Arc 9 Post 51: Where Lions Might Wander
Where Lions Might Wander
12th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
Alas, the silence does not grow any easier to bear as the six of you speak with one another about the sorts of bargains you might reach and the worth of them. Mina argues that it is better to have some friends than none and the Pathfinders would be present wherever your wandering feet might carry you, Sirim urges caution and silence above all, for if a man would sell you the names of others who passes through his door than he would sell yours just as readily while Cob grumbles that all this is dumb since you just invited Ulenar to a fun raid yet all he's done is talk.
All you can give him is a sympathetic look and a shrug.
You'd think by now they had learned that caution sometimes dictates that knives should be drawn early. Maybe they had and then they had forgotten, too used to their foes being other humans who just happened to wear a different colored cloak.
"Mention the Governor, see if you can get more out of him," you counsel.
"Did the Governor strike you as more of a gambler than brave, Sir Fahlspar?" He asks after a moment, the answer in the question contained so he continues. "He sent us, strangers of fel countenance, to find a danger to his city on practically the eve of a royal visit. That speaks of a deep desire that this be held in secret. He might be wrong of course, he might be a fool, but we cannot judge after having met the man all of once and things are easier said than unsaid."
The others consider and after a few moments agree, so all the shade says to the Venture-Captain is: "Deal."
Sirim Diplomacy to Convince the Others (DC 25/30): 1d20+13 = 25 (Success)
A pouch of coin changes hands, the weight assayed with a flick of the wrist, and then Ulenar speaks again: "First of all, a few weeks back it was a home cousin of House Basri, that is what the locals call someone from a branch of the family who claims lands outside of Taldor, the better houses give them work for the patriarch to earn their keep. They postured and pontificated, as is their wont, said the Viridian Throne would be most displeased if we kept digging into who was selling purple worm poison to street thugs in the Dog's Teeth. At the time I was inclined to think duergar. We kept digging, of course, and got some pretty strong hints at it being one of the shameful kin, though none so strong as who showed up next."
Ah... it seems that alchemist is doing more than just selling off his rejected batches to the locals. Ironic that they might have not been noticed for months yet if they were just a little less enterprising.
"Deep woods hunter with a tame lion, if you can call it that, white as snow and growling like a blizzard about to fall. I don't think he ever was inside a human city, the elf that is, not just the lion. He informed us that he and his associates would be handling the drow, and much more convincingly threatened the ire of Queen Telandia if anyone interferred. More Society bands than I can count walked into those woods thinking they can just pick through the bones of old palaces and abandoned groves only to fall afoul of silent arrows, and any who thinks elven hunters cannot range beyond their bounds has never seen a man of Avistan and all her forests."
"But you saw him?" Cob frowns. "Showed up with his lion."
"That, master goblin is even worse, a mark of desperation. They are dangerous enough when their hand doesn't twitch on their bowstring."
"And yet you're willing to go against them if we do?" you cannot help but press.
"There's a saying in the Grand Lodge that's been passed down for as long as the Wayfinders have been around: 'A Pathfinder can do anything they put their mind to, but that doesn't mean they can do everything'. I find myself rather short of the sort of people I would trust to kill drow raiders without making a public spectacle of it. With your addition it would be worth the gamble."
But only if we join, and only in exchange for that favor, you add mentally.
"This lion-tamer, was he a knight, a noble of some kind?" Mina asked.
"If someone were unwise enough to bring him to court in Oppara he'd perhaps introduce himself as such, but elves are wise enough not to put a tie a ranger in silk ribbons and expect him to prance. I suspect he was a Lantern Bearer, one of those tasked with fighting the shameful kin and keeping the shame from spreading. I do hope that was worth your gold." For what it might be worth, the words are spoken with sincerity.
"So what do we have?" you ask as soon as you are well past his door and under different glamors to boot. "Kyonin elves working with House Basri, again supposedly against the drow, though they certainly do not seem concerned with Taldan law, the WWC potentially being involved in the slave side of the trade, and Skal up in the Teeth selling leftover drugs and alchemical poisons... Is that it?"
"It's more than enough. The elves are interfering in sovereign Taldan territory, interfering with bringing their fallen kin to justice!" Sir Pisca growls. "My grandmother will be bringing this up in the Senate."
"Lets deal with the trouble in front of us first," Mina tries to calm him. "We still need more hands for the distillery."
"Do we?" Sirim asks. "Stealth and speed might serve more than strength of numbers, especially if we want to keep the incursion away from the eyes of the general public. One assumes the Lord Governor does not wish to greet the princess in an air of generalized panic and paranoia."
Do you call in some backup?
[] Yes, you could use the help
-[] Leontas and company, they are used to fighting demons and their servants
-[] Urgor can probably find some dwarves looking to crack elven skulls for pay, and the short folk are stout against fear and poison
-[] Go to the Guard, they have the numbers and it's their city
[] No, you can do this alone, without risk of spreading news of the drow
[] Write in
OOO: This is another one of those moments when Kori not being in charge means that the other party members get to roll to convince each other. Also, the money has been updated on the front page.
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