Costume Party
[X] Costume time for everyone!

"Fine, fine, we won't do Maid Day," you grumble, and you try to ignore the several much too obvious sighs of relief. After a moment, though, your lips quirk upward. "So, as I am a polite and well-bred young lady, I say we should all play dress-up." Remilia applauds politely, Vita groans and knocks her head against the table, and Illyasviel raises her hand.

"Does that mean I get to lose the maid uniform for a bit?" You look at Patchouli; she looks at Remilia, who simply shrugs.

"Oh, fine. I'm sure we can find some outfits for you to try on, too." Illyasviel breathes a sigh of relief. You look over at Sakuya, and the Chief Maid regretfully bows. Good, everyone is going to change! You smile at Remilia, and she returns a mischievous grin.

Naturally, you and Remilia are the first to change, Remilia into the outfit with a blue coat that you had tried on before, although also comes out with a katana and a black pistol. Your complementary red outfit comes with a white pistol and a massive two-handed sword, and Remilia sits you on her lap as you wait for Lulu, Megane, and Zest to finish changing. Patchouli shakes her head and sighs.

"What is the matter, Pache? You think we ought to have switched colors?" The magician gives your sister a suffering look before shaking her head again. You look at your sister questioningly, but she just smiles and nods forward as Zest and the Alpines walk into the room. You, Agito, and Ilya gasp delightedly and clap, and Megane blushes. Zest is wearing white and red - a red cape and surcoat, with porcelain-white armor and a white tabard, all trimmed with gold, and his white spear is set with a red gem. Megane wears similar porcelain armor, although hers is much less protective, only covering her forearms and elbows, her lower legs and knees, and her torso. Instead of red, her uneven skirt is purple, and her choker is black, leaving her shoulders and upper chest bare but for a white cape, and a sword hangs from her waist. Lulu, contrary to her guardians' outfits, wears a simple white and blue dress, and the angelic wings at her back twitch and try to cover her as she blushes. Remilia grins delightedly and rubs her fingers together as you hurry over to Lulu, and Sakuya, Koakuma, and Patchouli withdraw to change.

"Ooh, is this what they call a knight in shining armor?" Deis shakes her head and looks enviously at Megane. "Is it the clean living? Good men like a nice girl and all that?" Megane blushes more deeply and looks sidelong at Zest, but Lulu hops forward and hugs Deis.

"It's okay, Deis. You just need to meet the right man and sweep him off his feet!" Deis stares down at her for a long moment before sighing and shaking her head.

"Well, with such encouragement from a little angel like you, how could I choose any other path?" She leans down to hug Lulu, who giggles and responds in kind before slipping back to sit next to Megane. Then Remilia bursts into applause.

"Ooh, Pache! Very nice!" The magician stalks into the room wearing tall black boots, a short red dress, and a multi-tailed black coat. Her hair mostly hangs loose, except for two braids thrust up through her black hat that look quite reminiscent of horns. She walks over to Remilia and swats at her with a large book. You shake your head, then stare as Sakuya walks into the room. The Chief Maid wears a bell-shaped midnight purple evening gown with red trim, and a small hat with a large bow. Her hair is done up in a long ponytail, much like Meiling's, and apart from her unusually pale face, not a bit of her skin is visible. "And Sakuya! Pads, really?" The maid curtsies deeply.

"Indeed, Milady - they came with the costume." Remilia clears her throat expectantly and crosses her arms, and Sakuya sighs. "Haa~. De arinsu." And at that, you sister smiles and leaps forward to hug Sakuya tightly, and the maid pats her head. You frown and look around, then narrow your eyes and glare at Koakuma. She's hiding behind Illyasviel and Ershin, wearing a black low-cut leotard and pink stockings. When she sees you watching her, she ducks her head and presses her pointer fingers together nervously. Someone coughs behind you, and you turn around to see - a panda. Rather, a costume of one, although quite well-made; the fur certainly looks real. It pats your head, then lifts you up so you can ride on its shoulders as Ilya, Illyasviel, Deis, Ershin, and Sept file out.

"Ah, Flandre-chan!" The panda carries you over to Nanoha, and you ignore Vita's simmering glare. "Do you do this often?" You tap your lips as you consider how to respond to the mage, then simply shake your head. Kyouko and Homura both sigh in relief.

"No, this is new. I mean, sure, we've had some costume parties, and Remilia and I have tried on dresses, but we haven't ever just put on outfits for the spectacle of it before. I think I like it, though, as long as it doesn't go on too long."

"Where do you get the costumes?" Fate asks, and you shrug.

"No idea! You'd have to ask my sister or - ah, Patchouli! Where'd you get all the costumes?" The magician works her mouth helplessly for a moment, then glares at your sister, still playing around with Sakuya's costume. After a moment, though, Patchouli shakes her head and smiles softly.

"Oh, here and there," she says, frustration vanished. "It's really not worth worrying about."

"At this point I can only assume that someone is trying to teach me something, perhaps a life lesson on appearances that I don't need. Or else it's taking joy from others' misery," Deis's says loudly as she walks into the room. Her outfit, like Sakuya's covers her entire body apart from her face and hands, but it's a single-piece green dress wrapped with chains, and a black visor covers her eyes. Despite her words, however, her tone and expression show that she doesn't disapprove of her outfit. You clap loudly as she smirks at Remilia, but then she steps aside as a large object floats into the room. It's obviously Ershin, but more round and flat, and it floats on fire-jetting legs rather than stands. And on its back, in place of a cape, is a strange yellow musical horn.

"There, we came in, can we go back now?" Deis covers her face at the loud, whining voice that echoes throughout the room, and you shake your head. It's Sept, still speaking her archaic French, but the tone makes it obvious what she wants

"Let everyone take a look at you, and then you can leave," Remilia responds in the same language, and Ershin turns from side to side in confusion. Then the top of Ershin opens up, and you see the little blonde girl for just a moment, dressed in a dark, form-fitting outfit. She leans out of Ershin's comfortable-looking interior, sticks her tongue out at Remilia in irritation, almost falls out, and scrambles back inside as Ershin closes back up. Then the armor zooms out of the room, smashing through the door and ricocheting off at least two different walls as it flees toward the library. "Haa~. Children." You giggle at your sister's complaint, then clap as Ilya and Illyasviel come into view.

Illyasviel is wearing a very strange outfit: high-heeled shoes, a short white dress, and a bulky rabbit-like helmet, along with an oversized hammer and massive blacksmith's tongs with red-hot tips. Ilya, on the other hand, is wearing an elaborate blue-and-white coat, trimmed with gold, and a short white-and-blue dress, and carries a pink-and-white teddy bear. You hop off the panda and collide with Ilya, and you would have swung her around happily … but the bear is a lot harder than it looks, and when you bounce off it, Ilya blushes and looks away. "Um, sorry, Flan," she begins, but you grin and hug her anyway.

"Hehe! Your hands are full carrying Berserker, so that means -!" You slip your hands under Ilya's coat as her eyes widen in understanding, and ruthlessly tickle her. At least, until the teddy bear springs from her hands and grows to nearly Berserker's height, with commensurately sharp claws. You fall back, look up at it, and sigh. Really, when was the last time a bear was helpful?

You, Lulu, and Ilya sit together as the costume show continues. Agito wears a leafy green dress with dragonfly wings, and trails golden dust everywhere she flies. Sella wears a military uniform, with a high peaked cap, a metal breastplate, a positively enormous handgun, and all of it decorated with golden skulls. Leysritt, meanwhile, wears a suit of black plate armor with similar decorations, an even larger firearm. Vita storms into the room in a maid's uniform, shaking a feather duster furiously at your sister - and you, and Nanoha, and Megane, and anyone whose lips so much as twitch when looking at her. Fate creeps into the room, face red, wearing a too-short black dress with detached sleeves and a four-pointed star cut out of the chest. And Nanoha's outfit consists of a too-small black vest, a short red skirt, tall boots, and a positively enormous multi-barreled firearm.

Homura's piratical outfit is black and blue, with half a dozen flintlock pistols thrust into the belts crossing her hips, while Kyouko wears a short black dress trimmed with red and carries a large mechanical scythe. Mami walks in wearing a shimmering blue evening gown, with her hair in a single braid. Sayaka, looking rather embarrassed, is dressed in a blue tunic with a long cap, and carries a sword and a blue shield with a stylized red winged figure. And Madoka wears a fairly plain blue and white outfit, notable only for the large bell at her neck and the heart-shaped staff she carries.

And then Remilia, Sakuya, and Patchouli get involved. Each of you is taken aside and measured, had your color palettes assessed and explained, and then given perfectly tailored dresses (suits, in Zest's case). Even Vita is unable to come up with an objection stronger than her not needing an enhanced wardrobe - which, of course, is no objection at all.

And then it's time for lunch.

What do you do?

[ ] Be absconded with by Ilya and Lulu.

[ ] Take the younger generation out to the lake.

[ ] Other?

DM Note: I had been planning on doing at least two outfits per person. Then I got halfway through the update and realized that wasn't going to work very well. :(

Abduction, Skedaddle, and Vamoose
[X] Be absconded with by Ilya and Lulu.

