Ch. 8
AN: I'd just like to preface that the likely biggest reason I didn't actually get to dealing with Bakuda is got caught up in all the talk about flame types and the logic behind them... and I started reading Russian Roulette: Reloaded....... Anyway enjoy! Also fuck, I forgot SV doubles up the line breaks when I copy paste from word.... fuck.

{}{}{}{} Undersider's Loft

Looking through the eyes of an owl as it swoops over the city at night is an interesting experience. I'm sitting still not moving a single muscle and yet at the same time I'm flying three stories up scanning the streets looking for anyone or anything that seemed out of place. All the while my reserves slowly dwindled. Distance made things harder, but with all the practice I had been getting the past three nights I'd gotten pretty good at mitigating that cost. It was… an odd sort of trick. Normally when I made a construct I powered it constantly. The farther away the construct the more power it took to maintain. Now I'd figured out a workaround. I wasn't sure if it would be more cost effective for fighting up close but it was definitely better for long range.

The trick was to make the construct with its own reserve of energy, to supercharge it and set it up to feed off of that energy to maintain itself. Then I only needed to keep a small trickle of power flowing to the construct, a connection, if I wanted to control it directly or borrow its senses. If I didn't need to do either of those I could simply let it act out according to my orders. Granted those orders could only be so complex before I started running into issues, but that was just one more thing for me to train and practice.

I was starting to think I hadn't properly understood my indigo fire. When I had started out right after getting out of the hospital I had called it illusions because all I'd been able to do was cast illusions on people's senses. The illusions that everyone could see, the ones that weren't directly projected onto a person's senses had come later, and then the ability to make them solid had taken longer still. But this? I was essentially making fire and forget minions. Constructs seemed like a much more accurate term. And now… Now talking with Lisa, I was starting to think I would need to redefine the damn flames abilities a third time.

"Taylor," Lisa's voice had a hint of warning to it. "Answer the question. "How is your owl flying around, barely flapping its wings I might add, with a seven pound camera strapped to its chest."

"I'm trying to work that out myself to be honest." I responded quietly. I didn't open my eyes to look at Lisa I was distracted enough by controlling my construct and borrowing its senses that trying to pick apart exactly what it was I was doing was hard enough already.

It had to be something along the lines of how the owl's night vision just worked. I knew that owls have great night vision, I needed my construct to have the same so it did, simple as that. I needed my construct to be able to fly so it did, easy peasy. But Lisa was right. I wasn't having it flap its wings terribly often. Only when I wanted it to fly a bit higher if I was being realistic, the rest of the time it was just gliding. Which was impossible because it meant most of the time my bird wasn't actually generating any lift at all. So then what the hell was I actually doing, and how the hell was I doing it?!

To my senses the construct was a shell filled with power and a thin connection between us. But there was something about the shell, something I had never paid attention to before. With an idle thought I summoned up a dog between Lisa and I. I brought the owl above a building and told it to circle before cutting off the connection to its senses. Without any distractions I focused on the differences between the two constructs. Both were solid shells imitating the creature they represented, both had a reserve of power they drew from to sustain themselves and both had a connection to me, but the owl was consuming power faster than the dog. Like the difference between a tap only open enough to allow a trickle of water and one open a quarter of the way. Neither was a huge drain but it was markedly more. It wasn't the distance, it was some aspect of the constructs shell, something about the two was different.

With a subtle mental twist, I copied the difference from the bird to the dog. Immediately the dog started to drain energy even faster than the owl. I frowned. That didn't make sense, unless.... I shrunk the dog down to the size of the Owl and the drain evened out. Alright so size, or possibly weight, mattered with what I was doing. Now, I just had to test it. I opened my eyes and directed the dog to jump. It sailed clear across the room and bounced off a wall, then kept going. With a mental flex I took control of it the same way I controlled the owl only a few moments earlier. And the dog started flying around the room acting like it was running on solid ground.

"I, uh… I seem to be telling gravity that it doesn't work on my constructs."

