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"Uh... Why does my back hurt?" A feminine voice came out. "Wait, that isn't my voice."


Look to the Left

Back from the Void
"Uh... Why does my back hurt?" A feminine voice came out. "Wait, that isn't my voice."

Opening my eyes I saw that I was in some sort of fancy home. The kind that had dark oak wood, old paintings and expensive looking furniture many of which are a) currently trashed b) being used as my cushion, or was it chair? I dunno, I just feel like there's a better term for it. Wait...

"Holy shit! Did I go drinking last night and got myself smashed!?" I started panicking. "And... Oh crud I broke into someone's house! Shit! I hope don't get fucking sued over this. I'm too young to be in jail!"

I tried to calm myself down. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-"

It was at that moment a particularly cute girl (who looked strangely familiar) kicked down a door and greeted me with, "Did I finally summon a Sab-" She stopped talking when she saw me screaming.

I stopped screaming. She's staring at me. I'm staring at her. Everything is so silent, everything is so awkward. We just kept staring at each other.

I decided to break the silence. "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to break all your furniture okay, it was an accident honest!"

Slowly, her hands rose to her face. "Why father... why did you make me go into this war?"

"Huh? What war?" I felt sweat dropping down my forehead.

Removing her hands from her face I saw that it's currently an angry pout. "What war?! You're supposed to be a servant aren't you! You're supposed to know all this!"

I started panicking again."Servant?! Look I didn't know you're into BDS-"

She started blushing madly, "WHAT!? Get your dirty mind out of there!" She's shaking now. "Just what kind of useless garbage did the grail fill your mind with?"

"WAIT WAIT WAIT GRAIL WAR SERVANT-" I stopped. Raising both my hands I see two dainty hands garbed in black gloves. Slowly I felt around my face. It's smooth, definitely feminine, and... elf ears?

My breathing is hard. I take a look into my servant sheet. I'm sweating hard.

Primary Class: Assassin
True Name: Medea
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Armament: None

Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: B
Prana: B+
Luck: C

Class Skills:

Presence Concealment: D
Medea was and has never been a trained assassin. So it would only make sense that her Presence Concealment would merely allow her to just allow her to spy on others. Other servants will be aware of Medea's presences if close enough within their vicinity.

Personal Skills:

Item Creation: A -> B
Throughout her entire life Medea had and always been one of the greatest mages of her time. Among her many magical talents was the ability to make potion and items of paralleled quality. They can range from tools for daily uses to elixirs that can grant immortality. However this skill requires time and materials that must be gathered, both of which are hard to get in a middle of a war. Due to becoming an assassin, the rank of this skill is lowered and thus the power to create elixirs of immortality and other items of such quality are now unobtainable. High thuamaturgical items and potions are still available.

High Speed Divine Words: A -> B
A skill that assists in magical incantations. The language of the gods, long lost to man is still remembered by mages of old back when words were a major part of spell casting. This allows Medea to quickly abbreviated chants and thus greatly shorten the casting time. Useful for direct combat spells. At this rank Medea can continually cast high thuamaturgical spells as long as she has enough prana for her High Speed Divine Words. At least it would be if Medea was a Caster. As Assassin, her High Speed Divine Words was lowered to B, lowering the effectiveness of this skill. This means that Medea can not continually rapid fire spells with a single chant but she can still cast high thuamaturagical spells at about 1/4th of the length it takes to complete.

Disengage: B
The ability to withdraw from the middle of combat. Ever since Medea became a witch, she has been on the run until the very end of her life. Thus it makes sense that she knows how to evade death.

Noble Phantasm:
Rule Breaker

All Spells must be broken
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Thuamaturagical
Perhaps one of the most unique Noble Phantasms out there in terms of its power and intended use. It's unsuitable as a weapon and is in fact as effective as a regular mortal dagger in that regard. It can wound and even kill mortal man but the heroic spirits of ages gone by require more than a flimsy ceremonial knife. It's true purpose is that it can destroy any sort of spell it comes in contact with, this includes things such as servant contracts and even the seemingly all powerful command seals if used correctly.

I'm in Medea. I'm in Medea's body. I'm Medea. I'm not a Caster. I'm an assassin. I'm fucked.

"Hey? Uh... Are you still paying attention to me?"


[] Calm the fuck down

[] Do the 'history is inaccurate' explanation, now.

[] Write in


Yes, I'm doing another quest. I'm still doing my HomuHomu's Bizarre Adventure quest. I just felt like doing something a bit different. I hope you enjoy this quest. Here're some rules.
  1. What the GM says goes. No arguments. (Okay, maybe you can argue but it must be a good argument)
  2. Feel free to point out any awkward sentence structures, bad grammar, and spelling mistakes. It'll help me grow as a writer.
  3. Don't be pricks. No one likes pricks. Also it'll bring the mods here if it goes too far and that'll suck for everyone.
  4. You only get three lives. Once they're up, the quest is over. Although bullshit caused by the dice will be exceptions if it's just too stupid.
  5. Have fun!
  6. And That's about it...
  7. Seriously why are you reading this?
  8. Stop it, there's nothing here for you to read.
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Assassin/Medea/Natsui Kinoko Matrix - Rank EX

Primary Class: Assassin
True Name: Medea
Master: Rin Tohsaka
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Armament: None

Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: B
Prana: B+
Luck: C

Class Skills:

Presence Concealment: D
Medea was and has never been a trained assassin. So it would only make sense that her Presence Concealment would merely allow her to just allow her to spy on others. Other servants will be aware of Medea's presences if close enough within their vicinity.

Personal Skills:

Item Creation: A -> B
Throughout her entire life Medea had and always been one of the greatest mages of her time. Among her many magical talents was the ability to make potion and items of paralleled quality. They can range from tools for daily uses to elixirs that can grant immortality. However this skill requires time and materials that must be gathered, both of which are hard to get in a middle of a war. Due to becoming an assassin, the rank of this skill is lowered and thus the power to create elixirs of immortality and other items of such quality are now unobtainable. High thuamaturgical items and potions are still available.

High Speed Divine Words: A -> B
A skill that assists in magical incantations. The language of the gods, long lost to man is still remembered by mages of old back when words were a major part of spell casting. This allows Medea to quickly abbreviated chants and thus greatly shorten the casting time. Useful for direct combat spells. At this rank Medea can continually cast high thuamaturgical spells as long as she has enough prana for her High Speed Divine Words. At least it would be if Medea was a Caster. As Assassin, her High Speed Divine Words was lowered to B, lowering the effectiveness of this skill. This means that Medea can not continually rapid fire spells with a single chant but she can still cast high thuamaturagical spells at about 1/4th of the length it takes to complete.

Disengage: B
The ability to withdraw from the middle of combat. Ever since Medea became a witch, she has been on the run until the very end of her life. Thus it makes sense that she knows how to evade death.