As you get up from the table, three fiendish entities, garbed all in black with a long red scarf wrapped about their necks, appear behind you, Lulu, and Ilya. Arms cross in front of you and pull you against the mysterious being's torso, and with a burst of smoke - nothing happens. You look around to see Ilya and Lulu similarly bound, and everyone else at the table staring at you with varying degrees of confusion. Then Remilia smiles, shakes her head, and waves a shooing gesture at the six of you. Smoke bursts out again, and with a flash of light you're in Ilya's suite. Lulu's face is bright red, as is Sella's when she hurriedly removes her mask, but Ilya's is locked in a thoughtful expression.

"That really should have worked. I double-checked everything," she mutters, then shakes her head and smiles at you and Lulu. "Oh, well. Mission Accomplished!" You cast a mock-doubtful look at your friends, and Lulu nods.

"Yes, and now it's time for Mission Start! You see, Flan, Ilya and I did a lot of work yesterday." They both nod seriously, although you can tell they're trying to keep from smiling, and from there laughing. "We had to get Patchouli to explain to us how to get vampires to relax! Because you aren't relaxed. You're insomniac, staying up late into the night -"

"And you aren't eating much -"

"And your eyes are turning red!" You look back and forth between them, then over at Sella and Leysritt.

"… Your eyes are red, too," you begin, and Ilya nods energetically.

"Because we can't relax, either. My hair is even turning white!" You can't quite hold back a laugh, and Ilya and Lulu break down into giggles, too. "Anyway! We're going to relax for a while, and we're going to enjoy ourselves. Sella, Leys!" The maids bow in unison.

"Lady Illyasviel."

"Race you there!" Lulu sticks her tongue out at Ilya and darts past the maids, and Ilya stares after her for a moment, somewhat flabbergasted, and you giggle. She forces a smile down, then sticks her nose in the air and sniffs dismissively before winking at you. Leysritt bows again and withdraws, and Sella follows you into the bath room. Lulu, of course, is almost ready to enter, at least until Sella apprehends her. "Hey! Ilya!"

"Sassy you!" Ilya shakes her finger under Lulu's nose, and you inhale deeply. You don't quite recognize every part of the blend, but the biggest one …. You walk over to one of the candles and sniff it, letting the scent wrap you in its wings.

"Patchouli wouldn't tell us what the ingredients are, or where she keeps them, but when she said you would like them." You nod. You're sure Ilya and Lulu wouldn't mind knowing that the binding scent of the candles is Remilia's own magic, but that does mean they can't replicate it … and it wouldn't help things if they knew that your best relaxant is your sister. You inhale deeply once more and lazily turn back to your friends and hold your arms out. They take your hands, pull you close - then push you into the bath. Sella gapes, red-faced, as Ilya and Lulu follow you in and start helping you take off your clothes.

"L-Lady Illyasviel! What are you doing?" Ilya pauses, looks at you, then down at her clothes, then up at her maid.

"We're taking a bath, and I'm in the pre-soak cycle. It's the very special part of taking a bath -!" Lulu splashes water at Ilya, interrupting her, and Sella's face mottles red and white as she tries to figure out whether to be furious or humiliated. After your friends splash at each other for a few seconds, however, you shake your head and have your clones come out to pick them up.

"Flan! You're supposed to be relaxing!" You nod as Ilya is carried over for Sella to work her out of her clothes, and your own clothes are placed out of the way to dry, and when both Ilya and Lulu are back in the bath and looking rather embarrassed, you nod again.

"I can hardly relax if my two friends are splashing each other, can I? After all, if you're playing around like that, then I want to join in and play around. But if I'm going to relax, then we're going to relax, right?" They both nod, and after a moment you smile and pull them into a corner. "There. Now we're an aquatic cuddlepile." Lulu giggles and Ilya shakes her head, and the three of you burrow into each other to relax in the warmth of the bath and the intoxicating fragrance of the Patchouli's candles.

Of course, soaking in the tub isn't all you do, especially once Sella finally returns with snacks, treats, and drinks. The food has to wait, of course - biscuits soaked in honey are wonderful, but the crumbs thereof don't belong in a bath! - but it turns out that in addition to the candles, either Koakuma or Patchouli lent Ilya and Lulu some books. Nothing important, or even terribly useful, but they do have wonderful pictures of strange creatures and places, and the three of you spend the last half-hour in the bath making up stories about the creatures. Then you allow Sella and Leysritt to dry you off and dress you - Lulu in particular is amusingly embarrassed to be fussed over - and you all move to Ilya's sitting room, there to finish the treats and snacks.

And to talk, of course. About using the mirrors to keep in touch, and how to arrange physical meetings. You're certain that Remilia and Patchouli won't have any problems letting you see each other occasionally, especially if the other youkai or the Bureau do strike up some kind of bargain. And you and Ilya help get Lulu to stop worrying about Megane and Zest so much - at least, you try to, until she and Ilya remember that the purpose of them sneaking you away was to let you relax and not have to worry about other people!

It is then that Ilya brings out what - according to Koakuma - is one of the most dreadful torture tools in existence: an excessively comfortable chair. Two, in fact, since she shares Lulu's sin of negligence. And then they bring in a third with ruthless efficiency, as the chairs are excessively comfortable, after all, and they can hardly make you sit in an ordinary chair while they are being exquisitely tortured by comfort. You have to agree - it is a torturously comfy chair. Somehow, Sella manages to stand against the wall the whole time without ever reacting untowardly … at least until you ask Ilya if you can play a game to see if you can make her maids break their concentration.

As the afternoon light begins to fade ever-so-slowly into early evening, you make your way to the patio, to enjoy the atmosphere and see the gardens, and to play tag and other games with your magic. Naturally, your danmaku bullets are the best, almost as quick and far more maneuverable than Ilya's birds, and faster than Lulu's bullets since she can't exactly use her capturing magic to slow your danmaku down. But those games only last for a little while, and the three of you curl against each other on the couch in a proper cuddlepile, even before Sella creeps close to place a blanket over the three of you. You bet she thinks you didn't see her ….

What do you do?

[ ] Make sure to get everyone up in time for dinner.

[ ] Wake up really early.
- [ ] And make sure Satsuki isn't feeling lonely.
- [ ] And wander through the library.
- [ ] And wake up Ilya and Lulu.

[ ] Wake up when the others do.

[ ] Other?
Seeing Satsuki
[X] Wake up really early.
- [X] And make sure Satsuki isn't feeling lonely.

You murmur sleepily and Sella freezes, but when you don't react any more she carefully tucks the blanket around the three of you, gently kisses Ilya's forehead, and brushes her hand through your hair. You can't see her now, of course, but you can hear her footsteps retreating quickly - probably fueled by embarrassment. Your lips curl up in a smile and you allow yourself to drift off to sleep.

You wake up in Ilya's bed with only dim starlight to light the room. Not that that is any great hardship for you, of course. Whoever put you in put Ilya in the middle, which is fortunate, since it lets you slip out more easily. Now, to slip out through the mansion, or the patio …? Hoping that she doesn't have any alarms set to trigger from the door to the patio opening - or that if she does, they won't activate from you opening them - you creep out and look up at the cloudy sky. If anyone asks, you'll just tell them that your insomnia kicked in after the rainstorm, and in any case six hours is plenty of sleep! You shake your head and leap down to the ground floor to find a door. Now, Satsuki would be ….

You actually find one of the few night-shift fairies before you find your servant, and after a little light bullying she finally spills the gossip she's heard: the weird new night-servant is probably being useless in the library because Sakuya doesn't trust her with real work. You spend a few minutes reminding the fairy of Satsuki's name, and encourage her to pass it along to all the other fairies, along with an exhortation to treat Satsuki more respectfully and appropriately, because if you hear about any kind of ill treatment, the only thing that will stop you from killing the fairy responsible is if Remilia punishes the perpetrator first. Then you leave the suitably chastened maid and head toward the library. Satsuki probably is feeling fairly lonely, then; admittedly, even if they're better than most fairies, the maids are still mostly useless, but they would be people Satsuki could talk to. That they think she's in the library as some sort of punishment, however, means that she probably hasn't even been introduced to them yet.

You make your way into the library and stand on Hatate-statue's head as you consider how best to search for Satsuki, only for your effort to be largely wasted. "Flandre-sama!" You look over and see her standing against the wall, waving to attract your attention. You hop off the statue, then hurtle forward - it wouldn't do to accidentally kill the tengu by damaging the statue by pushing off too hard, after all - and swing around Satsuki. "Is everything alright?" You hug her once more and set her down.

"Yep! Unless something I don't know about happened, anyway. How are you doing?" She smiles and nods, then looks back over her shoulder before motioning for you to follow her. A couple minutes of stalking later, and she points you to Vita - curled up in a large chair with a blanket tucked around her. Hmm … something about that image seems familiar. "Did something happen?" Satsuki walks away, back toward the stairs, and doesn't answer immediately.

