want to share it!

He better hope he gets some lucky rolls and fast or he won't survive the thousands of villans, world government, hero's and corporations that will be hunting down the person who posted the formula.

Let's hope he does not do the same to the planet destroying terraforming tech pages.
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