Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Arc 1 Post 44: In Hollow Halls, by Empty Light
In Hollow Halls, by Empty Light

The Season of Still Stone

If it were not for Gorok there is no way you would have found a way through the muddy slipways that wind down from the surface and spiral into a worm's nest of confusing tunnels. Then again, if it were not for Gorok you would not have to help carve the way through a tangle of what Cob had rightly called 'tumble thorns', roughly spherical masses of blue-black stems and thorns that scatter their seeds with the floods and then absorb all the water and humidity like a cork in a bottle. Thankfully you are only two thirds of the way through the Season of Stone, there is no torrent on the other-side waiting to drown the unwise explorer going up to find a tunnel at a higher elevation, but that does not mean the bloody thorns are any easier to deal with... literally bloody in many cases.

"Must be nice to have skin that can take the scratching," you announce, drawing a laugh from Mina, which cuts off into a sharp breath and a 'darn' that sounds strange indeed in the tongue of your people, though not as strange as the notion that somewhere above your head is a world where cursing at once's ill fortune is softened to similar sounding words.

As you finally make it to a higher elevation Gorok offers the first bit of comfort in what feels like ten-thousand beats. "Upper tunnel, buttressed, northsouth, no more thorns..."

He is as good as his word. The tunnel, just wide enough for Warty to slip through, though without a rider is trying, and thankfully absent the pervasive life you have been fighting so far, though not without the signs of other life. Large round faces with many rows of razor sharp teeth peer at you, their eyes left bare stone. Goblin markings. Even though Gorok had not seen nor heard any trace of them when he had scouted ahead, all of you keep your hands on your weapons.

What you eventually discover is far stranger than any ambush.

Past a barricade of ill-fitting stones with obvious sentry posts behind them, feathered and felted with whatever their occupants could find to make the bare stone more comfortable, the path opens into a long narrow gallery held up by limestone pillars painted even more extensively than the tunnel. Notched and carved with strange art, misshapen spiders whose eyes are bubbles in the stone, thin spires carved into the likeness of spears or spits with meat still hanging off them, rotting.

Pepper paws at a cold hearth, sending a charred bone rattling across the floor.

"Let's get out of here," Mina says anxiously.

"Forward faster than backward," Cob points out reasonably. Even Warty seems to give an approving warble, though come to think of it that may have been contemplative of if there is enough food to bother eating.

The gallery narrows as it moves westwards and after about half a mile the floor falls away into a narrow span of stone with water flowing a good twenty five feet below. As Gorok coaxes Warty over the bridge you notice something in the water. Bodies, goblin bodies. It is impossible to tell what might have killed them unless you want to have a swim, but the grey tone of their skin marks them for Stone Gobblers.

Once you are past the bridge your path is down through what does not seem to be another slipway but a tunnel built long ago by the same hands that had made the straight way, though these walls are far from straight, neat lines. Cracks run like branching wounds along its sides and in places it had even partially collapsed.

"We are level with the magic stone room." Gorok points towards an arch leading off to the side, this one covered in loose rock that in a thousand-beat is enough to clear, especially with Warty's help. The last impediment is... a door, an actual proper door, carved of white marble no less with veins of black that had been integrated into the design by some long gone sculptor who made of them a pair of large bat-like wings that sprout from the shoulders of a woman in the center of the door. You would have to split her in twine to open the way. For a moment Mina hesitates and you wonder if she is going to ask to turn back, but she does not, instead steeling herself to push on the door.

It opens without a sound, spilling crimson light out into the passage to reveal the chamber Gorok has spoken of before. Below polished stone and all around innings in the stone now empty, six in all, above a ceiling set with points of crimson lights in patterns bewildering and strange, but in the center of the chamber is a stature carved of the same marble as the door. The figure is obviously a woman, though not as you have ever seen one, with enormous wings like those of a bat sprouting from her slender shoulders, though the rest of her figure is far from it. Draped in robes clearly meant to reveal and entice far more than their cover, in her right hand is a goblet and in her left what you at first think of as a handful of daggers, but looking more closely you realize the weapons are not held but growing from her hand, nails sharp and deadly.

"This is a temple... and not to any goodly power," Mina breathes. "That looks almost like a sucubus, like the dream the goblins had spoken of."

"Looks valuable," Gorok points out. "We could take lights, sell in Cauldron."

What does Akorian think of this place?

[] It is dangerous, you should not linger

[] It is fascinating, take the time to study every part of the temple

[] Write in

OOC: Rolls would be somewhat spoiler-y to post so they will be added later.
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Arc 1 Post 45: To Take and be Taken
To Take and be Taken

The Season of Still Stone

Caution inclines one to check before claiming any part of the chamber, but at first sight only the 'stars' above glow in a mage's eye and even those only with the dim aura no more remarkable than they aught. Thankfully you had come prepared not just with pitons and rope but also with some of Warty's slime to make the climber's grip more sure, an easy climb for such as Gorok or so at least you had expected. As he works though on hammering the sixth of the glowing shards out of the ceiling the piton holding him in place suddenly gives way, sending him falling backwards onto his back with an audible snap of the tail that makes you wince in sympathy. As Mina rushes to heal him though you pick up the steed spike and notice...