"… I don't know if anything happened, but during dinner, Megane-san asked Remilia-sama if she liked it here in Gensokyo, then if she would consider moving to Mid-Childa. Remilia-sama said it was something she'd considered, but that any move wouldn't take place immediately. I think the idea that everyone might move to Mid-Childa permanently, without objections, bothered Vita-san a bit, because she's been moping down here ever since." You frown; Vita doesn't mope. She gets angry and sulks, but she doesn't mope. … But you are in the basement, and Vita isn't stupid. She might have come down here, hoping to talk to you about it … not that that is much like Vita, either. Hmm. "- so even if they haven't said yes yet, they'll probably go with you to Hakugyokurou tomorrow. I think Tomoe-san is the only one who might not, since she has the fewest connections, but since Sakura-san wants to go and wants to spend more time with her, I think she will." You nod along; all your guests will be going to Hakugyokurou, except Tohsaka, because she's Marisa's guest right now. Of course, Marisa being Marisa, she'll probably find out about the party anyway and might show up - and if she does, she'll probably bring Tohsaka.

"… Satsuki, are you lonely here?" She starts to disagree, then meets your eyes for a moment before looking away. She's quiet for several minutes, and starts studying the book titles before finally responding.

"I don't think so. Not as lonely as I was … before, anyway. It's weird, isn't it? A year ago, I was 'popular' and always surrounded by people who would talk to me. Now … there's you, of course, and - um, we talked about it for a while, and I'm going to call her 'Shisho'. If I become a magician, or at least a powerful-enough mage, she might be willing to let me call her 'Koakuma', but for now it's good enough. And Meiling and Sella. And I think Illyasviel - um, the one who works here in the library, not Illyasviel-san - I think she wants to talk with me about things, but neither of us is really sure about our relative stations, so it's complicated right now." She pauses and takes a deep breath before smiling at you. "I … I am happy here, Flandre-sama. Happier than I've ever been, almost. I'm still not sure what I want to do, but I don't feel like what I'm doing is wrong anymore. So … no, Flandre-sama. I'm not lonely here." You smile back at her and hold your arms out, and she obliges by leaning forward and hugging you.

"You realize you're probably going to be in charge of Kyouko," you say, and her mouth falls open. "Homura will be right under Sakuya, but Kyouko'll be harder to place. She won't fit in the library very well, so it's either under Meiling or under you. Meiling won't mind getting her, I think, but unless Kyouko happens to be a plant-person, she'll only be useful for guarding the gate, and Meiling is already great at that. And having a subordinate is something you should learn, anyway." The one objection you could see her building falls apart and she hangs her head. You giggle and pat her shoulder, and she smiles.

What do you do?

[ ] Wake up Vita and see how she's doing.

[ ] Teach Satsuki.
- [ ] Music.
- [ ] Dressing up.
- [ ] Youkai.

[ ] Play a game with Satsuki.

[ ] Other?
Youkai Lessons
[X] Teach Satsuki.
- [X] Youkai.

"But for now, I think it's time to teach you something else," you say, and Satsuki looks at you excitedly. You smile and start walking, waving for her to follow. "So, what do you know about youkai?"

"Hmm … well, Shisho has been telling me about the beast youkai around here, and about magicians and vampires, and Sakuya-san told me a bit about fairies …." You don't respond, and she goes into a bit more detail, including the distinction between greater and lesser beast youkai and how the fairy maids tend to be above-average for fairies due to increased selection. By the time you find a good meeting area, however, she's quiet again, probably wondering if she made a mistake. You sit in one chair and gesture for her to sit in the one next to you.

"It is good that you're learning more about the youkai around here, but that isn't quite what I was asking about. Which isn't your fault, as the question I asked wasn't very clear. What do you know about youkai as a whole? About everything non-human, the things you've had to try and catch up to learn because they weren't an issue where you lived?" Satsuki nods and stares at a spot on the floor. After a few seconds she looks up hesitantly.

"W-well, youkai are hostile to humans and want to make humans fear them again. Um …." She looks so adorable, you can't help but giggle, and she blushes embarrassedly. You shake your head and pat her shoulder.

"You're fine, Satsuki. I was just thinking how cute you are." Her blush spreads and you lean back in your chair, curling your legs beneath you and resting one elbow on the thickly-padded arm. "Hm, let me see … there are two big rules you have to keep in mind whenever you talk about youkai as a whole. The first is the rule of absoluteness. Nothing is ever absolutely so with youkai and magical things. Sometimes the 'exceptions' actually make up the majority, in fact - for example, most youkai are not actually actively hostile to humans, and they don't need to be personally feared. But youkai represent the unknown, the dark areas of the world and human knowledge. It's that fear that youkai need. As humans learn and understand more of the world and how it works, youkai become weaker and weaker. As people understand and trust science and its way of looking deeper into the physical properties of the world, the mystery of the fantastic is eroded and youkai, without that fear and wonder, fade away. People know there aren't monsters under the bed - there isn't enough space, and they just looked, so of course there can't be. And on a wide enough scale, with enough people just knowing that youkai can't exist - that it's safe to walk around at night because there's no way monsters can exist, that disease and illnesses are caused by tiny-tiny organisms and bacteria and not by plague-demons - youkai can't exist." Satsuki nods slowly, absorbing what you say, and you change positions, leaning over the other chair arm so you're facing her. "But - absolutes. Some youkai can exist in those conditions. Either they have a stable hold on reality, or they represent something that science cannot yet explain, that humans have to leave in the dark can't, on a large scale, pretend to know the truth about. Some youkai want to help humans; some humans want to help youkai. If anyone tells you that something is - or isn't - absolutely so, that person is probably wrong, intentionally or not." Satsuki holds up a hand and you wave for her to go ahead.

"If … if nothing is 'absolutely so', then … isn't that an absolute statement?" Before you can respond, she waves her hands excitedly and shakes her head. "No, no, I'm wrong, um, I'm just -"

"Correct." Her teeth click shut at your interruption, and after a moment she lowers her hands and stares at you, and you can almost see the question marks floating above her head. "It is an absolute statement, and therefore is probably wrong. Nothing is absolutely so, and there are exceptions to everything. For example, you're a vampire, destined to live a long time, see a lot of change. Don't become too invested in any mortal person, place, or set of ideas, because you're going to live through it. You can make an exception, of course - use magic to extend the life of someone you love, or maintain an area designed to remind you of a certain time or area, or conquer an area and force its people to stagnate. But that's not absolute, either; exceptions will occur. For all that youkai are the ultimate conservatives, wanting nothing more than to freeze existence the way it was a thousand years ago - things change. There are exceptions to that, too, but it's still a big rule." Satsuki looks away, and after thinking it through, slowly nods.

"I … I'll need to think about it. I don't think I get it, but …." You grin and reach up to pat her shoulder again.

"Don't worry, the next one is just as confusing!" She gives you a weak grin and you flop back into a seated position. "The rule of definitions. Be careful how you define things, and be careful of what you're saying and how other people define things. For example, you started to define youkai when I asked you about what you know about youkai as a whole, but youkai doesn't refer to everything. For example, a lot of people don't count fairies as youkai, and Remilia doesn't refer to vampires as youkai. Or - if a human and a youkai have a child, what species is that child?" Satsuki makes several false starts before frowning suspiciously.

"… I would call that person a half-youkai." You giggle and shrug.

"That is one option. Another option is to call it a human, or a youkai, or even both human and youkai - which is separate and distinct from half-human/half-youkai. Vampires are another one: most vampires don't recognize the concept of half-vampires - either you're a vampire or you aren't." Satsuki nods readily. "But definitions are important to keep in mind, especially with the rule about absolutes. Most of the time, definitions aren't terribly important as long as you agree to the broad outline. But if you're working on something important, like long-term alliances, then you need to make sure that all parties are working from a common definition. It's no good making an agreement with someone for a labor exchange if you both think you're getting and giving different things, right?" She nods more slowly, lost in thought.

"Flandre-sama? Do you really think I'll do a good job teaching Sakura-san?" You blink at the sudden return to the prior subject, then nod abruptly.

"I do. You're smart, you're wise enough to know when you don't know something, you're a nice person, and you have a lot of people you can ask for advice if something is bothering you. Koakuma, Sakuya, Meiling, and I are all able to help if you need something." You lean over as she stares wide-eyed, and you poke her nose gently before flopping forward to give her a perpendicular hug. She may be comfortable here, but it seems you still have work to do on her confidence. After a moment she awkwardly returns it, and you hold her for a while, until she ever so slightly loosens her grip. She looks happier … but you're pretty sure you can make her feel happier, too.

What do you do?

[ ] A confident exterior is armor for the self-conscious. Teach her about dressing up.
- [ ] For a few hours, so you can get back to Ilya and Lulu before they wake up.
- [ ] Until dawn and Satsuki has to go to sleep.

[ ] Education and entertainment! Tell Satsuki stories and fairy tales.
- [ ] For a few hours, so you can get back to Ilya and Lulu before they wake up.
- [ ] Until dawn and Satsuki has to go to sleep.

