Note to all of you these are Magnus's Character, not the Protagonists. These will become available over the Course of the Quest and some (the more passive ones) will be available at the beginning.
"Do you remember what you said to me, brother? Do you remember what you said to me as we fought before the Pyramid of Photep? Do you remember the words you used? I do. As I recall, your face was tortured. Imagine that - the Master of the Wolves, his ferocity twisted into grief. And yet you still carried out your duty. You always did what was asked of you. So loyal. So tenacious. Truly you were the attack dog of the Emperor. You took no pleasure in what you did. I knew that then, and I know it now. But all things change, my brother. I'm not the same as I was, and you're, well, let us not mention where you are now."
Name: Magnus the Red, The Crimson King, The Red Cyclops. Lord of the XV the Thousand Sons
Psyker: You possess the ability to tap into the warp and wield it's near limitless powers, you have done so on many an occasion (+3 to martial, intrigue, learning -1 to diplomacy, unlocks option Warp Related Powers)
Primarch: As one of the Emperor's twenty sons your martial prowess could only be matched and bested by one of your brothers. (+4 to martial +3 to Intrigue +2 to Diplomacy, Learning, Stewardship)
Faceless: You alone among your brothers can stand like your father, before another and appear to have many faces which you could wear, at your choosing. Lorgar even commented on it and he looked the most like the Emperor. (+5 to Diplomacy and +10 to Intrigue)
Daemon Prince: Despite your desires, like the majority of yourself fighting under Horus's banner, you are still a Daemon Prince, a being made from thought and not flesh and thus can shape it to suit your desires. As a Daemon Prince you cannot truly die only be banished for a time, in effect your are for a lack of a better word immortal (+5 to Martial +7 to intrigue +20 to Chaos Worshiper opinion -2 to learning diplomacy - 10 to Greater Daemon opinions unlocks, options Sculpt flesh, Twist reality, Revive Body, Daemon abbilities)
Book of Magnus: While you do not possess the book, why should you? After all you wrote the book of Magnus and have a perfect copy inside of your head. (+5 to learning +3 to Intrigue, unlocks special options Remaster Sorcery, Summon Daemon)
Eye of Magnus: You were both blessed and cursed vision of the future, but that is not all your eye does, it can see and detect any magical energies around while it can also be used to enhance any form of hypnotism or telepathy. (+10 Intrigue +7 to learning, can allow rerolls for Psychic, Sorceror and Daemon rolls, unlocks special options Gaze into the future)
Genius: Even among your brother, you were innovative and clever, you had learnt of Chaos and it's evil's long before Lorgar took his first steps to damnation. Also your track record as a Military commander is near flawless. (+5 to Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue and Learning)
Strong: you are a Primarch a Son of the Emperor of mankind, there is little out there stronger than you are. (+1 to Diplomacy +2 to Martial)
Mystic: Unlike some if not most of your brothers you were dedicated to the mastery of the 'arcane' as some of the politer ones put it (+1 to Stewardship +2 to learning)
Strategist: As Primarch you lead your legion this meant that you had to be more than an exceptional leader for the Astartes (+2 to Martial +1 to Stewardship)
Diligent: You were one to always look over things and ensure that you had completed your task (+1 to Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, learning)
Proud: Perhaps your only real flaw, but the one that was enough to damn you anyway, instead of listening to your father's warning about the warp you secretly disregarded it as you had gazed into it and the wonders that were in there. It seems that people also ignored your warnings, if they heeded them then the majority of the Horus Heresy could have been prevented+10 Ambition opinion
Paranoid: You did't trust anyone but yourself to warn your father of Horus's betrayal, look where that got you and your sons (+2 intrigue -1 Diplomacy)
Please note like at the start this is is a nerfed Magnus's Parameters, The character can work their way up to this again, but they will start with a much more modest set, I thought this would be befitting for a Primarch, even a weakened one.
First Name: Shirou
Last name: Emiya (Adopted)
Attractive: While if you were allowed to mature naturally without the changes worught you would have still been a handsom young man. Thanks to Magnus your features are now one of a kind and give off an exotic feel +1 Diplomacy + 30 opposite gender opinion
Curious: You have no memories of who you were before the fire as such all is new to you and must be discovered + 1 to Stewardship
Diligent: though you are not sure why, you cannot leave your work half done or do a poor job of it. +1 Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning +10 Vassal Opinion.
Conscientious: You wish to see the things your start finished +1 to Stewardship
Aspiring Sorcerer: +2 Learning, Martial +1 Intrigue, Stewardship (unlocks options Psyker Powers, Arena Tome, Forbidden Lore, The Book of Magnus, Warpcraft, Sorceror Options)
Brand of the Pavoni: All Biomancy Skills increase by ten ranks and may be re-rolled if unsuccessful when invoked
Excalibur Imbued ???????