"It's like something's been eating at this." Scarred and pitted as if by acid, the damage does nonetheless bear the patina of rust. If you did not have other pieces to compare it to, the iron still unmarred, you might have mistaken it for neglect and mischance.

Gorok takes 6 damage; heals 9 damage from Healing Hex -> Unharmed

"Stones not glowing," Cob prods one with his foot then sends it clinking into the wall with a kick for good measure before picking it up. You are about to congratulate him on his caution when he picks it up and licks it. "Tastes... it tastes like iron, sharp-iron-stone."

Thanks to Mina's gifts you swiftly have a better name for it, red quartz. A pity it has no more magic to it, but it might still serve a magician's works.

Gained 22 pieces of Red Quartz Worth 660 gp

Gorok collecting the stones: 1d20 +7 +5 (Slurk Slime) = 16 (Failure)
Gorok collecting the stones: 1d20 +7 +5 (Slurk Slime) = 30 (Success)
Cob Alchemy: 1d20 +7 = 25 (Success)

Emboldened by the success Gorok harnesses Warty to pull the statue from its place, it is sure to be worth a decent payout in Cauldron on the skill of the carving alone. Her eyes are heavy lidded, a frown just creasing her forehead and her lips are just parted, as though she were in the midst of starting to speak.

"Heave!" Gorok commands the slurk even as he starts to pull on the ropes himself.

Rather than the sound of shifting stone smashing against stone you are surprised to hear the clank of metal.

As the two of them stop you see that what you had taken for a conical support at the base of the stature had not been stone at all, but plaster disguised to have the same color as the local stone. It is pulled apart to reveal heavy steel chains fit to bind an ogre around perfectly formed feet of stone.

"That is not a statue!" Mina says, anxiety suddenly congealing to something far more urgent in her expression. "It's a fiend made stone! Get away from..."

Out of the corner of your eye you see Cob move suddenly, diving for the statue without a word. You do not hesitate, turning around to tackle the goblin full in the chest, sending the both of your smashing into the far wall. Something small clinks against the floor and though you cannot see it you know with a cold certainty what it is, the ring that had been taken from this very chamber.

Mina Arcana: 1d20 +9 = 23 (Success)
Cob Will Save: 1d20 +2 = 6 (Failure)
Akorian tackle: 1d20+ 3 = 20 (Success)

"Stop, stop! Cob is Cob!" the Goblin shouts as he goes limp in your grip. The scratch on the left side of his face where it had scraped along the edge of the alcove is angry red, bleeding. Guilt jars you more than the wall had done. "Ring wanted Cob to put on finger of stone woman. Cob is good now, Cob will not touch ring no more."

What do you do?

[] Let him go, slowly, someone else will hang on to the ring

[] Get rid of the ring first somehow
-[] Gorok can smash it
-[] Feed it to Warty, a slurk's stomach acids are a potent thing
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: The vote for caution was part of the reason why Kori got that tackle roll, though fascination would have done it as well. Wanting to get away as fast as possible on the other hand would have had him thinking about leaving instead of paying attention.
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Arc 1 Post 45: Where Stone Wings Fly
Where Stone Wings Fly

The Season of Still Stone

"Gorok," you call, not taking your eyes off the goblin. "Get one of the acid vials. Let's see if this thing melts." Probably wiser than feeding it to Warty. If the beast gets sick offs it then Cob won't need strange strange curses whispering in his ear to attack me, you think. After a bit of a struggle with the clay throwing pot, it had been designed to be thrown and not dip rings in it, the warrior manages to open the vessel and you drop the ring in... to no discernible effect.

"Cob no... will not listen to stupid ring more," the goblin tries again, ears flat against his head.

"Stay a few paces away from it just in case," you warn getting off him. Hopefully Mina can read the look you throw her way and the motion of your head. If he makes trouble, put him to sleep.

At first the ring looks not only unharmed by its dip in acid, but entirely unharmed. As you spill it out onto the floor, douse it with water, and pick it back up however something glints. A thread of pure silver in the black steed that forms jagged geometric patterns which seem purposeful, but not as any writing you have seen.

Gorok meanwhile twists and turns around the statue as though it were some new beasts whose habits must be learned and perils catalogued. It seems he has found something.

"Too many ridges on the wings." As he meets various looks of confusion he explains. "Wings are hands, five fingers, five ridges. This has seven on one side, six on the other."

"Fiends aren't natural creatures, they're..." Mina starts, but the hunter is not done. He runs a claw along the place where the wing meets the back of the strange woman.

"See ripple here? It does not look like flesh, does not look like wear of water, stone meld. The wing is not real, not part of root rock."

Akorian Perception: 1d20 +6 = 9 (Failure)
Cob Perception: 1d20 +7 = 13 (Failure)
Gorok Perception: 1d20 +8 = 26 (Success)

"Why would anyone make a petrified person look like a fiend?" Mina asks, bewildered.

"To make it seem more fearsome?" you posit at the same time as Cob saying. "Maybe stone lady wanted wings? Could not get proper ones, got stone wings."

From there you pass ideas back an forth, about the temple and who could have built it, about what might have been in the alcoves beside the fish-tailed corpse. Mina tries to recall any hint from what she had learned in the temple, Gorok to track who had been here over the last dozen-sleeps, though not with much hope.

