Okay so:
-Archer counters Presence Concealment with superhuman senses.
-Saber counters Magic with magic resistance.

[X] Check out Archer
Hope the library isn't too wrecked - 6
[x] Check out Archer

Entering the library, Rin and I were subjected to a strange scene where a strange girl in a matching black hoodie and skirt was throwing books out of the shelves as an exasperated Issei tried to confront her. "What are you doing?! Those books are school property and... wait, you're not even a student here!"

The raven haired girl doesn't seem to care. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Rin was already face palming herself. "Please don't tell me that's-"

"That's Archer."

"God damn it!" She looked around, noting the amount of people in the library who're looking at the scene. "Assassin, there's too much of a commotion for us to talk to her, we need to somehow diffuse this situation."

"Don't worry I got this." I ran through my memories and found a spell that I thought would be useful enough to remember. "Okay first a simple boundary field." With a snap of my fingers all the doors to the library closed as a strange red aura engulfs them.

"Hey?! What's going on?! The doors! They won't open!" Everyone was panicking.


"I said I got this! Μαζικό ύπνο!" All the students except me, Rin and the mystery Archer fell into a deep slumber. Rin breathed out a sigh of relief.

"That was a close one. Let's go erase or modify their memories later. Right now we need to go and meet up with this Archer."

A cry of hurrah surprised us as Archer raise a book in the air before running off to a table and opening with a happy dumb look on her face. Swiftly but carefully we approached the table, I looked over Archer's shoulder and looked at the pages. It was a book about the mechanisms and history of guns. "Fascinating isn't it? Back in my day we only had muskets and flintlocks. While I loved them to death I was always annoyed by the fact that we had to reload it after every shot and the fact that reloading had to take about 30 to 13 seconds whereas a bow barely takes 3 seconds to arm and fire. But with such innovations such as magazines and recoil based cocking, it's now possible to reload in a matter of seconds and you know what the best part is? You can shoot a gun more then once before reloading! It's utterly insane! Guns can shoot more than once! Do you know the advantages and implications of such a thing?!" She was looking at us with a face full of murderous glee.

Of course Rin being a magus was tech inept and thus was gun inept as well and so all that gun stuff kinda went over her head. 'What."

Her face of joy quickly became a face of utter disappointment. "Mages, figures. No respect for guns."

She raised an eyebrow. "I have zero clue what all that gun babble was about but judging from the fact that you use a musket it must mean that you're probably from somewhere around the 17th century."

Archer raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Huh, seems like you're not so ignorant after all. Although I still won't forgive you for that blatant disrespect for guns earlier." She got off the chair and already I saw that she was slightly shorter than us.

"So, just to confirmed this, you are Archer right?" In response, she started laughing.

"Archer?! I am far from an archer. In fact, calling me an archer would make other archers bristle their fundoshi!" She continued laughing.

"Wait, fundoshi is a japanese breachcloth which means you're Japanese. You mentioned using muskets so... oh please tell me you're not-"

"I am!" A bright flash of red emitted from the girl as she donned a black uniform adorned with golden decorations, her red cape flowing to some sort of invisible wind. "Fear me mortals! For the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven has arrived to claim the Holy Grail for herself!"

Primary Class: Archer
True Name: Oda Nobunaga
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Nuetral
Armament: Muskets

Strength: E?
Endurance: E?
Agility: E?
Prana: E-
Luck: A+

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B
At this rank, spells that require less than three verse are nullified. Have fun even trying to scratch her with great magic and ritual spells.

Independent Action: B
At this rank, even if the master is killed Archer can stay this world for up to two days without one. Further more she has more freedom than the other classe, requires less mana and can be away from her master for longer distances.

Personal Skills:




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

Then it was Rin's turn to be surprised and exasperated. "Okay one, isn't Oda Nobunaga supposed to be a guy and two, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY?! JUST LIKE THAT!?" Her face is turning red. I see steam coming out of her ears.

"I don't need this moniker to hide my identity! Everyone will know who I am upon looking on my beautiful visage. As for the male part, it must've been a conspiracy by the elders of the Oda clan, they were always against me leading the clan for being female, knew I should've killed them."

"I. But. THAT MAKES ZERO SENSE!" Rin's on the floor now, ripping out her hair as she rolls around fuming.

"Oh? Seem like someone is still trying to comprehend the greatness that is-" A reinforced fist smashed into her chin which surprisingly was enough to send her back flying with a thud. "Oah fauck! Mah jaaw... it huarts..."

Breathing hard, she stood up with a surprised look on her face. "The hell? It felt like I just punched a normal person in the face. Is... is this a joke?!"

