Oh definitely, I'm sure she doesn't have a rare element or anything, but the whole salt water imagery thing rather struck me, so I'm interested to see how it relates to her character/spellcraft.
Well I think saltwater causes metals to rust faster so maybe some kind of rusting magecraft to debuff weapons?

Ah, but don't forget, we sweat salt, in the form of, well, sweat. imagine that innocent little substance suddenly constricting around you, or choking you. Magic is fun when you have Ima~gination :)
Since this fic has so much magecraft theorizing in it, I should mention some new stuff that got mentioned in Lord Melon Case Files.
  • Money Magecraft exists and ties into things like inflation.
  • Modern Magecraft involves ideas like how nuclear energy relates to the five elements.
  • Beauty is an important aspect in magecraft and involves practices like using the 'harmonic beauty' of things like the golden ratio to stabilize magic circles.
  • Weight loss medicine made by magecraft exists and seems pretty common.
  • Some ways of controlling clockwork dolls were mentioned. The older ways involve using things like 'silk threads soaked in moonlight' and 'the bones of phantasmal species mixed in the clockwork' while the new ways involve using microchips and radiowaves.
  • There are magical pills capable of getting a person blatantly drunk or sober in seconds.
  • Lord Melon Metal Maid is done by combining 'Fluid Manipulation' and 'Personality Endowment' with the personality itself apparently causing the mercury blob to take the form of a maid as the 'most appropriate shape'.
  • Adjusting their personalities is common for magi to make them better suited to certain methods.
Since this fic has so much magecraft theorizing in it, I should mention some new stuff that got mentioned in Lord Melon Case Files.
  • Money Magecraft exists and ties into things like inflation.
  • Modern Magecraft involves ideas like how nuclear energy relates to the five elements.
  • Beauty is an important aspect in magecraft and involves practices like using the 'harmonic beauty' of things like the golden ratio to stabilize magic circles.
  • Weight loss medicine made by magecraft exists and seems pretty common.
  • Some ways of controlling clockwork dolls were mentioned. The older ways involve using things like 'silk threads soaked in moonlight' and 'the bones of phantasmal species mixed in the clockwork' while the new ways involve using microchips and radiowaves.
  • There are magical pills capable of getting a person blatantly drunk or sober in seconds.
  • Lord Melon Metal Maid is done by combining 'Fluid Manipulation' and 'Personality Endowment' with the personality itself apparently causing the mercury blob to take the form of a maid as the 'most appropriate shape'.
  • Adjusting their personalities is common for magi to make them better suited to certain methods.
What you're saying is... things the average layman would know or have-heard-about (inflation, nuclear stuff) but understand poorly basically is magic (well, magecraft, but semantics). This makes me wonder if code magic is a thing in Nasuverse, and if that's how Kabaya set up SAO here.
Well, Kabaya does use numerology, since he's teaching it to Kirito. Not only is there the numbers of their stats, skill levels, and exp points, but computer coding can supposedly be broken down to 1 and 0 in ways. I would not be surprised if that was a big part of it.
  • Lord Melon Metal Maid is done by combining 'Fluid Manipulation' and 'Personality Endowment' with the personality itself apparently causing the mercury blob to take the form of a maid as the 'most appropriate shape'.
Let's not forget the part where it turned into sentient killer mist and picked apart sonic-based attack on molecular level! :V
What you're saying is... things the average layman would know or have-heard-about (inflation, nuclear stuff) but understand poorly basically is magic (well, magecraft, but semantics). This makes me wonder if code magic is a thing in Nasuverse, and if that's how Kabaya set up SAO here.
Yes, I think, later on in the future. It's what people use during the Fate/Extra games.
Let's not forget the part where it turned into sentient killer mist and picked apart sonic-based attack on molecular level! :V
How was this guy not slaughtering his way through the 4th war? Seriously, semi-autonomous mercury death gas is a scary F'ing thing to think of. Waver could've gave Kerry a run for his money in the "horrifically efficient, and just plain horrific, ways to kill" competition.
Truly, kid Waver was far too innocent. I wonder if adult Waver also found a way to make that maid of his spit ClF3 at shit too.
How was this guy not slaughtering his way through the 4th war? Seriously, semi-autonomous mercury death gas is a scary F'ing thing to think of. Waver could've gave Kerry a run for his money in the "horrifically efficient, and just plain horrific, ways to kill" competition.
Truly, kid Waver was far too innocent. I wonder if adult Waver also found a way to make that maid of his spit ClF3 at shit too.
anti magic bullet that fuck you up of it hit you
remember that big pistol Kerry whip out
that thing is a giant middle finger to all mage everywhere
one shot and it cripple your ability to use magic for life or just plain kill you
How was this guy not slaughtering his way through the 4th war? Seriously, semi-autonomous mercury death gas is a scary F'ing thing to think of. Waver could've gave Kerry a run for his money in the "horrifically efficient, and just plain horrific, ways to kill" competition.
Truly, kid Waver was far too innocent. I wonder if adult Waver also found a way to make that maid of his spit ClF3 at shit too.
Kid Waver also didn't yet have the level of skill needed to do that kind of shit. Remember that he was still a student at the Clock Tower, not a researcher/professor.
Also, kid Waver didn't actually have the Volumen Hydragyrum - that was an inheritance from the El-Melloi. And Kayneth hadn't improved his Mystic Code at the time of the War.
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Kid Waver also didn't yet have the level of skill needed to do that kind of shit. Remember that he was still a student at the Clock Tower, not a researcher/professor.

