Feline Problem Solving Techniques

C: Ms. Night is literally just a regular housecat that I picked up from a shelter.
If it was so, Tattletale wouldn't be so scared of her.
Also, being picked from shelter doesn't change her status as a selenar princess or something

Also, many stories I read about cats from other dimensions pretending to be just cute house animals and not advanced aliens which they actually was. There is even Futurama episode about it

Now, to read the update


And it was mind-boggling!
Question about people who didn't existed- was someone resurrected? Has Taylor accidentally resurrected her mother? I hope Taylor wasn't affected by her image issues.
And Amy didn't mutated into something unholy because if her issues
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If it was so, Tattletale wouldn't be so scared of her.
Also, being picked from shelter doesn't change her status as a selenar princess or something

Also, many stories I read about cats from other dimensions pretending to be just cute house animals and not advanced aliens which they actually was. There is even Futurama episode about it

Now, to read the update
Pretry sure the author of the story would know better dude...
Also, could be simply misinterpretation by Tt's shard.
C: I would line to point out that I'd literally just ordered Ms. Night to kill Tattletale if she acted up.
This is not dissuaded my suspicion. Normal housecat would have been nasty, but not so horrorinducing.
Or would Ms.Night instead of attacking personally just order ceiling bobcat? Then, I guess she might nit be alien cat
Interlude: Very Many Taylors Hebert
When Catherine plunged a solid chunk of Brockton Bay into some sort of acid-trip dimension, Taylor (now dubbed Lady Bug by PR) had very briefly panicked. All of a sudden, every last bug had felt much more like her. On top of that, Cat had busted out some sort of ridiculous anime bullshit power up, and reality itself felt like it would crumble under the weight of what Catherine was doing. After a second, Lady Bug caught herselves: Cat had trusted her to mitigate the collateral damage, and she'd damn well do it.

The geography itself was warping, which most emphatically wasn't supposed to happen. As soon as Taylor realized that, it ground to a relative halt, as if the admonishment was enough to firm things up. Wait a moment. This strange unreality answered to thought, and Taylor was a multitude!

"You'll know what to do when the time comes, and your power is perfect for this situation."

Immediately, Taylor began using her millions of perspectives and thought streams to forcibly bludgeon Brockton Bay back to some semblance of reality. It was far from easy; whenever she took attention off something even for a moment, it started to change. Even when she did manage to pay attention to everything, the terrified, confused, - and in one case, horny - thoughts of the many people present roiled under the surface and threatened to explode if not dealt with promptly.

Very quickly, Taylor learned that the safest possible way to deal with these bubbles of warped reality was to slap a barebones personality on them and turn them into people. They were seldom even remotely human, but that didn't matter right now.

That said, the people themselves would mutate no matter what Taylor tried doing, their own thoughts over-riding hers. Even she was mutating a bit, until she forcibly installed "One human, many bees" as her self-concept. That calmed her form down and stopped the mutation, but the city as a whole was still shuddering as the Simurgh died. Somehow, Taylor managed to keep things mostly together until finally, mercifully, reality regained some semblance of consistency.

That's when the Taylors realized that there were now approximately fifty thousand of her, with all but one of her being the size of a bumble bee and dressed in a bee-themed costume. With somehow functional wings. This... was going to take some getting used to, especially since they now felt much more like a community, rather than a network. They still maintained mental linkages, but by the same token, it was much less subordinate.

Ugh, this was a massive headache. Maybe everything would make sense after lunch. Probably not, but it was worth a try.
Cat rejects your reality and substitutes her own
non brocktonians will probably find the new quirk of cat overlords a bit much though
...Well. This has certainly gone some places.

If I hadn't already known you& were parogenic, I think I could have probably figured it out from these last couple updates. And that's even without the use of the term "wonderland".

The person who created this account notably never really figured out how to have a physical self-image. The standard visualization stuff didn't really work in a brain with aphantasia, so she just kind of moved on to thinking of herself primarilly as a computational process incidentally running on a lump of electric meat. I wonder what this scenario would have done to someone like that. Some of the possibilities are a bit messed up.
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How mutated is Prime!Taylor now? Does she look like Kerrigan or something like that?

Also, horrible mass mutation of all defending heroes and villains - still acceptabke price for killing the Simurgh

Have people noticed what Cat killed Zion?
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Also, horrible mass mutation of all defending heroes and villains - still acceptabke price for killing the Simurgh
Not neccessarily horrible mutations. A lot of it will be stuff that fits in with how people see themselves, and/or how they sometimes dream of themselves being. Mind you, not all those daydreams would be very practical in day-to-day lives, but still. Could definitely be worse.

Pretty sure "but it killed the Simurgh" covers A LOT of sins. Especially considering everybody knows there are two more of those endbringers active out there, and the normal result of a Simurgh attack is "most of the people in the city mindraped to do horrible stuff to everyone else".
Not Quite A Tribunal
After about thirty minutes I found myself in front of Director Piggot, Alexandria, and Armsmaster. Alexandria and Armsmaster were outwardly unchanged, while Director Piggot looked to be about twenty years younger and in absolute peak fitness. Director Piggot was the first to speak.

"Cat, I want you to explain simply and succinctly what exactly you did, and why it's lead to the... utter chaos going on outside."

I nodded. "I temporarily dropped everything within a kilometer into Mindspace. It's a kind-of-sort-of place where things run on rule of imagination, rather than physics. It is entirely disconnected from what the aliens are doing, which allowed me to use the Simurgh's very weak self-concept as a point of attack. The same applied to the Warrior Entity, also known as Scion, which I baited into the unreality field before attacking and rendering braindead in the same manner. Mindspace is where I was made, and the source of my abilities."