Lisa said nothing only continuing to follow the dog with her eyes. A moment of thought later and I was floating a few inches off of the floor as I applied the same trick to myself. I giggled lightly over the fact that yes, I was in fact flying. But grimaced at just how fast doing so burned energy. I was a lot bigger than my constructs, and I had actual weight, or maybe mass is what mattered? It made sense, but still. I would have to play with this more when there weren't more important things to do. Maybe I could use some of the other flames to augment the effect? Or at the very least spread the cost around so I wouldn't risk depleting my most versatile flame?

Paying attention to my constructs once more I realized that the owl's reserve of energy was starting to run low. Glancing at the clock I growled that it was already three. If we hadn't found any leads by now it was probably time to call it a night. Another mental command called the owl back to the loft and I dismissed my connection to the bird entirely even as I dissolved the dog construct.

Lisa finally shook off her stupor long enough to glare at me. "Every time I turn around your power just gets more and more bullshit, you realize that, don't you?"

"Believe me Lisa, I'm just as surprised as you are." I responded as I rubbed tiredly at my eyes. "Three months I've spent trying to get a handle on just what the ever loving fuck it is that my powers actually do, and every single time I think I've finally got a handle on them there's something new. Some new ability I didn't know they were capable of, some way I can be more efficient with them, some weird off the wall trick I can combine them for that by all rights just shouldn't fucking work but…" I trailed off. There was no frigging way what I was thinking could actually work.

I made myself float again, just a few inches off the floor. It was draining, something I wouldn't be comfortable holding for more than a dozen minutes or so. Then I fed the red fire into that subtle twist that told gravity to fuck off… The energy requirements dropped like a stone, and just like that I was sure I could hold this for at least an hour. Yes, I was in fact disintegrating the effect of gravity. Groaning in abject frustration I let go of the effect and sprawled out on the floor cursing my insane nonsensical abilities under my breath the entire time. I'd bet it would be even easier once I multiplied the effects.

I was going to fly. And that was so insanely cool, but I just did not understand how the fuck any of what I was doing worked in the first place!

Lisa must have noticed the owl's camera feed was heading for home because she shut the laptop the thing was connected to and sprawled out on the couch. It had taken a lot of persuasion and a declaration that I would do this on my own if I had to, but Lisa had finally agreed to help me. The others were less onboard. Rachel and Alec just didn't care the way I did. Brian wasn't willing to get in between the clearly insane bomb tinker and the Empire no matter how distasteful he found Bakuda's methods. Truthfully neither was Lisa, but she was at least willing to help me search. That was fine though. I'd been on my own for almost two years. I didn't like it, but I could handle this on my own.

But I had to move fast. The whole damn city was on a deadline. Everyone knew it. Just waiting for the fireworks to kick off. The Empire had declared what Bakuda had done online, and Spitfire from Faultline's crew had confirmed it. Everyone knew no one was safe now. The Empire had a deluge of new recruits who signed up chasing the illusion of security that being in the Empire and getting their hands on a gun would give them. The PRT were trying to lock down the tinker's location and making a show of having lots of visible patrols just to keep the masses from rioting about how they weren't doing their jobs. And while the Empire rushed to arm and train and organize their new recruits before making their inevitable attack on the ABB... Bakuda had bought herself time to work.

Time for her to work meant more bombs for her grunts, more people abducted, and more unwilling suicide bombers. Brockton Bay had often been called a powder keg in the past but it had never been so apparent as it was now. The city could burn for all I cared, that wasn't my issue. After all it's just a place. The inevitable deaths would be horrible, but that was only part of my issue, the gang bangers could rot and everyone else was living on borrowed time anyway. No, my real issue was what Bakuda had done to a perfectly innocent little girl, what she was doubtlessly already doing to who knows how many more kids and bystanders in preparation. Every time I thought about it I could only see one acceptable course of action. I would protect those kids. I would send a message for the whole world to see that what Bakuda had done would not be tolerated.

I couldn't stop things like this. But I would remind all those who did similar or worse that even among criminals there were standards. I would show them that those who ignored said standards had a great deal more to fear than just what the law would do when they were discovered.