"Only one other place to look," Mina finally points towards the stairs by the north wall continuing upwards like a limestone tongue coiling into the heart of Nar Voth, or in the other direction towards the Burnlands.

What does Akorian think the party do?

[] [IDOL] Smash it, if you cannot get rid of the ring at the very least that you can destroy

[] [IDOL] Leave it be, you do not know what it is or how it might react to being broken

[] [IDOL] Take it with you, cursed or not it's still worth selling

[] [IDOL] Write in

[] [PATH] Up into the Burnlands, it is the only place whoever was in the temple before you could have taken

[] [PATH] Back to Cauldron, hopefully the matter of the troll and the poisoning has cleared up

[] [PATH] Write in

OOC: One way or another the next update is the start of the next arc, you guys have had your first adventure, gotten to know your companions and got involved with plenty of intrigue and investigations. For anyone wondering the reason the failed perception rolls were posted was because someone eventually succeeded. Without that or some more obvious sign that a failed roll happened (like say an ambush tripping failed rolls will not be shown).
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Arc 1 Post 46: Grave Dirt and Pyre Ash
Grave Dirt and Pyre Ash

The Season of Still Stone

If someone had come to you a season past with the news that the greatest discovery you would one day make in far distant ruins would be through the skills of a goblin you would have called them mad, if that is you had bothered to call them anything at all, but Cob isn't going to let that stop him. After finding nothing more in the temple you decide to go down the stairs Gorok had taken up to the temple with a thought of then scaling down the walls of rubble, but all along the way Cob had taken to tapping the wall. Just a Cob thing to do, you thought, like the propensity for strange names and putting things in his mouth that do not belong there.

Then he found a room as large as the temple and not half so empty. Well alright, that is not entirely true. What he had found was a hollow sounding spot in the wall, which upon closer inspection was a little too smooth. Mina claims the stone had been shaped in place like wet clay, though she also cautions that any magician able to cast such a spell much have mastered the third circle of sorcery...

Pepper meows imperiously, which his mistress sheepishly translates as 'a master compared to any of you'.

"Well it would not be very masterful of him to lock himself in," you point out calmly, getting a giggle out of Cob, not that he's sparing with them.

Cob Knowledge (Engineering): 1d20 +8 = 28 (Success)
Mina Spellcraft: 120 +9 = 25 (Success)

"How thick is the stone?" Gorok asks, causing your stomach to plunge.


All four of you had taken turns to crack the stone-shaped wall, but it is on your turn, back and shoulders aching, throat stinging as you gasp the dusty air of the tunnel, that you finally break through to the other side. It takes more work still to widen the gap enough for Pepper to fit through, tied with a rope around the middle to pull him back through if needed. You had found your poison fruit garden, now all you had to do was dig an even bigger hole...

Digging Through the Stone (Strength rolls): 10+8+17+6+15 = 56/50 (Complete)

Eventually, after far more breaking rock than anything not a digger or a dwarf should have to do, you manage to make the hole large enough for all of you to fit through into a despoiled tomb.

Pepper had called it a garden and you suppose it is not a bad description. Here indeed grow the tainted fruit you had used against the moldfolk, or at least they had grown on beds of ash and dirt, but the boughs are bare and the great stone ovals three times a man's height can clearly been made for something other than a vegepygmy's use. Twelve in all, each of them had an inscription above them, one line bold and deep carved, and then a list.

Out of that list you make up a handful of almost-familiar characters, though not enough for this to have been laid down by the People. Still, the words you can half-read are all names, letting you guess what must be in these stone vessels; the remains of the dead, hundreds, thousands of them.

Akorian Linguistics: 1d20 +3 = 10 (Partial Success)

Sifting your fingers among through it you brush against something hard and small; a nugget of bone, then a tooth, all charred black, not just buried but burned, but if all this was ash... it would be more people than could be found in all of Cauldron five times over. Where had they all come from? Where had they all lived? Alas, that answer seems to have fallen into the maw of years, never to be found again. It is probably not worth trying to loot the ash itself. What would two sacks of it even be worth?

As though in answer to the question something moves in the shadows on the far side of the chamber, unseen to eyes that bear witness only to light, yet to your eyes horrifically clear. It might have been a woman once, or at least female from the contours of grey skin drawn taunt over bone, its surface is crisscrossed with stitch work, beneath tatters of red silk that flowed like blood, but it was its fate that arrested the eye and froze the mind in disgust. There are no eyes in among the concentric wrinkles and no jaw, but there is a mouth, circular like a leech's maw pulsing in the air.

The thing does not attack, it does not move or make as sound, but instead tips its head to the side in a gesture that oozes amused contempt. Then it points one skeletal finger at a pile of broken black vines, looking more closely you see that one of the vines is a withered limb encased in the same sort of silk jacket as the ghoul you had killed.

Akorian Perception: 1d20 +6 = 25 (Success)
Akorian Knowledge: 1d20 +5 = 15 (Failure)

The thing turns to vanish back through the wall.

What do you do?

