Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

If we cast Darkness (or rather, Dancing Darkness), can we make it look like something Kytons did? Grabbing the device seems rather important.

I thought Sirim's status as a lowly familiar would keep him below suspicion. What to do with Kytons Gavhaul wants alive, though? Even if they die, they can be interrogated.

It would be a bluff roll to hide the verbal and somatic components opposed to their perception (-2/-4 for distraction).
Sirim is nearby, hiding and Invisible. He can't affect the physical world much, but that's why he keeps the Mage Hand cantrip prepared. We should just ignore the tracking device to focus on the attackers while he deals with moving it out of sight.

There is a lot going on right now and only so much we can do. At the same time, there is only so much that we need to do. We gave warning of the attack before an ambush could be launched, illuminated the camp to remove the Kytons' greatest advantage, and tried to snag whatever strange device one of them was preparing to use against our allies (that was obviously our motivation! /s). We failed on that last one, embarrassingly so, but you can't win them all.

We should take this opportunity to act without really trying to be too effective. Mina can buff Kori, that'll make Bluffing and other skill rolls easier, and he can cast PfE on himself, to boost his saves against potential Gavhaul mind fuckery. Of course, these are all perfectly helpful effects one could expect to use in combat against creatures like these Kytons, so it should not be suspicious in the least.

[X] Shadow Shell Game
-[X] Kori says nothing. If the Kytons happen to die before they can be interrogated, that's not our fault. He casts Protection from Evil on himself, then Searching Shadows. He'll use the spell to attempt to lock a Kyton in place at an opportune moment so that a blow from one of our allies that might have otherwise been survivable is instead fatal. If he churns the shadows more dramatically than necessary, potentially catching the eye of allies and enemies alike, who is to say that's not simply how his magic works?
-[X] Mina casts Heroism on Kori, then Hermean Potential, before she begins targeting Kytons with her Slumber Hex. It looks like he may need the increased eloquence in the immediate aftermath of the battle more than the increased effectiveness in the fight itself.
-[X] Sirim uses Mage Hand to carefully relocate the device while everyone else is distracted. If he can suitably hide it, he'll move to find Gorok and Cob, but especially Cob. He'll cast Haste on them once they are found. If a downed Kyton needs to die, who better to kill it than someone who was not around to hear the orders given to capture one alive?
I thought about getting Sirim involved; he has some good spells.

But this is a bit counter-productive to our goal of hiding the Kytons' true target, should they spot him.
I thought about getting Sirim involved; he has some good spells.

But this is a bit counter-productive to our goal of hiding the Kytons' true target, should they spot him.
They really shouldn't be able to spot him, at least not very easily. He has a +21 Stealth bonus, is currently hidden by an Invisibility spell, and the circumstances mean that there are tons of shadows for him to benefit from when he even needs to be exposed. Since he is Incorporeal, he can keep the majority of his Tiny-sized body in the ground or inside other objects.

He also has this ability:
  • Hide in Plain Sight (Su) A smokeshade can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as it is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a smokeshade can hide itself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. A smokeshade can hide in the shadows of other creatures but not in its own shadow.
Even if the Kytons were using See Invisibility, which isn't an ability this type normally has, it would be incredibly difficult for them or anyone else to spot him.
Fine by me then.