I would take this on myself so no one else would have to.

My power spiked within me like an answer to my thoughts. I growled again. That was another aspect of my powers that I was starting to consider more complicated than I originally thought.

Red always responded to the urge to attack or fight. Just the idea of it agitated that aspect of my power. It was destruction, plain and simple.

The purple fire was more finicky but it seemed to like the idea of handling things on my own. The old adage of 'if you want something done right, do it yourself' fit the purple fire to a t. Having to handle this on my own seemed to make it burn all the brighter.

The green fire was harder to lock down… I didn't have as much experience to draw on for it. But I was starting to get a handle on it. It liked the idea of, gah how to phrase it properly? It liked the idea of keeping others out of danger. If that meant I had to take some risk so be it, so long as I kept what I cared about safe, Dad, the Undersiders but more than anything the thought of protecting kids seemed to kick it into gear. It made sense. I knew Dad and the others could handle themselves but kids? They needed to be protected.

Still I couldn't get much out of the green fire, not yet. My reserves were growing but for now I could barely call up enough for a handful. That was fine though. I'd been through this before after all. All it would take was time and practice.

My final flame, my first flame was an odd duck. It was all for fighting but it seemed to love coming at problems from odd angles. Deception, misdirection, tricks, that was what made it respond most strongly. I was fine with that though, I liked working that way after all.

There was nothing quite so satisfying as thinking on my plan and feeling all four flames hum in sync with one another. All aspects of my power agreed with my course of action. Now if only I could find the damn woman!

With a light snarl I stood and began to pace. Tattletale had narrowed the search down to only a portion of the ABB's territory. That helped. Unfortunately, the area she narrowed the search down to was still almost a third of the ABB's territory. Searching with my projections had narrowed it down to perhaps a quarter of their territory, but the ABB were being exceptionally cautious. This slap dash observation method just wasn't cutting it. I needed to stop banging my head against the wall and think. Just because I had access to a thinker who could infer information from near nothing was no excuse to stop thinking for myself!

Now, Bakuda needed materials and space to work. Space should only be a minor issue. Any basement or apartment would likely be enough for a small lab. Materials though were trickier. Electronics, metals, chemicals, tools. And she would need lots of the first three. But if she was being constantly resupplied the protectorate would have caught on already.

She needed some place that would already be full of materials to set up shop or somewhere that new materials coming in wouldn't raise any extra attention. Someplace people could go for normal reasons to pick up her bombs for distribution as well. There weren't any junk yards in ABB territory… But I was willing to bet there were a few electronics and pawn shops. Maybe even a hobby shop?

I grabbed Lisa's laptop and pulled up her map of ABB territory. I highlighted the area we had narrowed down and ran a search for the kind of places I suspected. That got me seven hits. Now those were numbers I could work with.


Yawning I glanced at the clock. It was five AM, but at least I'd finally found the bitch. She had chosen hobby shop with a massive basement as her lab. Variety over quantity I guess. She was keeping her hostages above the shop along with what looked like a slap dash operating room. I didn't think the place was rigged to blow, but who knew how small her explosives could be?

I wanted to move on her right then and there. But I was tired, and I'd burned through more than half of my indigo fire confirming her location. Much as I hated to give the woman more prep time I needed to rest before I pulled what I was planning. I'd hit her in the afternoon then. Possibly the early evening if Lisa was convinced the fighting would hold off that long.

I grinned toothily into my pillow as I imagined Bakuda pointlessly begging for mercy. It was a wonderful thought to fall asleep to.
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Now I wonder what will happen if Hibari was in this world? So far I'm guessing he will call Sophia as a pretender, scavenger, or a herbivore who like to pretend they are strong. I doubt that he will let anyone try to control him getaway unharmed so he be beating Lung, Coil, and the PRT black and blue for attempting to do so.

For a damn amazing interpretation of Flames I would recommend you read Russian Roulette: Reloaded by Vixen Tail. It goes really deep into flame properties. Everything from purity and density, to how an inverted flame functions, effects flames have on personality, and even goes into things like the rings by looking at how different gems handle certain flames better then other based on cut, polish, size, type, flame purity and density.
Also goes into the different effects the flames produce.

