Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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Character Submission: Felicia Von Clawsenhauser (Shadowhope)
Player: Shadowhope
Name: Felicia Von Clawsenhauser
Description: A short frazzled looking woman with long tangled black hair flaring out from beneath an worn beanie with cute cat ear decorations!... at least until she takes the hat off, and it's revealed that they're just pockets for her cat ears to fit in.... and if you look closely beneath her purple long coat that is a black tail flicking back and forth. Two gold colored and most certainly feline eyes are hidden behind black cat eye shades.

When yawning it's clear to see that her teeth are sharp in places, and it looks like her tongue has bristles on it. Her limbs seem... off in places like they're bent in ways a human limb isn't supposed to be. Those nails look awfully sharp.... did they just retract?!

Backstory: She was always alone in regards to human company when she was young. Her parents left her to her own devices and the other kids said she was weird and freaky. That was fine. She had the stray cats in the neighborhood. Felicia loved cats. They didn't judge and minded their own business. Their company was so much better than most humans. She didn't like most humans.

Felicia loved cats. She wanted to be a cat. It sounded so much less stressful. She always visited the stray cat colony in the neighborhood. They always were there to welcome her. Until they weren't. Animal control took them away when she was 21. Animal control tried to euthanize MURDER her true family. But that's okay. They just had to be converted. If everyone was like cats then she would be able to get along with them. Felicia had always been an smart girl. Too smart perhaps. Her parents being accomplished scientists with labs at home certainly helped.

She'd been dreaming of a prototype and working on it as soon as she found a way to make it possible. The Felinationizer. It's funny what an little injection could do. She'd tested it on herself first of course. It hurt as her bones twisted and flesh rearranged itself. But that was fine. BeCaUsE eVeRy ThInG wAs So ClEaR nOw! They were jealous of her family! So jealous they wanted them for themselves! But that was fine, she would've done the same!

She's an understanding person, so instead of just taking her family back, she let them JoIn tHeM. They screamed out of fear happiness as their bodies twisted and warped! A few died fell asleep but that's fine. She had just made new minions friends now! She was so happy! She wanted to make more! The authorities weren't happy though. So she had to lay low for a while. She left her true family with her human family and went to this fun convention! She learned some fascinating things and met some more humans she could tolerate!

They could be her friends without being her friends! They were making a group and Felicia had to move out of her parent's house anyway soon. So she'd just bring her true family with her! She was going to have sO mUcH fUn!
Skill Levels: Research 2 Operations 0 Espionage 4 Combat 1.
Starting Inventions:
The Felinationizer -
It makes new minions friends! It doesn't work a lot though, and tends to kill put things to sleep more often than convert. When an thing converts it becomes mutated into an feline like monster with lowered mental capacity and an more simple line of thought. They all show loyalty to Felicia first and foremost though.

Unusual Stray Cat Colony- They don't do much. But Felicia seems to talk to them a lot and know things she shouldn't know. The cats are slightly more intelligent than usual, and serve as an rudimentary information network. They're small in population right now though, and still not very smart, so it's unlikely for anything of earth shattering importance to be known by them.

Cat Friends Minions- They're human in shape but with varying catlike mutations and levels of intelligence. She has nine right now. Felicia is willing to share with her new friends though! Just don't let them get hUrT alright? Bad things happen to people who hUrT her friends. So don't cause bad things to happen okay? Okay <3~!
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Well, I didn't exactly put in the best starting inventions either... More for IC than anything else, really.

At any rate, a future goal of mine is to get to pilot a mecha. Because fuck, we're mad scientists. We MUST make one.
Character Submission: Claudia Kant (Hazard)
Player: Hazard
Name: Claudia Kant
Description: Short, cute, and generally inoffensive, one would sooner think that behind this black haired young woman's eyes hides nothing, not even brains. But Claudia has a sharper mind than many would credit her.

Backstory: New to the Mad Science thing, Claudia specializes in data handling. It's always been interesting to her how things connect to each other, and graphs, statistics and other methods of information organization. While this has made her observant and skilled at piercing deception, it's also gotten her in trouble. Some people would like certain secrets to stay secret, and her ability to ferret out things others would rather leave hidden has resulted in certain agencies interfering with her.

They made her a laughingstock, believing that ridicule would be a better way to keep her from causing trouble than death. That might have been ill advised, and she's joined with a group of other mad scientists for protection, shared resources and a chance to laugh at all of them when she has her revenge.