He probably also didn't have access to it before the war, didn't he get the mercury stuff as part of fixing stuff with Kayneth's family after the war?
Uh, yall missed my point. The guy thought, "hey I've got this semi-autonomous blob of murder-mercury, how can I make more deadly? Got it, mercury vapor!"
Waver at least had a chemistry set during the 4th, and he wasn't uneducated (just a naive little fool), so why weren't his enemies dying in magically produced clouds of FOOF or something? He clearly is capable of thinking of ways to kill folks and is a good proplem solver.
Yeah, he really is more suited to teaching than doing anything himself.

Fate/Strange Fake reveals that adult Waver isn't nearly as scary 1v1 as anyone else of his rank at the Clock Tower, but pretty much every student he teaches winds up reaching a high rank at ages far younger than normal, which gives him ridiculous political power.
Waver at least had a chemistry set during the 4th, and he wasn't uneducated (just a naive little fool), so why weren't his enemies dying in magically produced clouds of FOOF or something? He clearly is capable of thinking of ways to kill folks and is a good proplem solver.
To answer the question you were actually asking: because Iskander wouldn't have appreciated that, and Waver cared more about his opinion than winning the War.
Uh, yall missed my point. The guy thought, "hey I've got this semi-autonomous blob of murder-mercury, how can I make more deadly? Got it, mercury vapor!"
Waver at least had a chemistry set during the 4th, and he wasn't uneducated (just a naive little fool), so why weren't his enemies dying in magically produced clouds of FOOF or something? He clearly is capable of thinking of ways to kill folks and is a good proplem solver.
.. because he lacked knowledge and resources to produce something like that.

Like, i have some tools at hand and i have interesting ideas about killer robots. That doesn't make me capable of creating killer robots.
the guy who originally own it is the old aristocrat type
which mean he kinda behind the time a bit
and he have the ego the size of the Sun
He is also unparalleled genius with multiple libraries of secret knowledge to call upon.

Fact that he gives no hoots about iTunes doesn't make him incapable of creating hyperadvanced weapons of war. Likewise, fact that Waver likes to play videogames doesn't make him capable of creating hilariously advanced murder robots.
Fact that he gives no hoots about iTunes doesn't make him incapable of creating hyperadvanced weapons of war. Likewise, fact that Waver likes to play videogames doesn't make him capable of creating hilariously advanced murder robots.
video game does tend to give you idea