Hey so question.... if Taylor is going to establish a settlement somewhere on a pristine new earth. Where should she? I've been toying with Italy or some other European nation somewhere but it's not like she would lack for options. And a settlement for a few hundred to a few thousand people is tiny relatively speaking. Geography is not my thing but I can do research. Just figured I'd ask if anyone had some good ideas first.

You do understand that the point is to establish a settlement right? Farmable land, clean water, mines for certain metals or minerals maybe. Maybe grazing land for livestock. Easy access to the ocean for fishing opportunities. As few regular natural disasters as possible. That sort of thing is what Taylor would be looking into.

I'd recommend looking at freshwater rivers for (colonization?) settling.
Riverside areas tend to have fertile soil, clean water is abundant, Tinkers could probably extract metals and/or minerals out of the water, rivers don't have to deal with the tides.
As for the weather, I'd recommend a temperate climate, North-Africa or South-Europe maybe (if you want to be in America) the West-Coast. These areas aren't known for extreme weather.
I'm thinking an alt earth guys. And as for south Atlantic islands go I can sum up reasons against it with hurricane season. Which is also the reason I'm not to keen on anything around Japan but Japan has the added issue a history of earthquakes.
If it's an empty Altearth. Then if you don't want to deal with Hurricanes I'd go for southern Europe somewhere. Plenty of land, fresh water. And if you go somewhere like Greece, there'd be lots of fish. But that ties back into what I said about winters. The alps are fucking nasty in the winters.

Honestly, American south far enough inland, or the southwest might be a good idea. Away from the gulf and thus no hurricanes, away from the northern part of the country and thus no brutal winters and 10 feet of snow like they get up at Fort drum. Settle on the Colorado or Mississippi rivers and you have water. Yeah you might have to worry about floods but if you have access to capes who can change the environment it won't be too bad.
So is this going to be an "Everyone out of the universe!" type settlement, or more of an alt-dimension home base while they still interact with Bet?
You do understand that the point is to establish a settlement right? Farmable land, clean water, mines for certain metals or minerals maybe. Maybe grazing land for livestock. Easy access to the ocean for fishing opportunities. As few regular natural disasters as possible. That sort of thing is what Taylor would be looking into.

Well, I would say, look to history: Fertile Crescent - Wikipedia

Native wheat, barley, flax, chickpeas, peas, lentils, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, horses, access to the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and plenty of large rivers, depending on where exactly in the region you set up shop. There's a reason it's one of the cradles of civilization.

The Mediterranean access specifically generally means there's sea access to all sorts of resources, just look back and realize that the Roman Empire basically grew outward from the shores of the Mediterranean.
Here's some options.

My first pick would be Hawaii, especially if she wants a defensible location with hospitable areas and easily cultivated soil because of the volcano. Bad storms are fairly rare there, Winter is pretty much never a problem and fish, fruit and vegetables are abundant. Plus if you can choose to set up shop anywhere, Hawaii is a very nice place to live. You won't be able to get things like oil or plastic, but for a post apocalyptic society that doesn't mean anything anymore. Wind generators would easily be workable on the north coast of Maui and the area is very nice. Not as great as the west coast of Maui, but proper planning could easily allow you to set up enough of a industrial grid to get that going and live in Waikiki (where all the big hotels are).

That said as far as downsides metal would be rare, and you'd have to be careful to not overtax the ecosystem all at once, but if she's planned it out then that won't be a major problem. The Caribbean is flat out for multiple reasons, but mainly because it's not as nice, and hurricanes are much more common. Kilauea being active isn't nearly as big an issue as you might think compared to a hurricane. Consistently active volcanos are generally fairly safe, it's when you allow the magma to build up that you get real issues. Tsunamis would be the main natural disaster issue, but on an uninhabited Earth they probably won't be frequent and you can easily prepare for those if you plan ahead.