[ ] She needs more fun with her best superior! Games, snuggling, and other such distractions.
- [ ] For a few hours, so you can get back to Ilya and Lulu before they wake up.
- [ ] Until dawn and Satsuki has to go to sleep.
Stealth timeskips are go!
[ ] Other?
Telling Stories
[X] Education and entertainment! Tell Satsuki stories and fairy tales.
- [X] For a few hours, so you can get back to Ilya and Lulu before they wake up.

Hmm … she's too big to fit in your lap even remotely comfortably, and you don't really want to put her to bed …. After a few more moments of thought, you shake your head and draw back out of the hug. "Flandre-sama?" You smile and pat her head before hopping up and looking around. This area is as good as any you'd be likely to find.

"Would you like to hear some stories, Satsuki?" She looks hesitantly at you for a moment, then smiles and nods. You take a few steps back, curtsy, and start to speak. You tell her stories and tales from home, emphasizing the forests, whether dark and foreboding or bright and green, and the lives of the peasants and poor-folk who work the land for sustenance. Stories of castles of mighty stone and humbler dwellings of hewn wood, of towns with cobbled-stone roads and of dirt tracks through the wilderness. The stories are populated by creatures and plants both natural and fantastic, but it is, of course, the people you are most interested in presenting to her. For the stories you tell, some like those she is familiar with, and others most strange to her, are always about humans and their interactions with the magical world. How animals that speak and transform are simply accepted without thought, because it is normal. How a deathless creature can exist. How a soul can be linked to a candle inside an egg inside a bird inside a stone inside a chest deep in the sea, and not only is it simply accepted as true, it is not treated as anything more than an obstacle to be overcome.

You tell her stories of youkai, and the stories that made them strong. Stories that people accepted as true, because they had no course but to accept them, because they were believed to be true and so were true, and because what science they had was unable to prove them wrong. Some stories are happy, with threats defeated by the hero or princess, and devils confounded by the cleverness and goodness of humans. Others are bittersweet, with lessons learned despite the loss of life or fortune caused by human failure to appreciate the rules that were laid upon them, where the utterance of a single word brings loss. Yet others are unequivocal losses for humanity, with would-be heroes swept aside by supernatural forces too mighty to be opposed, too clever to be tricked and too wise to be fooled, operating on rules only passing by those of humans. Stories where a name holds great power, and stories where knowledge itself is cursed, and stories in which only titles and descriptions are important.

The soldier called 'Bearskin', and Count Otto and the fairy Ernestine, and the messengers of Death, and Hans who served a princess disguised as a cat, and poor Koschei who never managed to become a true magician. You weave the tales as skillfully as ever, and Satsuki's eyes sparkle and gleam as she listens. "But … these are all stories, right?" You pause and turn a baleful glare on your servant, but instead of flinching and apologizing, she shakes her head. "No, I mean … something like those stories must have happened, but those are what humans recorded. What about - what about what really happened?" You think for a moment and shrug.

"I don't know about the 'historical facts', though. Patchouli might know something, if you really want to know." But Satsuki just smiles, her expression fitting so perfectly a master who has led her student into a trap.

"Flandre-sama and Remilia-sama were really important people, right? So there must be stories about you! And since those stories are about you, you would know the real events that transpired, right?" You stare at her for a moment, then sigh and shake your head. Of course your sister would have seen through it immediately, and maybe Patchouli could have figured it out in time, but it seems that your cute little servant has managed to trap you.

"Alright, alright," you say, and she claps her hands and leans forward excitedly. You take a little bit to go over the stories that do involve you - most revolve far more around your sister, and run the gamut from devious malevolent devil to wonderful princess - and then to focus on the ones that do have a historical basis. Because, humans being humans, of course some stories that are even older than you got retold with you, Remilia, or both of you as involved entities. First you tell her to the story of the interdicted priest who thought he could get back into the grace of the Church by expelling the 'red devils of Hesse' and then returning the Hessian lands to Catholicism. The story is much more dramatic, with the fallen priest being a wicked sinner, and his followers suffering ironic deaths before he himself was cast down into Hell by your sister, and the lone survivor offering her soul to you and Remilia in exchange for her life. In reality, while Remilia did tell the priest, "You have no power here," that was merely referring to his lack of magical might; the poor man was no sinner, only a fanatic who pressed too strongly, and Remilia simply broke his neck. His followers, too, you merely hunted down and killed in the dark, with no special manner of killing, and Bridget survived not by pledging her soul, but because she was a minor hedge-witch and was careful - and lucky. She did offer her loyalty to you and Remilia, and settled down in Darmstadt, hanging up her rifle and marrying, but she maintained her faith and her soul.

Then you tell her the stories of the 'haunted' musical instruments of the landgraviate courts in Hesse - harpsichords, violins, and eventually pianos - which supposedly drove composers and artists to suicide after hearing their beauty and skill. Of course, those stories are highly fantastic; it's true that you and Remilia did maintain instruments in the capitals, but you never heard of anyone killing themselves after hearing you play. You did receive quite a few marriage offers, and had portraits of the two of you playing - masked by Remilia's illusions, of course - and some artists did quit their craft and take up another after being unable to match either of you. Frequently, that craft was instrument-making, and some of the instruments that were kept in the courts were offerings from those failed musicians.

"But now, it's time for me to go back to Lulu and Ilya." Satsuki nods and smiles, hopping out of her chair and curtsying properly. You smile and tousle her hair, then stick your tongue out at her when she pouts. Of course, then you give her a hug before flying back into Ilya's room the way you left. Everything seems to be the way you left it, and you carefully creep back into the bed, and as you burrow into the mattress, Ilya and Lulu roll toward you and clutch your arms. And yet they both seem to be asleep. You shake your head and close your eyes, listening to the whispers of your friends' breaths and the gentle beating of their hearts.

When you wake up again their grips have only tightened and their heads rest on your shoulders. You wait for a few minutes, just relaxing, watching daylight creep into view and listening to them sleep, until the door opens and Sella enters. She bows to you, then walks to Ilya's side. "Lady Illyasviel. Lady Illyasviel. It's time to wake up." Ilya clutches your arm to her chest and grumbles, but her eyes slowly flutter open as her servant repeats herself. Once she's awake, however, Sella moves to the other side of the bed to waken Lulu with the same procedure. Ilya pouts at the other girl, but slides out of the bed.

"We're going to Hakugyokurou today," she says, sounding a little resigned, and you nod. Yes, where Yuyuko lives, even if they did say that they weren't interested in Berserker anymore.

"Hyan!" Lulu jerks and squeaks quietly, and you reach out to keep her from rolling off the bed and into Sella - although it appears that the maid was expecting that reaction. Lulu blushes and you giggle before releasing her, then hop onto the floor at the foot of the bed. Ilya shakes her head, although you're pretty sure it's mostly to conceal her smile.

"Come, let's go get ready." You and Lulu follow her to the bath room. Somewhat amusingly, Sella and Leysritt don't know how to properly put on a kimono, so after dressing yourself, you help them get Ilya and Lulu attired as well. It is, perhaps, a little annoying to have to dress up like this just to go somewhere, but if you have to do it, you have to … and after breakfast you also have to admit that seeing everyone dressed fancily is quite nice. Especially Mami, Kyouko, Vita, Deis, and Illyasviel, all of whom are blushing most adorably. Madoka is blushing, too, but she looks more embarrassed than adorable. Meiling and Patchouli get everyone into an aesthetically-pleasing group in front of the carriage, and Aya takes several pictures, vanishing as quickly as she appeared. Vita glowers uselessly at your sister.

"Alright, everyone into the carriage. Come, come, we must not be late." Unfortunately, you can't really flop across your friends dressed like this - well, you could, but you'd probably have to redo the knots and fix everyone's hair and make sure nothing was out of place and so on, so you'll just have to settle for them leaning against your once more. Madoka giggles when she looks at you, then leans against Homura. Kyouko leans against Mami, drawing a surprised squeak, but the older girl smiles and leans back. Megane, Nanoha, and Fate all smile at the proceedings.

"Huh. So, where are we going now?" Vita, despite her tribble, is still the lone grump of the group, but Remilia just nods in acceptance.

"The Netherworld, while a part of Gensokyo, is partially separated by a particular barrier. The easiest passage is through a gate high in the sky," she ignores the concerned looks she gets, "but we are actually going via an even easier route." The carriage slows to a halt, and the humans all look confused. The carriage moves forward slowly, and you see the air and scenery outside change before the carriage returns to a halt. Remilia stands up as Sakuya opens the door. "Come, come. Let us meet our hostess."

You follow your sister out into the Netherworld and look around. It's fairly bright, but it isn't sunlight - or at least, not sunlight direct enough to cause you or Remilia trouble. The trees are all healthy, if beginning to lose their leaves to autumn, and the temperature is only beginning to cool. Behind the carriage is a great, seemingly-never-ending staircase, and you finally turn your attention to Yuyuko, Yukari, and Youmu. The ghost princess bows, as do Youmu and her deceased retinue behind her. "Welcome, everyone, to Hakugyokurou. Please be at ease - there is no danger here. In a few minutes, Youmu and I will begin a short tour of the grounds and the manor, but if you would prefer to explore by yourselves, most of the manor has been opened, and any servants you see will be happy to help in any way they can. Later, of course, will be lunch, and while it is not quite the season for it, with Yukari and Lady Remilia's assistance, we can have a small cherry blossom viewing."

