Feline Problem Solving Techniques

Honestly, how things go now probably depend a lot about how many people actually know how much Cat & team came in with the information about the S9. Or not. Because there are absolutely versions of the PRT that would just hush that all up, take all the good PR (and the money), and go "And the mass murderer was also caught by the Heroic PRT!" *clip of cheering*

If it's widely known Cat & Co came in with basically all the info needed to stop an S-class threat dead? Yeah, then it gets tricky. Because then, if the PRT does throw the book at them, it means others in similar situations will look at the incoming S-class threat, at the PRT, then shrug, say nothing, and just leave. With dead cities resulting down the line.
Eh, I was enjoying it until you killed Lisa for literally no good reason. The rationale she used should have resulted in Taylor and Dinah's deaths too. Or ffs, "Dinah, what are the chances Lisa will snitch? Neg 20%? Righty-o, the thinker lives."
C: Being entirely honest, that's the decision we most regret on our end too. Not likely to change it though.
While I legitimately feel bad for Lisa, she does run her mouth alot, and its a nonzero chance that she could slip something about the apocolyptic knowledge she had, and trigger gold morning eqrly. Admittedly I would have made Numberman take her and have her assist cauldron somewhere out of the way, but the stakes were high.

Still feel bad for her though, she was manipulated and killed out of expedience.
Interlude: PHO

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♦ Topic: Introducing: Catherine AKA Cat
In: Boards ► Brockton Bay ► Introductions
Cat The Great
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Posted On Feb 2nd 2011:
Hello, Brockton Bay. I'm not really interested in keeping a secret identity, so I'll just go by my real name here. I've been active in Brockton Bay since early-mid January, but preferred to keep a low profile until now.

I like to think of myself as a hero, but I wager most other heroes would disagree with me on account of how I do things. Bluntly, I hunt down the really bad Villains - the ones that repeatedly kill/hurt innocent people and never seem to stay locked up - and kill them without giving any chance to resist. I have absolutely no compunctions about shooting a target in their sleep, just ask Oni Lee. Oh wait, you can't because he's dead.

As for what I'm willing to share of my capabilities:
-Lots of minor stuff associated with being a cat; night vision, great acrobatics, etc.
-Quite a few powers just plain don't work right on me. This includes precogs, most Masters, quite a lot of Strangers, and all parahuman Healers.
-I can materialize five kilograms of mundane equipment per day. Yes, I can bank mass over multiple days if I want to make something big.

Now, for what I've been doing, in rough chronological order:
-I offed Coil; scheming mastermind with a janky precog-adjacent power. He was planning on kidnapping and drugging a little girl to exploit her power, and the PRT can back me up on this with the evidence they recovered from his base.
-I shot Oni Lee, Othala, Victor, and Purity in their sleep.
-I killed Shadow Stalker IN SELF-DEFENSE. Seriously, she absolutely 100% would have shot me if I hadn't done it first. And she was using lethal bolts.
-I blew up a big meeting with most of Brockton Bay's remaining Nazis at the Medhall building. Using a bomb (Californium nuclear bullet, actually) that powerful was a carefully calculated move, borne out by the total lack of civilian fatalities.
-I teamed up with the adorable precog Coil wanted to kidnap, and set up an ambush for Bakuda when she entered the city. If we hadn't taken her out, she would have started shoving bombs into people's heads and killed HUNDREDS of civilians. That's at the bare minimum.
-The same day as Bakuda's ambush, I shot Lung's brains out before he could transform. He's dead, and won't kill any more innocent people.
- At one point, a mildly villainous Thinker tracked me to my apartment. I wound up killing her in something that could vaguely be considered self-defense if you really squint, and cremated her remains with Thermite. I'm honestly still beating myself up about that one, since in retrospect I can think of several ways I could have handled the situation without killing her. But at the time I was too scared out of my mind to come up with any of them.

As for my latest bout of activity? That adorable precog I was working with warned me the Slaughterhouse Nine was coming to town. Figured out I couldn't deal with them on my own, and we went to the PRT with the information.

I personally wound up assigned to shoot Jack Slash by Emily Piggot herself (thank you for the honor, ma'am), a task I carried out successfully. With the rest of the marksman team I was assigned to, we then proceeded to torch his body with a perhaps excessive amount of Thermite, just to be sure. I later wound up gunning down Mannequin after he slipped past the team set up to ambush him.