My secondary choice would be the Columbia River Gorge around Hood River in the Pacific Northwest, and it's not just because I'm a native of Oregon. Wildlife is abundant, as are trees, and metal isn't that far away. There's great lime deposits in the Portland area if you want concrete and that wouldn't be too hard to get to by just traveling via a barge and transporting it back via the river is a fairly easy option. You can easily set up Wind powered electric generators in the Gorge as it is possibly the best natural wind tunnel in the world. Winters would be hard, but not nearly as hard as the US East Coast gets. As for natural disasters the area is very light on those, Earthquakes are non existent but very light if they occur, Volcanoes are not active, Helens and Yellowstone not withstanding. Tornadoes are also pretty much not a factor. We get a funnel every couple years that lasts for maybe half an hour and it's a coin flip if it ever touches the ground. Tsunamis might be an issue if it's a really, really bad one, but we're talking a few hundred foot high waves which is apocalyptic levels and are incredibly unlikely to occur on an uninhabited Earth.

That said it's pretty gloomy around the Gorge for most of the year with rainstorms being very frequent for three quarters of the year, though going to the east of the Cascades does let you into a high desert that is generally pretty mild. Also if Yellowstone erupts the area is pretty much screwed. But on an uninhabited Earth it probably would be fine and never occur. But farming could become an issue if you don't set up properly due to the constant rain. Flooding would potentially be an issue as well, but it's not that bad.

But yeah Hawaii is my first option, with the Gorge being a decent secondary one.
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Ch. 19
AN: I swear this story usually flows better. Sorry, for the delay. If I'm being perfectly honest my mind is on my Star Wars story. I don't even want to think about rewrites so Archer is just sort of in limbo in my mind, but Using the Force Made Easy is just…. So easy to get stuck on right now. Butterfly storms are like drugs for my imagination. I had other ideas for what could or should happen in this update. Different ways the conversation could have played out, details I could have added… None of them seemed to come together though. It just… I don't know. This fic could be dragged out so much longer and maybe I'll find my enthusiasm for it. Hell if I know. Weirder things have happened in my writing.

But I'm also starting to look at the end game. What has to happen, what should happen, what can I just skim over. Three fics is starting to feel like two too many if I'm honest. I miss being able to focus on something more completely. Even as I say that I don't know that I could ever really limit myself to just one fic when I have ideas still unwritten. Never mind that it's nice to be able to switch gears when writers block rears its ugly head. Screw it, don't worry too much about my rambling. Enjoy the update folks. Sorry it's short.

{}{}{}{} Taylor

Making a solid flying carpet to ferry the wounded back to the aid station wasn't nearly as strenuous as trying to saw through Leviathan's leg. But it wasn't exactly easy either. Solid projections took more energy the simple visual projections, and that was already more intensive than just messing with someone's senses directly.

Making it ignore gravity without using the purple or red flames to mitigate the cost was just exasperating things.

Setting down three more injured capes I took a second to assess just how much energy I had left to play with. Not much, probably not even enough for another run.

Ditching my armband, I let my projected body settle into incorporeality. There wasn't much else I could do right now. And cell towers were likely down so my real body couldn't phone Dad yet… though when the broad strokes of the attack leaked, he would likely hear about what I pulled and probably realize I was fine.

The shelters wouldn't be opening just yet either. Not until the PRT had a chance to give things at least a cursory look for bodies, tinker tech, and whatever else they might be worried about.

… I hated not having anything to do. Standing around feeling useless sucked.

Hearing a trio of light thumps behind me I silently cursed myself for tempting murphy on a day that was already such a shitshow. Turning on my heel I was unsurprised to see Alexandria, Legend, and Eidolon. Given what I'd just done I suppose it was to be expected. Didn't mean I actually wanted to deal with them. A black cat with indigo eyes formed under the edge of my cloak before leaping into my arms where I absently began to stroke its fur to it's obvious delight. The quiet rumble of it's purring the only sound in the street. Watching Legend's mouth twitch into a grin even as Alexandria's lips pursed was an absolute joy.

"Morganna," Alexandria spoke with a kind of strained intensity, "we need to talk."

"We really don't, but if you feel the need? Far be it from me to stop you. Say what you will."