What do you do?

[ ] Go along with the main group.

[ ] Slip away with Ilya and Lulu and explore Hakugyokurou by yourselves.

[ ] Find someplace comfortable and wait for someone to come get you.

[ ] Other?
[X] Go along with the main group.

You very briefly consider doing something else, but you really don't have any reason to not go with everyone else. You don't know Hakugyokurou or its layout, so you can't exactly give Ilya and Lulu a tour, although you could just make up stuff with them. And you really can't just wait for the tour to finish, since it's really bad manners - it would be one thing if you were at the mansion and Remilia were hosting, but since you're a guest, it would be harder to justify. Vita moves to the front of the group, looking around suspiciously and shifting her shoulders as though her kimono didn't fit properly - which, since it came from the mansion, is impossible, so her discomfort must be entirely because she isn't used to wearing it. Madoka moves closer to Yuyuko as well, followed most closely by Homura and Sayaka, but while the magical girls seem at least a little concerned about her, Madoka herself looks around with undisguised interest. You slot yourself behind them, but on the left side near Remilia. Ilya follows you and slips between you and Remilia, and when you squeeze her hand she relaxes a bit; nestled as she is between you and your sister, she and Berserker are perfectly safe. Lulu scrambles to your other side, and Megane, Zest, and the other Mid-Childans fill in to the right. Yuyuko smiles into her sleeve before standing straight and bowing.

"Welcome, honored guests, to Hakugyokurou. I am Saigyouji Yuyuko, and this is my servant Youmu. Now, if you will come this way, I will show you Hakugyokurou's Stair." She swishes elegantly away and you look around as you follow her. The manor is surrounded by a large stone wall - nothing terribly defensive, even if people couldn't fly, just big and pretty - but you aren't entering it just yet. Instead, Yuyuko leads you around the hill and gestures down a long, long staircase. "Under normal circumstances, this stairway is how people get into the Netherworld. After being judged, they enter the gateway - you might just be able to see it down there - and then walk up these stairs to Hakugyokurou. I greet them, and -"

"Wait, judged? For what?" You aren't the only one to wince at Kyouko's outburst, and Mami holds the red-head's shoulder, but Yuyuko just smiles back and bows, ignoring the girl's glare.

"Ah, yes. Despite the name, the Netherworld is not the first place people go when they die. First, they cross over the Sanzu River, to be judged by the Yama. From there, the truly sinful go to New Hell, and the totally sinless are supposed go to the Celestial Realms," Yukari turns slightly, and Remilia smiles widely, "and almost everyone else comes here until they are either reincarnated or achieve nirvana and so pass on to the Celestial Realms. So everyone you meet here is already dead, if you hadn't realized it already. Anyway, after meeting with me, they're free to make their way to the rest of the Netherworld and do as they will. Most, I understand, simply relax; after a life in Gensokyo, working hard at a trade and praying for survival against the youkai, not having to worry about that anymore and just being able to enjoy nature and have more parties and learn things they never had a chance to in life. Hmm ... Youmu, how long does it take to go up those stairs?" The half-phantom gardener sighs heavily. Kyouko still looks unhappy, but she no longer seems hostile, and Homura looks thoughtful, her rigid mask slipping.

"If you simply want to walk up, it takes around four or five hours for a normal human." Yuyuko smiles cheerily and pats her servant happily.

"Thank you, Youmu! You're so knowledgeable." She spins abruptly and walks toward the manor, striding through its open gates. After looking down the stairs, which remind you of Caster's temple - and Ilya seems to think the same thing, based on her expression - you look up at the birds flying in formation above the manor. Perhaps they're in season, but something about their flight seems wrong, somehow. After a moment, you shrug and follow the others into the manor. The courtyard gardens and some of the smaller buildings don't seem very Japanese - certainly nothing like the Hakurei Shrine or anything in the Human Village. It's Lulu, however, who actually brings it up.

"Um, is the building style here different than elsewhere in Gensokyo?" Yuyuko smiles warmly and nods.

"Indeed it is! I understand that it's much more like that of the continent than anywhere in Japan - although I haven't been there, so I can't say for certain. But Yukari says so, and some of the books in the library do, too. Ah, are you an architect?" Lulu blushes at being the center of attention.

"Um, kind of. It's something I'm really interested in - but I think my job is going to come first," she says. Megane pats her daughter's shoulder gently, and Lulu smiles up at her. You smile at Megane, too, and silently clap your hands, dropping them to your side when Lulu looks back at you. She scowls suspiciously for a moment before Yuyuko's quiet laughter draws everyone's attention back to her, and she continues the tour. Much of the interior building is generally closed, which prompts the Mid-Childans to begin protesting that they don't want to invade her privacy, but Yuyuko deftly shuts them down - much as the Scarlet Devil Mansion is typically closed except for particular guests, she is making an exception for such well-regarded and polite visitors.

The interior of the building, in contrast to its exterior, is quite Japanese in style, and you all take off your shoes in deference to the change in flooring; while some wooden floors exist, most of the rooms themselves possess tatami floors. It quickly becomes apparent that the manor is greatly underutilized, not only in terms of space to occupancy, but in that it appears to have been designed as a true administrative center, with a number of offices and workrooms that are simply completely unused at the moment. The library, which is quite well-used, is rather small, occupying only two floors of space, but Yuyuko and Yukari together are able to place the contents quite accurately. Most are scrolls of history, personal records, or poetry, although Yukari seems to be bringing in more modern books for her friend. Picture books like the kinds Meiling reads. "Would you like me to get you some, Remilia?" Yukari smiles at your sister as she puts a book back on the shelf.

"No, thank you - I have already read that series." Yuyuko's eyes widen and she presses her hands together delightedly.

"Oh, you'll have to sit next to me during lunch! Youmu keeps crying whenever she tries to read it, but I so want someone to discuss them with - ah, but that will have to wait. Ooh, lunch can't come quickly enough!" Vita snickers at Remilia's apparent misfortune, but your sister sneaks a look at you and winks. Hmm ... what is she planning now? The ghost princess manages to restrain her enthusiasm for off-topic conversation, however, and continues the tour through her home, ending in the back reception hall. As you sit down for lunch, Youmu slides open the back doors, leading to a rear courtyard with beautiful pine trees. The gardener retreats into another room, and after a few moments phantoms begin a procession into the reception hall, carrying platters of food or drinks and setting them carefully on the tables.

Yuyuko, true to her desire, has your sister next to her, and they start chatting about the books and comparing them to other series as Yukari listens interestedly. You start talking with Ilya and Lulu about the manor, comparing it with the mansion and whether it is in any way on the same level as your home. "Flandre?" It takes you a moment to recognize Homura's telepathic voice, and you turn your head to find the raven-haired magical girl, still looking like she's praying over her food. "After lunch, could I speak with you privately?" You return your outer attention to Lulu's defense of Hakugyokurou and it not being completely inferior to the mansion. What could Homura want? Second thoughts about her agreement should be directed toward Remilia, and you can't really think of anything that would be important enough to need to be discussed right now ….

What do you do?

[ ] Agree to her request.

[ ] Carry on the discussion telepathically during lunch; you don't want to miss the cherry blossoms, after all!

[ ] Other?
Homura's Request
[X] Agree to her request.

You consider her request as you take a drink of your tea - green, not black, which is a shame - but she probably isn't being completely unreasonable. And if she does start taking too long, you can always just go on ahead, or make her use her time-stopping ability. "Alright," you respond, and Homura's shoulders visibly droop as she relaxes. "Try to keep it short, though - I don't want to miss the flower viewing." She doesn't nod, but you do hear the relief in her mind-voice.

"Thank you, Lady Flandre." Hm. So she probably isn't planning on asking for her life back … you shrug and set the matter aside. You're going to find out what her request is fairly soon, after all, so there's not much point in guessing.

Agito looks at you. "Of course, you're biased, since we're talking about your home." You grin.

"Of course I'm biased. But that doesn't make me wrong. Would you say that Lulu is ten times snugglier than Vita?" The Unison Device glances down the table at the surly knight.

"Not out loud," she says quietly, and both Ilya and Lulu giggle as you preen.

"Well, then! The fact of my bias existing has therefore been proven to not have any effect on the quality of my arguments, so the fact that I'm defending my home's superiority in almost every way possible doesn't make me wrong." Agito scowls at you, but Ilya frowns quizzically.

"In what ways are your home not superior?" You nod happily.

"Well, the mansion isn't as good at being made in Asian styles, and it's not nearly as good at being a fairly small home that a single individual can keep clean and maintained while still performing other duties without the benefit of time manipulation." Agito presses her hand against her face as your friends stifle their laughter. "Really, a lot of the advantages the mansion possesses are the result of my sister's manipulations, rather than inherent to the building itself, so the argument is somewhat flawed, anyway, unless this building has been extensively modified and had those changes maintained. If you use the original mansion's plans, the balance of power would definitely shift." Lulu leans forward.