[] Call after the monster
-[] A question
-[] Your thanks

[] Uncover the body

[] Get out of here as fast as you can

[] Write in

OOC: This was a very weird combination of good and bad luck, not going to lie.
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Arc 1 Post 47: Body and Spirit
Body and Spirit

The Season of Still Stone

Terror runs in your veins like ice. If you had been alone odds are good you would have turned tail and ran at the sight of black spirits beyond the touch of steel or your own meager magics. But you are not alone, nor are you in the company of the people of Zul. You have allies at your back, fair dealing in your common cause of enriching each other. "Cob, bring the poker..."

As you and Mina hold your breath and Gorok blinks slowly, weapon in hand the goblin starts to uncover the hand, the shoulder, then the torso of a headless corpse, the stump of its neck burned black. It does not move, not even a twitch, though given how you had been shown it none of you wants to get much closer.

In the end it is Mina who jumps down the proverbial crevice and starts to search the body while you and Gorok keep watch on the body and Cob sweeps the room for more wall-walking horrors. Even the normally rambunctious goblin knows to take 'spooks' seriously, though somehow you do not think his suggestion of offering a tribute of meat and trail rations would do much good. That mouth did not look like it was meant for chewing.

The clothes themselves are stained and torn. His, as you discover, death had not been a swift one, or perhaps death had come knocking more than once given the moldfolks' prisoner. Regardless, apart from his boots, which are solid steel tipped leather meant for hard wear, the corpse also boasts a pair of silver rings, none of them magical thank the Dark, a piece of gold wire twined into a ring with a strand of golden hair, a lover's token Mina tells you, and last of all a silver 'watch', like the dwarf contraptions for telling time, though this one breaks up time into only a dozen arcs rather than the common twenty used in the Darklands. The fine numbering and slow ticking movement is fascinating. Such a small thing, so finely crafted. The dead man must have been of some import before he had come here to die...

As Mina flips open the watch she reveals that the design is marked by a trio of serpents, three of them entwined. Hadn't the ghoul said something about the wrath of serpents? It seems like you had found another of his expedition, but what had they found here? You glance around the empty room half-expecting the strange specter to return. What had they unleashed?

  • 1 pair of solid traveling boots
  • 2 silver rings, one with an agate stone
  • 1 gold lovers' keepsake
  • 1 silver pocket watch marked with the three twined serpents
"That sign, it looks familiar," Mina muses as the four of you head out and back to Warty with your meager prizes. "Like something I've seen, but not in a book. I'm sure it's not the mark of any god or kingdom, at least not one of the major ones... What?" she asks, reading the disbelief on your face.

"I don't know how things are done in the Burnlands, but in Nar Voth every cave has its idol and every tribe its heroes and monsters. "

"The sky is wider than any cave roof," Mina shakes her head, frowning in thought as though she can force her memory to give up the symbol in question.

As you turn to leave the shadows, coin in the far corner, a twisted specter walks forth. In the depths of your mind you hear a voice that is longing for life, for light, for meaning. "Child of the Blood."

Stunned, you can think to answer nothing but wordless confusion.

"We have failed Her Grace and Her Light was taken from us. Do not make our error, do not follow in our sin..."

"I do not know of what you speak," you manage to get out.

The eyeless specter points unerringly at your pack and the ring within it.

"What should I..." you start

"I think we should go," Mina says with quiet fervor, pulling at your arm.

"We who linger would offer you a gift," the words form in your mind not in any one voice, but shaped from a dozen memories pulled from your past. "To find that which was scattered, to return the Light of the world. It is a paltry thing... but... all... we... have."

Do you accept the specter's gift?

[] Yes, they named you kin and did you no harm, frightening as they are you do not think they are your foes

[] No, the gifts of the dead are best left in their graves

[] Write in

OOC: Again it would be spoilers to post the rolls.
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Arc 1 Post 48: Key of the Mind
Key of the Mind

The Season of Still Stone

"Step back..." That is as far as you get before Mina practically wrenches you back three steps and Cob makes his feelings on trusting spooks just as clear. But just as you are about to argue with them Gorok hisses at the back of his throat, deep and sonorous as he had never made before. What it might mean you do not know, but he does not take his eyes off the wraith.

"The dead have spoken and the living have answered, by blood and still water, by breath and bitter air, his peril and his chance, and none of ours."

"The Hells its none of ours, we are in this together!" Mina shouts, actually shouts for the first time since you have met her. For a moment you hesitate in your resolve.

"Together means trust, if one is not bound, not chained in mind," Gorok presses. "Do you think he is bound in mind as Cob was?"

"I am myself," you proclaim at once and loudly, but as the echoes of the tomb come back upon your ears you cannot help but wonder who that is.

As you step closer to the specter and it closer to you something glints in its charred hands, a silvery crescent delicate as a dream. Not mist, not light, but something in between, a dream made solid held in a nightmare's grasp. Cold, the thing is cold as you have never felt it before, to be in its presence is almost to forget that warmth has any power in the world. Again you almost step back, almost refuse, but you had come here seeking treasures, seeking answers, here they were both together.

