I'm just afraid that :[X] These magicians think they can tell you what to do? They think they can curtail your freedom?! Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.
-[X] Use strength to break free.
--[X] Four of a kind, maximum destruction.

will either get us killed or make Flan OP as hell... and I am NOT a fan of either out come.

Might want to get rid of those Xs, or else it will be counted as your vote.
its bit more complicated then that:

in otherwords... no one in Gensokyo is truly good... and no one is truly evil either.
I anyways find that is funny and ironic that the Godlike beings in Genesokyo can't not surive in our modern world of science and reality.They are more or less a dying race on life support.I guess Humanity is superior to the youkai/gods in the long run
I anyways find that is funny and ironic that the Godlike beings in Genesokyo can't not surive in our modern world of science and reality.They are more or less a dying race on life support.I guess Humanity is superior to the youkai/gods in the long run

isn't that more or less the reason why Genesokyo was formed in the first place? To protect the "forgottens?"
isn't that more or less the reason why Genesokyo was formed in the first place? To protect the "forgottens?"
Is that the reason? There's so many fanon explanations I consider the explanation to be the choice of each fan author.

I thought it was because youkai need faith/fear of their existence to survive. Youkai hunters were whittling down their numbers so the survivors retreated into the barrier, and in their absence the march of progress continued. This resulted in less and less humans having faith in their existence, making the Outside gradually uninhabitable for supernatural creatures. Their fortress became the only place they could survive.

...Maybe this could be our endgame? Rekindle the Outside's faith in magic with our antics, or at least find a world where youkai can thrive?
Is that the reason? There's so many fanon explanations I consider the explanation to be the choice of each fan author.

I thought it was because youkai need faith/fear of their existence to survive. Youkai hunters were whittling down their numbers so the survivors retreated into the barrier, and in their absence the march of progress continued. This resulted in less and less humans having faith in their existence, making the Outside gradually uninhabitable for supernatural creatures. Their fortress became the only place they could survive.

...Maybe this could be our endgame? Rekindle the Outside's faith in magic with our antics, or at least find a world where youkai can thrive?
The explanation I heard is that it exists so that things that humans stopped believing in have someplace to go.

Relatedly, I have headcanon that Santa Claus does, in fact, live in Gensokyo. He probably does not approve of Seiga's antics.
Is that the reason? There's so many fanon explanations I consider the explanation to be the choice of each fan author.

I thought it was because youkai need faith/fear of their existence to survive. Youkai hunters were whittling down their numbers so the survivors retreated into the barrier, and in their absence the march of progress continued. This resulted in less and less humans having faith in their existence, making the Outside gradually uninhabitable for supernatural creatures. Their fortress became the only place they could survive.

...Maybe this could be our endgame? Rekindle the Outside's faith in magic with our antics, or at least find a world where youkai can thrive?
If we do this we might actually make things much worse for the youkai/gods.
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What about Demons? They wouldn't need faith would they?
It also always will be my headcanon from now on that the youkai/gods/demons are basically very cruel and soicopathic but extremely dependent children that have a severe fear of change with world destroying powers.
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If we do this we might actually make much worse for the youkai/gods.
Alternatively we could end up effectively saving the supernaturals from a slow extinction. What if we set the stage for youkai to colonize a world like ZnT where magic and gods are openly acknowledged and revered, or Harry Potter where magic and wizards avoid Muggles simply to avoid explaining themselves.

And if we play our cards right, the Flan-tier youkai will be able to function Outside by the time organized resistance starts, and living WMDs will force the world to accept us. I think Flan (and co.) would be grateful to not have to go back to the basement, while everyone slowly wastes away in different corners of our shared cushy prison.

What about Demons? They wouldn't need faith would they?
Gods need prayer, I assume the rest of the youkai just need people to be afraid of them.

