Loose Ends Painted Black
24th of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
Drawing back you hope that Urgor will do what comes naturally when faced with something that might
as well be one of the restless dead, the spawn of Urgathoa. Whispering a mantra to yourself you take comfort in raising up wards against enchantment as the monster of the ground opens its eyes, wider than any eyes should be,
black as the void. Beside you Mina calls out a word of unraveling but from those eyes the darkness pours out to fill in the island of light.
Mina Counterspell: 1d20+5 = 9 (Failure)
"Stay a while why don't you?" Gavhaul gets out through teeth gritted with the effort of containing his prisoner as the other kyton takes advantage of the mantle of darkness to step
elsewhere, blind as it may be it knows its master's domain.
"They must move in order to escape, physically move, the one he ensnared might be able call the shadows to him but not step through."
Sirim Spellcraft: 1d20+12 = 26 (Success)
Urgor advances, axe held high, the dwarf's eyes more than up to seeing though the murk, while the captain seems to trust in his skill even as he commands the rest of his men to draw back and form a perimeter. Free it or kill it, you need some way to keep it from being interrogated. Thinking quickly you anchor the thing in place with
living shadow, the hand of darkness as much as that of flesh. "I've got it, you can let go!"
Caster Check (SR 15) 1d20+5 = 24 (Success)
That's a lie, the bonds hamper attacking and prevent one from a quirk escape, but a step or two, that it should be able to manage. Alas your employer proves too canny. For all he does not answer aloud, a look of annoyance twisting his already strained expression as he seems to physically hurl the enemy at the two warriors. The spear bites deep, the axe much to Urgor's annoyance does not, catching only shadow and vapor.
Gavhaul Psicraft (DC 17+10 = 27): 1d20+16 = 29 (Success)
Kyton Three takes 11 -> Now 12/37
"Snakespit!" you curse under your breath, not daring to try another open gambit, instead uttering another
blessing on everyone present... everyone including the corpse-thing.
If it could just escape....
Kyton Fortitude Save: 1d20+6+1 (Bless) = 14 (Failure)
This time it's the sellsword's spear that does not find its mark and dwarf who hits, only just turning the haft of his axe around so as to hit it with the blunt side. The blow would have been heavy enough to splatter a mortal's brain all over the grass, but this is no mortal. The thing falls to the ground, twitching, but still alive... still able to answer questions.
Urgor Will Save to Deal Non-lethal Damage (DC 15): 1d20+4 +1 = 21 (Success)
Kyton 3 Takes 15 Damage -> Now at -8/37 (Unconscious)
In the sky above the bats
screech and depart at some signal only they could hear, followed by only halfhearted crossbow fire, no one is paying any real attention to the beasts now that their masters are gone. At least for now, as captain Leontas cheerfully points out: "That's dealt with this one. No one's getting any sleep tonight Steel Hands, but chin up, you aren't getting any demon fingers around your throats either."
"The horses, what's happened to the horses," the woman who had been blinded asks, urgently. Truth be told the answer to that is a grim one, the things had wounded practically every single horse in the company before they let them loose in a single panicked flight. How they had done so with only four physical hands between them you couldn't say.
"There's another one of them dead in my tent," Mina interjects as you look around for the fallen talisman. Not there anymore, hopefully Sirim had grabbed it.
"In your tent? You must have been the first one they attacked." Gavhaul's gaze sharpens. "Can you think of any reason why such fiends would attack you."
Your friend looks to you near to panic that she had not showed the whole battle through, the message loud and clear for all she lacks Sirim's mind voice:
You're the liar Kori!
What do you say?
[] Admit that you may have made enemies of the Umbral Court
-[] ...but you do not want to speak to how
-[] Write in how (Opposed Bluff Roll)
[] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
[] Write in
OOC: Keep in mind that even if you make the one of the bluff rolls, you still have to deal with the prisoner somehow.