Good rec, even if it leans a bit too hard on protagonist dumbness/active ignorance and flame-controlled personalities.
The empire might not have
Lisa was driving her costume on under her regular
country, but were practically divided up into fiefdoms here
That was my que. Showtime.
I could set the birds on his power Armor.
Including to Myradin. Especially to Myradin.

posting on Myradin's PHO thread
Though ugh, why are you here?"
What you thought what's happening in
What? You
disintegration is not manton limited.
Thinker 2 for being able to borrow her projections' senses.
-How do they know that?-
For years the ABB had against the E88 because of one
The actual def waitress was an
"I, ugh… I seem to be telling gravity that it
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So, either Taylor's powers have something to do with the emotional spectrum, a la Green Lanterns, or I'm missing something entirely.
Ch. 9
AN: Right this shouldn't need to be said given all my foreshadowing… but this is going to be a very nasty chapter. Trigger warnings apply, no I won't specify what trigger warnings, that would ruin the suspense. Taylor is going to make her stance on a number of things painfully clear in very short order and she is not going to be remotely nice about it. You have been warned. I do not own Worm or KHR.


Standing on a rooftop a good way down the street from the hobby shop in the early evening I nibbled lightly at my lower lip. I could go about this any number of ways. Really, I had a few simple ways I could imagine handling this safely, but Bakuda was dancing with insanity. What might a cornered crazy person do? Worse what might they not do?

My best guess was not positive.

Much better to play it safe. I wanted this to be dramatic and eye catching, I really did. That way it could serve as the message not to fuck with me I had been contemplating sending to the rest of the city, before this shit kicked off. I did still need to make that clear after all, but that was what part two was for. I would get to it. I just needed to be patient. Until then I would play this safe and smart. Besides, if I could abduct a tinker right out of her lab with no one the wiser as to how? Now that would send a message.

With a deep breath I closed my eyes and folded my legs beneath me to sit on the roof. Ready or not Bakuda, here I come.

I decided to go with bugs again. They had been almost enough to deal with Lung they should be more than enough to deal with Bakuda. More than that they were small, and if I moved them carefully they would be difficult to see moving into place. Laying an ambush in what should be a safe place? Oh yes, Bakuda was in for a nasty surprise.

These insects were different from the ones I had used against Lung rather than the previous horror movie mashup of wasp and scorpion these looked like someone thinned out a spider and gave it hornet wings and a dragonfly's head. Rather than black I went with a grey that would blend in with the walls and floor of the hobby shop and made them only three quarters of an inch. If I needed them to be larger I could make that adjustment later. About two hundred seemed plenty.

I spread them out and staggered their approaches, sending them towards the hobby shop as individuals and in waves. I didn't rush it. Five full minutes later my troops were finally assembled on the roof. Borrowing one's eyes I found the corner of the roof and with careful channeling of the red fire to my constructs mouth and front limbs started to dig through. I took it nice and slow. A flash of red at the wrong moment might just draw attention, and I really did not need that. When my construct saw the first pinprick of light I cut off the disintegration and had it scrape the remainder by, er, limb.

Poking its head in I got my second look at Bakuda's operating theater…. She had a little boy no older than ten strapped down on her table as she soaked surgical tools in rubbing alcohol. The kid was bruised and crying, silently. Everything in me screamed. But I tamped it down. I would handle it. I was handling it! I had a plan, I would follow it, and Bakuda would suffer.

I moved my troops in through the new hole I had made moving them along the ceiling and walls Bakuda had her back to I wasn't taking any chances. Not now. Not here. Not with a kid on that fucking table! I breathed out a snarl as the woman started to monologue. The words were unimportant and hard to focus on. I needed to work on bugs with better hearing. Something about one of her bombs and where the boy wanted it? Finally, I was ready. I wanted to swarm her. But not yet. I would do this as safely as I could.

