Damned good job, little dude.
Pepper is so much cooler than my cat. He really got some mileage out of his Knowledge (The Planes) skill.
We need to leave, ya'll. Like my plan said, you gotta know when to hold them and know when to fold them. This is the time to fold them.
Gorok is in a coma and it's going to take 24 hours before he recovers 1 point of Charisma and regains consciousness without magical intervention. Worse, Green Hags are very dangerous for their level. They have Pass Without Trace and Invisibility as SLAs, and they can use that Invisibility at will on anyone they please. If we try to camp out anywhere around here, the chances an entire coven of Hags could easily sneak up on us are way too high to risk, IMO. And just like Charisma was Gorok's dump stat, the rest of the party went with Strength, which makes a Green Hag even more dangerous to us. One lucky hit is all it would take for it to put Mina, Cob, or Kori into a coma.
[X] Your trail is covered as much as it can, get back on the road