The Lake at Night II
Entropy Judge
Recurring Bouts of Misanthropy
[X] Try to convince them that this is normal in Gensokyo, and that fairies really aren't a threat to anyone. They should know better by now, but ….
- [X] Emphasize that fairies are all immortal, have poor memories and very little power. They get excited easily whenever a powerful youkai or magician is doing something, so your intervention would probably only draw in more fairies unless you disperse them all. Just enjoy the show, they don't mean any harm beyond pranks.
- [X] Emphasize that fairies are all immortal, have poor memories and very little power. They get excited easily whenever a powerful youkai or magician is doing something, so your intervention would probably only draw in more fairies unless you disperse them all. Just enjoy the show, they don't mean any harm beyond pranks.
"This is a normal thing in Gensokyo, you know," you begin, drawing their attention to you. "If you're out in the open, unless you take precautions, at some point you're probably going to be attacked by fairies. Except for certain places, residences can be attacked - you remember that even Reimu had a fairy problem, right?" Ilya pushes off Leysritt and swims into you, holding onto you as you float in the water, and Lulu pouts jealously.
"You guys don't have a fairy problem," Vita counters, but Remilia shakes her head.
"Gatekeepers are not merely status symbols." You nod, ignoring the knight's scowl, and turn back to Fate and Nanoha.
"There are a few things about fairies I don't think you really get," you say, smiling at Fate's frown. "First, fairies are immortal. Even more than youkai, they have no fear of death; pain, yes, but if you kill a fairy, it'll just come back to life, as if it had never died." Agito snorts, and when you glance at her she splashes you playfully. Right, you used to think she was a fairy, didn't you …. You turn back to the others and shake your head, counteracting the anticipated question. "It is possible to completely kill a fairy, but those ways tend to be pretty difficult, or at least very impractical." You glance at the scrying, and the mermaid seems to be winning handily, effortlessly evading the fairies' scattered danmaku while scattering or shepherding them with her own. "Anyway, the point is that you can't get rid of fairies, and because they think so differently, they're difficult to reason with. Worse, they usually have bad memories; you can't trust them to actually remember any threats you make, or promises they made, so trying to get them to stop doing something they think is fun isn't going to work very well, because they'll think of something fun to do, which is probably just going to be the thing you don't want them to do, and actually forget what they promised." Remilia coughs gently and 'sits up' in the water, wings turned forward to provide buoyancy, and you nod for her to interject.
"It is often repeated that fairies are stupid or idiotic, and to a great degree this is true. The vast majority of fairies due not possess any great reserves of intellect and can be fooled easily. What Flandre has just said, however, is at least as applicable to the idea as their intelligence: fairies have their own perspectives, their own views on ephemerality and permanence and what is important." Fate's eyes widen and she looks at the fight between youkai and fairy with a slightly horrified expression.
"They … they're children. Children who can't learn or grow …." Nanoha winces and sets her hand on Fate's shoulder, and Remilia makes a weighing gesture with her hands. You merely shrug.
"That's one way of looking at it," you say before twirling Ilya around and sending her gliding through the water toward Lulu. "It works another way, too: fairies are weak. Losing to a fairy would be like losing to a child, because they're only as physically strong as their appearance suggests, and not really any stronger magically, either. Most youkai would probably be able to wade through those fairies without much thought. A really powerful fairy is about as strong as a weak youkai, and normal fairies are weaker than humans." Homura raises a hand, treading water until you nod at her.
"If all that is true, why would they pick a fight with a youkai? Even if they are stupid, surely they must learn eventually." You nod, then shrug.
"If they picked a fight with that youkai. Watch them for a bit." The fairies, now short a few members who float helplessly in the lake, continue their erratic flight patterns, sometimes colliding with each other as they frantically try to avoid the youkai's waves of danmaku. "Look at the fairies' danmaku - it doesn't even penetrate the surface of the water, it just bursts on impact. They may have been trying to perform a prank of some kind, or they may have just been playing a game of their own making, and the youkai took offense and attacked them." Nanoha shakes her head, confused, and holds her Device.
"So we -" You shake your head sharply, water flying from your loose hair.
"Sit back and enjoy the fireworks until they finish. Fairies aren't a danger in combat; some of their pranks can be harmful, but they aren't malicious entities. Besides, fairies are very curious. If you went to try and break things up, you might well attract more of them, because they'd notice that a powerful magician is doing something, which must be interesting. So you'd have to make sure you got them all quickly, probably without doing anything flashy … and you still wouldn't actually solve anything unless you want to make 'standing watch against fairies' your full-time job." Megane winces at the sharpness in your voice, but Nanoha and Fate finally seem to have figured it out. They're not happy about it - but them actually understanding Gensokyo a bit better is more important than their happiness, especially if other Mid-Childans do come. Neither you nor Remilia are going to enjoy having to explain basic things like fairies to every visitor, or have to explain to some youkai that, no, they can't eat the non-Gensokyoan even though he interrupted the fun he was having bashing around fairies. You float forward until you reach them, then pat their heads patronizingly. Vita scowls, but Nanoha looks a bit cheered up. "Just enjoy the show. Youkai fighting fairies, or fairies fighting each other, is something that happens pretty commonly, and if they play some danmaku, you usually at least get pretty lights out of the deal." Fate nods slowly and you drift away, toward Lulu and Ilya. You wrap your arms around the Mid-Childan mage, squirming a bit until you get in the right spot so you can hug her while Ilya hangs onto you, and watch the mermaid clean up the fairies.
"Hah! I knew it! Australian dolphin shark!" Everyone except Sakuya turns to stare at Remilia as she splashes emphatically, and you turn back to the scrying image as her lips move with imperceptible speech - or, possibly, just a spell. After a moment, whatever your sister saw pays off, and a huge wave surges over the remaining fairies. The youkai, unharmed and unmoved by the wave, watches as the fairies are swept away from the lake and deposited on the shore, then turns toward the source of the wave: a red fish of some kind. You narrow your eyes as the youkai and the fish talk to each other - two youkai? - and the mermaid looks away from the fish and toward … your group, apparently. Hmm ….
What do you do?
[ ] Show's over, go back to playing.
[ ] Ask Remilia what an Australian dolphin shark is and why it's so important.
[ ] … Maybe go see what they youkai are up to, and subtly imply that disrupting your little party would end very poorly for them.
[ ] Other?