I desperately buried any and all impulses to show respect or fear. I couldn't afford to show anything but confidence. The cat illusion rolled in my arms proffering its belly for me to scratch before idly swiping at my hand with its little paws. Maybe I should get a real cat? They were adorable. And vicious. I liked vicious.

The Woman's pursed lips morphed into a full blown scowl. Which was when Legend stepped forward.

"Before anything else, thank you for joining the fight today. That was quite the move you pulled, taking off his leg."

"And we are hoping we can count on you to do it again." Alexandria cut back in.

"... I'm flattered, but frankly I doubt that would be a good idea." I answered while prompting the cat into the shadow of my robe where it vanished.

"I don't think I could make that work against Behemoth. And I doubt Ziz would care. Beyond that… I came to this fight as a projection and I was still too close for my tastes. Honestly getting near Ziz would be ridiculously dangerous for anyone else if she got her hooks into me."

Alexandria scoffed.

"That, thing, getting control of any cape is dangerous."

I shrugged. I wasn't in the mood to argue or point out just how much more dangerous I was compared to the average cape in terms of direct and indirect threats. My illusions alone would be the stuff of nightmares if I were more vicious and indiscriminate in their use.

"Still not interested in risking my life for battles that will only ever delay the inevitable."

"That is the other topic we need to discuss." Eidolon finally joined the conversation. "Freedom of speech does not extend to people shouting fire in a movie theater."

I snorted and flexed my power causing my form to ripple as if consumed by indigo fire before returning to stability,

"Unless the theater is in fact on fire." I countered with a smirk. "Anyone who stops to sniff the air can already smell the smoke, even if the flames aren't visible yet."

"And where exactly do you plan to run to, if you are right and the whole of the world is on fire?" Alexandria's voice was full of scorn. Not admitting anything just humoring me.

"Well, Professor Haywire's research certainly provides a clue. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No one has managed a stable portal to an alt earth." Legend countered neutrally.

"Not yet."

And if they never did, I'd just have to settle for a smaller community, hidden away somewhere far from any civilization. An uninhabited island. The middle of a forest. Some valley tucked away at the base of a mountain. The location would determine the number of people I could bring. An alternate Earth was just the best possible outcome. And while I wouldn't place any bets on Coil, I knew the man had contacts I could prod for ideas, and I was certain Lisa was thinking about it in her free time. Even ignoring that, making noise would help get the word out and set others to thinking on the issue as well.

"Still, powers are a historically recent development, and we've got a decade or two in which to figure things out yet."

"Enough word games." Alexandria slashed an arm across her torso. "You will stop suggesting to people that the collapse of society is imminent or you will find yourself a much higher priority of the Protectorate."

My little smile disappeared and I rallied my waning flames. A brief pulse and there were three of me standing equidistant around the three heroes. Silently we began to circle them.

"You know, I am growing ever so very tired of the threats of petty tyrants." All three bristled at that label. "I know I'm not invincible." I gestured to the scar across my eyes. "But the last group to make that particular play are all dead." I reached out with my flames and let them sink into the hero's, snaring them under my control. The city around us started to fade from their sight. And I slipped in a minor suggestion that would prevent them from speaking.

"I just maimed an Endbringer, and that was simply the most straightforward application of my abilities." To their senses we now stood in an infinite white void. "I'm not even here, and you all are at my mercy because you ignored my more subtle abilities." Now I was more than three to their senses. I was a multitude, multiplying endlessly, and from under every hood came the glow of indigo eyes. The heroes' heads swiveled left to right unwilling to take their eyes off of any of me.

"The Empire murdered us, and you did nothing. Lung came and burned whole blocks, and you did nothing. Bakuda threatened to blow the whole city into the stratosphere, and you. Did. Nothing. Now I am here, and suddenly that's one insult too far? Because I rock the boat? No. Let us be honest. I worry you, because I am right."

In a moment there was once more only one of me. Black feathers floated to the ground where all the others had been.