Noble Phantasm:
Rule Breaker

All Spells must be broken
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Thuamaturagical
Perhaps one of the most unique Noble Phantasms out there in terms of its power and intended use. It's unsuitable as a weapon and is in fact as effective as a regular mortal dagger in that regard. It can wound and even kill mortal man but the heroic spirits of ages gone by require more than a flimsy ceremonial knife. It's true purpose is that it can destroy any sort of spell it comes in contact with, this includes things such as servant contracts and even the seemingly all powerful command seals if used correctly.
Rin Tohsaka

My kind but easily angered master. Current head of the Tohsaka family and the only (maybe) member of the Tohsaka. An interesting person full of emotion, passion and dead parent issues.
Archer/Oda Nobunaga Matrix - Rank C

Primary Class: Archer
True Name: Oda Nobunaga
Master: Luviagelitta Edelfelt
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Armament: Muskets

Strength: E - C
Endurance: E - C
Agility: E - C
Prana: E-
Luck: A+

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B
At this rank, spells that require less than three verse are nullified. Have fun even trying to scratch her with great magic and ritual spells.

Independent Action: B
At this rank, even if the master is killed Archer can stay this world for up to two days without one. Furthermore she has more freedom than the other classes, requires less mana and can be away from her master for longer distances.

Personal Skills:
Tenka Fubu - Innovation: A
Innovation, a special skill granted to heroes who brought about a revolution in an era. The wording "Tenka Fubu" is added to Archer's version of this. A conceptual revolution of subjecting the old with the new. The way it works by
increasing the damage that Archer can do to a target depending on how old their legend is and how much mystery is behind the target, the more conceptual damage it causes. Say if Archer was to punch to someone. If that person came from the modern world or barely had any mystery to them then it would feel like the person was hit by a normal human at Strength rank E but if she punched someone like the King of Heroes or Medea in the face, both of whom are from the age of gods and hold substantial mystery to them then it'll feel like she punched them with the force of Heracles himself. This skill extends to any weapons including those not original her own. This skill is the ultimate game of compatibility. Against heroes of old she's a monster. Fighting the likes of say, Okita Souji or Billy the Kid and she's barely even a decent servant.

D̢͎͇̗̱͉̭ͯ̎͠e̴̷̮̞͍̺̦̤̪̔̐̀m̷̙̮̒̂ǫ̊̿̒ͦ̄́҉͍͍̳̝͙͙͖ṇ̷̠ͪͭͧ̎ͩ̒̅͝ ̨̼̜̰̤̣̊̆͒͂ͦͧ̅͘K̠͓͙̜ͯͭ̏͋̏͐ͪ̚͢i̴̲͔̭͔̲̲̞͓̋̂ͬn͕̻̮ͪ́̐ͥ̾́͞͞g̤̘̲̈̆ͅ:̶̸̜͎̣̠͗͂ͣͥͭ̽ͪ ̘̹̠̘͚̹̒ͬ̂̏ͅÁ̷̙͕͍͊̒͐͟
A monster whose perception in life later twisted what she had actually been in the past. Abilities and appearance have been distorted. In Archer's case, she can choose to activate or deactivate it at her own choosing because it's something that she in life had called herself. She's able to receive its benefits without any demerits. In other words, she can go from being a loli to being racked. It's a skill similar to but dissimilar to Innocent Monster. For some reason this skill is corrupted, not only reducing its benefit but also adds strain to the master of the servant as this skill must be forced out if to be used. Now it can only boost the physical parameters of the servant to C instead of A.



Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???
Luviagelitta Edelfelt

A Finnish magi and an investigator of the Mage Association. She's the current head of the Edelfelt family and the self proclaimed rival to RIn Tohsaka due to certain happenings of the Third Holy Grail War. She has the air of a noblewoman and very much acts like one. This can lead to quite a few people coming to the conclusion that she's a bitch (which is not far from the truth). However she is still a decent person despite all of that. Loves Professional Wrestling and is the master of Archer.
Saber - Matrix Rank: E

Primary Class: Saber
True Name: ???
Master: The Einzbern Girl
Gender: ???
Alignment: ???
Armament: None

Strength: A++
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Prana: B
Luck: C

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: A
The servant is impervious to magic of modern magi. Cancels out A rank or High Thaumaturgy magic or any spells with three verses.

Riding : A
All vehicles and creatures minus that of Phantasmal or Divine Beast can be used as mounts.

Personal Skills:





Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

Illyasviel von Einzbern

The homunculus master of Saber and the representative of the Einzbern. She's looks young but her seemingly gleeful murderous impulses and cute exterior makes her someone to watch out for. She had summoned a Berserker initially but he was beaten, forcing her to summon a Saber... Somehow...
Rider/Medusa - Matrix Rank: EX

Primary Class: Rider
True Name: Medusa
Master: ???
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Armament: Dagger and Chains

Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: A
Prana: B
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B
As a Fallen Greek Goddess, Medusa has an inherently high magic resistance. Spells that require three verse or less are nullified. Moreover, Medusa herself is skilled in sorcery, so she has countless ways to counter enemy spells. In other words, Medusa is excellent at fighting magi. Backing all that up is her Agility. Compared to Lancer who boasts the same level of "speed" she is inferior in sudden bursts, but has more endurance. Even with powerful spells, it is extremely hard to hit Medusa who will keep moving at high speed.

Riding: A+
Medusa has an phenomenally high riding skill. Not only can she ride ride all beast and vehicles of this era but also phantasmal or divine beast. Dragons are still out of her reach though. The steed that makes best use of Medusa's Riding ability is the legendary winged horse Pegasus. Mastering a winged horse of the Phantasmal Species is a difficult accomplishment even for Rider-class Servants. When riding the heavenly mount that was born of her own blood, both rider and steed move as one.

Personal Skills:

Mystic Eye: A+
Eyes that originally function to collect visual information are instead as a method to impart magical effects upon a subject. Medusa possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification "Cybele", which are Mystic Eyes of the highest order. As in her legend, subjects caught in her vision will be petrified if their Magic Resistance is C or lower. No magic, even that of Medea of Colchis, can replicate this.

Independent Action: C
The ability to materialize independently. If the Master is lost (or if the contract is nullified), Medusa can continue to materialize for one day. Since Medusa can also obtain prana by drinking blood, she can prey on humans as the situation demands and extend this duration.

Monstrous Strength: B
Medusa has this skill due to her property as a monster despite being a Heroic Spirit. If used, she can temporarily magnify her Strength. This is a necessary skill to Medusa, who does not fight with Noble Phantasms in close combat. It has many uses with her chained daggers, such as forcibly dragging an impaled opponent around. The more she uses this the more she becomes the monster Gorgon. She'll revert back after cessation of using this but if pushed too far then she'll cease to be a heroic spirit and instead become the monster of old legends.

Divinity: E-
In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally has very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded.
However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.

Noble Phantasms:
Breaker Gorgon

Pray that these folds do not come off
Rank: C-
Type: Anti-Army
One of Medusa's anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, Breaker Gorgon is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Blood Fort Andromeda. While the target's consciousness is sealed within Medusa's mind, the target can be prevented from activating any abilities. Also, Medusa primarily uses somewhat weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification that are normally always active. Though mainly used to seal Mystic Eyes, its original use is obviously to exert a degree of mind control on the opponent.

Charge of the majestic beast
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army (Range 2~50 meters)
Medusa's most powerful attack. It is not a Noble Phantasm to be used in a one-on-one fight, but rather an "anti-army Noble Phantasm" that can cut down enemies in a wide area. An uncommon type of Noble Phantasm consisting of a paired bridle and whip, it can rapidly augment the abilities of Phantasmal Species. In battle, the strengthened Phantasmal Beast and Medusa fight as one.