This was part of a larger operation to deal with the Slaughterhouse Nine, which can be talked about in its own thread. In summary: It succeeded. Mostly; Burnscar's location is unknown, and Crawler is on the run from pretty much every branch of the government authorized to use lethal force. I bet fifty bucks it's the postal service that finally takes him out (this is a joke; I don't gamble).

You're welcome; you should expect a couple new Wards soon, though I won't be one of them.

Also, as a note: yes, my tail and ears are real. No, I'm not a Case 53; I remember my entire life in acceptable detail, and they've always been part of me. A big part of why I'm going public is just that I finally got fed up with hiding them.

(Showing page 1 of 1)

Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
This has to be fake, you're talking out of your ass. Well, tail. I believe you about the cat stuff, but not about all the murders you supposedly did.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
I don't think so; Cat's account of her actions lines up pretty damn well with what's been going on in Brockton Bay over the last few weeks. Suffice to say, we've had a lot less cape fights than before. Still, this is definitely... drastic. Was this much violence really necessary to make the Bay a safer place to live?

►Cat The Great (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Yes, Bagrat. Yes it was.

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
Speaking in my official capacity, I can confirm that Cat's accounts of her activities are basically accurate. We can't confirm that Shadow Stalker was using lethal bolts, but it seems plausible given she was regularly violating her parole in other ways.

As for that Thinker who apparently tracked you to your home... do you want to talk about it in DMs?

►Cat The Great (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 3rd 2011:
No, I don't.​
End of Page. 1
♦ Topic: The Slaughterhouse Nine has been Defeated
In: Boards ► General ► S-Class Threats
PRT ENE Official
(Original Poster) (Verified PRT Account)
Posted On Feb 2nd 2011:
On 01/22/2011, we were approached by three Parahumans with information about an upcoming attack by the Slaughterhouse Nine. This group included the cape known to the PRT as Safari at the time, along with two others. One of these others is a powerful precognitive.

With the cooperation of these independents, a plan was put together to ambush each member of the Slaughterhouse Nine separately as they entered the city. In the majority of cases, these ambushes were successful. Listing by member:
-Jack Slash: Shot multiple times with a .700 Nitro Express rifle by Cat, then incinerated with Thermite.
-Bonesaw: Captured. Currently under 24/7 observation in the PRT's brig, pending transfer.
-Siberian: Deceased, thanks to Cat informing us of its nature as a projection; critically wounded two PRT agents, one of whom died before reaching the hospital.
-Shatterbird: Gunned down with a .50 BMG machine gun by Miss Militia.
-Mannequin: Shot with .700 Nitro Express loaded with High Explosive Squash Head ammo (again by Cat), then incinerated with Thermite.
-Hatchet Face: Killed in close combat by Armsmaster.

-Crawler: Currently at large, being actively pursued. There is a tracker site for his current location here.
-Burnscar: Currently at large, location unknown. Burnscar is suffering from a gunshot wound to her right arm. Expert reviews of gun-cam footage indicate that the shot likely broke her Humerus.

While the surviving former members still have Kill Orders, the Slaughterhouse Nine can be considered defunct as an organization.

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Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Finally! It's been way too fucking long! That band of psychopaths should have been offed over a decade ago!

Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Anyone want to bet we'll see a medical Tinker "mysteriously" turn up in the Wards somewhere down the line? Because I could easily believe that the PRT would try and brainwash Bonesaw into someone they could control.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Legitimate question for Void Cowboy, how would we even do that? We don't have any human Masters capable of long-term brainwashing on staff for security reasons. We also don't have the tech or the Tinkers to do it that way.

Though I suppose hypothetically we could hire Cranial, but that would be a security nightmare.

Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
You don't have any human Masters capable of long-term brainwashing that you KNOW about. There could easily be one squirreled so far up the PRT's black budget that the rank and file never hear about them.

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Tinfoil hats aside, I'm just really glad that the Slaughterhouse Nine is gone. I had to read up on them for a school project once, and let's just say that I really wish I hadn't.