Skill Levels: Research 2 | Operations 1 | Espionage 4 | Combat 0
Starting Inventions: Orthanc (Dedicated server for the group. Provides a secure network). Mechanogoblins (Small, unobtrusive drones specialized in gaining access to things they should not have access to according to people other than Claudia), Sting (EMP/Jammer, often mounted on Mechanogoblins as a failsafe).
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[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Advance your knowledge of Chemistry by trying to write down the ingredients of the Reanimation serum maybe then you can figure out what the brain dead monkeys were going on about the recipe not making logical sense.
[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Advance your knowledge of Biology and how your reanimate serum works on living tissue and organs. Also this time don't go through with the experiment unless you specifically saw the limbs off first don't want a repeat of experiment #12-d3
Player: Hazard
Name: Claudia Kant
Description: Short, cute, and generally inoffensive, one would sooner think that behind this black haired young woman's eyes hides nothing, not even brains. But Claudia has a sharper mind than many would credit her.

Backstory: New to the Mad Science thing, Claudia specializes in data handling. It's always been interesting to her how things connect to each other, and graphs, statistics and other methods of information organization. While this has made her observant and skilled at piercing deception, it's also gotten her in trouble. Some people would like certain secrets to stay secret, and her ability to ferret out things others would rather leave hidden has resulted in certain agencies interfering with her.

They made her a laughingstock, believing that ridicule would be a better way to keep her from causing trouble than death. That might have been ill advised, and she's joined with Professor Red for protection, shared resources and a chance to laugh at all of them when she has her revenge.

Skill Levels: Research 2 | Operations 1 | Espionage 4 | Combat 0
Starting Inventions: Orthanc (Dedicated server for the group. Provides a secure network). Mechanogoblins (Small, unobtrusive drones specialized in gaining access to things they should not have access to according to people other than Claudia), Sting (EMP/Jammer, often mounted on Mechanogoblins as a failsafe).
One little issue: Professor Red isn't part of your little organization. So, change it to 'joined up with a bunch of other mads scientists' and it'll make more sense.
Character Submission: Harlequin (Keeper Of Storms)
Player: @Keeper Of Storms
Name: Harlequin
Description: Shadowy -literally, shadows seem to wave over his body regardless of ambient light- figure wearing a Harlequin's mask. Appears to be roughly six feet tall, and somewhat skinny. Aforementioned shadows make it hard to tell anything more than that.
Adopted by a ninja clan, Harlequin was rather infuriated to find out that said clan didn't have anything of a mystical nature behind it. So he turned his efforts to SCIENCE to fix that glaring hole in his ninja capabilities. His personal ability in combat somewhat decayed as a result, but his breakthroughs in Shadow Tech have positioned him for true Ninja Supremacy. Of course, as it turned out, magic is actually a thing, but no matter; SCIENCE will reign SUPREME!
Skill Levels:
Research - 3
Operations - 0
Espionage - 3
Combat - 1
Starting Inventions:
-Shadow Manipulator: A device that warps shadows around the wearer, capable of full-fledged cloaking in bursts.
-Shadow Gate: A device that allows for passage through solid surfaces to an extent.
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Name Organization
[X] Group name: S.C.I.E.N.T.I.S.T.
Scientific Collaborators Internationally Ensuring Nationwide Trust In Science Today
[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] DNA. How can she make The Felinationizer work more often? Can she make it produce different types of Cat Friends?
[X] Search for suspicious activity
-[X] Consult Unusual Stray Cat Colony for information or anything unusual they might have noticed prowling around.
Felicia heard there were Werewolfs at the convention. She wonders if there are Werecats. She hopes there are. If there aren't, there will be soon.
[X] Combat
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Nice, two espionage focused helps fill in the week spots. And first day and we have what, six pages already and a ton of characters.

Well, I didn't exactly put in the best starting inventions either... More for IC than anything else, really.

At any rate, a future goal of mine is to get to pilot a mecha. Because fuck, we're mad scientists. We MUST make one.
Well whatever people put will get balanced for starting gear, it just is what we have done and blueprints for us to start with besides the normal tech level. So I would not worry too much. I know mine is just the beginning of a process and all I plan is to make one and then use it when researching in the area to make far better things.
Character Submission: Professor Henrietta Von Whiskers (Shadowhisker)
Hey, everyone. I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, figured I'd bite the bullet and jump on in.

Player: Shadowhisker

Name: Professor Henrietta von Whiskers/Subject PSI-87-D

Description: A small and fluffy white-haired kitten with green eyes. Always wears a labcoat, an armored vest, and a pair of heavy goggles. Professor Whiskers, despite being an adorable kitten, always radiates an aura of insane presence. She is megalomaniacal, extravagant, and generally in your face. She has truly obscene manual dexterity for a kitten.