[x] Shadow Shell Game
-[x] Kori says nothing. If the Kytons happen to die before they can be interrogated, that's not our fault. He casts Protection from Evil on himself, then Searching Shadows. He'll use the spell to attempt to lock a Kyton in place at an opportune moment so that a blow from one of our allies that might have otherwise been survivable is instead fatal. If he churns the shadows more dramatically than necessary, potentially catching the eye of allies and enemies alike, who is to say that's not simply how his magic works?
-[x] Mina casts Heroism on Kori, then Hermean Potential, before she begins targeting Kytons with her Slumber Hex. It looks like he may need the increased eloquence in the immediate aftermath of the battle more than the increased effectiveness in the fight itself.
-[x] Sirim uses Mage Hand to carefully relocate the device while everyone else is distracted. If he can suitably hide it, he'll move to find Gorok and Cob, but especially Cob. He'll cast Haste on them once they are found. If a downed Kyton needs to die, who better to kill it than someone who was not around to hear the orders given to capture one alive?
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 27, 2024 at 1:55 AM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Shadow Shell Game
    -[X] Kori says nothing. If the Kytons happen to die before they can be interrogated, that's not our fault. He casts Protection from Evil on himself, then Searching Shadows. He'll use the spell to attempt to lock a Kyton in place at an opportune moment so that a blow from one of our allies that might have otherwise been survivable is instead fatal. If he churns the shadows more dramatically than necessary, potentially catching the eye of allies and enemies alike, who is to say that's not simply how his magic works?
    -[X] Mina casts Heroism on Kori, then Hermean Potential, before she begins targeting Kytons with her Slumber Hex. It looks like he may need the increased eloquence in the immediate aftermath of the battle more than the increased effectiveness in the fight itself.
    -[X] Sirim uses Mage Hand to carefully relocate the device while everyone else is distracted. If he can suitably hide it, he'll move to find Gorok and Cob, but especially Cob. He'll cast Haste on them once they are found. If a downed Kyton needs to die, who better to kill it than someone who was not around to hear the orders given to capture one alive?
    [X] Shadow Shell Game
Arc 7 Post 44: Loose Ends Painted Black
Loose Ends Painted Black

24th of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

Drawing back you hope that Urgor will do what comes naturally when faced with something that might as well be one of the restless dead, the spawn of Urgathoa. Whispering a mantra to yourself you take comfort in raising up wards against enchantment as the monster of the ground opens its eyes, wider than any eyes should be, black as the void. Beside you Mina calls out a word of unraveling but from those eyes the darkness pours out to fill in the island of light.

Mina Counterspell: 1d20+5 = 9 (Failure)

"Stay a while why don't you?" Gavhaul gets out through teeth gritted with the effort of containing his prisoner as the other kyton takes advantage of the mantle of darkness to step elsewhere, blind as it may be it knows its master's domain.

"They must move in order to escape, physically move, the one he ensnared might be able call the shadows to him but not step through."

Sirim Spellcraft: 1d20+12 = 26 (Success)

Urgor advances, axe held high, the dwarf's eyes more than up to seeing though the murk, while the captain seems to trust in his skill even as he commands the rest of his men to draw back and form a perimeter. Free it or kill it, you need some way to keep it from being interrogated. Thinking quickly you anchor the thing in place with living shadow, the hand of darkness as much as that of flesh. "I've got it, you can let go!"

Caster Check (SR 15) 1d20+5 = 24 (Success)

That's a lie, the bonds hamper attacking and prevent one from a quirk escape, but a step or two, that it should be able to manage. Alas your employer proves too canny. For all he does not answer aloud, a look of annoyance twisting his already strained expression as he seems to physically hurl the enemy at the two warriors. The spear bites deep, the axe much to Urgor's annoyance does not, catching only shadow and vapor.

Gavhaul Psicraft (DC 17+10 = 27): 1d20+16 = 29 (Success)

Kyton Three takes 11 -> Now 12/37

"Snakespit!" you curse under your breath, not daring to try another open gambit, instead uttering another blessing on everyone present... everyone including the corpse-thing. If it could just escape....

Kyton Fortitude Save: 1d20+6+1 (Bless) = 14 (Failure)

This time it's the sellsword's spear that does not find its mark and dwarf who hits, only just turning the haft of his axe around so as to hit it with the blunt side. The blow would have been heavy enough to splatter a mortal's brain all over the grass, but this is no mortal. The thing falls to the ground, twitching, but still alive... still able to answer questions.

Urgor Will Save to Deal Non-lethal Damage (DC 15): 1d20+4 +1 = 21 (Success)
Kyton 3 Takes 15 Damage -> Now at -8/37 (Unconscious)

In the sky above the bats screech and depart at some signal only they could hear, followed by only halfhearted crossbow fire, no one is paying any real attention to the beasts now that their masters are gone. At least for now, as captain Leontas cheerfully points out: "That's dealt with this one. No one's getting any sleep tonight Steel Hands, but chin up, you aren't getting any demon fingers around your throats either."

"The horses, what's happened to the horses," the woman who had been blinded asks, urgently. Truth be told the answer to that is a grim one, the things had wounded practically every single horse in the company before they let them loose in a single panicked flight. How they had done so with only four physical hands between them you couldn't say.