Also, despite my mixed feelings about Cat, I think I'm really glad she set up shop in Brockton Bay. There's still a long way to fix this place, but for the first time in a while I think I can see some hope for stuff to get better.
End of Page. 1

Surprised Cat didn't mention contesa or at least alude to her. Something like "in the outdated snapshot I have from my employer, that is what happened."

Granted that's because I love trolling cauldron.
Next will come Butcher? Will Cat allow Taylor kill them?
Otherwise I wonder how Cat power resistance will interact with pseudoImmortal.
Also, Cat saying what she always was a Cat and her having Sailor Cat as a companion make me suspect what she is more Alien than mere SI
So what's going on at Medhall? Cat's Californium bullet didn't have that much nuclear material in it, but it was still enough to cause secondary radiation in the rubble. Again, not a lot, but given the public's hysteria around the word "radioactive"...

Well, I'm surprised no one has given Cat shit over it yet.
Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Anyone want to bet we'll see a medical Tinker "mysteriously" turn up in the Wards somewhere down the line? Because I could easily believe that the PRT would try and brainwash Bonesaw into someone they could control.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
Legitimate question for Void Cowboy, how would we even do that? We don't have any human Masters capable of long-term brainwashing on staff for security reasons. We also don't have the tech or the Tinkers to do it that way.

Though I suppose hypothetically we could hire Cranial, but that would be a security nightmare.

Replied On Feb 2nd 2011:
You don't have any human Masters capable of long-term brainwashing that you KNOW about. There could easily be one squirreled so far up the PRT's black budget that the rank and file never hear about them.
This actually sounds plausible so you may want to either change it or add a couple people talking about the one time he may actually be right simply because bonesaw is such a good wet tinker and could be "helped" now that jack's dead master or no master.
Last edited:
thanks for the chapter and for writing .Californium has a short half life ranging from 18 mins to 2.6 years and is freakishly radioactive
a microgram of the stuff can output 170 mil neutrons a minute that's enough to say goodbye to anyone in the room unshielded even after it went boom
C: I would like to point out that once the Californium undergoes fission, it's not Californium anymore.
True, but what does it split into, and what isotope was Cat using? Also not all of the californium will have undergone fission. Reality is messy like that.

I would also like to point out that the amount was small enough that i don't think this would be a significant problem practically, but there will be PR blowback on Cat.
This has been fun. She doesn't have an OP power, she's not perfect, she DOES make mistakes. But her actions are actually believably planned out. I can actually imagine this course of action without a suspension of my disbelief. Kudos for that.

And now I'm vaguely curious as to how Taylor and Dinah will handle being part of the Wards? Missy should be happy there are more girls on the team, and they're not even psychopaths! Though I wonder if Taylor will call out the PRT for how they mishandled Sophia...

Lastly, there were a few typos throughout, but I really don't feel well enough today to point them all out like I usually do. Instead, I'll just point out one. As it is the very first line of your story. Which is kinda sad...
if I'd shown up a couple days sooner
if - If
Also, despite my mixed feelings about Cat, I think I'm really glad she set up shop in Brockton Bay. There's still a long way to fix this place, but for the first time in a while I think I can see some hope for stuff to get better.
Damn it Missy, look what you did!
you gave a blank check to Murphy, you know he's gonna cash it!
Reading Emily In
After the official debrief, I was rather surprised to find that Director Piggot wanted to talk with me, Dinah, and Taylor.

I politely waited for her to speak first once we were seated.

"For your aid in dealing with the Slaughterhouse Nine, I thank you sincerely. When you recognized your limitations and came to get help, you seriously exceeded my expectations of Parahumans. Especially you Cat, seeing as you knew damn well we were looking to arrest you."

Taylor and Dinah both said "You're welcome." I didn't, looking down at my lap.

"Cat, is something wrong?"

I blinked.

"Taylor and Dinah surpassed your expectations for Parahumans. I'm not one though; I don't deserve whatever lenience you give someone for having their brain fucked with by their power."

Everyone in the room was staring at me. Eventually, Emily's expression hardened.

"Please explain. Both about your supposed non-Parahuman status, and what you mean by Parahumans having their brains fucked with."

I nodded.

"Parahumans first. Basically, Parahuman abilities are part of a poorly conceived alien science experiment. The actual machinery behind them basically amounts to a sufficiently advanced stagehand hidden in another dimension. But the important part is that powers are alive, and they want to be used. Specifically, they want to be used in novel ways."