Blood Fort Andromeda
Cave of the Gorgon
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army (Range 10~80 meters)
One of Medusa's Noble Phantasms, Blood Fort Andromeda is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points. Immediately following the placing of these circles, people within the affected area will only have their life force sapped slightly, but once the field is activated, they will be quickly dissolved. However, it is difficult to affect people with knowledge of thaumaturgy. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink for prana.
Matou master - unknown

Lancer Matrix - Rank D

Primary Class: Lancer
True Name: ???
Master: Shirou Emiya
Gender: Female
Alignment: ???
Armament: ???

Strength: C - B
Endurance: C - B
Agility: B - A
Prana: B++
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: C
Cancels spells with with a chant that consist of 2 chants or less. Cannot defend from High Thaumaturgy or Great Rituals.

Personal Skills:

Fear Inducement: A
A skill that can be toggled on and off. Induces the feeling of dread and mortality to all living beings within a range of a 15 meter radius. Against heroic spirits, this skill encourages them to falter more often and make more mistakes in the midst of battle. Can be negated by Magic Resistance B or skills that negate mental interference that are at sufficient rank. Perhaps a skill made to emphasize the importance of fear in Lancer's legend?

Blood Sucking: B
A skill that allows one to replenish their health and magical reserves by sucking blood as well as denoting one whose legend hold connection to vampire lore. It is possible to kill someone through this method but she is unable to make thralls through this method. Depending on how rich the blood is in prana it can even allow Lancer to raise some of her parameters.

Magecraft: D---
In terms of magical potential she would've become a powerful magus. However she holds a low rank due to her poor education and being held in a class made for physical combat rather than magecraft. Not that she could much in the Caster class.


Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
A magical construct that can switch between a spear and a bow. In her current form the 'spear' mode of this spell is more empowered than the 'bow' mode. Due to its nature it takes a while to deploy. There seems to be more to this weapon, perhaps only after seeing it in action will it reveal more of its secrets.


Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

Shirou Emiya

Master of Lancer. A hedge mage who found himself thrown in the Holy Grail War. A kind young man who strives to help others, though something does feel off about him.

Primary Class: Saber?
True Name: ???
Master: Hakuno Kishinami
Gender: ???
Alignment: ???
Armament: Sword?

Strength: C
Endurance: E
Agility: A+
Prana: E
Luck: D

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: E
For a saber, this rank is oddly low. Overall pretty much useless except for most cancelling most modern magecraft.

Riding : E
For a saber, this rank is oddly low. Overall she can only use normal mounts and vehicles.

Personal Skills:




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

Hakuno Kishinami

Master of the odd Saber. She is a hedge mage much like Shirou. Though unlike him she's currently suffering from some sort of mutated strain of tuberculosis. Other than that she's unexceptional.
Rani the VIII

Her servant is currrently unknown. A mysterious investigator who's taking note of all the strange happenings in Fuyuki. Not much is known about her.
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OOC: I really hope I did Rin's characterization well.

[x] Calm the fuck down

I resisted the urge to do a Jensen impression and instead opted to calm the fuck down. Instinctively, I summoned a paper bag seemingly out of nowhere (I'll figure it out later) and started breathing in and out of it. After a while, I was calm enough to stash my paper bag somewhere in my robe and started addressing my biggest problem in the room. The twin tailed terror in the room. "I'm... please excuse me for my outburst, it's just that I felt really out of it for a while."

"Out of it? What do you..." Her eyes slowly looked towards the grandfather clock. "No... no no nonononononononon-"

"Uh... are you okay?" Yes! Take the blame away from me!

"ARGH!" She started ripping out her hair. "Stupid Rin! You summoned a servant at the wrong time!" She's rolling all over the ground now. "You knew all the clocks were one hour ahead so why didn't fix them ARGH." Standing up she ran past you as she took one of the pillows that were still in one piece, smashed her face into it and screamed as loud as she can. Afterwards, she dropped the pillow, looking calmer than she did originally.

"Okay... now that I got that out of my systems..." She's looking towards me now. "Okay, so, you're my servant right?"

"I guess? I'm the only servant here." I shrugged.

"Okay..." She's sizing you up. "You don't look like a Saber to me..."

This is going to hurt. "Well you see.. it's... um... I'm... I'm Assassin."

I saw her eye twitched, "WHAT."

"Assassin." I shrank back.

"I... I... I...!" She took in a deep breath. Then she screamed. "AAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"EP!" I hid behind one of the broken furniture until she stopped screaming.

"Ha... ha... ha..." She's still breathing hard. "Why... why me..."

"Hey, it's okay it's not your fault." I said, trying to calm her down as I pat her on the back.

"It is my fault." She turned to face me, steel faced but bits of tears can be still seen. "But I can deal with it, I just need to think things through."

I smiled a bit. "That's good, I wouldn't want to go with a weak willed Master."

"Who're calling weak willed?" She gave a cute angry pout.

"Nothing, nothing." I thought to myself for a bit, "So... I guess I should introduce myself." I did a bow, "My name is Medea." It's best if I don't say anything about me being a normal dude in a chick's body.

She gave a surprised look. "Wait, Medea? Aren't you one of the most infamous mages in Greek mythology?"

I raise my arms in surrender. "In my defense, it was all Jason's fault."

"Okay..." She said, before a light bulb popped in her mind. "Say, since you're Medea, does that mean..."

"Go check my abilities. You'll be surprised." I gave a smile.

She focused her eyes a bit before giving a surprised look. "Despite your... recent downgrades you're still a powerful mage... Yeah I can work with this." She looks much happier now. "Maybe I can salvage this blunder after all."

"Sorry? I'm a blunder?" I put on a accusing face.

"Oh, sorry about that. Kinda slipped." She said as she turned around. "Well I'm going to sleep, need my energy for tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Rin, Rin Tohsaka."

"Greetings Rin, I hope that our current partnership will bring us to new heights." I smiled.

"Likewise," She went out of the room.

I released a sigh, relaxing my entire body. "Well that went well. She's such a hand full." It was then that a broom and a dust flew into the air and proceeded to smack me in the face. "OUCH! What the Hades!?"

"I heard that Assassin, I'm not deaf. Also I better seen that the living is all cleaned up, you did make a mess of it." She gave a mischievous smile.

"Go to Tarturus." I spat back.

"Later." She said as she finally went out of the room.

For a while I listened. Foot steps are heard going up a set of stairs, it's getting quieter. I heard the sounds of a door open and closes. I relax. "She really IS a hand full... Hades? Tartarus? Man I'm using very old terms."

I look at the mess. A bunch of broken chairs, two coffees tables, a bedside table and two couches. "Hmmm..."

[] Take this moment to figure out your magic

[] Clean it normally.

[] Write in
That moment when an ancient Greek legend cleans your living room - 2
[X] Clean it normally in style with magic

"If I'm gonna clean this place up might as well use it as an opportunity to figure out my magic... but first." I took the broom and tried to place it between my legs (damn you long skirt!) before I jumped up and promptly crashed into the ground. "MOTHERFUCKER." Note to self, figure out how to properly fly later.

Getting off the ground, I rub my temple as I look at all the broken furniture and wondered where the hell I'll even put them all. So I went and opened the front door slightly, looking for someplace to put it all. Archer had to put it somewhere in the anime/VN/manga whatever I can't seem to remember. Going out, hoping that no one can see me, I walked to the back of the house and found a dumpster large enough for all the broken furniture. Now that I got that out of the way, that leaves the final problem. How the hell am I gonna carry them all?