"Do you still have them? Can I see them when we get back?" Her eyes sparkle and dance, and you smile as you nod, and she rubs her hands together gleefully. Too bad she's on the other side of the table - but maybe that was by design …. Well, you can always make up for it after the trip. Ilya, too. Yes, when you're back at the mansion, You can use your clones to kidnap the three of you, and mercilessly snuggle you all together! No one will ever see it coming! Agito shakes her head, and Lulu looks at her curiously.

"All three of you have the same look on your face," Agito says, "and I'm pretty sure that just one of you with that expression is something to worry about." You, Ilya, and Lulu all look at each other for a moment, then grin identically and stare at Agito.

Homura manages to disentangle herself from Madoka faster than you do from Ilya and Lulu, and Remilia prods Yukari and Yuyuko into continuing without the two of you. You wait for a few moments before turning to Homura, but she still seems to be having trouble just saying what she wants. After a minute, she rubs one hand against her eyes. "I - I'm sorry. It's just … our differences in perspective, and your opinions, so you won't feel as strongly about this, and -" You lean forward and grab Homura's arm. She stiffens, and you pull her closer, studying her eyes.

"… Well, your eyes are clear, at least. But I didn't bring any Grief Seeds, so if that's what this is about, I'm really not the person you should be stalling to." She stares at you, then sags, letting you guide her into a post so she doesn't just sit on the floor.

"… Grief Seeds are what this is about, actually," she begins. "I … I'm going to send some back with Mami and Sayaka, of course, but … you know what they are, right?" You cock your head.

"Grief Seeds? They're something that comes from Witches, right?" A pained expression flashes across Homura's face.

"Grief Seeds are … they're like Soul Gems, like the soul of a Witch. And Witches are matured forms of Magical Girls. So in every Grief Seed is the soul of a human." She falls silent, hesitating, and although you're pretty sure you know what she's going to ask, you let her work through it herself. "… Kyouko and I, we won't need Grief Seeds here. And Patchouli - doesn't seem to like them, anyway. So I could send all of them with Sayaka, but … what would happen to them here? If they died, would they get to come here, as humans, and - and not have to suffer? Or would they go to Hell, damned because of that …." Her hands clench and tremble, and you wait for her to relax them.

"I think it would depend. First, on whether or not they would be judged as humans or as youkai, and then on how much their other existence affects their sentencing. If they're judged as youkai, for example, and their lives as humans and Magical Girls are disregarded, then they probably would just get reborn as a youkai." You pause and cock your head, listening, and Homura takes your silence as an indication to continue.

"I thought so. I - I wanted to ask you to help me talk to - to someone in charge -" She breaks off at your quiet hiss, startled, and you turn to face the hall. A few seconds later, Reimu and Marisa walk in, followed by Tohsaka. Reimu seems upset to have missed the food.

"Ah, have they started the flower-viewing yet?" Marisa dashes toward you and you shrug before gesturing out the door.

"Maybe, or maybe they just started. How did you know there was a flower-viewing?"

Reimu shakes her head. "How could we not know?" She glances at Homura, then frowns at you, and you sigh.

"We're just talking, nothing bad is happening." She nods and walks past you, although Marisa waits for Tohsaka. As they walk out the door, however, you clear your throat. "Tohsaka, where is Archer? We're having a private conversation, and I'd feel better knowing where he is." She frowns at you, then looks over her shoulder, and the red-clad Servant fades into view. Reimu rubs her shoulders irritatedly and walks a bit faster, and you nod your head to the young mage as Marisa pulls her arm and drags her to the distant cherry blossom trees. Archer frowns at you, then at Homura, and you stare pointedly at him, not-exactly-smiling, until he turns and follows Tohsaka. Once they're out of hearing range, you turn back to Homura. "I'm sorry about that. You wanted me to help you talk to someone?" She stares up at you, then nods.

"Someone who would know what would happen to them. So - so if they wouldn't get to rest peacefully, if they were just going to be tormented, then it … wouldn't it be better to just send them all with Sayaka, so she can keep fighting to help people? But if they can rest here in the Netherworld, should I let them be judged?" She takes a deep breath, trying not to cry, and you think about what she's saying. Probably, she's thinking about redemption; she hasn't always been a nice person, so from a human perspective, she might go to Hell. That doesn't actually seem to bother her too much, though, so you aren't sure. She does seem to want those Grief Seeds - the Witches inside them, anyway - to be 'saved' if possible … which it may not be, even if they do get judged as humans. And she brought it up now because … she doesn't have much time left before Madoka, Mami, and Sayaka go back to their home and she and Kyouko start their term as servants in the mansion, and also because she probably just didn't know. And Yuyuko probably would have a good idea about what would happen to the Witches, from experience if nothing else ….

What do you do?

[ ] Agree to help her talk to someone.
- [ ] Ask Yuyuko.
- [ ] Ask Yukari.
- [ ] Ask Remilia.
- - [ ] After you get back to the mansion.
- [ ] Ask Patchouli when you get back to the mansion.

[ ] Refuse to help her.
- [ ] But suggest she talk to Remilia.
- [ ] Point out that Magical Girls vary, because they're human, so their judgments would vary just as much, and it's possible that every Witch she carries could be sent to Hell, so she should just send them all with Sayaka and Mami.
- [ ] If she's interested, you can annihilate a Grief Seed or Witch, meaning they won't get an afterlife and will simply be obliterated.

[ ] Other?
Getting Help from Yuyuko
[X] Agree to help her talk to someone.
- [X] Ask Yuyuko.

You nod. "Yes, I think I can help with that," you say thoughtfully, and you tilt your head and narrow your eyes as you consider your options. It would have to be someone from Gensokyo, so that removes the rest of your guests. Marisa wouldn't know, and has a guest to look after already. Reimu … might know, but she also might not, and she takes a hard stance against people turning themselves into youkai. Maybe she could perform an exorcism, or the relevant local rites, but she might also just decide to exterminate them. And she'd want to be paid, which wouldn't be a real problem, but would be irritating. That leaves youkai. You would normally suggest your sister, but if Homura came to you and not her, then she must not trust Remilia as much, or else just doesn't want to deal with her for some other reason. That leaves Yukari, who should know and can probably work to get Homura what she wants, but who is opposed to Remilia so you'd rather not give her any potential leverage … and Yuyuko. She is an acquaintance of Yukari's, apparently, but ….

"I'm sorry," Homura says suddenly, quietly, and you straighten up and reach over to shake her shoulder before she can descend into self-pity.

"I was just thinking of who we could talk to that might be able to help you, Homura. Now, stand up and let's not keep everyone else wondering what we're doing." You grab her arm and pull her upright, catching her when she stumbles, and smile. She returns it shakily, and you start walking through the garden toward the cherry blossom trees. "Would you like to talk to her right now, or after the flowers have fallen?"

"If it isn't too much trouble, could it be after?" You nod again.

"And do you want to talk to her alone, or with me, and do you want me to explain what it's about before you see her?" She's quiet for a long time, only responding when you're actually almost where the group is.

"I-I'd … can you explain things first, and then come with us in case I can't explain things properly?" You smile and pull her forward so she's in front of you, then push her gently toward her friends.

"Of course, Homura. Now, go; Madoka is probably worried about you." She stops after a few steps, then nods and continues. You look at the group, and while Lulu is easy to find, sitting next to Megane, it takes you a moment before you recognize Ilya, sitting on Megane's other side, leaning against her. You'd thought she would be sitting by herself, or maybe near Remilia …. Your sister, of course, is sitting a little apart from the others, with Sakuya dutifully holding a parasol over her, and farther down are Yukari and Yuyuko, attended by Youmu. Deis is sitting next to Reimu, of all people, and Illyasviel is shuffling as close to Tohsaka and Archer as they'll let her. You glance at your friends, but the way they're positioned would make it hard for you to join them without displacing someone … which is probably part of the point. Smiling to yourself, you skirt around the group and flop across Remilia's lap. Just because Homura doesn't want to trust your sister just yet doesn't mean you can't ask her for help.

"Hm. That sounded like a flop of exhaustion. Did something happen?" You wiggle back, digging your shoulders into her, and she chuckles.

"More work," you say lightly, and her prickling fingers turn gentle. "Is there any way I could speak with Yuyuko privately without interrupting anything?" The cherry blossoms on one tree start to fall slowly and elegantly, sprinkling to the ground.

"Hmm … that I can do, I think," Remilia replies, then tilts your head up and plants a kiss on your forehead. She nuzzles you a bit more, and out of the corner of your eye you see Lulu smiling happily at you before she pulls Ilya onto her mother's lap and snuggles with her. "There, that should work," your sister murmurs. "Go ahead and think to her."

"Thank you," you whisper back, and kiss her cheek before nuzzling against her chin. "Princess Yuyuko?"

"Oh, this is so strange," her airy mental voice replies. "And so useful! Do you always do this?" The urge to shake your head isn't very strong, but it is difficult to keep from scowling at her. Instead, you relax against Remilia and watch the cherry blossoms continue to fall as the wind picks up and dances them around.

"I don't, and I think Remilia and Patchouli prefer to talk face-to-face." Much as you want to ignore the pleasantries and just get to business, you really should try to keep her in as good a mood as possible, so you keep your irritation and impatience hidden.