Three of my constructs flew down to the woman landing feather light on her back. I broke them down to their raw flames. It wasn't a lot but it should be plenty for just this. The first use of my powers. Illusions. The ability to alter a person's senses and impose on them whatever I wanted. I had spent almost a full month thinking that was all my powers could do before my other abilities started to develop. I had let this skill fall a bit to the wayside because I had to focus a lot of attention to just hold up an illusion against one target. The insubstantial projections were just easier to make work against multiple targets. But here and now with only one person to deal with? Here they would work. Oh, I still had to deal with a handful of mooks she kept around, but really? One look at my swarm of monstrosities ought to have them running.

The flames soaked into the woman at my direction forming a direct link to her senses that I could play like a master musician at the piano. It had been awhile since I had practiced this particular skill, not counting saving my Oreos from Dad. That was fine though, I'm sure Bakuda would love to help me shake some of the rust of. My smile was all teeth.

"Now then let's just," She started to say turning to face the kid. Only she couldn't see any kid. Instead I was seated, legs crossed, on her little operating table. My crossed leg bounced. My eye glowed and enough of the shadows hiding my face pulled away to show a deep frown. Bakuda's scream, even through her voice modulator, was very satisfying. Like a fancy appetizer before an exquisite meal. I just wanted more and more.

"You know I was perfectly content to let you and the Empire slug things out, and then you just had to drag children into things." I said conversationally. My insects started to swarm around her dropping lines of silk as they went and then they began to pull. Inside the illusion plants started to sprout from the floor and pull at Bakudas arms and legs. Naturally she started to struggle which pulled the silk tighter and reinforced the idea that the illusion she was being subjected to was real. She started to blink rapidly which caused some kind of display to pop up in her vision. Then it was gone again just as quickly as I stripped it from her sight.

"Now, now, none of that." The image of myself chastised. "You're not going to get out of this that easy after all.

"Bitch, I will kill you!" She snarled, still struggling. Pounding footsteps running up the stairs? Nope, can't let her hear any of that. Think I'll just kill her sense of hearing except for my words. Much simpler than trying to scrub out what noise I don't want. Ten of my creations broke off from what they had been doing and I filled them to the brim with the disintegration effect before placing them in front of the door.

"Such a filthy mouth." I mocked. "Can't you even tell that you've already lost?" The plants which held her snapped her arms to her sides and I set my constructs to binding them in the real world. "Let me help you with that." For her it was like someone forced her to gargle with soap. The taste and sensation of thick suds filled water in her mouth caused the woman to sputter and spit ineffectually into her own mask.

Her men burst through the door of the operating theater and I let my focus shift from Bakuda slightly. Then I gave my orders. The insects went for knees and elbows. If they missed a bit on the first pass because the bastards were moving? Well, I needed to make sure they wouldn't get be able to get away, didn't I? A few extra passes for accuracy were fine. Not like people helping with this deserved things like limbs anyway.

I let the sensation of a mouthful of soap fade. The physical sensation, she got to keep the taste. As she spluttered I set a some of my constructs to disintegrating a patch of outer wall about a foot from the window. I wasn't sure if the bitch would be crazy enough to boobytrap her own building, but I wasn't going to test the theory on a slightly obvious entrance like a window when I could just make a new one out of a bare patch of wall.

"You're going to regret this." She snarled. My image hopped off the bed and walked forward to pat the woman on her gas mask covered cheek.

"If I didn't absolutely loathe you, that might almost be adorable… like a wet kitten trying to hiss at the person bathing it." My image pushed, knocking her to the floor. Plants and insects bound her legs then set to braiding a thick rope leading to the forming hole in the wall.

To be fair, had I not taken her by surprise this would be a very different situation. But why the hell should I bother with fighting fair?

"I'm going to-" Having enough of her winning I decided she could do with a gag. A ball gag. If I was going to do the thing I should do it properly after all.

