So. We are not dealing with your average murder machine Heracles. We are not even dealing with pants-shittingly terrifying thinking murder machine Heracles. We are dealing with what is possibly the closest thing to full power Heroic Spirit. Who, as Gilgamesh noted, could be described as original ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH.[Master Interference] Mad Enhancement: B (A+)
The berserker class skill of one who has traded skill and sanity for raw power. The nature of the altered Noble Phantasm that replaced God Hand within the Greek cultural sphere has altered this skill as well. Heracles' personality has been equalised with Jason's, retaining his capacity for rational thought and speech when out of combat yet following every one of his Master's orders and whims with a kind of robotic lack of reason deserving of the Berserker class.
[Cultural Sphere] God Hand King's Order - Twelve Labours to Please the Heavens: EX
Ordinarily a potent curse representing Heracles' status as agent, antagonist and eventual ascendant of the Olympian gods, this Noble Phantasm has been warped by his Greek surroundings. Herakles is possibly the most famous hero to ever exist, and his birthplace was here, in a land where every king has claimed descent from him at one point or another.
As a result, God Hand has manifested as twelve separate Noble Phantasms, one for each of the dozen Labours the hero completed in order to cleanse himself of the blood of his family. However, he bears only two of these when summoned – the first, which grants him invincible skin, and the last, which grants him a total of twelve 'lives', one for each labour.
These two Noble Phantasms are necessary to reinforce Herakles' Servant vessel to the point where it can survive his power – otherwise, he is unarmed. He can retrieve his Noble Phantasms by sacrificing a single life for each, burning away his own immortality. As a result, he possesses only ten lives when first summoned, the other two burned away under the weight of his cultural divinity. This sacrifice allows him to make use of Noble Phantasms that would normally be too complex to operate under the Berserker Class.
Subsidiary Noble Phantasm(s)
Nemean Hide – Skin of the Invincible Lion: B
The Nemean Lion was a monstrous beast that could scarcely be called a lion – a huge creature with an impenetrable hide that adapted to overcome any attack, until it could shrug off blades and arrows and bathe in lava. Heracles choked it to death as his first Labour, and claimed its pelt as his armour. As a Noble Phantasm its qualities have adhered to his very skin, allowing him to completely ignore any attack below A-rank, and applying a damage penalty to attacks that have wounded him before.
Lernean Arrows - Fangs of the Unkillable Serpent: A+
The Lernean Hydra was a divine weapon of biochemical mass destruction, intended to reduce humanity to the primordial ooze of their origin. Its venom caused the very soul to denature, its mortal victims dissolving into the black mud of the swamp where it lived. Herakles destroyed each of its hundred heads in an instant, and dipped his arrows in its blood. These serpent-tongue arrows inflict incredible pain – only a high rank in Battle Continuation would allow a Servant to avoid instant death upon suffering a wound, though inhuman traits like Divinity can blunt the poison's power.
Goddess of War - Sash of the Unbreakable Amazons: C+
Hippolyta was a daughter of Ares and the queen of the Amazons, a tribe of warrior-women who bred with spirits and heroes to maintain their ranks, a eugenic program that left them more god than mortal. Heracles claimed the sash of their divine queen as his ninth Labour, though the precise circumstances are lost to the fog of myth. Taking the form of a shimmering silk sash of scarlet and gold made from a strip of Ares' own war-banner, this Noble Phantasm radiates such a thick aura of divinity as to be almost unmistakable from a glance alone. When worn it draws out the user's existing Divinity, passively raising all parameters. If it possesses any further abilities related to the release of its true name, they too have been lost with the death of the queen.
Plutonian Return – Curse of the Three-Headed Dog: A+
Cerberus was the watchdog of the Underworld, a hound bred from the god-killer Typhon with many slavering heads and snakes for hair. As his final, most impossible Labour, Heracles ventured into the land of the dead and dragged Cerberus to the surface. The gods forced him to return the hound to his post lest the dead remain unguarded, but blessed him with true divinity in return – as a Noble Phantasm, this manifests as a divine curse allowing Herakles to ignore death, resurrecting every time he is killed. He has an initial stock of eleven resurrections for a total of twelve 'lives', one for each labour.