"There's another one of them dead in my tent," Mina interjects as you look around for the fallen talisman. Not there anymore, hopefully Sirim had grabbed it.

"In your tent? You must have been the first one they attacked." Gavhaul's gaze sharpens. "Can you think of any reason why such fiends would attack you."

Your friend looks to you near to panic that she had not showed the whole battle through, the message loud and clear for all she lacks Sirim's mind voice: You're the liar Kori!

What do you say?

[] Admit that you may have made enemies of the Umbral Court
-[] ...but you do not want to speak to how
-[] Write in how (Opposed Bluff Roll)

[] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)

[] Write in

OOC: Keep in mind that even if you make the one of the bluff rolls, you still have to deal with the prisoner somehow.
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Damn, that didn't work. It was a long shot that everything would come together just right to leave us with no Kyton prisoners, but we had to try.

At least now we're prepared to handle the second part of this encounter, the social aspect. With Mina's Heroism and Hermean Potential spells on him, Kori's Bluff bonus is increased to +18 and he'll be able to reroll the check twice, if necessary.

[X] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
-[X] "If I had to guess, the Fiends must have observed us for some time before they attacked and realized that Mina's staff could call forth such intense light. If they had prevented her from dispelling the darkness hiding their ambush, this encounter would have gone much worse for us."
We could fess up that they are looking for our guy.

Since we can't prevent the Kyton from being interrogated, any lies deflecting away from Sirim would come out shortly

Even great Bluffs can't alter reality
We could fess up that they are looking for our guy.

Since we can't prevent the Kyton from being interrogated, any lies deflecting away from Sirim would come out shortly

Even great Bluffs can't alter reality

You could try to assassinate the fiend before it has a chance to speak. It's not like you'd have to do much damage, but it would come with its own risks of course.
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At this point, the best bet for killing that lady Kyton would be Sirim. He can sneak up on it while it's injured and unconscious and use his shadow tendril attack to finish it off. He can inflict 2d6 Negative Energy damage on it by touch. One touch could be enough to do it.
[X] Admit that you may have made enemies of the Umbral Court
-[X] Explain that you rescued Sirim from a pursuing Devil in Nindalese service. Nothing about Pathfinder-involvement (Opposed Bluff Roll)

Frankly, the people of this country should be very much on board with "fuck devils in general"
@Massgamer, I'm gonna add Artemis' vote to my own, in case you want to swap yours to a different option without namevoting for me.

We might be able to silence the Kyton, but I'm not sure if we can manage it in time to prevent further issues. If we try to get ahead of the reveal, however, we have a better chance to obscure the Pathfinder connection.

Can't decide how to proceed yet.

[X] Admit that you may have made enemies of the Umbral Court
-[X] Explain that you rescued Sirim from a pursuing Devil in Nindalese service. Nothing about Pathfinder-involvement (Opposed Bluff Roll)

[X] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
-[X] "If I had to guess, the Fiends must have observed us for some time before they attacked and realized that Mina's staff could call forth such intense light. If they had prevented her from dispelling the darkness hiding their ambush, this encounter would have gone much worse for us."
iirc Sirim is still officially known as a familiar. revealing this lie together with the rescue story might make gavhaul too suspicious.

[X] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
-[X] "If I had to guess, the Fiends must have observed us for some time before they attacked and realized that Mina's staff could call forth such intense light. If they had prevented her from dispelling the darkness hiding their ambush, this encounter would have gone much worse for us."

This quest has a criminally low number of regular voters considering the quality, so I'll try to contribute even though i'm usually too afraid to make a "mistake" to vote in quests :rolleyes:.
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[x] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
-[x] "If I had to guess, the Fiends must have observed us for some time before they attacked and realized that Mina's staff could call forth such intense light. If they had prevented her from dispelling the darkness hiding their ambush, this encounter would have gone much worse for us."

