I wonder, did it go pretty much like this?

summoned player demon: wooo physcadelic dudes.
Laughing Coffine people: Kill it!
-they fail harming it-
summoned player demon: This tentacle ribbon is like velvet man, sooo soft.
Laughing coffin people: Run away!

Anyway, glad to see what the rascals in Laughing Coffin were up too and that they didn't learn the golden rule of summoning. Don't summon anything you can't put down.

Also...poor Yui.
"Thou art Osorronophris: Whom no man hath seen at any time."
"Thou art Iabos:
"Thou art Iapos:
"Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust.
A really nice chapter, but it kinda looks like these middle lines are missing a bit?

Also, looking back on Yui, she's almost as doomed as Sachi, just in a different way, isn't she? Here's hoping she has her canon [Happy Ending].
Hah. Oh, LC.

(And poor Yui. :( )

On a random note, I think I finally figured out how Reinforcement works!

Like @daniel_gudman noted (I think on the TFF?), it doesn't make much sense for it to just push things to the limits of the material, because, well, materials are precisely as strong as they are - that's just not how physics works.

However - maybe Reinforcement lets you have mutually exclusive properties, from a given set of raw materials. So normally, when forging something out of a given amount of iron and carbon, you have to choose between pliability (so that the sword doesn't snap) and brittle strength (so that the sword can hold an edge). Or, say, optimizing your muscle mass for endurance, versus burst speed. Reinforcement lets you step back to the concept of creation and take both routes, as it were, even if physics would say that's impossible.
sad to say this
but the Laughing Coffin section is something i just plain skip
it . . . not eye catching as the other stuff that have Shirou, Kirito, Asuna and the other
I don't remember if I asked, are you keeping Dual Blades and the other (not fleshed out) Unique skills?

Edit: Also, will LC be hunted down in this world, or will they stay more under the radar?
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I don't think equipping 2 swords was blocked in SAO, you just couldn't use sword skills to combo so doing so was useless.
Yeah, it was something that you could do, but the game didn't help you do it. It treated it like having two different one handed swords equipped, rather than a pair of swords. You would need to actually know how to dual wield IRL in order for it to work.
3) That being said, this is another one where it's a little experimental: getting inside the head of a computer program so to speak, like with that Orc Boss. I was aiming for, like, the robotic dryness of the writing kind "hides" the emotional content, so the horribleness slowly dawns on you as you keep reading; let me know if that's how it worked out. I was also going for a dichotomy for Yui's internal experience, a relateable human bit, and a machine bit with lubricating grease instead of blood.
That whole section came off very 'meh' to me. Just a vibe of 'yeah I get it cardinal is an inhuman dick and you don't like seeing people hurt, so what.' It didn't feel confusing which is good I suppose, but it also didn't evoke an emotional response so...

Months ago one of the characters was like "so once someone (as a player) get good enough at Formalcraft they can just break the system and summon Cthulu."

I knew this was foreshadowing.
So... huh.

That demon was a killed player. How did it know that sound-based magecraft? It seems like a player with that kind of power would be quite well-known, considering how effective it was at driving off Laughing Coffin.
So... huh.

That demon was a killed player. How did it know that sound-based magecraft? It seems like a player with that kind of power would be quite well-known, considering how effective it was at driving off Laughing Coffin.

Probably something the player picked up either from it's unnatural non human body or during the testing process.


Or he'd just died unremarkably without really doing anything of note like the rest. There are over 100 thousand players after all. Not everyone knows everyone and what they can do and what not.
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Probably something the player picked up either from it's unnatural non human body or during the testing process.


Or he'd just died unremarkably without really doing anything of note like the rest. There are over 100 thousand players after all. Not everyone knows everyone and what they can do and what not.
You know, I never noticed that FRO adjusted the initial playercount to be less obscenely low.
Interesting, a Laughing Coffin episode! Is Swordtopia over?
"Come Thou forth, and follow Me: and make all Spirits subject unto "Me so that every Spirit of the
no quote

upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry land, or in the Water: of whirling Air or of rushing Fire:
dry Land?

Mental Health Assessment Program Number Zero-Zero-One was roused from a passive observer state to an active decision state by an imperative from the Cardinal
Wooo! Yui gets to be a Demon, that's hilarious.

[Crowd-sourced Content Development and Enhancement Initiative]
Crowd-Sourced, maybe?

Low productivity from spiritual or mental damage was rectified with psychical reconstruction.

If he had dodged just enough for the knives, then he's be getting pumped full of venom right now.

Johnny's more subdued than usual. Poor guy, Noobowner is using up the joke quota.

Wonder who the rezzed Player is, and where they're going, what they're trying to do.

Wonder what they're using the useless Players for. Maybe they're just sleeping? *hopeful*

It didn't twist it's head and tilt to look with where it's eyes would have been, or shift it's stance or anything like that. It simply waited.
its its its
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Months ago one of the characters was like "so once someone (as a player) get good enough at Formalcraft they can just break the system and summon Cthulu."

I knew this was foreshadowing.

Scarier, or not depends on your outlook what if they get good enough to summon from the Throne of Heroes? Think of it Digital!Gil. Course they can always accidentally go beyond Cthulu and get Primate Murder....actually that would probably make a good Kotomine's Church (for Bad Guys) end to this.
You know, I never noticed that FRO adjusted the initial playercount to be less obscenely low.
It didn't. If you're referring to the number of digits in the Specimen number, I don't know what that's about, but FRO is definitely going with anime-canon 10K players.

Kayaba Akihito was definitely a magic user. For exposing the secret truth that [Magic is Real] to these 10,000 people gathered here, even if it was in virtual reality.
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