"It's so useful, though! I could tease Youmu without anyone noticing … oops, um, please don't let her know that, I didn't mean to let you hear it." Contrary to her usual obfuscating personality, she really does seem to have a hard time masking her true thoughts telepathically … or she's bluffing. She could be bluffing.

"Don't let who know what?"

"… I'm not sure how to respond to that," she says, and you have to fight to keep the amusement off your face, since she really does sound like she isn't sure if you heard that first part. "Anyway, Remilia said you wanted to ask me something …?" You sigh to yourself in relief.

"Yes, one of my guests has a concern about the fate of certain dead entities," you begin, and fill her in on what you know about Magical Girls and Witches, about Soul Gems and Grief Seeds, and what her concern about the dead Witches is. Even after you finish, she remains quiet for a while, just watching the cherry blossoms fall with a smile on her face.

"… That does explain some things," she finally says, and leans back, stretching, before falling against Yukari in a manner kin to your fall onto Remilia. Yukari looks somewhat scandalized, but there isn't much she can do when Yuyuko wraps her arms around the youkai's waist. "I won't talk to her right away, I'm afraid. If she could be available … around midnight, I think? With at least a couple of these Grief Seeds, and I will need to examine her Soul Gem as well." Despite yourself, you frown. "I don't think I'll be able to talk to Shiki, but there are some records I want to look up." That, on the other hand, is a very reasonable explanation, and you radiate warm gratitude through your connection, followed by amusement at her surprise.

"Thank you, Princess Yuyuko. I'll let her know, and we'll be ready for you when you come." She responds in kind, and the connection fades. "Thank you, Remilia." You start to continue, to tell her about Yuyuko coming, but she taps your nose with her finger.

"You are my dear sister Flandre, after all. Now, let us set aside thoughts of work and watch these myriad lives fall and stain the ground with their passing." Well, it can wait for a little while ….

As the last of the flowers flutters to the ground, finishing the tapestry of pink and white, the others applaud. Yukari, with Yuyuko still wrapped around her, gives your sister a questioning look, and Remilia shrugs. Yukari spreads her arms helplessly, and Remilia nods before starting to climb to her feet. Sakuya helps fix your kimonos, then you go over to Ilya and Lulu and fix their and Megane's outfits. "Thank you, Flandre," she says, echoed by the younger mages, and you smile and bow your head.

"Of course! After all, it was my own actions that lead to this state of affairs." You look meaningfully at Lulu, who smiles widely and without shame - at least until Ilya steps in and pulls her cheeks, at which point she attempts to return the attack. You share a bemused look with Megane, and in the background Tohsaka stares at Ilya with her mouth hanging open uselessly. Even Archer looks stunned, and Illyasviel looks disgusted - and then Ilya and Lulu release each other and step back, smiling beatifically. You look at them for a moment, then shake your head.

As Yuyuko begins a farewell speech, Homura reaches into your mind. "Flandre? When should we go see her?"

"She said she wanted to look up some things, and possibly speak with someone else about the subject - she won't tell anyone any specifics - so we won't be able to talk to her right now. She said she'll visit the mansion around midnight." Homura is quiet long enough that you sneak a glance at her, but she seems fine.

"… Yes, that makes sense. Thank you, Flandre."

During the short walk back to the entrance of Hakugyokurou, Fate and Nanoha monopolize Yuyuko, asking her questions about the amount of contact between Gensokyo and the Netherworld, and travel between them, and Yuyuko responds amiably. Fate glances at you a few times, but never says anything. When you reach the stairs, Reimu sighs and starts walking down them, while Marisa helps Tohsaka onto her broomstick. Archer vanishes at some point, and the broomstick leaps forward, easily passing Reimu. And then Reimu falls into a hole in the ground, and Yukari laughs happily. Now that the visit is over, you have no compunctions about flopping on top of Ilya and Lulu, and Yukari again uses her power to transport you out of the Netherworld and into Gensokyo.

What do you do?

[ ] Hang out with Ilya and Lulu until dinner.

[ ] Spoil everyone's appetite for dinner by making snacks and things.

[ ] Other?

DM Note: I'm running out of things to do >.> There will be an option to do things after dinner, of which one choice will be to take anyone who wants to go down to the lake. Everyone will be returning to their worlds tomorrow afternoonish.

ALSO, starting Monday my schedule is going to be changing and I'll be gone during the day. So updates are going to be pushed back again, I'm just not sure when to; probably somewhere in the 8-10 slot, but it'll be shaky for the next couple weeks.
Painting Gifts
[X] Plan Painting
- [X] Get your art supplies and make paintings of the more memorable moments the group had here in Gensokyo as souvenirs/presents.

You aren't clear about your precise intentions to Ilya and Lulu, although you do allow them to come with you, but after a quick discussion, they decide to give you some privacy. A little unfortunate, but they do have other people to talk to and be with. Remilia eyes you curiously, but all she does is tell you to make sure you're up for dinner. Perfect.

After changing into something more like you, you head into your studio. Well, Patchouli calls it that; you tend not to call it anything particular, but it does contain most of your artistic supplies. You get out the canvas, the really good human paints, your best brushes, and then sit down to consider what to paint. Individual scenes for each person? A series of scenes for everyone? One panoramic scene depicting everything, reproduced for everyone? Individual portraits for everyone - no, not that. Part of the best things about portraits is the sitting, after all, so people can experience the art being made in front of them. Your clones slip out, ready to do your bidding, and after a moment you nod.

Sayaka will get a picture of her frantically writing amid a pile of discarded papers and books - she was trying to write a short mystery story, so you direct the clone to add suggestions of that genre, of puzzles and mysteries. For Kyouko … even though she's going to be a servant, she is currently a guest, and after some consideration, you direct two clones to work on the strange cemetery, making sure to include Kyouko wearing the hat, after everyone has started enjoying themselves. You could have done her snowball-fight entrance on the rabbit-behemoth, but you'll probably want to do that one for Agito. For Madoka, you start working on the time you spent working on the puzzle games. For Homura and Mami, though … maybe Mami should get Kyouko's fight with Illyasviel? Or would that be too confrontational? Hmm … no, you'll have a clone work on her and Kyouko in the kitchen, with Kyouko devouring the dumplings as Mami looks on fondly. Maybe it's not exactly accurate to what happened, but no one else needs to know, and this way she can put it somewhere and people will smile and think it's nice. Homura, though … something with Madoka in it, of course. Yes, that night at the party, with her in the black and Madoka in the white, sitting peacefully in the middle of the maze.

As you work through Madoka's picture, showing the game between her team of Kyouko, Satsuki, and Lulu against Homura's team of Mami, Sayaka, and Ilya, you think about the Mid-Childans and what you should do for them. Agito … yes, Agito will get her and Kyouko atop the rabbit-behemoth, throwing snowballs down at you. Zest … hm, his duel with Byakuren, or him and the others playing that Mid-Childan game with Remilia? Megane will get a scene of her and Lutecia throwing snowballs toward Ilya's team, and Vita will get one of Remilia gifting the tribble to her. Lulu - Lulu will get one of you, her, and Ilya snuggling, you just have to decide which background to use: one of your three's bedrooms, the patio, your music room, or the snow-watching station. Nanoha and Fate, though …. Maybe in the garden? Or the galleries? Oh, one of them can get the game. That can be Nanoha's, and Fate's can be the mass costume party! Yes, that will do nicely ….

Madoka and her friends' paintings are nearly done, and you examine them critically - not that your clones have likely made any mistakes, but you do want to check for as much accuracy as you can, and also that the tone of the pictures fit the recipients. Nodding to yourself, you begin working on Lulu's picture, with the clones working on Megane, Zest, and Agito's pictures first. Zest, you decide, should get his duel with Byakuren, while Lulu's is going to show you all in the snow-watching room, with hot chocolate nearby and snow falling outside. Ilya even has that bit of chocolate on her cheek as you three snuggle under the blanket. That leaves Satsuki, Deis, and Illyasviel. Maybe they don't need paintings, since they're going to be staying here, but you already made some for Kyouko and Homura, so not making one for them would feel wrong. Besides, Deis presiding over your dressing-up time fits remarkably well, especially with the monk-robed Berserker, and Illyasviel's match against Kyouko was good fun - and if you don't do that, you'd probably put her in her maid outfit and all but guarantee she wouldn't put it anywhere visible. Satsuki, though … you have to choose the time she and Sakuya woke up you and Remilia - and you'll definitely do that one yourself!