"Powers push their hosts to act erratically and get into trouble, specifically to get said hosts to do something new. This can go very badly wrong; Leet's power is literally trying to kill him due to how cautious he's gotten with his inventions."

Emily Piggot was now paying extremely close attention.

"On a related note, Panacea's power is bored out of its mind with her only using it to fix people up. You need to get her some productive outlets for her nearly unbounded biokinesis ASAP, or her power WILL push her over the edge. She can in fact do brains, but has thus far refrained from doing so on account of a personal ethical code."

Director Piggot's expression soured. Figured that would be a sore point for her, but she needed to hear it.

"Right, I'll see about resolving the Panacea situation in a way that doesn't end with a second Ellisburg. Thank you for the warning. Now, what was this about you not being a Parahuman?"

I nodded.

"I was made. In a lab. My earliest memory is being hugged right out of the synthesizer by my mom, and she's tried her best to do right by me for the approximately three years I've existed. All my abilities are inherent parts of my design, rather than a result of extradimensional stagehands screwing around."

Emily Piggot raised an eyebrow.

"So, you're saying that you're a Tinker creation?"

"My mom's a scientist, not a Tinker. The difference is incredibly important. Tinkers are handed a restricted database of plundered alien tech with very little understanding of what they're making in most cases. Mom mostly understood what she was doing when making me, though there were a few unexpected things that came up."

"I would have thought that such a scientific breakthrough would have been heard about in all sorts of news."

"Not local to this reality."

There was a long, awkward pause. Then Taylor asked,

"So, what happens now?"

Director Piggot sighed,

"You and Dinah can go. I'd love to have you in the Wards, and would highly recommend you joining if you don't want to be charged as accomplices in Bakuda's murder."

Dinah spoke up,

"I want to know what's going to happen to Cat."

"I said that you two can go."

Director Piggot's tone made clear that this was an order, rather than a simple granting of permission. Reluctantly, Taylor and Dinah left the room.

As soon as the door shut, I answered,

"I plead self-defense for literally everything."

Director Piggot couldn't help but laugh a bit at that.

"The worst part is that I'm pretty confident you could get acquitted on those grounds, given any decent lawyer and a sympathetic jury. Still, the fact of the matter is that your string of vigilantism needs to stop. It severely undermines the rule of law, which is crucial for society to continue in a stable manner."

I shrugged,

"So, are you going to arrest me or not?"

"Out of gratitude for your help with the Slaughterhouse Nine? No, the arrest warrant on you is suspended so long as you stay out of trouble. I've also been in talks with legal, and they agree that 10% of the total bounty for the Nine's now-deceased members is about appropriate for your share of things."

"Sounds good for me."

Emily Piggot's expression hardened.

"That said, do not mistake this for a license to continue with your killing of villains. You will be closely monitored at all times, and unless your prospective target has a kill order, you will need to clear it with the relevant authorities beforehand. And now that Brockton Bay is relatively safe, I don't think an argument of self-defense will be workable in court."

I nodded.

"Pretty sure you can clear up the Merchants and the last few Nazi stragglers without much help from me, but you know where to find me if you ever need someone dealt with."

"Yes, we do." It was a subtly veiled threat, but I really didn't mind.

"Also, I recommend procedures to make it harder to bust out villains once you arrest them; putting bomb collars on them while they're being transferred out of the city seems like it would be pretty effective."

That actually prompted a thoughtful expression from Piggot.

"Brutal, certainly. But I can definitely see the logic there; it's basically using the villain as a hostage to deter their allies from attacking the convoy. I'll kick the idea up the chain and see if I can get it put into practice."

I nodded,

"May I go? Also, is my stash of catnip legal?"

Piggot actually laughed.

"Yes, you can go. And don't worry about the catnip; it's not an illegal substance, regardless of its effects on you."
C: For the record, my in-story origin is a rough translation of how I came to be IRL, seeing as Just deliberately created me by re-wiring her brain to run multiple people.
Thanks for the chapter and I look forward to cauldron's reaction to the fact that cat has just revealed the truth behind parahumans to PRTs and also to the fact that cat is not a parahuman but an experiment.