At first I tried to carry the table and to my surprise it was surprisingly light, E rank strength beats out human strength, who knew. "But there has to be a faster way to do this... Lets try out magic again."

I focused my mind on levitating the object and to my surprise the chair was lifted into the air, that was until it broke into several hundred pieces and fell to the ground. "Holy Zeus this is impossible. I can't keep this charade up if I don't know a lick of magic. It's not like Medea keeps a tome filled with her deepest magical secrets... wait... does she?" Looking through my robe I found an old looking tome with Medea's name written in Greek on it. "Cool, I can read Greek. Of course I said that in Japanese and... fuck it, thinking about it hurts my head."

Looking through it I found several different types of spells, chants, rituals, recipes and etc. For the moment I was more interested in the basic spells. "Huh, that's how you levitate things. Okay, it seems simple." Focusing my mind again, I lifted the broken chair pieces, this time it was stable. "Okay that was much more easier then last time... Hey, maybe there's a fixing spell somewhere in here?"

Flipping through the pages I found that there was indeed found a simple repair spell, one that increases in difficulty corresponding to the complexity and with certain things being impossible to fix but for the moment I was fixing a chair so who cares. Focusing my mind again, I chanted the spell silently and instantly the chair resembled into it original pristine self. "I know this probably goes into the territory of Blue magic or whatever but fuck that metaphysical bullshit, I got better shit to do."

I repeated the process with all the furniture until everything was fix. Finally, I faced my most fiendish opponent yet. FURNITURE LAYOUT.

"Okay this shouldn't be too hard..." I carried one of the couched and placed it against the wall with another couch at the end, at a 90 degree angle. "This isn't so bad." I placed a bedside table (I think that's the name?) and placed it where the two couches meet. Another minute and I put the coffee table in the middle and after a while I finally finished fixing the living room, after I was done dusting everything of course.

"Well that's gone. Kinda surprised that I didn't blow up any anything. Man that would totally suck... though." I looked at the grandfather clock. It says 2:24 AM but knowing the circumstances I knew that it was actually 1:24 AM. I literally got about 5 to 6 hours until Rin wakes up..."

[] Fuck it, go to sleep too (Skips to morning)

[] Go in the basement and read all of Rin's magical books

[] Figure out how to fly

[] Spend 6 hours reading a fucking book tome

[] Go out and spy on someone
-[] Shirou (Reminder for detection field)
-[] Illya (1200% likely to get killed, lolis included)
-[] Wakame (What's up Medusa?)
-[] Sakura (Also Medusa? I dunno)
-[] Zouken (WTF ME)
-[] Gilga-(I am not going to let you finish that)
-[] Write in

[] Write in
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This took a long ass time - 3
[X] Spend 6 hours reading a fucking book tome
-[X] Be sure to find a decent Disguise spell, always useful for an assassin.
-[X] Memorize its fucking contents.

Taking a seat on the rebuilt couch. I opened my tome and started reading it. After ten minutes I was already bored. "Oh my Zeus this is boring. It's like reading a textbook!" I slap myself. "Stupid me! This is for my own survival... I just need to... bear this..."

[2:00 AM]

"Huh... so that's how you make a wand out of a dead corpse..."

[2:30 AM]

"So the spell for blast is έκρηξη? Fuck how am I going to remember that?"

[3:00 AM]

"Holy shit, I found doodles."

[3:10 AM]

"Huh, it seems like all of Jason's doodle faces have been brutally crossed out."

[3:30 AM]

"Holy crud, is this Greek fire?! SWEET!"

[3:50 AM]

"So that's how Caster enchanted Kuzuki's arms and legs without turning them to steel. Maybe I can try that on Rin. She'll be the mighty servant while I'll be the cowardly master." I gave a giggle.

[4:10 AM]

"Hey this is more fun then I thought."

[4:11 AM]

"Wait, does that mean I'm a boring nerd?"

[4:12 AM]


[4:50 AM]

"Oh hey there's the disguise section... Huh, looks like there's a bunch of different types of disguise spells and potions..." I looked through the list and a wide smile formed on my face when I found the perfect one.

[6:10 AM]

Activating my Presence Concealment (because that skill was more instinctual then the other). I Entered Rin's room and silently passed by her. Man she's so adorable when she's sleeping, especially the part where she fell off partway off the bed with drool coming out of her mouth. Shaking my head, I looked around until I found it, a hairbrush on top of an old looking makeup table. Picking it up I saw that it had plenty of of Rin's hair. GOOD.

[6:15 AM]

I'm in Rin's kitcehn, cooking something in one of her pots. "Okay, lets see what the recipes says again."

Complete Body Blood Transformation

This is a spell that will alt allow one to adopt the form and blood of another person permanently. Depending on the ingredients used in the potion the transformation will be either be a complete copy of the other person or someone who shares similar characteristics of that person. For the potion that would reverse this, please look up 'Reversal Potions and their applications.'

Ingredients needed:
A modest sized gem charged with magic (Any)
Pig Blood (50 grams)
Salt (grams varies)
Water (600 grams)
Anything born from the body of the person you want to take form of (hair, blood, teeth, etc)
Wine (drape grape, 80 grams, any age)

Step 1: Boil the water in a pot. Place a piece of your desired person in the pot.
Step 2: Grab a bowl and pour pig blood and wine in it, stir touroughly.
Step 3: Depending on the amount of salt, it will control the skin tone/colder colour of the end transformation

Salt guide:
0 grams, pale white
5 grams, beige
10 grams, light brown
15 grams, brown
20 grams, dark brown

This is a completely optional ingredient, however if you chose to add it to the potion, remember to pour it into the pig blood/wine mixture first, not the boiling water. Mix it thoroughly.

Step 4: The gem will be one thing that will determine the colour of chair hair, it will also dictate how thorough the transformation would be as it depends on how much prana was placed into the gem. First ground it into a fine power and pour it into the boiling water, leave it allow for ten minutes then stir.

Step 5: Pour the pig blood/wine mixture into the pot and stir for 5 minutes. Stir thoroughly.
Step 6: Take the pot out of the fire. While it's still hot draw a circle of your own blood around it and speak these words.

Αλλαγή αίματος.
Αλλαγή προσώπου.
Αλλαγή μορφής.

Step 7: After it stops glowing, it's now safe to drink.

"Doesn't seem too hard," I said to myself as I held up one of Rin's gems that I 'borrowed.' It was a citrine, a sort of clear yellow gem. "This should do the trick." I followed the steps as best I could. For the skin tone, I went for 10 grams. "Oh this is going to be awesome. Can't wait to see Rin's face when she sees the new me." The rest of the ingredients, including the wine and pig blood were easy enough for me to find in Rin's house, after a thorough search of course.

At the end I took the pot off and placed it on a counter. Taking a small knife from my robe (it's not Rule Breaker, just something for making items and stuff), I took off my glove and made a slice on my index finger. "Fuck, that shit stings."

Drawing a circle around the pot, I closed my eyes and and spoke the chant.

"Αλλαγή αίματος.
Αλλαγή προσώπου.
Αλλαγή μορφής."

The circle of blood glowed brightly as the colour of my concoction changes from it blood red colour to a strange yellow one. After it stopped glowing, I took a cup and poured the contents of the pot into the cup. Bringing it it up to my face, I sniffed it before recoiling back. "Man this stuff stinks, but then again a good chunk of medicine is like that so, whatever."