Yes, Satsuki's picture - Patchouli, Ilya, and Remilia - you will do those yourself. You could do Sakuya, Meiling, Koakuma, Sella, and Leysritt as well, but … you really aren't sure what to do for them, and you do have some time tonight to finish up if you can think of something. Patchouli's, really, is the most difficult for you to decide on, since you keep thinking about how little you two get along, but eventually you decide on the time the three of you stayed on the balcony through the night watching the snow fall. It was a good time. Ilya, on the other hand, gets the scene of her winning her race with Vita, with Berserker finishing his landing next the carriage as she holds on happily, and Lulu clings tightly, and Vita is only just beginning to materialize nearby. And for your sister … for Remilia, you and her watching the cherry blossoms fall in the garden of Hakugyokurou

You're almost finished with Satsuki's painting when someone knocks on your door, and it's Satsuki's own voice that calls you to dinner. You assign your clones to finish up the already-completed ones and to clean up, but after cleaning up yourself, Satsuki doesn't take you to the normal dining room, but the grand dining hall. Which, thanks to Sakuya and the various enchantments, isn't that much bigger than the one you normally use, but does come with some useful enchantments. Like the one for private conversations with anyone at the table, and the self-playing instruments, and the one that lets you draw food from the platters farther down onto your plate. Remilia smiles at the nervous expressions. "I simply felt that, as tonight would be our last as a group, that we should have a somewhat more elaborate setting," she says as the instruments begin to play at just the right volume for pleasant listening.

Ilya leans close to you and sniffs curiously. "Hmm … you weren't baking," she says suspiciously, and Lulu nods in agreement.

"And you weren't with Remilia or with your pianos. So what were you doing?" You smile angelically and start your meal properly, with some of the sweet delicacies from the far end of the table. Both Lulu and Ilya are surprised at their sudden appearance, and Lulu's eyes widen as she looks down the table at the group of foods with a significant honey presence. Of course, Megane clears her throat meaningfully, and Lulu sighs as her plate fills with "proper" food.

"I wonder," you say cryptically, and Ilya shakes her head. "Don't worry, Satsuki; if you want to ask me something, you just need to focus your spoken words on me." That was a piece of magic that Remilia and Patchouli had to spend quite a lot of time on, almost as much as the food-moving spell. There are simpler and easier versions that you used to have, but having to use the physical links made the food, especially, more frustrating.

"Um … um, I was if right here." You blink, confused, but before you can ask her to repeat herself, Sakuya leans next to her and whispers something. Satsuki turns red for a moment before nodding quickly, and a few seconds later, she repeats her question. "I was wondering if it was right for me to be here." Her words are more forcefully projected than she perhaps meant, but they were clear and intelligible, and you nod.

"Of course, Satsuki. If it wasn't right for you to be here, you wouldn't be here. We don't use this table often, but when we do, as you can see, even Sakuya sits and eats with us. So there's no problem with you being here." She blushes again and looks down at her plate, and Koakuma pats her shoulder.

What do you do?

[ ] Take interested people to the lake.

[ ] Hang out with Ilya and Lulu for a while.

[ ] Ask Remilia if fireworks or danmaku would be more acceptable.

[ ] Other?
The Lake at Night
[X] Take interested people to the lake.

You clap your hands excitedly, drawing everyone's attention. "Oh, that's right! Who wants to go to the lake?" Your question is met with curiosity.

"I wouldn't mind, Flandre-chan, but won't it be difficult to see? And I don't think everyone brought bathing suits …." You look hopefully at Remilia, who nods.

"Lighting, of course, will not be an issue, and we have bathing suits for everyone here, in multiple styles. Attire, as always, will not be a problem."

"... Do I want to know why you have several bathing suits suitable for me?" Vita glares at Remilia suspiciously, but your sister merely shrugs it off.

"You may as well ask why we have a cactuar outfit fitted for you." Then she sighs as Vita's expression grows more confused. "They are a species of animated cactus, extremely fast and capable of firing one thousand needles at an individual with near-perfect accuracy." Megane laughs quietly before nodding.

"I did see the lake once or twice, but if it's fine to swim in, I'd love to go!" Lulu nods eagerly as well, and both of them look at Zest. Agito snickers, but it's Deis who speaks next.

"Oh, I'd love to come, Flandre, but I have some things to do here that just cannot wait. Maybe if I had the help of a handsome and strong man I'd be able to take a swim with everyone before you come back …." She trails off meaningfully, and Zest sighs before bowing his head to Megane, who smiles thankfully at Deis. "Ah, well. If I don't make it, please make sure to tell me what happens." Ilya looks across the table at Illyasviel, but the other girl shakes her head.

"I'll stay here with Deis," she says, drawing a look of surprise from the sorceress, but her expression is perfectly neutral, hiding any plots she may have. Deis does pat her head, and Ilya giggles when Illyasviel blushes and scowls at Deis.

"Um, we'll all come, too," Madoka says nervously, but Sayaka pats her back cheerfully, and Homura gives you a discreet nod. Good, that's almost everyone … you turn a questioning look back toward Remilia, but she's watching Patchouli.

"Patchouli? Are you going to come?" The magician sighs at your question, and after a moment shakes her head. Remilia clucks her tongue once.

"Fine, but if we meet an Australian dolphin shark, I reserve the right to call you immediately." Patchouli glares at Remilia, but you're too busy smiling at everyone else to pay much attention to the magician's response. "Alright, after dinner we shall visit the lake, enjoying the water under a clear sky under the light of stars and moon. First, however, it is still dinner, so please pace yourself accordingly."

"Oh, everyone is so cute! Gah, I just want to keep everyone!" Vita blushes even more darkly and scowls at Deis as she plays with the knight's hair, but with Fate and Nanoha laughing good-naturedly, she can hardly take any real action against the sorceress. Despite her proclamations, however, Deis spends precious little time admiring Zest's impressive physique, much to Lulu's relief. Probably the most embarrassed person is Sella, however, especially with both Ilya and Illyasviel prowling around her and comparing her to Leysritt. Illyasviel once again refuses the chance to come to the lake, and the party sets forth as Meiling promises to keep watch at the gate until everyone returns.

As Remilia said, the night is clear and bright, and the crescent moon above seems to shed even more light than usual, lighting up the lake quite beautifully. You run up to the water's edge and stand in it with just your feet covered, but all you feel is a slight tingle, so you wade out more deeply as orbs of bright red and green station themselves farther out, cordoning nearly a quarter of the lake. "The lights mark the boundary of tonight's excursion. If you want to proceed farther, please ask me or Sakuya." Your sister wades into the water after you, moving slowly but not curiously so - the movements of one who is unused to swimming in a lake, rather than one who fears the water. You wait for her to catch up to you, then pounce on her with a grin - but, of course, she's too quick for you, hopping to the side and using her wings to scull farther from the shore.

"I bet we can catch her together," you hear Lulu say, and look back to see her, Ilya, and Agito all backing you up. You clap your hands happily and turn back to Remilia. Tonight you'll definitely win!

You totally would have won, except Kyouko decided to interfere on Remilia's side, and then Sayaka and Mami came to help her. And when Ilya called in Sella and Leysritt, Fate decided to help Remilia, too! And when Megane and Nanoha came in on your side, Madoka and Homura sided with Remilia! Then Sakuya came over and whispered something to Fate and Nanoha, and the two of them disengaged and swam toward Vita, and you couldn't hear much except some wailing about Hayate's orders. But then Remilia calls a truce, and more normal water sports begin - racing, laps, and some swimming lessons. Lulu is a much better swimmer than she used to be, and you grin as she moves from teaching Ilya some of the Mid-Childan styles to being taught better form by her mother and Zest.

"Is something happening?" You glance at Vita, but she's looking past you, toward the middle of the lake - or, more likely, the far bank. You frown at the bursts of danmaku, and as you focus the situation becomes even more confusing. If no one's playing a trick on you, fairies are attacking the lake! You look around for Remilia, and she drifts back to the shallower area you're in. She smiles at your questioning glance.

"Fairies are picking a fight with someone. She's a rather peaceful girl, but quite capable of fighting back." Fate and Nanoha look at the distant lights concernedly.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" You scowl at Fate's question, but Remilia just smiles and shakes her head.

"Why? The fairies, even so relatively numerous as they are tonight, are incapable of defeating that girl, while she is quite able to drive them off even by herself." She waves her hand, and after a moment the air shimmers, granting you an aerial view of the skirmish. The fairies, at least forty of them, are firing their danmaku at the lake's surface - rather ineffectually, as their bullets don't seem to be passing far beneath the surface of the water. Even so, only a few seconds after Remilia's scrying bubble activates, a wave of danmaku answers them, shooting out from the lake. You aren't the only one to gasp as the blue-haired mermaid leaps out of the water, scattering the fairies with magic and her physical presence. You look at the fairies, but you don't see the ice fairy or the three intelligent ones. "As you can see, there's nothing to worry about." Still, Fate and Nanoha don't look convinced.

What do you do?

[ ] Try to convince them that this is normal in Gensokyo, and that fairies really aren't a threat to anyone. They should know better by now, but ….

[ ] If they're bothering your guests, you should do something about them:
- [ ] Scatter the fairies, then introduce yourself to the mermaid and ask her to come meet everyone.
- [ ] Scatter the fairies, then wish the mermaid a peaceful rest of the night and return to your guests.
- [ ] Capture any fairies who might possibly know what they're doing and interrogate them, then return to your guests.
- - [ ] If the mermaid asks, let her come meet everyone.
- [ ] Scatter the fairies, then harangue the mermaid for being unable to properly deal with fairies.

[ ] Just watch the fight.

[ ] Other?
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