Well you found the Underground Railway at least, these people are more concerned with freeing slaves and getting them to safety than overthrowing the regime. That said they are likely to be quite paranoid given who they are up against.
I understand the risks about approaching to the hideout, but we do not look like members of Cheliax counterintelligence service. Also, I am afraid that we are on clock and can miss priest – "How did he get in the house without any of you noticing him? "
[X] Head to the barn, that seems like the place to be
@DragonParadox , I want to ask your advice about Pathfinder-related matter, if you do not mind.
In my Pathfinder (and DnD)/Worm quest with Oracle Taylor (on Russian, alas for English-speakers) one of original characters awakened as Unchained Summoner with Soulbound Summoner archetype. I looked at the archetype description:
"The glowing rune that the soulbound summoner shares with his eidolon always appears on a place symbolic of his pactbond curse."
I decided that word "always" means that rune always glows. Because of this PRT discovered Summoner, and she had long and friendly chat with Dauntless and power testing.
But participants of quest want to form an independant team (and invite Summoner to this team) and cooperate with PRT/Protectorate on their own terms. After publishing the chapter one of the readers noticed that in Unchained Summoner description:
"The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner's forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned."
I do not know how to solve this problem. It is possible to delete the chapter, but it will result in a huge blow to inspiration and definitely will put quest on hiatus. Other solution is to make homerule that rune glowed before the first summon of eidolon. Most participants thinks that it is reasonable, but some say that it is merely advocating of future troubles. And I still think that "rune glows all the time" is an allowable interpretation of rools.
So, questions:
1) How do you think, is "rune glows all the time" allowable interpretation of "always appears"?
2) Can you give me any advice how to solve this situation?
@DragonParadox , I want to ask your advice about Pathfinder-related matter, if you do not mind.
In my Pathfinder (and DnD)/Worm quest with Oracle Taylor (on Russian, alas for English-speakers) one of original characters awakened as Unchained Summoner with Soulbound Summoner archetype. I looked at the archetype description:
"The glowing rune that the soulbound summoner shares with his eidolon always appears on a place symbolic of his pactbond curse."
I decided that word "always" means that rune always glows. Because of this PRT discovered Summoner, and she had long and friendly chat with Dauntless and power testing.
But participants of quest want to form an independant team (and invite Summoner to this team) and cooperate with PRT/Protectorate on their own terms. After publishing the chapter one of the readers noticed that in Unchained Summoner description:
"The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner's forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned."
I do not know how to solve this problem. It is possible to delete the chapter, but it will result in a huge blow to inspiration and definitely will put quest on hiatus. Other solution is to make homerule that rune glowed before the first summon of eidolon. Most participants thinks that it is reasonable, but some say that it is merely advocating of future troubles. And I still think that "rune glows all the time" is an allowable interpretation of rools.
So, questions:
1) How do you think, is "rune glows all the time" allowable interpretation of "always appears"?
2) Can you give me any advice how to solve this situation?
There is a reason Rule Zero exists and it is for cases like this, when the GM needs something to happen to make the world they want to make so broadly you should stick to your guns and not trip over RaW. That said if you want to give the players an out so they do not feel like they have lost agency allow them to find or craft a way to hide that rune so it is a problem that both exists now for your purposes and which the players can solve in the future if they put the time, the thought into and if the dice work out.
There is a reason Rule Zero exists and it is for cases like this, when the GM needs something to happen to make the world they want to make so broadly you should stick to your guns and not trip over RaW. That said if you want to give the players an out so they do not feel like they have lost agency allow them to find or craft a way to hide that rune so it is a problem that both exists now for your purposes and which the players can solve in the future if they put the time, the thought into and if the dice work out.
Thank you very much for your encouragement, it is very, very important to me!
Problem lies not in a fact that rune is visiable, it would be trivial to hide it under clothers in any case (Summoner was revealed because she was in a hospital and did not know about the rune). Actual problem is that Protectorate thinks that Summoner joins them (she did not made promise, but she was definitely hooked). When she joins to the tiny independent team instead, it will be unpleasent surprise for Protectorate. They would prefer to collect all heroes under their wing, even with such mediocrity powers (they still do not know that level-ups exist and that in one day eidolon Huggy probably would be able to play hug games with Endbringers )
Thank you very much for your encouragement, it is very, very important to me!
Problem lies not in a fact that rune is visiable, it would be trivial to hide it under clothers in any case (Summoner was revealed because she was in a hospital and did not know about the rune). Actual problem is that Protectorate thinks that Summoner joins them (she did not made promise, but she was definitely hooked). When she joins to the tiny independent team instead, it will be unpleasent surprise for Protectorate. They would prefer to collect all heroes under their wing, even with such mediocrity powers (they still do not know that level-ups exist and that in one day eidolon Huggy probably would be able to play hug games with Endbringers )
Fair enough, but that seems like a problem for your players to solve, not something to demand a ret-con over. Protectorate is upset? Go talk to them, make them understand why she choose that, lie to them, bribe them, these are all solutions they could take, especially if it is not even an ongoing problem. Hell if they have access to a good enough enchanter they could whip up some kind of illusory disguise for Huggy and just pretend it's someone else. That other girl from last week? She just vanished into thin air.