"Hush." For the first time since hijacking her senses I dropped the mocking tone of voice one uses when talking down to small children and let my true feelings bleed into my voice. "You and the Empire could have slaughtered each other and I wouldn't have cared. Some civilians caught in the crossfire would have made me upset, but it's to be expected. I'd have ignored that. But you went and sprinted right over the line when you weaponized children." The lights dimmed, shadows lengthened, the smell of blood filled the room and my eye glowed so much brighter. Shadows seemed to flex and my cloak rustled in an unseen wind. "You are done. The ABB will soon collapse. And you, you are going to beg for death. Maybe, if you're lucky, someone will even take pity and grant it quickly… I wouldn't really bet on it though."

The wall gave way. I moved my attention back to my body and summoned something I'd been wanting to try for a good long while now. Thirty feet long, with scales that gleamed like my indigo fire when I let it burn formlessly. Claws, four sets, gleaming bright like ivory knives and a mouth full of teeth to match. Eyes that burned a blistering, ruby red, and leathery wings of rich royal purple.

My dragon roared my victory for all of the city to hear.

With quick steps I pulled myself onto its back. I took off winging down the street, just above the rooftops. The rope connected to Bakuda floated out of the hole in her operating theater and my dragon took it in its mouth, ready to drag her out. What was left of the insects pulled together in two groups one for the boy strapped to the table and one for the hostages in the other room. Both took on the form of my covered and shadowed face.

"I am Morganna. Bakuda is done, but I can't deal with tinker tech safely. Stay here, and stay calm. The Protectorate will come for you." Message delivered I dissolved the constructs, reclaiming their energy. Another thought and I was off, Bakuda suspended below me as we flew. I kept her immobilized and didn't let her see whatever her mask was displaying but otherwise I let her see the city passing by below us. Idly I pulled out my phone and called Tattletale.

"Morganna? How'd it go? You alright?"

"Not a scratch." I shouted to be heard over the wind. "I'm going to need that address now though."

"Intersection of Montgomery and Third St. Morganna, are you sure you-" I hung up on her. This was my plan, and I would see it through. My dragon moved higher before angling towards the given location.


The news crew filming some kind of generic piece about the expected gang fighting out at the edge of ABB territory certainly wasn't expecting me to set down a gang leader on camera for them. Or for me to do so on a dragon. Still they kept the screaming and swearing to the absolute bare minimum. Very professional.

I let my dragon go up in flames and floated to the ground amidst the fading construct. When the indigo fire faded away it left only me standing over my still bound hostage. With a negligent wave of my hand I conjured up a hand that looked like it came off of Mickey Mouse. With gentle shoves and some shooing gestures, I moved the woman with the microphone out from in front of the camera. She protested a bit, but not too much. The hand making gimme gestures confused her momentarily but then reluctantly she handed over her microphone. Obediently my construct floated it back to me.

"This is live, right?" I directed the question at the now sidelined reporter. The woman hesitantly nodded conformation. Nodding once in recognition I turned back to face the camera and raised the microphone up to my face.

"My name is Morganna. I am a villain." I said flatly but with steel in my voice. "I am a member of the Undersiders and until recently I was more than willing to let the Empire and the ABB go about murdering one another, even if it did mean a few people got caught in the crossfire. I am not a nice person. I gave up a good chunk of my morals when I chose this lifestyle, and I did so willingly. That being said, I do not, I cannot, abide those who would hurt or kill children!" I snarled.

"Bakuda has been weaponizing children. Implanting them with bombs." I shook my head and took a breath to get myself back under control. "The rest of her hostages can be found on the second floor of the Lang Hobby Shop and Toy store on Lawrence St. I'm not qualified to deal with a tinker's workshop, or her victims. The Protectorate will have to get off their asses and at least do that much of their job themselves." I drawled the last. I did still owe them a few digs and I might as well get all my shots in at once.

"Now, I am turning her in. Given what she has done, I fully expect she will go to the birdcage." I stomped on Bakuda's wriggling form to get her to be still, and because I felt like it.

"If anyone's got kids watching this at home, shut off the damn tv or get them the hell out of the room. You, camera guy, keep that piece of crap running and focused on this or you and I are going to have words."

