Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

I really do enjoy these sorts of chapters. Combat is exciting and exploration is fun, but having our people work together on something greater, like building the Dancing Slurk, Summoning the Tipsy Slurk, or creating and casting this ritual, those are some of the best interactions, IMO.
No spells have been cast so yeah you can go out and get more, though they will not benefit from the 10% discount.
I meant to have them be retroactively purchased as part of the transaction with the Wizard, if he had them available, but buying them separately is fine, too, I guess.
I meant to have them be retroactively purchased as part of the transaction with the Wizard, if he had them available, but buying them separately is fine, too, I guess.

To be clear Sirim was looking for very specific kinds of scrolls that is why the DC was what it was. If you are looking for other things I would have to ret-con the roll so best to go out again. Also Kori wasn't with that group so it makes sense he would not have been able to say anything at the time.
Most of the scrolls I want to buy are related to surviving Refuge and escaping it, should things get difficult. Or getting back to the Material Plane if escaping ends up depositing us somewhere even less hospitable. And securing the ritual site against unwanted attention.

Also need to restock our Greater Teleport scrolls.

@DragonParadox, looking through our scroll collection, we should be out of Greater Teleport scrolls and have only one Sending scroll remaining.

Here's what I've got so far. I need to update Mina and Sirim's spell loadouts for this, too, but I'll have to do that later today. Don't have time for it right now. Y'all see anything I'm missing or have additional suggestions? For our first foray off the Material Plane, and without even really knowing what our destination will look like, I want us to be as prepared as is reasonably possible.

[X] Prepping For Departure
-[X] Purchase the following scrolls:
--[X] 2nd Level (150 gold each): Investigative Mind (x5)
--[X] 4th Level (700 gold each): Anywhere But Here (x2), Janni's Jaunt (x2), Sending (x2)
--[X] 5th Level (1,125 gold each, +150 for Secret Workshop): Life Bubble (x2), Mage's Private Sanctum (x2), Plane Shift, Secret Workshop
--[X] 6th Level (1,650 gold each): Planar Adaptation: Mass,
--[X] 7th Level (2,275 each): Greater Teleport (x2)
--[X] Total: 15,775 gold
-[X] Securing the Ritual Site:
--[X] Prior to performing the ritual, Sirim will cast Marionette Possession on Gorok in order to use our new scrolls, first to cast Mage's Private Sanctum inside the ship, followed by Secret Workshop targeting everyone present, the ship itself, and all of its contents. He will perform the ritual piloting Gorok so that he can interact with the physical components of the spell.
-[X] Performing the Ritual:
--[X] Sirim, Mina, Anippe, and Pepper will use Investigative Mind scrolls to cast the spell on themselves, and Kori will use Shadow Enchantment to cast it on himself. Mina will have set Pepper's Evolution points to give him the Skilled ability in Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (The Planes).
-[X] Prior to Departure:
--[X] Mina casts Delayed Poison: Communal and Extended Ashen Path on everyone, See Invisibility on herself and Pepper, Mage Armor on herself, Hermean Potential on Anippe, Reduce Person on herself and Kori, and Encouraging Mythic Heroism on Cob and Gorok. She casts Carry Companion on Warty after he is buffed along with everyone else. Immediately before Anippe tries to use the Dismissal wand on herself, Mina places her Fortune Hex on her and closes the Bag of Holding.
--[X] Pepper casts Mage Armor on himself, Sirim, and Avarice.
--[X] Sirim casts Magic Circle Against Evil, casts Reduce Person, Blur, and Clay Skin on Gorok. He uses Wild Arcana to cast Invisibility Sphere on everyone.
--[X] Kori activates his Cloak of Darkness, casts Defending Bone on himself, Dark Whispers on the party, and casts Deeper Darkness on a pebble for Cob to carry in a pouch. He uses a Life Bubble scroll on everyone.
--[X] Cob, Gorok, and Kori each use Rings of Spell Storing (previously loaded the day before), to cast See Invisibility spells on themselves.
Wow, good prep Goldfish. And still love that we can just causally burn gold for stuff, lol.

I wonder how long it will take until we actually start running low.

Interesting ritual we have created too, though naturally not the most useful thing for most folk.

[X] Goldfish