They have not access to enchanter, but Emma in this story remained Taylor's friend, and she is a Bard with 15 Diplomacy and 16 Bluff, and one encaunter away from level 3. Piggot is already surprised that teenager capes managed to leave a good impression on Armsmaster
"We don't know how that priest got in the house, if he vanishes on us again..." you muse aloud.
Gorok approves, nodding once firmly as he sets his weapons aside, not that anyone who had ever seen a iruxi fight would ever make the mistake of assuming they are ever unarmed.
"Cob take hatchling." As Mina hands him over, looking a little bewildered, he explains: "They probably met goblin-kin, many many of them there are, most ready to fight. Hatchling not good to fight with, sign of peace between us."
Said sign decides to start fussing as the four of you, with Pepper at Mina's heels, start off for the barn. The place looks a lot larger up close than it had been from a distance, bits of straw drifting down from the loft as the smell of unfamiliar beasts fills your nostrils. Not the kind of place you would be going into alone, that is for sure.
Though you do not understand Mina's words you know what they means: "Goodman, Father Bino, we come in peace under the light of the Inheritor by ways that Desna taught us."
A dozen voices inside mingle in sudden fright as the light of the lantern inside is suddenly eclipsed by a spark of arcane flame, revealing the place inside to have been obviously arranged for the habitation of people not beasts, straw mattresses with canvas sacks for pillows and the odd glint of a drinking cup or eating knife among them, no weapons among them. The man before which the light burns on the other hand is armed, the mace in his hand scratched and dented from battles uncounted. A man ready to fight to be sure... and about the only one who can claim to be.
The old man from last night is holding a three pronged weapon listlessly at his side and the... shaman of the little hairy footed folks, you assume from the way she reaches for the pouch at her belt, is squinting through the sudden painful flare of light. Making light at the first hint of peril, it's no wonder Burnlanders don't last long down below.
As Mina keeps on saying something conciliatory Click gurgles something in Cob's eyes and as it is wont to do grabs for one of his floppy ears. It is not a very skillful grab mind you, but your color-shifting friend is distracted enough looking around the barn that he does not react until Click has his prize.
Cleric Will Save: 1d20 +5 = 20 (Success)
Farmer Will Save: 1d20 + 2 = 11 (Failure)
Sorceress Will Save: 1d20 + 4 = 13 (Failure)
The old man's weapon clanks to the floor as somewhere in the back a halfling child points excitedly at the scene and waves. Is she expecting Cob to toss her the baby? You wonder. Mina had made him promise not to do that. Before that drama can play any further, or the the other folk in the back can pull the little girl back, the priest speaks up, questioning, almost commanding. Alas, whatever Mina answers in the tongue of the land it's not to his liking. You know the bite of uncertainty giving way to sudden rage, like an arch of stone shattering overhead, all too well as the priest's raises his left hand, fingers twisted into the beginnings of a spell.
Mina Knowledge (Religion) to invoke sanctuary: 1d20 + 11 = 12 (Critical Failure)
Mina Diplomacy to recover: 1d20 + 1 = 2 (Critical Failure)
Before the moment can erupt into sudden violence you do the only thing you can think of, to cast back your clock and make the moonlight band upon your brow burn clear, shadow stretching out like a pair of ragged black wings behind upon the wall beside the door. "Run!' you call to the others, hoping to keep the priest's attention. The old man can't be that much of a danger and the shaman...
The shaman woman rushes over to the priest. No... between the priest and your group, pointing at your forehead and saying something. The spell falls silent midway through. Then she turns and speaks, slowly, haltingly, but undeniably in the tongue that fills your dreams: "What do you seek in this place, heir of the Broken Land, by Aroden Abandoned? Why do you bring... the child of Dark Below Dark here?"
In as few words as you can, so as not to tempt fate and bloodshed again, you explain the whole of the happenings so far, how you had come out of Nar Voth to the surface of the world seeking a path to Gorok's tribe and heard the wailing of the baby on the wind, how you had rescued it and now wish to return it to some safe place. More than once the priest interrupts you, according to Mina disbelieving of your tale, but the woman, Iolda Glitterbag, points out that you 'look as weird as the tale tells' and apparently the stirges looking for Click 'explains why they have been out in force'.
"Who? Who has been sending those monsters out?"
"Aurelian Vicio, Priest of the Fifth Lash!" the woman spits out the name. "He's an inquisitor of their devil church with a thing for the drinkers of blood, maybe because they are cheaper to hold in thrall than devils are to summon."
One of the halflings in the back speaks up, Mina's whispered translation hardly necessary given the fear in his voice. He doesn't want anything to do with a baby that is being hunted by an inquisitor, especially not one that's 'some kind of monster.' Iolda looks troubled for a moment until another of her charges, the father of the waving girl you think, speaks up in favor of offering what help they can.