I drank it, it taste disgusting. Like raw rotten eggs mixed with stale blood of a road killed raccoon rotting for 2/3rds of a month after someone pulled a simultaneous diarrhea and constipation on its dead corpse but not before a bunch of people pissed on it after they ate-

I didn't finish that thought as I dropped the cup. I held my body as my face contorts in unbelievable pain. I felt my entire bone structure break itself, my muscles rearranging, my hair falling out. I can't even scream, my vocal cords are too busy being rearrange for that. I squirmed on the ground, too much pain to think. I can't think. Ican't fioa=kkkoggkpoipmgrijmiksrgmorbnnimimiMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

The pain stopped abruptly, but not completely. I still felt sore. Getting off the ground I noticed that I a bit shorter. "Mirror, I need a mirror." That wasn't my voice, it was more like Rin's.

Going down to the basement I look around the dusty old place and found a nice mirror to look into. Taking off my hood (shit it's filled with hair clumps, better take it all off) I look into the mirror and saw a Rin with blond hair all let down and light tanned skin looking back. "Disguise successful! Painful though, ouch." Looking closer I saw that still had my weird elf ears but that gave the look a certain charm. "Now... how will I break this to Rin?"

[] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
-[] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[] Write in

[] "Well it's about 6:56 AM, might as well wake her up now and show her the new me."

[] Write in
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Meet Natsui Kinoko - 4
[x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting

I silently entered Rin's room (with Presence Concealment on). Opening her closet I found that while she had a lot of red and black clothing, there are some things that I find more interesting. A white button dress shirt, one of her skirt, a pair of her Grade S Zettai Ryouiki (heh), and interestingly a blue version of her jacket. Dispelling both my Presence Concealment and my outer clothing (interestingly both my underwear and robe changed shape to match my body, magic clothes, who knew) I spent a good while carefully tailoring my look to my desired preference. I left the first few top button unbuttoned and wrapped the jacket around my waist to give myself that certain carefree look. Finally, for the finishing touches I looked around the make up table and found a nice pair of black and red ribbons for my very own twin tails. Looking in mirror of the make up table, I was satisfied with my look. "Okay I got the look, now I need a name... Sufficient Velocity? No that's stupid. Rin Vegas? That's stupid and confusing. What else...! Got it! From now on I'll be Natsui Kinoko! It's the perfect name for someone such as me!"


"Crud." I looked behind myself, looking at Rin as she slowly gain consciousness.

"Wha... oh hey me... mind getting me off the... wait..." It took literally 5 minutes for her 'not a morning person' brain to process the scene in front of her. Finally, light starts to come back to her eyes, quickly she stood up, well she tried to, first she clumsily fell to the ground before quickly but awkwardly standing up, already pointing a finger at me. I can already see the steam coming out of her ears. "OKAY WHO ARE YOU AND WHY THE HELL DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME?!"

I shrugged. "I'll explain over breakfast Master."

30 Minutes later

"So let me get this straight, since your Presence Concealment is weak, you thought it be best if you took on a disguise and used me as your base?" She said, eating breakfast cereal while still in her pajamas.

"That is the basic gist of it." I said from the other side of the table.

"Okay so what's your cover?" She cocked her head.

I gave a cheerful smile. "From now on I'll be Natsui Kinoko, your 17th removed cousin who just came back from U.S.A. Florida."

"17th removed cousin? Seriously?"

"It makes senses from where I'm standing."

She gave a sigh. "Okay I understand why you would want a disguise, what I don't understand is why you would... wait... you're not thinking about..."

I gave a mischievous smile.

"That is..."

[Later that day]

"...the worst plan ever." Rin said to herself while everybody was too preoccupied with what's in front of them to hear her. That thing they're preoccupied with just so happens to be me.

"Okay class, this is Rin's rather distanced cousin who just came back from U.S.A. Florida. Her name is Natsui Kinoko. She travels a lot but she hasn't been in Japan for quite some time. I rather like it if you all help her adjust." The plump history teacher said as he turned to me. I smiled.

"Hello everybody!" I said in perfect English. The rest I said in Japanese. "It's been so long since I've been here! I hope to make fast friends with you all!" Keeping my smile on, I scan across the room, many of them are already talking among themselves, many of them are giving a disbelieving look. Rin's keeping a poker face on but I can see sweat falling down her face, Shirou was looking at me with a curious but ultimately indifferent look, Shinji has a cocky smile, Issei is looking at me with a suspicious look.

After an awkward silence, the teacher cleared his throat. "So Natsui, we got a few empty chairs, not sure why so many of our student haven't been coming to school lately, must be flu season or something."

I tapped my chin. "Hmmm..."

[] Sit by Rin

[] Sit in front of Shirou

[] Sit by Shinji

[] Sit by Issei

[] Pull out a 4 sided dice out of your ass and roll it in order of the chairs listed on the vote
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Cousin bonding! (Sorta) - 5
[X] Sit by Rin

While it would be amusing to sit by Shinji and give Rin a heart attack or go steal Shirou's seat and give Rin an even bigger heart attack. I wasn't that heartless. I decided it would be best if I sat next to Rin. "Hey Rinny! Looks like I'll be sitting next to you."

She made a choking sound. "Rinny?!" The sounds of snickering and whispers spread across the room.

I gave a confused look as I sat in the seat next to her. "What? Don't like the nickname? How bout Twin Tail?"

She looking at me with a hard glare.

"Little Miss High Socks?"

She hitting me with a harder glare.

"Fine I'll stop and here I was thinking we get to have a happy cousin to cousin bonding," I said, crossing my arms as I do a cute pout.

The sounds of whispering increases. Rin sent me a mental message. "If you embarrass me any further I'll use a command seal on you."

I sent a message back. "Fine..."

The teacher coughed out loud to grab everyone's attention. "Okay class. Now that we got that out of the way, we will now be continue our previous lessons and learn the exploits of the infamous Oda Nobunaga..." His voice seems to phase out of my mind as I thought to myself. Man, it's strange that I'm taking all of this in great strive. I barely remember anything from my own past minus bits and pieces of Medea's own history. I wonder... if I can even take a life.


It was now lunch time. Stretching my arms, I got out of my chair lifting my backpack around my shoulder as I walked beside Rin out of the room. "Hey Rin, wanna go eat on the roof? I kinda want to try something."

"Sure, I can do that."

"By the way."


"A lot of the students here are gawking at me." I pointing a hand at the doorway, where some students were peaking from until they realized that we noticed them and immediately retreated, except Issei, he's glaring at the both of us. It took Shirou forcibly getting him out to let other students past through.

"I wonder why..." Rin said with a straight tone.

Sooner and later we found ourselves on the rooftops. Rin was eating a bento box. Me? I'm a servant, I don't need food. Instead I was doing something else. Looking through my book, I found a certain spell that would help me out. "Master please know that I'm about to use a spell."

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Assassin, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to scan the school for any rituals, servants and the like. Don't worry, it's the quiet type, no one will sense it."

"Well, if no one can sense it then go ahead. We'll need all the information we can get to win this war."

I nodded. Looking at the page one more time, I silently spoke a chant and a magical impulse burst forth from my body before almost instantly returning to me. My brain was flooded with a wealth of information as I stagger back on the bench holding my temple in pain.