Thus you stand as upon your brow is placed the arc of silver... moonlight, some part of you whispers, like a dreamer slowly waking. It melts into your forehead leaving nary a trace and yet... It's humming, song without sound behind your eyes, spiraling upwards and onwards until you could feel the three other flames in the chamber; one crackling like laughter fit to break its mounds, one slow and purposeful like the witch-lights of the deep tunnels and one that shone as light though a many-colored crystal

Gained Band of Clarity
Description: This crescent of barely solid moonlight merges with the head of the bearer, opening their mind to the song of the world, that they might know the hearts of those nearest to them. Once they were as common as lanterns on a dark street in the hands of those blessed by the moon above, but the world was changed, the sky blackened and all were extinguished... all but one it seems.
Ability: Can cast Detect Thoughts 3/Day

"...the deepest shadows guard best the light..."

As the specter vanishes and draws back its darkness seems to expand wider and deeper until you are inside a cylinder of unrelieved blackness, only the sense of your companions'... of your friends' minds keeping you from panicking. Come to think of it, that might not be the wisest thing you have ever done, to trust this thing with your only lifeline to the outside world.

User Data Input confirmed
Last Date of Access: T-10973 Solar Cycles
Data Corruption: 61.661%
Cause of Degradation: Lack of Maintenance
Cause of Degradation: %^W^Int... Imp... Error... Error
Emergency Shunt

User is Advised that the Contents of this Data Base have been breached by a Class 3 Hazard, Lower Dimensional Memetic Worm, Shutdown bypassed due to priority Order Sixteen Alpha: No shut down is to be incurred when hardware degradation is so extreme as would preclude a restart without technician. User is advised of the presence of 1 (one) message in System from Mirror Collector Base Tranquility. Play:


[] Play the urgent message

[] Do not play the Urgent message

For a moment you are left blinking in bemusement bemusement at the words blooming in your mind. Though you can make sense of what each of them means individually the whole escapes you, even with the information poured right into your brain. No touching the glowing runes until yet... Alas, the next thing to flash through your mind's eye feels like some kind of admonishment about changing bodies. How in all the far pits of Orv does someone change their body? you wonder, head spinning.

User blood patterns recorded at 73% Deviation from common Azlanti patterns. Recommendation: Medical regeneration to baseline. Extended use of recreational body mods has an adverse effect on the mind and and body, as well as one's social bonds with other members of the High Realm

The luminous shapes, not writing you realize, for what does this place need for writing when they can speak into the mind, but markers for the hand to... input information reshape in front of you as another message plays.

Lack of mental compatibility detected, Base Data Collection accessed. Warning: Data Corruption amplifying. Only three options may be chosen before shutdown of terminal.

Choose Three

[] Final Message from the Imperial Palace, instructions of His Imperial Majesty

[] Geography of the High Realm

[] Brief History of the High Realm

[] Theurgy Primmer for Novices

[] Military Outpost Coordinates

[] Disaster Relief Shelter Coordinates

[] Axis Synchronized Conjuration Coordinates of the Imperial Postal Service

[] Locations of naval ships... error... Location of Active distress beacons

[] REDACTED Error REDACTED Current Files

Arc One Complete

OOC: Well you definitely found... something alright, something a lot of people will kill for. Choose wisely.
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Arc 2 Post 1: Out of the Black
Out of the Black

The Season of Still Stone

Were you like the Burnlanders unable to see anything but living light you might have thought the sights before your mind's eye a glamor for every line of the olive skinned face of the woman before you was rendered with arcane precision, from the wrinkles on her forehead to the bags beneath her eyes, but you do not see a hint of temperature bleed behind her even though she is standing in what looks like a truly enormous cave the sort that only the fires of the deep earth could hope to warm. Her hair was shorn tight to the head, so as not to get in the way of a helm perhaps. Her eyes were bright amethyst like gemstones deep-sunken, recalling faces glimpsed in a dream. Half-faded bruises marked her face a healing half done

Her tone is harried as one might expect, eyes darting off to the side even as she gives her report: "This is Mirror Base Tranquility, Legion Claw Commander Ather reporting. Dimensional breaches all along the expanse between the Temple Pillars of Curchanus and Jaidi. They come not afoot bot on the back of wild Shantaks that we have driven from the Vale of Plenty Arcanum Mages are reporting a sudden surge of of power along the leylines and then... and then..." Her voice breaks and for a moment you think that she will turn away. "The whole of Somal shifted, every instrument, every wayfinder detected anomalous movement Fifteen point eight two thousand clicks. The axiomite laborers went mad... How? I can't explain it, I can barely believe it myself, but I saw three of the Arcanum masters slain as though by maddened beasts, others gouged out their own eyes and fell comatose to the ground. They bled out, we had to let them bleed..."

The message of the far distant and you suspect long dead Burnlander pleads with you for the absolution you cannot give her for you do not know her, but you can hear the pain and the despair all too well.

"All the healing magic except the Wands of Wellness failed. Hyerophant Bal'el is the most senior person on base, but I don't think... he's in any fit state to be left out of his room. He is weeping, claiming that the demons are right when they say... " She shakes her head. "Well it doesn't matter that they are saying, they are bloody mad demons aren't they. The spindle-men will have my head for ever repeating this over far-caster assuming we live and I have every plan to live. We are not just going to roll over for the damn pit-spawn. "

Behind her you can hear a few more ragged voices cheering, though they are as ragged as the woman as captain Ather looks.

"We will be launching the reentry pods pods, assuming we can get to them but none of us has the new codes. The star-heads, that is master mages. Fuck! They changed them at the last magic disruption half a moonturn ago citing fears of rebellion. All of it was drake shit, but we have to evacuate now. We need the master codes."