I summoned up more hands and wrenched Bakuda up onto her knees facing away from the camera. I took my time about it. I wanted to give the folks at home time to follow my instructions after all. This next bit was going to require every ounce of control I had but I could manage it. She might be a tiny bit singed when all was said and done, but probably no worse than a sunburn.

Red disintegrating fire burst into being starting with the bottom of her boots. I frowned a bit at the toe rings doing so exposed but burned them off as well. Socks and pants went quickly. I left her with her underwear and kept going burning off her jacket and shirt leaving only her bra. Last but not least to go was her mask. I didn't look to see her face, and the camera wouldn't be able to see it either, it didn't matter anyway. Bakuda tried to struggle loose, but a half dozen cartoon hands were more than enough to keep her down, and with her hands held behind her back. I willed a pair of handcuffs around her wrists and ankles, and a sack hood over her head.

"From what I understand there are tv's in the birdcage. If that's true I hope that at least some of those there will see this. If anyone in there is watching this I'm sending you a present." Fiery words burst into being a few inches from Bakuda's back. Then pressed themselves into her back, branding her.


Her scream wasn't quite as cathartic as I had hoped. I wasn't going to change my mind about this. But it still made a part of me rebel. I squashed it down. I wanted a message to everyone that kids were off limits in Brockton Bay, and that I was not to be messed with. Bakuda brought this on herself, and I would not back down from what I came here to do.

"Do remember," I spoke far more calmly than I was feeling. "Presents are meant to be used."

My piece said I tossed the microphone back to the very pale reporter and applied my new flight trick. Then I flew off into the night.
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Again, I do apologize. I know this update is really rough. I will go over it for editing, but it was post it now or not until Monday and I just do not want to break my momentum with this fic.
Truthfully, I am not impressed.
With what in particular? I'm always willing to listen to constructive criticism though I'm going to need a bit more detail. Was the punishment not harsh enough? Too harsh? Do you think I needed to better portray what Taylor was thinking or feeling? Was it to easy a win? Something else entirely?
With what in particular? I'm always willing to listen to constructive criticism though I'm going to need a bit more detail. Was the punishment not harsh enough? Too harsh? Do you think I needed to better portray what Taylor was thinking or feeling? Was it to easy a win? Something else entirely?
I was talking about what she did to Bakuda, I had the impression she'll burn her limbs off or something. Just burning her clothes and branding her was kinda small after all the big talking. It felt disproportionate in comparison to the hype.
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If the author uses them then no they most likely won't but by the time they show up... well lets just say they're gonna have a bad day. unless the author decides to have jack go "Challenge accepted we are going to brockton bay" real soon
Mmm no, not yet. I'm sort of flying by the seat of my pants here if I'm honest. I don't really have plans for the nine any time soon. Truthfully right this second my plans only go so far as the next update. Multi pov interlude inbound. Though Jack will definitly love her showmanship if not her remaining morals. Really if he could get the rest of the nine to humor her and twist her on board? She is a mist first that's pretty much nightmare fuel personified.

I was talking about what she did to Bakuda, I had the impression she'll burn her limbs off or something. Just burning her clothes and branding her was kinda small after all the big talking.
I thought the end result was fairly well implied with what she said but I'll make it clear. The birdcage is a male and female prison which means there is prostitution going on. Generally even hardened criminals take a very dim view of fellow inmates who hurt or go after kids. People get beaten and killed for stuff like that. Taylor just offered up Bakuda as a sex slave/punching bag for every inmate in the birdcage.

Edit: particularly given the woman is a tinker. She might as well be a mortal among demigods down there so long as they keep her away from any tools or tech.
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..... ok I thought the end result was implied with what she said but I'll make it clear. The birdcage is a male and female prison which means there is prostitution going on. Generally even hardened criminals take a very dim view of fellow inmates who hurt or go after kids. People get beaten and killed for stuff like that. Taylor just offered up Bakuda as a sex slave/punching bag for every inmate in the birdcage.
Oh I understood that, it's just that Bakuda would have gone to the Birdcage anyway, and if they talked on TV about her crimes the inmates would have known anyway. It does seem that Taylor didn't add much to what is already coming.