"Assassin?! Are you okay?" She looks concerned.

"Oh? It's nothing, it's just my brain is being loaded with a bunch of information and all that stuff. Not every spell is perfect."

"Okay, but don't go blow your own brains out or something. I still need you to win this war."

"Awww.... and here I thought you had a heart."

"I don't need a heart, I'm a magus. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to win this war and gain honor for my family line." Somehow it feels like she's lying a bit, that and it feels kinda forced.

"Next time master. Lie better." I gave a smug smile. She maintains a poker face.

Rolling my eyes I looked through the information I gained as it's slowly being sorted... "Huh... interesting..."

"What's interesting?"

"It seems like there are two servant here," along with the fact that I can't seem to sense Blood Fort Andromeda anywhere. In fact I can't seem to sense Rider anywhere.

"Two?! Where?!" She's on high alert now.

"One is an Archer who's on their own and who I believe is currently in the library for some odd reason. The other..." I stood up and over to the railings as I pointed out to the forest. "There's a Saber over there. Somewhere in the forest? I dunno, the spell trades 100% clear info in favor of secrecy."

"Hmmm..." Rin was thinking to herself as she looked out into the deep forest. "I think it's best if we only engage one of them with peaceful intent. I'm sorry Assassin but... you're not really all that great of an assassin if what I remember about your legend is correct. Plus I want to get as much information as possible before we engage them."

"Sounds good."

[] Check out Saber

[] Check out Archer
Hope the library isn't too wrecked - 6
[x] Check out Archer

Entering the library, Rin and I were subjected to a strange scene where a strange girl in a matching black hoodie and skirt was throwing books out of the shelves as an exasperated Issei tried to confront her. "What are you doing?! Those books are school property and... wait, you're not even a student here!"

The raven haired girl doesn't seem to care. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Rin was already face palming herself. "Please don't tell me that's-"

"That's Archer."

"God damn it!" She looked around, noting the amount of people in the library who're looking at the scene. "Assassin, there's too much of a commotion for us to talk to her, we need to somehow diffuse this situation."

"Don't worry I got this." I ran through my memories and found a spell that I thought would be useful enough to remember. "Okay first a simple boundary field." With a snap of my fingers all the doors to the library closed as a strange red aura engulfs them.

"Hey?! What's going on?! The doors! They won't open!" Everyone was panicking.


"I said I got this! Μαζικό ύπνο!" All the students except me, Rin and the mystery Archer fell into a deep slumber. Rin breathed out a sigh of relief.

"That was a close one. Let's go erase or modify their memories later. Right now we need to go and meet up with this Archer."

A cry of hurrah surprised us as Archer raise a book in the air before running off to a table and opening with a happy dumb look on her face. Swiftly but carefully we approached the table, I looked over Archer's shoulder and looked at the pages. It was a book about the mechanisms and history of guns. "Fascinating isn't it? Back in my day we only had muskets and flintlocks. While I loved them to death I was always annoyed by the fact that we had to reload it after every shot and the fact that reloading had to take about 30 to 13 seconds whereas a bow barely takes 3 seconds to arm and fire. But with such innovations such as magazines and recoil based cocking, it's now possible to reload in a matter of seconds and you know what the best part is? You can shoot a gun more then once before reloading! It's utterly insane! Guns can shoot more than once! Do you know the advantages and implications of such a thing?!" She was looking at us with a face full of murderous glee.

Of course Rin being a magus was tech inept and thus was gun inept as well and so all that gun stuff kinda went over her head. 'What."

Her face of joy quickly became a face of utter disappointment. "Mages, figures. No respect for guns."

She raised an eyebrow. "I have zero clue what all that gun babble was about but judging from the fact that you use a musket it must mean that you're probably from somewhere around the 17th century."

Archer raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Huh, seems like you're not so ignorant after all. Although I still won't forgive you for that blatant disrespect for guns earlier." She got off the chair and already I saw that she was slightly shorter than us.

"So, just to confirmed this, you are Archer right?" In response, she started laughing.

"Archer?! I am far from an archer. In fact, calling me an archer would make other archers bristle their fundoshi!" She continued laughing.

"Wait, fundoshi is a japanese breachcloth which means you're Japanese. You mentioned using muskets so... oh please tell me you're not-"

"I am!" A bright flash of red emitted from the girl as she donned a black uniform adorned with golden decorations, her red cape flowing to some sort of invisible wind. "Fear me mortals! For the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven has arrived to claim the Holy Grail for herself!"

Primary Class: Archer
True Name: Oda Nobunaga
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Nuetral
Armament: Muskets

Strength: E?
Endurance: E?
Agility: E?
Prana: E-
Luck: A+

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B
At this rank, spells that require less than three verse are nullified. Have fun even trying to scratch her with great magic and ritual spells.

Independent Action: B
At this rank, even if the master is killed Archer can stay this world for up to two days without one. Further more she has more freedom than the other classe, requires less mana and can be away from her master for longer distances.

Personal Skills:




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

Then it was Rin's turn to be surprised and exasperated. "Okay one, isn't Oda Nobunaga supposed to be a guy and two, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY?! JUST LIKE THAT!?" Her face is turning red. I see steam coming out of her ears.

"I don't need this moniker to hide my identity! Everyone will know who I am upon looking on my beautiful visage. As for the male part, it must've been a conspiracy by the elders of the Oda clan, they were always against me leading the clan for being female, knew I should've killed them."

"I. But. THAT MAKES ZERO SENSE!" Rin's on the floor now, ripping out her hair as she rolls around fuming.

"Oh? Seem like someone is still trying to comprehend the greatness that is-" A reinforced fist smashed into her chin which surprisingly was enough to send her back flying with a thud. "Oah fauck! Mah jaaw... it huarts..."

Breathing hard, she stood up with a surprised look on her face. "The hell? It felt like I just punched a normal person in the face. Is... is this a joke?!"

Holding her jaw, she slowly rose up, it looked as if a giant lump appeared on her cheek. "Okay, I'll give you this girl. You know how to throw a punch. Could've swore that it was one of those Chinese martial arts move or something." She was rubbing the lump slowly.

Rin took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, look Archer. I guess we both got off the wrong foot. Let's forget that all just happened and start over."

"Fine. I was here to deliver a message anyways." She took a seat and slouched in it as her clothes return to a simple hoodie and skirt.

"What message?" Rin raised an eyebrow in suspicon.

"Here," she took out an envelope. It had a wax stamp with a large 'E' on it. I gladly accepted it. Taking the letter out of the envelope, I noticed that it had traces of perfume on it. "Huh, smells like women's perfume. Probably something high end too."

I opened it with Rin looking over my shoulder as we both silently read it together, the English words were written in fine, well practiced handwriting...

Dear current head of the Tohsaka family.

I send this letter as an invitation with peaceful intent. I ask that we meet at the written address on the back of the letter. I ask this not as a master of this Holy Grail war nor as a proud head of the Edelfelt Family but as a representative of the Clock Tower sent here by certain esteemed practitioners of magecraft to investigate strange phenomenons which may or may not be connected to this Holy Grail Ritual. The Church Mediator knows of this arrangement and in fact will be present at our meeting. If you are still suspicious and believe that this is a trap, than look into the envelope again and you will find a geas which if you decide to sign will prevent both parties from fighting each other until we both meet at my mansion here in Fuyuki. I do not mind if you sign it or not, I only put it there as a way to convince you to attend this meeting of your own free will. I only wish to meet and discuss said strange phenomenon.