The old man insists he'll not have any devil-spawn in his barn. As the conversation devolves into a verbal brawl, Iolda raises a hand for silence and makes an offer: "We have a ship ready to take us to Andoran at the mouth of the Iseld, but we are already behind schedule. You help us get there by your dark tunnels and we will take yon babe with us." She sighs. "Hurts to put it like that, but if we take him with us overland we are just more likely to draw the beasts to him and to us."
What do you say?
[] Agree to try to guide the halflings through Nar Voth
[] Try to get the priest to live up to his vows and take the baby
-[] Write in argument optional
[] Just take Click and go
[] Write in
OOC: Yes, that is in fact two nat 1s one after another, so a 1 in 400 chance of happening. You guys are so lucky that not only did the intimidation action work but Iolda recognized the obscure Azlanti moon goddess symbols on the headband.
No worries, Mina. You're not specced to be a Face, even if you keep getting stuck with the job.
I'm all for escorting the Halflings through the Darklands, though it would be nice to not have the baby along for the journey. It wouldn't be out of the question for us to be able to hitch a ride on that ship to get ourselves to Andoran along with the Halflings.
The only real roadblock to that is Gorok's quest.
@DragonParadox, about how far away is Gorok's tribe from here?
Do we know where the endpoint of their journey is? How many days are we expecting it to take? We'll need an exit point, and I am not sure we know of any other than the two we found.
They don't know anything about why people are looking for a baby? Any connection between this... Vicio and House Narikopolus?
No worries, Mina. You're not specced to be a Face, even if you keep getting stuck with the job.
I'm all for escorting the Halflings through the Darklands, though it would be nice to not have the baby along for the journey. It wouldn't be out of the question for us to be able to hitch a ride on that ship to get ourselves to Andoran along with the Halflings.
The only real roadblock to that is Gorok's quest.
@DragonParadox, about how far away is Gorok's tribe from here?
You almost rolled initiative, it would have been a fight you would likely have won, though between the baby and all the halfling non-combatants things would have gotten messy
It is about a a day's walk round trip, Gorok made sure to come out of the woods as close as he could to the tribe's lands
Do we know where the endpoint of their journey is? How many days are we expecting it to take? We'll need an exit point, and I am not sure we know of any other than the two we found.
They don't know anything about why people are looking for a baby? Any connection between this... Vicio and House Narikopolus?
You are pretty sure you can navigate that way, there is a secondary tunnel heading south from Cauldron so you do not have to drag them though the wilderness of dead ends and sudden drops that are the tertiary tunnels.
Okay, this could work out well for everyone involved, assuming the priest cooperates and they're willing to accept a short delay.
[X] Agree to escort the Halflings through Nar Voth, if...
-[X] The priest agrees to take Click. Nar Voth is difficult enough to safely travel on one's own or even with a full group of adventurers, let alone when escorting a bunch of clueless surface dwellers, but brining along a helpless and hunted infant as well is one liability too many.
-[X] And we'll need a day or two to finish an important quest before we can help them. Not to sound unsympathetic to their plight, but we've waded through blood, shit, and worse to complete it. We won't be turning back now when we're at the cusp of finishing our work. Don't mention what the quest is, nor even imply where we would be going to finish it.
-[X] With Mina translating for him, Kori finishes, "It's the best we can offer. If you accept, please take the time to secure any supplies you can manage. Travel rations, water skins, weapons, and so on. We should be back in a day or two."
People who are on the run and who are already late would be unlikely to wait two days, not to mention we don't know how long it will take Gorok to be done with his tribe. It might not be as simple as "click on the elder NPC, complete the quest, get rewards".
Depends on how much time they hope to save by waiting for us, but it's a tall order to ask that while stirges are scouring the countryside and more and more men are put on alert.
People who are on the run and who are already late would be unlikely to wait two days, not to mention we don't know how long it will take Gorok to be done with his tribe. It might not be as simple as "click on the elder NPC, complete the quest, get rewards".
Depends on how much time they hope to save by waiting for us, but it's a tall order to ask that while stirges are scouring the countryside and more and more men are put on alert.
People who are on the run and who are already late would be unlikely to wait two days, not to mention we don't know how long it will take Gorok to be done with his tribe. It might not be as simple as "click on the elder NPC, complete the quest, get rewards".
Depends on how much time they hope to save by waiting for us, but it's a tall order to ask that while stirges are scouring the countryside and more and more men are put on alert.
This is what I thought, yes. I didn't think us parting ways with Gorok would find a lot of understanding here, though, but we don't have any business with his tribe, and were, in fact, considering a detour while he goes to meet his elders.
The actual distance is 45 miles in a straight line overland, the tunnels are more circuitous, about 60 miles in all but they do not have to deal with patrols of flying creatures and needing to hide along the way.
The actual distance is 45 miles in a straight line overland, the tunnels are more circuitous, about 60 miles in all but they do not have to deal with patrols of flying creatures and needing to hide along the way.