Mindscape (Reality Marble)
-Spires of Prospero +2 learning, +1 Stewardship (other features locked until trait Scholar is gained)
-Arena of Perturabo +3 martial (Other features locked until trait Duelist is gained)
-Magnus the Red, the Crimson King +10 to all rolls taken if he is interested in them, can reroll failed rolls up to three times (ulocks the chance for Shirou to gian the Trait Psyker, Sorceror)
Tiger Tamer: You have manged to endear yourself to Taiga Fujimura the Tiger of Fuyuki as her little brother, people some people are inclined to have a more positive outlook at you because of this, other's fear what would happen if they insult you and she finds out and goes to her grandfather +2 diplomacy
Tigers brother: rumors that the Tiger of Fuyuki has taken to calling a child her younger brother has gone around the rumour mill, +20 opinion gained with all
Diplomacy: 14+1+1+2=17 You are fairly talented for a child at diffusing situations, notably above the average adult
Martial: 25+1+3+2=31 There is something special or wrong about you no child should be this skilled in combat. Your Talents in the art of war and death will attract the attention of others, human and otherwise
Stewardship:19+1+1+1+1+1=24 You are almost impossibly talented at keeping things in order and taking care of the, reaching the level of a specialised adult
Intrigue: 30+1+2=33 You are better than most professionals if not all, something which they do not expect, the fact that you are not even a decade old catches them off guard even further
Learning: 38+1+2+2=43 Your learning capacity is to be put bluntly unnatural if not inhuman, Adults can no longer justify this as the fact that you have amnesia and must learn quicker. They are right
They are right
So here's Shirou's Character sheet (Yes it's separate to Magnus's one)
Character Sheet Shirou (Child)
First Name: Shirou
Last name: (not applicable
Attractive: While if you were allowed to mature naturally without the changes worught you would have still been a handsom young man. Thanks to Magnus your features are now one of a kind and give off an exotic feel +1 Diplomacy + 30 opposite gender opinion
Curious: You have no memories of who you were before the fire as such all is new to you and must be discovered + 1 to Stewardship
Diligent: though you are not sure why, you cannot leave your work half done or do a poor job of it. +1 Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning +10 Vassal Opinion.
Mindscape (Reality Marble)
-Spires of Prospero +2 learning, +1 Stewardship (other features locked until trait Scholar is gained)
-Arena of Perturabo +3 to martial (Other features locked until trait Duelist is gained)
-Magnus the Red, the Crison King +10 to all rolls taken if he is interested in them, can reroll failed rolls up to three times (ulocks the chance for Shirou to gian the Trait Psyker, Sorceror)
Roll(5d20): 17,11,16,11,20
Diplomacy: 11+1+1=13 You are fairly talented for a child at diffusing situations, just a little above the average adult
Martial: 11+1+3=15 For a Child you are very talented in physical activities, into the level of a skilled adult
Stewardship:16+1+1+1=19 You are almost impossibly talented at keeping things in order and taking care of the, reaching the level of a specialised adult
Intrigue: 17+1=18 For a Child you are rather skilled about going to and from without being noticed, also you are very good about noticing things that are out of place, well above the average adult, into the specialist area
Learning: 20+1+2=23 Your learning capacity is to be put bluntly unnatural, Adults will justify this as the fact that you have amnesia and must learn quicker which is why they believe you are this good. They are wrong
First Name: Shirou
Last name: Emiya (Adopted)
Attractive: While if you were allowed to mature naturally without the changes worught you would have still been a handsom young man. Thanks to Magnus your features are now one of a kind and give off an exotic feel +1 Diplomacy + 30 opposite gender opinion
Curious: You have no memories of who you were before the fire as such all is new to you and must be discovered + 1 to Stewardship
Diligent: though you are not sure why, you cannot leave your work half done or do a poor job of it. +1 Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning +10 Vassal Opinion.
Conscientious: You wish to see the things your start finished +1 to Stewardship
Aspiring Sorcerer: +2 Learning, Martial +1 Intrigue, Stewardship (unlocks options Psyker Powers, Arena Tome, Forbidden Lore, The Book of Magnus, Warpcraft, Sorceror Options)
Mindscape (Reality Marble)
-Spires of Prospero +2 learning, +1 Stewardship (other features locked until trait Scholar is gained)
-Arena of Perturabo +3 to martial (Other features locked until trait Duelist is gained)
-Magnus the Red, the Crison King +10 to all rolls taken if he is interested in them, can reroll failed rolls up to three times (ulocks the chance for Shirou to gian the Trait Psyker, Sorceror)
Diplomacy: 11+1+1=13 You are fairly talented for a child at diffusing situations, just a little above the average adult
Martial: 23+1+3+2=29 There is something special or wrong about you no child should be this skilled in combat. Your Talents in the art of war and death will attract the attention of others, human and otherwise
Stewardship:18+1+1+1+1+1=25 You are almost impossibly talented at keeping things in order and taking care of the, reaching the level of a specialised adult
Intrigue: 25+1+2=28 You are better than most professionals if not all, something which they do not expect, the fact that you are not even a decade old catches them off guard even further
Learning: 33+1+2+2=37 Your learning capacity is to be put bluntly unnatural if not inhuman, Adults can no longer justify this as the fact that you have amnesia and must learn quicker . They are right
So the winners are Element
[] Lightning (due to Magnus this will increase his talent in Biomancy as well as the smite ability
[] Tool
[] Knowledge Origin
[] Knowledge
[] Immaterial
[] Warp Now we only need to agree on what they should have as effects