Yours truly, Luviagelita Edelfelt.

"Edelfelt... Clock Tower..." Rin was in deep thought. "While I never met this Luviagelita, I am aware of the name Edelfet. I remember the story of how pair of talented twin sisters who headed the Edelfelt family back then had participated in the 3rd Holy Grail war. The younger sister died while the elder one barely made it out with their life. Since then the Edelfelt family had a grudge against Japan, the holy grail war and my family."

"If they hate both you and the war so much then why is the current head asking you to meet her?" I asked.

"The Clock Tower sent her, you can't exactly just deny a request of one of the most powerful magus organizations there is and not expect some sort of consequence. Besides, I am the second owner of this land as well as a head of the family which helped create the ritual in the first place, it would make sense to discuss the problem with me, whatever it may be."

"The real question is , should we?" I took out the geas and examined it, remembering what I read about contract based magic in Medea's tome. "It looks like the geas is the real deal and I don't find any fine printing. Signing this should keep us safe."

"Hmmm... What's your opinion?"

[] Accept the invitation.
-[] Sign the geas (optional)

[] Decline the invitation

OOC: Please note this is my own take on Oda Nobunaga and as such will not be exactly the same as the one in Koha Ace and F/GO.
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First meeting with an Edelfelt and a hint to things to come - 7
OOC: Sorry this took a while. One of the more harder ones for me to write.

[x] Accept the invitation

"I don't see why we shouldn't attend this meeting. If the Church Mediator is there then it must be something very serious."

She nods. "Yeah, I was thinking of something similar." She took a glance at the geas.

I nod. "As for the geas." I took a look at it. "I don't really think it's that really needed. Besides, I'm not quite a fan of geas, they tend to screw you over like a certain Irish legend."

"I am of the same opinion. Plus," she pointed at Archer, whose lump was already gone. "If her reputation holds up, she'll find a way to loophole it."

Archer gave a smirk. "You're a smart girl."

"I'm just being cautious." She kept a poker face on.

"So now that we got that out of the way." I looked at all the sleeping students. "We better go and modify their memories."

"Yeah, we better get to that. By the way, what's the address on the back of the letter?"

Flipping the letter, I looked at the address and... well... it was a bit strange to say the lest. "Rin, is this an actual address?"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Curious she looked over my shoulder again, her face now a mix of surprise and confusion. "Check behind your house just 30 meters? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

We both stared at Archer, she gave a shrug. "I got no clue as to how all this magic business works. I was never interested, besides it's best if you find out yourselves."

Rin glared at the servant, "That... dons't really explain anything,"

She shrugged again. "Like I said, it's better if you find out yourselves."

Rin gave a sigh. "Fine. We'll just follow the stupid address. But first," she stood up and walked over to one of the unconscious students. "We better go and fix this mess first."


Sakura Matou wasn't having a bad day, but it wasn't a good one either. It's not bad because her brother was in a good mood lately and thus was a bit more friendly then usual. Another thing was that she got to hang out with Shirou for lunch. It's not good because her grandfather was being strange, he barely acknowledged her during breakfast. He was muttering something to himself. He never seemed this frustrated in all the times she has been with him. She has been on edge ever since.

If that wasn't enough, she also learned that she had a cousin that she never heard of before and is currently hanging out with her biological sister. For some reason she's been uneasy about that too, like someone is taking something away from her.

She was passing by the library when the doors opened and a slightly tired looking Rin came out. "Man that was some tedious work."

"I know right," another girl said as she followed Rin out the door, her hands on the back of her head. This person surprised Sakura with her appearance. She looked like a gal version of Rin which seemed ironic in Sakura's eyes.

"Um excuse me," she was looking intently at the blond girl. "But are you Rin's cousin?"

At first the blond stranger was surprised, then she came to something close to a knowing smile. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Natsui Kinoko, Rin's 17th removed cousin." She extends a hand. "Your name?"

She was surprised by how front the girl was but she decided to accept the handshake. "Sakura Matou." Looking behind the girl she saw that Rin had a straight face on, it's hard to read her sometimes.

"Nice name, I'd talk with you more but I've got English class next. I'm going to have so much fun showing everyone how great my English is." She put on a playful smile.

"Oh... uh... please don't tease Taiga too much, she has an... eccentric personality."

"Oh? Well in that case I'll be careful in treading around the English teacher then." She beamed a smile before turning and walked off with Rin following.

For a while Sakura stood there. Then she spoke, "Rin, we both know that we don't have any cousins." She walked off, her heart filled with longing. "Come on me, you know that sister doesn't care for you anymore. She probably doesn't even remember that we're sisters." She held her chest. "But still, it hurts to see that she's hanging out with someone that you could call a sister if you think of it like that." She stopped and looked at the hallway that Natsui and Rin went down. "Rin... I hate you..." And thus Sakura's merely neutral day became a bad day.


It was evening. The sounds of crickets fill the air as a girl and her servant walked into the forest. Rin was in her usual red coat while Assassin decided it was best if she was hiding. Silently they walked, then after reaching 30 meters or so away from Rin's house, the world in front of them rippled and warped until all the trees in front of them disappeared, revealing a western style covered in vines and moss. It looked as if it hasn't been used for years.

"I can't believe it," Rin said as she stepped forward. "There were rumors about the twins who came here having built two western style homes here in Fuyuki but to think it was true and that one of the homes were built so close to mine..."

There was a maid waiting at the front door, her uniform was clean, simple and practical. Nothing like the showy frill filled costumes of Japan, it went well with her simple brunette hair tied in a bun. She gave a bow. "Hello, we've been expecting you. I am Margaret, a simple servant of one Luviagelita Edelfelt. Please, follow me."

Releasing my Presence Concealment, we both entered and were amazed by how well maintained the house looks on the inside. The maid almost smileed to herself. "Like our work? It took us quite a while to fix everything, including getting rid of vermin, replacing the wooden floors, etc, etc..." We continued walking.

We found ourselves in a living room that manages to be even more expensive looking than Rin's with everything from furniture made with gold instead of wood, world famous paintings and 12 full suits of real medieval armor, count that, 12!

"I see you're both gawking at my magnifacent home." In one of the couches was a girl, about the same age and height as Rin with blond hair in an extravagant drill style and a blue and white dress with long sleeves with a figure that are quite well developed. Sitting next to her is Archer, looking at a map as she eats a bag of wasabi flavored chips. On a couch adjacent to her's a male priest with blank eyes and several empty bowls of what I assume is mapo tofu. The maid merely blends in with the background as to not disturb the occupants of the room, her presence will only be sensed once she's called for.

"And you must be Luviagelita Edelfelt." Rin said as she sat on the third couch. I followed and sat next to Rin.

Luvia cocked her head. "Oh? You're not going to sit with the Church Mediator?"

"We have a strictly business relationship." Rin quickly said, obviously uncomfortable with the fake priest.

"Oh I see that you too find this priest a bit... unruly as well..." She took a sip of tea. "Of course that won't win you any sympathy points from me."

Rin raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what's that supposed to mean?"