'For Hera's sake' seems appropriate. And hey, she might actually bless us to keep this thing away from herWell fu-Actually, do we have a swear word more powerful than that? 'Cause I feel like it's kinda warranted.
Honestly we've probably got two slots left I think and they're probably best spent on some combo of Astolfo, Blackbeard, and Pollux. Astolfo is a chatty, cheeky fuck but by all indications he was able to fly into Divine-amped magical AA fire and get Medea out and was also the one who grabbed Stheno. Out of everyone on the beach he's probably one of the ones who contributed most to us not getting absolutely face-fucked and let us salvage something from the day. And while Marche may be there she...honestly doesn't seem like the "LEMME THROW MY ARMS AROUND YOU AND LET'S HUG" type. She's kinda awkward and reserved and honestly that's not the worst combo for Rostam to engage with. It'd kill the time without anything blowing up, let us learn something about Astolfo, and Marche might/probably will ask us some basic magecraft stuff and we can ramble on about that.
Blackbeard is Blackbeard and the key to the whole strategic layer, while Chiron's fucked up he and we are basically the two people with the most authority left. Blackbeard has the ship and the only way of getting around. We have the most Servants/staff who answer to us or will answer to us. So brainstorming with him isn't a bad idea at all.
>we shouldn't see Medea because of x, y, and z
...I smell shenanigans afoot."It takes a certain kind of person to choose to be a hero. To take on burdens like this and continually ask for more, keep fighting and bleeding until their bodies give out under them. Even then it's... almost still not a choice. A calling, if you were optimistic. A mental disturbance, if you weren't." He chuckles softly, self-effacingly. "No one forced me to create weapons. No one forced me to destroy myself. No one forced me to die for my ideals but I did it anyway because I wanted to. Because I felt, deep in my heart, that I had to. Perhaps all I really craved was that one moment before my life ended, that second I was able to see the awe and joy and hope on everyone's faces. Men and women I had never even met, never would again, but seeing their tears dry was enough for me."
I stand by what I said (repeatedly), that I like Medea as a Character, I want to see where her story goes in the Singularity where she's so central to the Plot she's Story Locked in, and that ain't gonna be happening if every chance for a Medea interaction gets blown off.
"Fuck you."
"No fuck you."
'Cause it's basically two people who don't handle stress well and tend to either lash out or angrily disengage, injured, exhausted, and in a deeply stressful situation. And then the voters going "But we want to spend time with her so obv it'll go fine."
I mean...I personally am fully cognizant that this is juggling flaming torches right by those conveniently placed barrels of gunpowder and gasoline, not going to complain when/if Zerban has it go kerblooie.
We've had Rostam share the company of sympathetic people, and he's generally come out neutral or somewhat grumpier. I feel that Medea, someone whose been hit just as hard - or even harder - than him and is likely in a similar headspace will be easier for him to find rapport with. He needs to talk to someone in a similar situation to him in order to centre himself, and I reckon that Medea will likewise respond well to Rostam.Honestly it more means that she's also locked into story-critical moments and her share of the spotlight is basically guaranteed and while I agree with what you're saying generally I'm not honestly certain what could happen here besides a degeneration into:
"Fuck you."
"No fuck you."
'Cause it's basically two people who don't handle stress well and tend to either lash out or angrily disengage, injured, exhausted, and in a deeply stressful situation. And then the voters going "But we want to spend time with her so obv it'll go fine."
I forgot, but back in France, didn't Jeanne get left out by that same reasoning?Honestly it more means that she's also locked into story-critical moments and her share of the spotlight is basically guaranteed
That didn't end well for Jeanne in France, so I dont really want to do the same with Medea.Honestly it more means that she's also locked into story-critical moments and her share of the spotlight is basically guaranteed