Something booms behind her, deep and sonorous, like a great sheet of metal being struck by a giant's hammer, then a rattling sounds unlike anything you have ever heard in your life that goes on and on for a long moment as the woman at the other end starts going though coordinates, the names of other bases like this one. It is too late, you know it with the sinking certainty of someone witnessing a traveler sink into black sand, the sounds of battle are replaced by the sound of pained hysterical laughter that sound ripped from bleeding throats and interspersed between them.

Memory limit reached. Cycling.

The words are like ice water upon your mind and then the message starts again from the beginning.

The question appears on another layer of perception almost mocking in its simplicity.

Send Codes? Y/N

Tears stinging at the corners of your eyes you reach out for the negative but the cynical voice of this strange place, the data bank asks again:


This place is a tomb, it's been a toms for who knows how long....

10,973 Solar Cycles, the device answers. The Mark VII Adamantine Reentry Capsules are rated for 33,000 Solar Cycles of operation to account for the possibility of encountering temporal anomalies in the Black Heavens. They provide stasis for the crew should they have reached their intended destinations. Remote Launch for the capsules can be routed though this terminal

What do you do?

[] Send the codes, launch the capsules, if there is even the smallest chance of someone getting out alive from that madness you have to give it to them

[] No, those demons sounded far too close, you do not want your friends 'reentering the world' whatever that means

OOC: Vote for the files to access still open, but you will have to revote and include what to do about the message
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Arc 2 Post 2: Echo of the Ancients
Echo of the Ancients

The Season of Still Stone

It seems like madness, a span of time unimaginably vast, a place you cannot imagine, but if someone, somehow managed to get out of that place alive who are you to bar their final escape? So wordlessly you send the confirmation, the answer long sought. All you hear is a soft chime in your ear like a silver hammer almost beyond the edge of hearing, then scrolling beyond your mind's eye a list bewildering shapes stone outcroppings rising in jagged towers and impossible buttresses, falling into a carpet of rolling green dotted with towers of brown crowned with more swaying green. The colors are so bright they burn the eye, the contours so alien they bedevil the mind. You see water cut the land like a knife of foaming white only to descend into meandering courses. Dizzy and unarmored, without a sense of scale or of the height to which your mind's eye has been raised you grit your teeth and focus on remembering as many of the more notable parts hoping that you can make some sense of what is before you.

Let the sound of water be thy guide, the old saw floats though your head and you start tracing the courses of water from the broken pillars down to the wide lake, but something niggles at you, something about that message. Though you are not sure how long a solar cycle lasts you know that this place has lain dead for long enough that all which remains is ash and stone. Water changes.

"Rotate, rise, repeat," you send message after message into the ether. Finally one of them seems to do the job, instead of rushing down into the 'bunkers' the perspective rises once more to its original configuration and this time instead of using the fickle rivers you mark crests covered with green, the angles to the broken spires... "What are those called?"

"Designation: Men-Andor Mountains; Astori Mountains"

Akorian Memorization: 1d20 +1 = 20 (Full Success)

Though you do not have the name for the green 'forest' above you at least have some sense of scale as to where you can find the nearest four evacuation shelter: Psetri to the south near the shores of the sea, accessible by draining the reservoir and then walking down the long spiraling steps along its outer edge. Far to the East in the Astori mountains is what looks like the shell of a titanic crustacean pressed in the side of the mountain, there the miners of the nearby towns are meant to take shelter, hidden behind a door that opens when when horns blow in a certain patterns, two, then six, then one. The third shelter Halios is to the north west though it is marked with a warning [Closed Archeological Dig in progress; Civilians are advised to a void unless all other paths are closed. Exit from the sight controlled by reasons of mental and spiritual hygiene]

Finally just when you thought you got a hang for this the fourth site is a single piece of marble standing among the green of the forest, the green pillars pulled back around it in a circle. Temple of Jaidi;Ley Nexus

A name you had heard before from the people on the... moon, but what you did not expect were instructions for how to bleed yourself on the stone to make... something open. Not just yourself either, the instructions are for 'one male and one female of the blood minimum for repopulation purposes', which by now is just understandable enough to make you weary.

Quickly you try to look into the ships, expecting something like the strange projection, instead what you get is numbers, three pairs of numbers, each of them four digits long, compared to the journey you had just taken it is child's play to remember. Thus emboldened you decide to press look for the thing visitors are apparently not allowed to know the name of... but whose contents they can somehow access

[Spindle Solution Files Accessed]

Error: No common language detected. Spindle Solution Files May not be Translated by mind-link; Change of Degradation too High. Initiating Language protocols

Words assail you like daggers from every corner, tens, hundreds, tens of thousands spoken by voices young and old, male and female, joyous, calm, wrathful, ecstatic, didactic, soft and loud... on and on until you cannot hear the voice of your own thoughts.

Akorian Linguistics: 1d20 +3 = 4 (Critical Failure)
Akorian Will Save: 1d20+3 = 15 (Success)


The stone is cold and unyielding against your back, but you still do not want to wake your head is pounding like someone had decided to drive a Snake's End Parade, brass drums and all, over it... Wait... what was...?