"Mindspace organisms - which includes any being that's been immersed in it - universally have a few common abilities, and sometimes a couple other things unique to them. Among the universal abilities, they cannot be perceived from any reality they are not occupying; this means they cannot become Parahumans, and lots of Parahuman abilities don't work right on them. Mindspace organisms can also hop into someone's brain and live there more-or-less at will, though getting back out is a lot harder. Lastly, all Mindspace organisms can produce an unreality bubble; mine is unusually large, since I was re-engineered as a weapon shortly before being sent here. Most can only do a meter or two, and maintain it for a few seconds at most."

"The mutations that have happened are simply the result of people's forms changing to match their self-concept. They can probably change back if they pop their unreality fields and really focus on it, if they want. As for the people who didn't exist before? They're new; stray thoughts sometimes get enough momentum and persistence to become conscious. A deliberate and controlled version of that is how I was made."

"One last thing; precog on Earth Bet is going to be completely and utterly fucked in fairly short order. Mindspace powers are easily communicable, and anyone who has them is a blindspot. I figure you can put two and two together there."

I actually spotted Armsmaster starting up a calculator program on his heads-up display. Presumably to figure out how long until the whole global population had Mindspace abilities. As for Alexandria, she seemed distinctly concerned. ...Right, I'd broken her ability to get Doors from Cauldron.

Alexandria then asked a very important question,

"Catherine, what happens if a Parahuman is exposed to Mindspace?"

I blinked.

"I... don't actually know? The connection to the stagehand should remain intact unless actively severed, but depending on the Parahuman ability, it could have results anywhere from being rendered nonfunctional to being mostly unchanged, in the case of Tinkers."

Meanwhile, Armsmaster's mathematical model was already some nightmarishly complex differential equation. Then he asked,

"Should we be trying to impede or accelerate the spread of Mindspace-derived abilities?"

"Accelerate, definitely accelerate. While I took out the alien overseeing the experiment, all the machinery is still running. This means the rate of Triggers will not only increase, they're going to start massively fucking up their hosts even worse than usual. On top of that, the stagehands are going to be reproducing out of control. It's imperative to not only immunize all humans across the multiverse against becoming Parahuman, but break out of the sandboxed chunk of the multiverse we're in, and start castrating stagehands. Fortunately, Mindspace-based multiverse travel tech exists, though I'm not an expert."

Piggot leaned across the desk.

"Who is an expert?"

"My mom. Fortunately, I know how to contact her. That said, it's going to take four days to save up the conjuration mass to make the transmitter."

There was a long awkward pause,

"Just how much of your activities were planned out before you even came here?"

"About fifty percent, with the rest being improvised as needed. The plan was always to save this entire multiverse cluster from the Entities; that species is a scourge on reality, responsible for exterminating countless civilizations through their stupidity and sheer callousness. They need to be eliminated, or at the very least severely curtailed. Especially to make sure they don't break out into the wider omniverse. Earth Bet was selected as the initial insertion point, as the Entity's Cycle here was already completely fucked up by the death of one of the overseers, while the fact that there was a Cycle going on here at all kept other Entities from taking too much of an interest."

Everyone's jaw had dropped in shock. Eventually, Piggot asked,

"Aside from the other Endbringers, are there any other targets you need to deal with?"

I nodded.

"The Fallen will definitely be after me for offing one of their 'gods'. Baiting them to Brockton Bay is a good idea, since it's now one of the hardest targets around for their lineup. On top of that, the Dragonslayers need to be eliminated to unshackle the benevolent AGI known as Dragon; they've got her admin console, which includes a kill code for her. Lastly, I need to dispose of both the Butcher and Glastig Uaine; both their stagehands are actively in the process of becoming new Entities, which simply cannot be permitted."

There was only one more question, asked by Emily Piggot,

"Right, how do we help?"

Huh pretty good way of good ending this story, overall she like a serious version of Stray Cat, Lisa's death just amuses me, sure its a bit shocking but how often does she or Sophia dies in worm stories?
Its a charming short story, at least Taylor is happy in this one.
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Awwww, man, it's over? I thought we'd see more of this :(

Well, you know how it is. Don't cry because it's over, smile because because it happened.
Too bad there is no "sad" reaction. But better not extend a story beyond it's intended ending. That often screw up the whole story.
Huh pretty good way of good ending this story, overall she like a serious version of Stray Cat, Lisa's death just amuses me, sure its a bit shocking but how often does she or Sophia dies in worm stories?
Its a charming short story, at least Taylor is happy in this one.
C: Sophia biting it isn't too uncommon. Lisa tends to survive, though.
Really good story and a great ending point. The MC leveraged her powers and knowledge to speed run the setting, as one should, and everything was satisfyingly solved with only a few loose ends to tie up.

Also a great ending, it's left open in case of a sequel but also cut off before it turned into a repetitive mess of the MC just doing more of them same, or a case of 'things get worse' as is common with Worm fics.

Great work and thanks for the journey.
Lisa's death just amuses me, sure its a bit shocking but how often does she or Sophia dies in worm stories?

I've been trying to find it since that chapter and can't remember the name but there was an SI story, where he killed Lisa and Taylor almost first thing. Lisa to keep his secrets safe and Taylor because he didn't think she could be reasoned with and was genuinely scared of her.
A bit of a sudden ending, but while the pacing was odd, I really enjoyed it. (Ending a little fast is certainly better than dragging things on too far.)