"It's too late to change your policies now. Come after me and all you'll manage to do is make it obvious that you want to silence the truth. So you'll do what you have been doing, nothing. I never saw the golden age of heroes. I don't have any hope that we can kill the Endbringers. Or even that this world can be saved. You can't even keep the villains in check here, never mind the rest of the world. So, you go right on playing your game of trying to tape the world back together again. And I'll prepare for when you inevitably fail. And when you do, I'll do my best to ensure something survives."

I still had a bit of flame left to work with… But it wasn't much, and I didn't want to listen to anything they might have to say. I released them from my illusion and let the flames disperse, bringing the entirety of my attention back to my physical body in the Endbringer shelter.

I idly patted Rain's shoulder to let him know I was back with him fully and leaned against the wall to wait. Soon we would be out of here. We would have to check our base. But tomorrow… Tomorrow was going to be busy. Ghoulish as it might be some of my enemies were doubtless dead. And that was an opportunity I could ill afford to ignore.

Now if only I could convince myself I'd sold that bluff. I might be able to make it hurt, but actually stopping those three, or whoever they could put on my tail? They had a whole country to draw from. Someone out there had to be a hard counter to me. Failing that they might just be able to bury me in bodies. I had things to do, and I really couldn't afford to be looking over my shoulder every step of the way.

{}{}{}{} Legend

"That could have gone better." I muttered as reality faded back into focus.

"Cocky, brat." Eidolon muttered.

He was doing his best to hide it, but I'd known him too long. That last display had unnerved him just as much as it had unnerved me. She hadn't been wrong either. A threat at the tail end of a truce period had not been the way to address her and she'd caught all of us off guard. In a real fight we wouldn't have just stood there and given her time to do whatever she'd done, but how much time did she need? How close would she have to get? That had been an obvious illusion. How subtle could she make them? Could she direct us like artillery? Point us at our own allies?

"Threatening her probably didn't help anything." I suggested with a pointed look.

The women to whom I directed that look glared back mulishly before nodding with a sigh.

"She has a point. The idea has already spread to other villains and the Protectorate. Likely a few civilians and members of the PRT as well. Stopping her wouldn't stop the spread and people would likely realize why she was such a priority.

"It's a miracle it hasn't happened sooner." I offered.

"It has happened before." She countered with a dismissive swipe of her hand. "But every time before this… We had time to bury the information. To discredit the source. Something. She managed to blindside us."

"Contessa can't map her?" Eidolon's question was sharp.

"She can. But not perfectly. The girl is… clouded. The best she can manage long term is a general direction for her actions. And Morganna had to be brought to her attention first. Not impossible like the others, just fuzzy."

Eidolon grunted. Something vaguely angry and looked away.

"... Have we considered just giving her what she wants?" Seeing their heads snap to look at me when I asked that question actually pulled a grin out of my tired mind and body. "Let her pull together whatever funds and supplies she can find enough people willing to start over and just send them on their way. We could do it easily enough. And if whatever makes her hard for Contessa to find could be strengthened, expanded…" I shrugged. "A colony hidden from sight might not be a terrible idea."

I couldn't see through Eidolon's mask but Alexandria at least seemed to be thinking about it.

"...Maybe." She admitted. "Something to discuss at the next meeting at least."

I nodded absently then lifted off. There was more to do before I could head home. And the sooner I saw to it the sooner I could be on my way.
@Fencer My suggestion is to keep writing on one story while you're feeling motivated, even through a couple-dozen chapters, then when you start having some issues and feel like you need a palate cleanser, switch to another one and keep going on that until you get hung up. Once you've done that for awhile, you'll have a decent backlog of chapters so you can update in rotation like you want to.

[edit] Stupid autocorrupt.
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"... Have we considered just giving her what she wants?" Seeing their heads snap to look at me when I asked that question actually pulled a grin out of my tired mind and body. "Let her pull together whatever funds and supplies she can find enough people willing to start over and just send them on their way. We could do it easily enough. And if whatever makes her hard for Contessa to find could be strengthened, expanded…" I shrugged. "A colony hidden from sight might not be a terrible idea."

