Ishtarfest/Battle for New York 2021 3-turn comps
Guides for 3-turn 5-slotting or 6-slotting IshtarFest (Battle in New York 2021) for FGO NA
Quick Comps Universally assume you have your own Skadi & DPS. Some require an additional Waver, especially if they do not require a MLB K-scope.
Quick Comps Video Start
1:45 Round 1 Node Discussion
2:26 Achilles SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
5:06 Achilles Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE
7:42 Astolfo SuperScope Plugsuit - 5CE
10:23 Astolfo Arash Heavenly Demon Princess Plugsuit - 5CE
13:49 Dantes SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
16:52 Dantes Heavenly Demon Princess Plugsuit - 5CE
18:48 Lancelot Zerker SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
21:42 Lancelot Zerker Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE
25:37 Round 2 Node Discussion
26:55 Lancelot Zerker SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
29:37 Lancelot Zerker SuperScope Plugsuit Any 30% - 5CE
31:58 Lancelot Zerker Arash Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE
34:46 Dantes SuperScope Plugsuit Any 20% - 5CE
37:53 Dantes Arash Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE
40:46 Atalanta SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
43:31 Atalanta Arash Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE
46:32 Round 3 Node Discussion
47:11 Atalanta SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
49:25 Atalanta Helena Caster* Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE
52:01 Dantes SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
54:28 Dantes Heavenly Demon Princess Plugsuit - 5CE
58:56 Lancelot Zerker SuperScope Fragment of 2004 - 5CE
1:01:23 Lancelot Zerker Kscope Plugsuit - 5CE

Arts comps (generally assumes that you have your own Waver and Paracelsus, with skills leveled. Many require Tamamo and/or Nero Bride as well, but that is the price we pay for using Arts for lotto comps pre-castoria.)
Arts Comps Video start
2:20 R1 Chen Gong - SuperScope Fragment of 2004 (5 CE)
5:06 R1 Chen Gong - Imaginary Element MLB Plugsuit (5 CE)
10:41 R1 Da Vinci Rider - SuperScope Fragment of 2004 (5 CE)
13:36 R1 Da Vinci Rider - Heavenly Demon Princess Plugsuit (5 CE)
16:57 R1 Da Vinci Rider - Scenic Beauty Plugsuit (6 CE)
19:40 R1 Musashi Zerker - SuperScope Plugsuit (5 CE)
23:10 R1 Musashi Zerker - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
27:07 R1 Kiara Alter Ego - SuperScope Fragment of 2004 (5 CE)
30:35 R1 Kiara Alter Ego - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
33:27 R1 Mordred Rider - SuperScope Chaldea Mystic Code (5 CE)
36:23 R1 Mordred Rider - Heavenly Demon Princess Plugsuit (5 CE)
39:39 R1 Mordred Rider - Scenic Beauty Tropical Summer (6 CE)

42:08 R2 Chen Gong - SuperScope Plugsuit (5 CE)
45:43 R2 Chen Gong - Imaginary Element Plugsuit (5 CE)
49:36 R2 Jeanne Archer - SuperScope Fragment of 2004 (5 CE)
52:40 R2 Jeanne Archer - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
55:37 R2 Musashi Zerker - SuperScope Plugsuit (5 CE)

59:01 R3 Chen Gong - SuperScope Fragment of 2004 (5 CE)
1:03:07 R3 Jeanne Archer - SuperScope Tropical Summer (5 CE)
1:06:01 R3 Jeanne Archer - Heavenly Demon Princess Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:08:53 R3 Jeanne Archer - Scenic Beauty Tropical Summer (6 CE)
1:09:41 R3 Jeanne Archer - Scenic Beauty Plugsuit (6 CE)
1:12:28 R3 Musashi Zerker - Superscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:15:05 Summary & Conclusion
Buster Comps - These are even more for Whales than the previous comps, and while that is unfortunate, that is the price (quite literally) that you pay to Buster Loop. These often require a Waver, nearly universally call for Nitocris, and if a 50% charger is not involved will likely have Skadi as well. Other supports may also be needed, but those are covered within.
Buster Comps Video start
25:49 R1 Drake - Superscope Anni Blond (5 CE)
29:23 R1 Drake - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
32:00 R1 Arjuna Alter - Superscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
35:16 R1 Arjuna Alter - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
38:41 R1 Chen Gong Arjuna Alter - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
44:53 R1 Iskandar - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
47:53 R1 Ivan - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
50:33 R1 Kingprotea - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
53:45 R1 Okita Alter - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
56:20 R1 Okita Alter - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
------ROUND 2------
59:49 R2 Gilgamesh - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:02:31 R2 Gilgamesh - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:05:00 R2 Arjuna Alter - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:07:53 R2 Arjuna Alter - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:11:01 R2 Chen Gong Arjuna Alter - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:15:24 R2 Ishtar - Superscope - Anni Blond (5 CE)
1:18:17 R2 Ishtar - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:21:40 R2 Tesla - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
------ROUND 3------
1:24:38 R3 Gilgamesh - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:27:15 R3 Gilgamesh - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:29:43 R3 Arjuna Alter - Superscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:32:22 R3 Arjuna Alter - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:35:34 R3 Chen Gong Arjuna Alter - Kscope Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:40:30 R3 Ishtar - Superscope - Anni Blond (5 CE)
1:42:59 R3 Ishtar - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:45:32 R3 Tesla - Kscope - Plugsuit (5 CE)
1:48:19 R1 Marie - Superscope - Fragment of 2004 (5 CE)
1:50:53 HACKERMAN TRIPLE ARASH COMP R2 & R3 (4-slot)

These are not my videos, but hopefully they'll help you by either outright providing you comps or giving a framework to work with for yours.
login on multiple devices tutorial i guess
A Short Guide for being able to alternate between F/GO on your Windows 11 (/w Subsystem for Android) and Android Phone (without using any transfer codes):

1. Update to the Windows 11 Insider edition and opt into the android subsystem test
2. Fork MagiskOnWSA from github. The original repo is dead now but there's GitHub - LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal
3. Build it
4. Download it
5. Install it through powershell. You'll need to turn on administrator mode for this. The project's opensource so if you're worried about malware do a check through it yourself. It's mostly just shell scripts.
6. You have google play store and google play services now. Excellent. Now we need to transfer over your userid files from wherever they're stored on what device you're using before so you can keep your transfer number intact. Download Android Studio. You can use the installer or just grab the zipped adb files. Either will work but keep in mind you need to run from the directory they're stored in so grabbing a adb zip might actually be easier (default location for using the installer is \AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools)
7. Download fgo on WSA and start it up one time. Neglect going through anything else.
8. Use a USB or something to access your original device's internal files. Find Storage/Android/data/com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en/files/data. (remove the en if it's jp). Find 4 files starting with 54cc, 969b, 644b, and e1a9. Transfer them onto your computer.
9. Connect to your emulated WSA Pixel 5 on ADB. The IP address should just be localhost 127. yadda yadda. ADB might think you have multiple devices so you might want to check your devices and then run set ANDROID_SERIAL=localhost
10. adb push the 4 files that you copied over to your Windows 11 computer onto your emulated adb system. Destination should be /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en/files/data (again, remove the .en if you're loading up a jp version).
11. You should now be able to login FGO on phone and computer (not simultaneously ofc, but without having to worry about transfer codes and such and such). Congratulations. I guess you can run a lua script without having to root your phone or something.