Still thinking about an accidental grenade going off.
Gonna need a few more votes guys.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 28, 2024 at 2:39 AM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
    -[X] "If I had to guess, the Fiends must have observed us for some time before they attacked and realized that Mina's staff could call forth such intense light. If they had prevented her from dispelling the darkness hiding their ambush, this encounter would have gone much worse for us."
    [X] Admit that you may have made enemies of the Umbral Court
    -[X] Explain that you rescued Sirim from a pursuing Devil in Nindalese service. Nothing about Pathfinder-involvement (Opposed Bluff Roll)
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Arc 7 Interlude 9: Old Soldier
Old Soldier

24th of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

Leontas Ivechi hated night fighting, not to say he was bad at it, in truth be was pretty good at it. You either got good or dead guarding the Wardstones, but from the knowledge that so many other kinds of things could see so much better than him. All the time he had spent figuring out of how fight when all he could see was a black shape of some description, all he could hear were the taunts of fiends, the fiends had spent learning how to flay men alive by inches or bleed horses to agony. Almost makes a man wish he was a muck knee just to not hear that. People... people were bastards but horses didn't deserve the shit they were put through. "With me," he motioned to the grey eyed girl quailing under the prying gaze of the Aspis bigwig.

"Horses need her, sir," the instincts of the Crusade didn't fade quickly, good for sucking up to people with more silver than sense, bad for reminding him of what he'd done to the last man he'd called 'sir' on the regular. Fucker probably wasn't even in there at the end...

Jaws distended like a snake's, the inside of his mouth purple like an old bruise, hands hooked into claws, skin already splitting to reveal the rotten writhing meat underneath. The eyes were all that was left of Knight Commander Vornic, those dreadfully human eyes begging for help he could not give. Only death.

"Come on girl, lets put that witchery of yours to good use." Still wrapped up in his memories he didn't put much thought into his choice of words, though Leontas wasn't so blind as not to notice the way she flinched at the word 'witch'. Maybe she knew more about the fucking Crusade than she let on.

"Easy now, I'm not one of those that holds witchery is a good as Pitsworn." He raised his hands for understanding, and to keep them far from his weapons.

"Sorry," she muttered. "That's not a kind word in Ustalav."

"Nor most places," Leontas allowed. "The Varisains of the lost coast say Seer, the Shoanti said Shaman, the Sarkorians of which I met more than either of the latter would say something like Far Voice, a Godcaller whose 'god' isn't here yet, but we were speaking Taldan and the Taldans had little patience for those who claimed to gain wisdom from the spirits, but had no god to name, so witch it is in the Common Tongue. I didn't know what tradition you hail from."

"None at all," the girl answered much to his surprise, not so much in that she said the words, but in that she was as guileless as a spring dawn. "My mother she... came our of the Gravelands, not from the Gravelands you understand, nothing wholesome lives there. She left me at the door of a monastery which naught but my name. My... magic came to me there and I went out on the road to find that which is worth finding as Desna counsels us."

A whole mountain's worth of untold things in those words, but Leontas wasn't fool enough to go digging when he still needed her to heal the horses. Instead he decided to try his hand at flattery. "You must have a bright soul then to cast so strong a light alone." It was mostly true too. Self-taught magicians were mostly those for whom magic was in the blood or the gods own favorites. "Old blood or the eye of something mighty."

"And that doesn't worry you?" came the surprised answer, almost suspicious itself.

"Lass we just got attacked by half ghost devils, I've got more to worry about than you and your friends."

"Kytons aren't technically devils, they live in Baator, but they are not of spirits Asmodeus brought with him nor those made in their image, some say they are the native spirits of hell twisted and perverted to the cause of..." She stops. "Not helping my cause here am I? When it comes to proving I'm not tainted?"

"Wrong way to look at it, we're all tainted by the dark powers in our souls from the moment we come screaming into the world. They helped make this all you know, the rocks and the trees and the seas, what matters is which part of yourself you listen to." While he had been speaking the girl had already rushed to the side of the first injured horse that Krsi and Taldariun along with her strange companions had brought forth, these being the ones still able to walk.

She laid a hand on its wounded flank and healing magic started to flow, knitting flesh and sinew back together.

"I think you're listening to the right voice, lass." More than me most likely, more than me.

OOC: Rolls hidden since they were social and belonged to an NPC, previous vote still open.
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That was an unexpected perspective. Always nice to see things through new eyes.
Let's not put a spotlight on Sirim if he is our best assassination option.

[x] Truthfully explain that you had never seen such creatures in your life and neither has... Mina (Opposed Bluff Roll)
-[x] "If I had to guess, the Fiends must have observed us for some time before they attacked and realized that Mina's staff could call forth such intense light. If they had prevented her from dispelling the darkness hiding their ambush, this encounter would have gone much worse for us."