Holding her jaw, she slowly rose up, it looked as if a giant lump appeared on her cheek. "Okay, I'll give you this girl. You know how to throw a punch. Could've swore that it was one of those Chinese martial arts move or something." She was rubbing the lump slowly.

Rin took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, look Archer. I guess we both got off the wrong foot. Let's forget that all just happened and start over."

"Fine. I was here to deliver a message anyways." She took a seat and slouched in it as her clothes return to a simple hoodie and skirt.

"What message?" Rin raised an eyebrow in suspicon.

"Here," she took out an envelope. It had a wax stamp with a large 'E' on it. I gladly accepted it. Taking the letter out of the envelope, I noticed that it had traces of perfume on it. "Huh, smells like women's perfume. Probably something high end too."

I opened it with Rin looking over my shoulder as we both silently read it together, the English words were written in fine, well practiced handwriting...

Dear current head of the Tohsaka family.

I send this letter as an invitation with peaceful intent. I ask that we meet at the written address on the back of the letter. I ask this not as a master of this Holy Grail war nor as a proud head of the Edelfelt Family but as a representative of the Clock Tower sent here by certain esteemed practitioners of magecraft to investigate strange phenomenons which may or may not be connected to this Holy Grail Ritual. The Church Mediator knows of this arrangement and in fact will be present at our meeting. If you are still suspicious and believe that this is a trap, than look into the envelope again and you will find a geas which if you decide to sign will prevent both parties from fighting each other until we both meet at my mansion here in Fuyuki. I do not mind if you sign it or not, I only put it there as a way to convince you to attend this meeting of your own free will. I only wish to meet and discuss said strange phenomenon.

Yours truly, Luviagelita Edelfelt.

"Edelfelt... Clock Tower..." Rin was in deep thought. "While I never met this Luviagelita, I am aware of the name Edelfet. I remember the story of how pair of talented twin sisters who headed the Edelfelt family back then had participated in the 3rd Holy Grail war. The younger sister died while the elder one barely made it out with their life. Since then the Edelfelt family had a grudge against Japan, the holy grail war and my family."

"If they hate both you and the war so much then why is the current head asking you to meet her?" I asked.

"The Clock Tower sent her, you can't exactly just deny a request of one of the most powerful magus organizations there is and not expect some sort of consequence. Besides, I am the second owner of this land as well as a head of the family which helped create the ritual in the first place, it would make sense to discuss the problem with me, whatever it may be."

"The real question is , should we?" I took out the geas and examined it, remembering what I read about contract based magic in Medea's tome. "It looks like the geas is the real deal and I don't find any fine printing. Signing this should keep us safe."

"Hmmm... What's your opinion?"

[] Accept the invitation.
-[] Sign the geas (optional)

[] Decline the invitation

OOC: Please note this is my own take on Oda Nobunaga and as such will not be exactly the same as the one in Koha Ace and F/GO.
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Uh ok?

[x] Accept the invitation.
-[x] Sign the geas

I wonder how she fucked up the summoning to get such stats?

Any halfway decent close combat class will be able to obliterate her.
[x] Accept the invitation.

Yeah those stats lol... Seems like we weren't the only ones nerfed.
Not going to accept the geas simply because the mention of the grail Mediator possibly being Kirei and you shouldn't ever trust him. The geas prevents both Luvia and us from fighting and not outside parties (Kirei) pretty bad imo.
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[x] Accept the invitation.
Yeah those stats lol... Seems like we weren't the only ones nerfed.
Not going to accept the geas simply because the mention of the grail Mediator possibly being Kirei and you shouldn't ever trust him. The geas prevents both Luvia and us from fighting and not outside parties (Kirei) pretty bad imo.
This is a very good point. I mean, with how things are fucking up there's a decent chance it's not him, but he's still the most likely suspect.... which is bad. You think we should try to look over the geas wording, or just not do it?
I wonder how she fucked up the summoning to get such stats?

Any halfway decent close combat class will be able to obliterate her.
The question marks mean she's holding back. She's at least E rank, and that's probably because that's literally as low as you can go as a Servant. We just can't read her.

Still say we should beat up Shinji and try and take the book if he has it. If he doesn't... well, we beat up Shinji. Even if he isn't a blinding asshole somehow, he still deserves it for his original version.
[x] Accept the invitation.

This is a very good point. I mean, with how things are fucking up there's a decent chance it's not him, but he's still the most likely suspect.... which is bad. You think we should try to look over the geas wording, or just not do it?
The geas is so that both Rin and Luvia can't fight each other until they have finished their meeting at Luvia's place.