"Akorian! Akorian!" You hear the words as though through deep water over the roaring in your ears. "Kori!"

Finally your eyes snap open and you see Mina kneeling beside your head on the floor of the tomb. "What under Desna's bright eyes happened to you?"

"There was... information from the Old Ones, the ones who built this this place, shelter locations." Relieved, you realize you recall all four of the locations with perfect clarity. "They called themselves... High Ones?"

"Azlanti?" she answers, speaking carefully, as though trying to talk around the power of tongues.

"That is what I said..." The more you think about it the more the other pieces start falling into place, the smell of myth and honeysuckle in the spring, the fiery taste of moretum, the soft glow of far caster as it spun into moving images tales and myth of the Empire's founding, news of the present.

Kori Gains
  • Knowledge of Four Azlanti Disaster Shelters
  • Coordinates of Three Distress Beacons (Location unknown until plotted on a map)
  • High Azlanti Language (Poor)
  • Knowledge (History) as a class skill relating to the history of Azlant

Do you exchange any of your present skills for Knowledge History?

[] Yes (Up to 2 points)
-[] Write in from where

[] No (Skill will still be available for purchase on future level ups)

OOC: Not the best place for a crit failure, but a lot of archeologists and historians would kill for that skill you got for succeeding on the Will save which means that your brain was helpfully scrambled.
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Arc 2 Post 3: Of Ages' Breaking
Of Ages' Breaking

The Season of Still Stone

Thankfully for your peace of mind the flashes of hollow color pass from mind's eye into memory as you murmur the First Prayer before slumber, but you cannot help but wonder: What did the thing mean when it claimed that you were blood to those who made it? Running your hands over the smooth silver band offers no answers beyond a tingling of the fingers. Does it want to be used? Does it like the ring have some purpose of its own, or is it simply a vessel that you can fill with your thoughts and the thoughts of others?

Mina Knowledge (History): 1d20 +8 = 16 (Failure)

Mina has little in the way of answers for you, only vague legends of legends, tales not even of her own people, but of strangers who had come from the south, the Taldan's whose tongue had spread across the face of the world like ragweed through living water. "The Taldans claimed they were the heirs of Azlant, they worshiped Aroden whom they called the Last Azlanti."

"Worshiped, what do they worship now?"

"Oh, I'm not sure. It's been a long time since the days of Old Taldor, seven hundred years since the Even Tongued Conquest when the empire broke into two and the western part, Cheliax gained ascendancy. I do know the Chelish took his death very badly, it's why they fell to Devil worship under the dominion of the Thrice Dammed House of Thrune,"

"Whose death?' you ask, frowning.

Mina turns her head to look at you carefully, almost like she thought you were making a jest in poor taste, before shaking her head. "Of course you wouldn't know would you. Aroden died, on the very day, at the very hour when he was prophesied to return and lead mankind to greatness he perished amid terrible calamity and strike, storms came screaming out of the deadlands, pouring hale and black rain, the earth groaned as though the dead meant to claw their way back out of the earth. They say it's bad luck to talk about it, but then 'they' would probably also agree I'm bad luck to talk to."

"Wait, I'm not sure I understood that..." Which is an absurd thing to say to Mina, much less a reason to stop in your tracks as though you had just stepped in a rock gut, but still, "A god died? How? Why?"

Mina gives a helpless shrug. "No one knows, there are as many guesses as there are scholars, but all we can know for certain is that when the Starstone Doctrine was proven false, that's the one that spoke of Aroden's return, all other prophecy failed as well, that is why the age we are in now is the Age of Lost Omens."

"So his priests..."

"Lost all their power," she finishes. "Just in that moment all of them, all at once, they still had all the wealth of the church, properties, servants, gold, some even had vast swaths of land, but it wasn't long until rivals or greedy kings and nobles took it all. The lucky ones joined up with the Church of Iomadae, the Inheritor, but when it comes to the unlucky... the people wanted answers and when they could not get answers they would settle for blood. Two days ride from where I was raised there's an old temple of Aroden and the town that formed around it, Godscrest, they had bad harvest after bad harvest following the loss of Aroden, but they thought the priests were hoarding vast stores of hood so they broke in one night under the cover of darkness..." Seeing your confused look, she adds. "Night is when Desna's stars come out, but it is also when the sun goes down so it's darker and many folk think a better time for dark deeds when others will not see."

"They broke in, killed and ate them?" Cob asks, bouncing next to you.

"No, it's..." Mina gathers her thoughts for a moment. "That's not very common where I come from, it's unhealthy for body and soul." Turning her head back to you she continues. "The mob did kill the priests, they were so enraged, so desperate for the food that was not there that they ripped the priests apart, they gave them no rites and spoke no prayers. Three days later the priests rose from the dead, killed every man, woman and child in Godscrest. No one goes up the old cattle road anymore."

"So about the Azlanti?" you prompt. My blood, my ancestors maybe, strange as the thought is. The kind-voice seemed to think so.

"They were before all the kingdoms of the Inner Sea, before even Taldor and Osirion and they were said to be skilled in the arts mundane and magical. Aroden was the last of them, but all I know of them is from after Azlat's Fall, most of it long after."

"So what would it mean if maybe some of them lived... and I sent them down from... Somal?"

