Fate/Promised Dream

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.
[x] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

Maybe they wrote down his name on a piece of paper and tossed it into the circle? :p
It'd be absolutely hilarious if it actually worked this wa- wait, it does. Writing down the name invokes the Heroic spirit, if only slightly, so while somebody strongly predisposed to synergize with specific servants would probably get a random draw from those like him, somebody who's basically an emotional/spiritual blank (Like, say, Shirou) could probably bias the summoning ritual enough to get whoever he wanted, assuming that he didn't have Avalon.

That awkward moment when crack could maybe be right. :V
It'd be more interesting if Morgana was already summoned as Caster, then she wouldn't have to worry about Shirou's justice complex.
I really hope Morgan isn't summoned.

I picked her for Caster of Black Quest because I've never seen her done in the Nasuverse before, and if someone else started writing her, I'd have competition. :V

[x] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.
[X] Launch a probing strike on the Temple.

Assuming False Assassin has'nt been summoned, This op is a go.

[x] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Launch a probing strike on the Temple.

[x] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[x] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

I'd prefer to not poke Medea until we know where Berserker got thrown to

I think GARcher. Because lol. Rekt.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

To end Caster right away is tempting, but we don't know how AU this timeline is. Finding Shirou is as important, and safer. We can afford taking our time dealing with servants.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

I would find it hilarious if Shirou summoned Morgan and are holed up in the temple.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

Is Avalon still the catalyst of his summoning ? I could see him summoning one of Arthur's sons in Welsh/Modern mythology, considering he's himself the son of a "hero" who used Avalon.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

Obiviously he got fused with Galahad. :V

Other candidates are Rider Lancelot (Which could lead to Berserker Medusa) and other Round table knights.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

[x] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.

Maybe they wrote down his name on a piece of paper and tossed it into the circle? :p
I dare say that this won

[X] Continue looking for wherever Kiritsugu had holed up.