"Like the 'Parahuman Feudalism' Experiment, but actually trying it out with the actual conditions they might face."
Silly Cauldron.

You don't even need to act. Her actions and her beliefs, coupled with the fact her beliefs are spreading and the power she has...

...she is going to draw the Nine like catnip.

And she is going to devour them.

Mannequin will definitely be interested in her. So will Jack himself. But none of them are truly capable of dealing with what she is and what she does. Even assuming she actually has a shard for Broadcast to latch onto. Jack might even try and draw them away but Mannie will definitely push for someone trying to survive the end of the world.

And the money she is going to get when she destroys them will be helpful indeed. And there is very little that will change and motivate Taylor then the knowledge that will come out of that encounter. Especially when Coil betrays her because he is an idiot.

"Like the 'Parahuman Feudalism' Experiment, but actually trying it out with the actual conditions they might face."

Yeah, its almost like the experiment is a stupid as fuck idea and is bringing out exactly what they are afraid of causing...

...but no one ever said Cauldron were intelligent.
think that is clearly his canon role: the one truly good, competent, and sane person in the entire story.
Did nothing and supported Cauldron's lies and actions even after finding out the truth. Did not brought up the whole "Cauldron" thing to anyone untill caught red handed.
When S9 were murdering civilians - refused to work with villains due to it being "bad PR".
Simply "retired" from his leadership position despite all the crimes his group has commited. Worked with the absolute fuck-ups that are Wardens as second-in-command (makes me question if their dumbassery is partially his fault).
Yeah, no - he might be competent but he's not a good person. Unfortunately that title remains in sole possession of "not a human at all" Dragon.

Besides that - thanks for the chapter, it was a pleasure to read!
You know what the extra stupid part of this Cauldron brand stupidity is, capes abandoning the final fight against Scion en mass to found their own doomed little hide away's like they're trying too prevent Taylor from doing is exactly what all their idiocy caused to happen in canon with the various villain organizations they created like the Elite and Yangban.
"You know, I am growing ever so very tired of the threats of petty tyrants." All three bristled at that label. "I know I'm not invincible." I gestured to the scar across my eyes. "But the last group to make that particular play are all dead." I reached out with my flames and let them sink into the hero's, snaring them under my control. The city around us started to fade from their sight. And I slipped in a minor suggestion that would prevent them from speaking.

"I just maimed an Endbringer, and that was simply the most straightforward application of my abilities." To their senses we now stood in an infinite white void. "I'm not even here, and you all are at my mercy because you ignored my more subtle abilities." Now I was more than three to their senses. I was a multitude, multiplying endlessly, and from under every hood came the glow of indigo eyes. The heroes' heads swiveled left to right unwilling to take their eyes off of any of me.

"The Empire murdered us, and you did nothing. Lung came and burned whole blocks, and you did nothing. Bakuda threatened to blow the whole city into the stratosphere, and you. Did. Nothing. Now I am here, and suddenly that's one insult too far? Because I rock the boat? No. Let us be honest. I worry you, because I am right."

In a moment there was once more only one of me. Black feathers floated to the ground where all the others had been.

"It's too late to change your policies now. Come after me and all you'll manage to do is make it obvious that you want to silence the truth. So you'll do what you have been doing, nothing. I never saw the golden age of heroes. I don't have any hope that we can kill the Endbringers. Or even that this world can be saved. You can't even keep the villains in check here, never mind the rest of the world. So, you go right on playing your game of trying to tape the world back together again. And I'll prepare for when you inevitably fail. And when you do, I'll do my best to ensure something survives."
The only response I can think to cap this speech off with is this scene from wanted:

If your interested his speech follows a similar intent to what Taylor is saying. Taking back control from those that claim to help but just want a yes man errand boy.
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You know what the extra stupid part of this Cauldron brand stupidity is, capes abandoning the final fight against Scion en mass to found their own doomed little hide away's like they're trying too prevent Taylor from doing is exactly what all their idiocy caused to happen in canon with the various villain organizations they created like the Elite and Yangban.
Since when are the Elite and the Yangban Cauldron creations?