Luvia's face went from a smile to a glare. "The scars of the Third Holy Grail War are still fresh on the honor of the Edelfelt family and as such it's only through this arrangement that I'm even treating you a modicum of respect but know this," she leans forward, I can feel the tension in the air raising, Archer feels it too but shrugs it off while the fake priests sets down his mapo tofu to watch how the events flow. "I do not like you, I despise you and your family for all the crimes they have done to my my own and as such this entire arrangement is merely professional. After all is said and done we will resume the war and I will defeat you in single combat to restore my family's lost honor."

Rin placed her pokerface on as she gives Luvia a blank face. "Likewise Miss Edelfelt. Although I care not for you family's honor." You didn't need to know her well to see it, she's holding it all back in, her temper, her rage at this foreigner who hates her guts. Luvia can see it too, she's giving a small smug smile.

"I see you haven't sign the geas, interesting. Do you trust me that much? Or is there some sort of interior motive?" She cocks her head as she muses to herself. I see the index finger on Rin's hand twitch a bit.

"I have nothing of the sort. As the resident magus of this land and as head of the family who created this ritual it is part of my duty to find out what the problem is." She's keeping her cool, good, but how long will it last? Sooner or later like a geyser she'll explode. I better do something before this gets out of hand.

[] Support Rin

[] Support Luvia

[] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior

[] Don't do anything
-[] Do something else
--[] Talk to the fake preist
--[] Talk to the maid
--[] Talk to Archer

[] Get out, you can't take this stupidity
-[] Tell them they're being idiots as you go out

[] Write in
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Why is writing hard? - 8
OOC: Character interactions, why are you so hard to write?

[X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
-[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."

I couldn't stand this. I spoke out loud. "Oh come on, this is becoming unprofessional of both of you." All eyes came on me, a strange servant who bares a striking resemblances to her master, even the maid came into existence slightly to hear what I have to say. "We all came here to talk and already the first that happens is a thinly veiled pissing match. Of course while Miss Edelfelt started it-"

"Hey!" Luvia looked at me accusingly.

"Thank you!" Rin was glad that someone was backing her up, or so it seems.

"You also have some fault in this as well my dear master."

"Huh?" This time Luvia was confused, she legitimately never expected a servant to do that to their own master.

"What the hell?!" I see a vein pop up on her forehead.

"While you haven't blown up exactly yet, your easily seen pent up rage was fueling Luvia's aggravating comments about you, plus that one apathetic comment from you didn't help." I said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

Rin was still glaring at me but even then she's still considering what I said. After a while she give a sigh and slouched in the couch. "Fine, maybe some of it was my fault but can we at least say that she started it?"

"Why you..." Luvia was starting to get out of the couch.

I face palmed myself. "Girls, business first, you two can flirt later." Suddenly everything stopped. The tension now was so great that I can feel the air being forced out of my lungs, I stood firm regardless. The two masters stare at me as both Archer and the fake priest raised an eyebrow. In the corner of my eye I saw the maid preparing a first aid- no wait she's not preparing a first aid kit she's preparing a goddamn hospital.

I sighed, ready to accept whatever horrible fate awaits me. Rin was slowly turning red, with anger or confused teenage hormones I'm not sure. Luvia on the other hand had a somewhat opposite reaction. You see, she's confused as all hell. If maguses were like computers, then she'd be probably be going through a blue screen of death right now. She'll reboot sooner or later. Will some files become missing or corrupted? I don't know, both prospects are fine with me.

Rin spoke up first. "Listen you, I don't know where you got the idea but I would never feel any sexual attraction towards a person of the same gender. Besides I only met just her today!"

Luvia was still sitting statue stiff solid until her maid came and shocked her on the neck with a hand held taser. Like Frankenstein's Monster she came to life. "I have no idea what kind of servant you summoned Miss Tohsaka but that statement I shall not let pass!"

"I dunno, you two are quite similar." I said nonchalantly as I go twirl with one of my twin tails.

"Huh?!" Both said at the same time.

"We have-"


"-in common!" Both said in perfect union.

I was greatly amused. "Oh? Shall I list the similarities between the two of you?" I had a sly smile. Archer was standing next to a window, ready to escape at a moment's notice. The fake priest was still on the couch doing a flipping Gendo pose while the maid was laying down bricks for a fallout shelter.

"Go ahead Assassin, you'll find that there are non!" Rin almost growled out.

"Likewise." Luvia said, before thinking to herself for a bit and whispering. "So it's assassin huh, this war's going to be a bit more easier then I thought."

Crossing my legs over I muster as much of a smug aura as I can before talking. "For one thing, you're both heads of your own family."

Rin gives a huff. "That's a simple one, next!"

"You both have anger issues."

"We do not!" Both shouted at the same time before they glare at each and looked away.

I know they both use the same type of magic but I need a good explanation as to how to explain to my knowing of it. Looking at Luvia's dress a bit closer I noticed that it had hidden slots in it, same thing with Rin's clothes. I gave a smile. "I see that you have hidden slots in your dress Miss Edelfelt. You wouldn't happen to use the same magic as my Master, do you?"

She was caught off guard. Looking to Rin even she gave a confused look. "I didn't even told her my magic yet."

"Oh master. While you were off sleeping I took the liberty of checking around the house and I have to say, your gems were quite well made." The first half was a bluff but the second half was more genuine on my part.

Recovering, Luvia looked as if she was wronged. "That's because these Tohsaka rats stole my family's greatest secrets including one of our magic crests!"

I didn't give Rin a chance to retort. "It also seems like you're both extremely healthy. Quite the well built bodies you got there girls, almost as if you both know martial arts or something." I'm keeping in my snickering so hard right now.

Both were surprised at my observation and before they said anything the priest spoke up. "It would be interesting for all of you to know that Rin is my personal student in the art of bajiquan." The fake priest said with a proud smile. Rin doesn't seem to like that statement, not because of the contents itself but rather the man who said it. "And if I remember right, I heard the young Edelfelt head is quite a fan of wrestling." The fake priest gave a chuckle as Rin gave Luvia an odd look. I have no clue why he's only started to talk now but I get the feeling that he wants to chime in on the action and see what reactions these girls had.

She simply crossed her arms and gave a huff. "Go on, tell me what's wrong with lucha libre? I can do whatever the hell I please and if I want to train my body in the art of professional wrestling then so be it."

"It's just that..." Rin was still processing the information. "I'd never expect a Finnish high class to be so interested in such a frontal style of combat."

"And I never expected a commoner to bother training in any martial art at all."

They were both silent for a while. The air is tense. Looking back I saw that the makeshift fallout shelter was complete. I could see her peeking out of the eyeslot with those plain brown eyes of hers. Archer already opened the window halfway and the fake priest was still in that goddamn Gendo pose.





After the long enduring silence the two simply sat down. "So..." Luvia started. "It seems we both got on the wrong start..."

"Yeah..." Rin was twirling her twin tail a bit. They both remained silent again.

Well at least they're not tearing at each other's necks but Zeus is this awkwardness choking as Tartarus itself... Man I really need to figure out where I'm getting all these Greek based swears and stuff. I looked back and forth between the masters. Luvia seems to be in deep thought, Rin's being harder to read then usual. I'm not quite sure how things will go from now on, hopefully for the better. Oh well, wait and see I guess. Now then for the time being...

[] Don't say anything. Let things go naturally.

[] Try asking Luvia some questions to break the ice (Limited to three, to reduce infodump and to make it easier on me)

[] Write in
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