It's her time to stop dead now. "Down from the moon? I'm sorry, I believe you it's just... I have no idea, I cannot even imagine what that would do or where."

"So... is now not a good time to talk about the rest of it, should I space these out?" you ask as earnestly as you can manage.

Akorian Bluff: 1d20 +7 = 22 (Success)

"That's alright," she starts to say then she notices you starting to grin and rolls her eyes. "Well what else did that thing tells you?"

"The location of four, places of refuge buried under the earth, the Azlanti being sensible people who apparently knew that a roof of stone was better than a giant ball of fire above you," you reply, surprising even yourself with how easy the laugh comes. "How much would that be worth?"

"No idea, could be looted and worth nothing, could be like here were we barely found anything or it could be worth a king's ransom."

Though you are still not entirely sure what a king is, it seems to have implications besides 'strong chief', you get the implications, piles of gold to make a dwarf blush. What would you even do with that much wealth?

When next you sleep your dreams are filled with the promise of

[] Glory

[] Wisdom

[] Camaraderie

[] Write in (single word only)

Rock Gut - Name given to tar pits and quicksand collectively by the residents of the dark lands. Various cults, particularly those who worship powers of stone and claustrophobia consider these to be the eternally hungering stomachs of their preferred gods. Few of those who might have the misfortune of being sacrificed in such pits are inclined to disagree

OOC: A bit of history through the eyes of one of your companions as well as a chance to address how Kori relates to it
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Arc 2 Post 4: Crepuscular Convergence
Crepuscular Convergence

The Season of Still Stone

You dream at first of commonplace things, the dangers of the road, flood, fire, raiders and of the prospect of selling the stones you had ripped from the temple to the highest bidder. As the sack opens it seems to you in the dream it seems to you that it is the mouth of some great reptilian beast disgorging them as it might spit out the bones of its victims in disdain. Rather than feel fearful of the thing you are overcome by the feeling that you are missing something that the arrangement of the shards hold some hidden meaning and that you should snatch them back from the red-eyed merchant his cheeks streaked with blood and restore them to the temple. The fact that the 'bag' sports a set of very carnivorous teeth keeps your hand back long enough to take a closer look at Gorok, who you realize to your horror had the wide-eyed vacant look of the blindhelm, his head illuminated by... something.

Where is the light coming from? As you scramble back the figure of Gorok, the merchant, even the stall and the facsimile of Cauldron lose depth and color, like shadows on a wall but where the biting sack had been there is now a single ruby larger than any you had seen in your life, larger than you think one ever could be, the size of your head, pulsing crimson light, first a line though the center, then spreading out. An eye, it's an eye opening, you think with mounting panic, looking around for something to cover it.

As you struggle to pull the cloak off your shoulders and throw it onto the thing it starts to roll towards you long the floor, the sound of crystal striking stone a cackle that chills your blood.

"What do you want!" you shout as loud as you can. "What is this?"

As you turn and consider running you realize there is nothing there, like a vast cavern spreading out in every direction as far as you can see, your voice lost and echoless. Instead of running from it you mutter a blessing of the mind under your breath on instinct and kick the thing out into the dark. It flies forth like a malignant ember leaving you standing on a pool of light still even and grey, without source and without shadow.

If the only thing here is the floor I'm going to read that then, you vow as you get down on your hands and knees to make some sense of what's there. It has to be something, groves, tracks, even a smooth floor would reveal something, if only that it had been carved. So it is with your head turned downwards and your palms feeling the stone for grooves that you hear a voice behind you.

"Child of the Sundered, Guide of the Lost behold and be at peace!" The light which had been soft as the glow of common glowshrooms revolved into a vortex of impossible darkness and scintillating light that you know would blind you in an instant. From the heart of that vortex emerge two pairs of arms, grey-skinned like your own palms held up in a gesture of peace.

"Dark Below, what are you?" you ask bewildered.

"An answer, a shadow on a wall soon banished, light at the kindling of all things," the voice emerges from the heart of the vortex.

It does not sound like an answer, you think resentfully, but instead you ask. "What was the thing I kicked away?"

"Scavenger's lure, feast's light, they come for what you have, they come for what you claim, they come for what you might be."


"Kin in flesh, but not in thought, lied and lost, doomed and darkened." The syllables rise and fall, rise and fall, their patterns like music in the dark.

"What 's their name?" you prompt again, but the pulse of light and darkness are the same and so are its words. They are not spoken with any particular inflection, be it frustration, anger or cruel laughter, you had heard them all before. This is simply the answer, the only answer to this question that this strange being can give.

"Have they come before?" you try another way.

"Came in purpose, not in form, mirror bright and shadow dark," it pulses. "Time is short and space is near."

Do you have any questions for the strange visitation?

Up to Three (3) Questions

[] Why are you here?

[] Who are the Lost?

[] Why was I Sundered?

[] What is the dark steel ring?

[] Who poisoned the Dancer?

[] Write in

OOC: Welcome to being an oracle, which is to say an unbound conduit of otherworldly powers. Depending on what Kori wished for he would be visited by a minor Outsider in his dreams, 'wisdom' here had a double meaning, it is the one that knows the most, but takes the most wisdom to interpret. Camaraderie would have been an Agathion Glory would have been a Devil.
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