Backstory: There once were two mad scientists; Doctor Roberta von Zaufmeier, a Swiss geneticist with an obsession towards unlocking humanity's psionic potential; and Professor Edward H. Black, a Canadian particle physicist who sought the legendary (and destructive) Daemon Particle. The two briefly worked together in an experiment involving quantum radiation therapy, but their egos clashed, and they turned on each other. Doctor von Zaufmeier activated her prototypical Cerebral Flayer just as Professor Black fired his experimental Tachyonic Accelerator, and BOOM! The two mad scientists were no more. Their combined personalities, their very souls, were funneled into one of Doctor von Zaufmeier's test subjects, an adorable little kitten. Thus was born Professor Henrietta von Whiskers. Her goals? Find her place in the world, discover the limits of science and shred them to pieces, blow shit up, and CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

Skill Levels: Research 5 | Operations 0 | Espionage 1 | Combat 1

Starting Inventions: Primitive Telepathic Circuit (Biochemical modification that grants limited telepathy. Untested, may or may not melt your brain.); Exotic Particle Cannon (Very good at wreaking havoc, can fire different particles for different effects. E.G. photons for lasers, Higgs Bosons for mass alteration, or positions for raw destruction. Has a tendency to violently explode.); Ad Hoc Radiothermic Gene Alteration Ray (Allows for on the fly genetic enhancement. Use it to make mildly psychic monsters. The cancer isn't a side affect, it's a feature!)
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Crap, forgot to vote. Sorry for the double post.

[X]Group Name: Metanatural Anomaly Department or M.A.D. for short
[X]Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X]Exotic Particles, particularly those with... unexplained properties
[X] Search for Suspicious Activities
-[X]Screen the population for psionic activities. Keep the net broad, so we can also catch any monsters or cults or whatever.
[X] Research: Advance Understanding of a Field
-[x] Shadow Tech
[X] Espionage: Infiltrate Argentinian Intelligence Service

Don't particularly care for the name. I figure that we should know what's going on in the country where our HQ is, and it's much smarter to make use of someone else's infrastructure than wasting time making your own! So if anyone wants to tag along, that'd be nifty. I'm looking at you @Hazard , your Esp 4 would be greatly appreciated.
Don't particularly care for the name. I figure that we should know what's going on in the country where our HQ is, and it's much smarter to make use of someone else's infrastructure than wasting time making your own! So if anyone wants to tag along, that'd be nifty. I'm looking at you @Hazard , your Esp 4 would be greatly appreciated.

Understandable, but not this turn. I want to secure the group's network traffic first, before we start doing things liable to draw attention.

Besides, you are trying to get into a state's security apparatus. While effective, perhaps you should go for something a little... less likely to result in all of us dragged into alleys and shot?

Like, say, infiltrating a couple of major news agencies? Almost as much information gathering capacity, much lower chance of discovery and/or nasty results from being discovered.
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Character Submission: Ted "Not Ted" Mathers (Bass11)
Player: Bass11
Name: Ted "Not Ted" Mathers
Description: Ted "Not Ted" Mathers is a 6 feet tall, short black haired guy. Other than that he is pretty nondescript.
Backstory: Ted is a computer scientist that decided on compile a working model of reality on a computer.
Skill Levels: Research 4 | Operation 3 | Espionage 0 | Combat 0
Starting Inventions: Incomplete Skeletal Model of Reality

[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Computer Science
[X] Start a Front Business
-[X] Software Company
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Character Submission: Albert Wily (Happerry)
Player: Happerry
Name: Albert Wily
Description: A middle aged man who has a major case of a receding hairline, but lots of hair on the side of his head as well as an impressive mustache that distracts one from his very large chin. Oh, and a very snazzy lab coat.
Backstory: A former engineer, he grew upset at the world's stupidity and budgetary restrictions, and decided that, since he could do a better job at running the world then any of those morons, then he'd better get to taking over said world...
Skill Levels: Research 4 | Operations 1 | Espionage 2 | Combat 0
Starting Inventions: Robot Minions to help out in the Lab, A basic energy bolt pistol, and an experimental Personal Digital Assistant.
Character Submission: Krista Fairweather (Umi-san)
Player: Umi-San
Name: Krista Fairweather
Description: Krista is a 5'6" female with brown-hair, brown eyes, and a slightly mixed ethnicity.
Backstory: Krista grew up on a farm, deeply in love with nature both in the untamed networks of normal ecologies and in the heavily managed form used in agriculture. She's dedicated her life to improving yields and altering approaches to farming so that humanity can live off the earth without destroying it. While she prefers altering organisms and creating economic pressures, if necessary she would take a more direct hand in altering how humans are.
Skill Levels: Research 4 | Operation 3 | Espionage 0 | Combat 0
Starting Inventions: RapiGrow Spray; Git Gud Cotton; QuickMix Gene Splicing Machine

[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Bioengineering
[X] Start a Front Business
-[X] Agricultural GMO Company