It also always will be my headcanon from now on that the youkai/gods/demons are basically very cruel soicopathic but extremely dependent children with world destroying powers.
I see them as not truly evil, but possessing a mindset totally alien from our own. The same way a dolphin has a different nature than a shark. We share enough traits to allow us to interact and coexist, but never see completely eye-to-eye.
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It also always will be my headcanon from now on that the youkai/gods/demons are basically very cruel and soicopathic but extremely dependent children that are fear of change with world destroying powers.
I wanna recommend playing the games, but I can only really get through EoSD, PCB, and PoFV. I can get some decent distance in IN, but MoF turned me off with its gameplay (got as far as Nitori), and SA and UFO are jesus fuck hard (I can barely beat Yamame, can't beat Parsee, and...actually my memory of UFO is just sketchy, did I ever make it to Naz?...)
Honestly I hope we don't go to P1 - P2 Universe. Those people are warp reality with the force of their wills. We screwed if we fight them.
We're here for a vacation after all; why the hell would we let some teenage magicians take away our freedom?

[X] These magicians think they can tell you what to do? They think they can curtail your freedom?! Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.
-[X] Use strength to break free.
--[X] Four of a kind, maximum destruction.

We're basically being threatened with being attacked and are being held against our will unless we agree to do as they say.

I see the choices here as basically a "Fight", "Run", "Give up freedom" or "Pretend to give up freedom and then Fight". From those choices I have a pretty good idea of what Flan (a girl who's extremely impulsive, used to be on top of the food chain (or atleast near the top), and doesn't care at all for people she doesn't like or respect as strong) would go for. Even if she loses (and that's very much a big if), that'll only make it in character for her to possibly listen to them more now that they've proved they're not weaklings. Besides Flandre LIKES to fight, and strong opponents too. So for her it's a win/win; either Fight Strong Opponents, or Destroy weaklings trying to control you. Besides she's here on Vacation for fun, why the hell should she listen to and follow the rules of people she just met and are trying to intimidate her? They're just snacks. They need to be taught their place (food, and below her).
Tell that to end game P1 and P2 people. They would kill her easily.
That there is the Demon that I can't beat. Not on Lunatic. Normal was pure hell but my Lunatic run was more of a slaughter than a playthrough. I'm still having nightmares.

UFO was relatively tame. Except Shou's bullshit curving lasers.
Green-Eyed Monster is such bullshit.
But hey, I've 4cc'd EoSD with 5 lives per continue, that has to count for something, right? :V
Green-Eyed Monster is such bullshit.
But hey, I've 4cc'd EoSD with 5 lives per continue, that has to count for something, right? :V
Did you at least try 1cc'ing EoSD on Hard?
And if you think Green Eyed Monster is bullshit, Yuugi's Mount Onigashima spell will send you into a panic like no other. SA was BS in general. I just want to fight Koishi.
Are the Chaos gods are basically the highest and most powerful form of the youkai/gods
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Let's not get sucked into a power level argument and simply agree they're all not totally invincible.

The cast of touhou is so overpowered if they seriously tried to kill each other it would boil down to who fired the first shot.
Let's not get sucked into a power level argument and simply agree they're all not totally invincible.

The cast of touhou is so overpowered if they seriously tried to kill each other it would boil down to who fired the first shot.
We're are just having a simple dicussion about youkai behaviour and whats fucking wrong with them.
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We're basically being threatened with being attacked and are being held against our will unless we agree to do as they say.

I see the choices here as basically a "Fight", "Run", "Give up freedom" or "Pretend to give up freedom and then Fight". From those choices I have a pretty good idea of what Flan (a girl who's extremely impulsive, used to be on top of the food chain (or atleast near the top), and doesn't care at all for people she doesn't like or respect as strong) would go for. Even if she loses (and that's very much a big if), that'll only make it in character for her to possibly listen to them more now that they've proved they're not weaklings. Besides Flandre LIKES to fight, and strong opponents too. So for her it's a win/win; either Fight Strong Opponents, or Destroy weaklings trying to control you. Besides she's here on Vacation for fun, why the hell should she listen to and follow the rules of people she just met and are trying to intimidate her? They're just snacks. They need to be taught their place (food, and below her).
That more or less sums up the line of thought I had when I came up with the vote.