"You're telling me Gentles defeated Nvsnqvr Chaos...that's the unkillable Dead Apostle Ancestor Nvsnqvr Chaos, not some Magus whose parents had a twisted sense of humor...that inhuman creature is in the hospital in a coma, and Gentles did it. Not his Servant, him."

"Miss Nabareck, the Ancestor...it attacked Gentles while he was on the dance floor and...



It got served."


"I know! But I've seen the security camera footage! Gentles moves...his rhythm... he did the Robot, Miss Nabareck! And he made it look good!"
I was fine with it up til the final line. Let's not have Gentles suddenly pull feats on the level of True Magic out of nowhere.
[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole "alone in your hotel room" scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Nero's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. And definitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.

Best option in this situation.:V
[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole "alone in your hotel room" scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Nero's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. And definitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.

I heard someone intended to bring Gentles-Funk to the masses.

I want in.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Getting ridiculously drunk got him into this mess. Surely, it couldn't make things worse?
No. of votes: 11

Lichte, Logos, TehChron, notmi, EnderofWorlds, veekie, Amatsumi, Selias, FoxOnPie, rogthnor, Feng Lengshun

[X] Get extremely drunk.
No. of votes: 1


[X] Get drunk.
No. of votes: 2
Camellia, Flavar

[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole alone in your hotel room scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Saber's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. And definitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.
No. of votes: 3
Takoe, Wade Garrett, Hadiz

[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole alone in your hotel room scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Nero's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. And definitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.
No. of votes: 6
Bondo, Xyzarach, Redshirt Army, ziizo, IKnowNothing, God and the Snake
[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole alone in your hotel room scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Nero's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. Anddefinitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Getting ridiculously drunk got him into this mess. Surely, it couldn't make things worse?
No. of votes: 11

Lichte, Logos, TehChron, notmi, EnderofWorlds, veekie, Amatsumi, Selias, FoxOnPie, rogthnor, Feng Lengshun

[X] Get extremely drunk.
No. of votes: 1


[X] Get drunk.
No. of votes: 2
Camellia, Flavar

[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole alone in your hotel room scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Saber's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. And definitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.
No. of votes: 3
Takoe, Wade Garrett, Hadiz

[X] Get dru...wait a second. Waaaaiiit a second.
-[X] This whole alone in your hotel room scene is killing your buzz, and that lightweight Nero's already passed out, she can't help you liven this par-tay up.
--[X] You gotta hit the club. Get your groove going. Disco ain't dead, it's just well preserved. Exactly like you!
---[X] Try and persuade the delivery people to hit the club with you. And definitely bring the extra booze with you. Just in case.
No. of votes: 6
Bondo, Xyzarach, Redshirt Army, ziizo, IKnowNothing, God and the Snake

Wow, the Write-In didn't win.

Vote Locked. Writing.

And even if the weight of my vote had been turned towards the noble purpose it would not have been enough

But even then, as the resident Grey Lantern my purpose remains absolute and so can not deviate from my mission

if you'd chosen the party option, we'd have a tie, at which point either mort would pick the more amusing option, or we'd have a tiebreaker. which would probably still be the more amusing one (the party option).
if you'd chosen the party option, we'd have a tie, at which point either mort would pick the more amusing option, or we'd have a tiebreaker. which would probably still be the more amusing one (the party option).
and of that we sadly lack any real guarantee


that we bemoan what could have been

but now is no longer the time for that.

for now...now, it is time to look towards the future!
Update 4
[X] Getting ridiculously drunk got him into this mess. Surely, it couldn't make things worse?

Gentles looked into the crates of beer for a moment, considering his options.

There was a lot here. If he went out, he'd have to leave most of it behind. Well, unless he enlisted help, but Saber was out like a light, and he couldn't Command Seal anyone else into letting him have all of it, so getting help meant not drinking all of it.

In other words, drinking it all in the hotel room was the best option.

Grabbing a bottle, Gentles took a mouthful, before stopping for a moment.

If he drank all of this, the hangover would kill him. He'd seen too many good Enforcers fall that way.

Drawing a few runes on himself, Gentles set up an anti-hangover measure. That was the last thing he remembered doing that night.

When Aaron Gentles woke up the next morning, he took a moment to ensure he wasn't hungover. As he did so, while his eyes were still closed, he sensed a Heroic Spirit in his bed.

...If Saber did what he thought she did, then she was being boiled in oil.

Slowly, Gentles opened his eyes.

...Good news, Saber hadn't done anything funny.

Bad news, the Servant wasn't Saber.

He didn't know who exactly it was- Mythological figures that wore dark cloaks and white skull masks was something he wasn't an expert in.

Gentles pondered on a moment, on what exactly he did this time, but decided it was best to get away from the mysterious sleeping Servant that might be hostile.

He moved away slightly. The bed shook, but the Servant didn't respond. Confident, Gentles moved again, a little more this time.

The Servant muttered something, and rolled over. It's oversized arm fell over Gentles, wrapping him in a pseudo-hug.

Aaron Gentles swore.

'...Saber, some help would be appreciated.' He spoke telepathically, reaching for his Servant.

There was no reply.

'...Saber? Help? Please?'

If Saber heard him, she showed no sign of it.


Holding his breath, Gentles began sliding out from under the Servants arm, a slow process that took almost an hour.

As he got out of the bed, the Servant muttered again, and Gentles shoved a pillow under his arm. As the Servant relaxed, the Magus finally let out the breath he was holding.

Now to go find Saber.

Gentles walking into the main room of the hotel, passing a black dog that was lapping up spilled beer as he walked.

As he came into the loungeroom, he saw another surprising sight. A boy, wearing a white jacket, hung to the wall in said jacket. An arrow was clearly visible holding the jacket in place, just above the boy's seaweed hair.

"...Can I come down, now?" The boy asked, when he saw Gentles. "I know you don't want me getting the book and calling Rider, but I need to use the bathroom."

Gentles blinked.

Was that... Rider's Master? But then, why did he need a book?

"...Where did I leave the book?" Asked Gentles, pretending he was in control of the situation.

"On the kitchen bench." The boy replied. "C-Can I come down, now?"

Gentles considered it for a moment, before deciding that he didn't want to clean up after the boy, and let him down.

"Straight there, straight back." He instructed. The boy nodded in obedience, before running off.

Watching him go for a moment, Gentles went over to the kitchen. As he did so, he noticed the tip of the spear hanging over the edge of the couch.

Going to check on it, Gentles quickly saw that it was being held by a woman, sleeping on his couch. A woman with white hair, white skin, and a uniform typical of an Einzbern Homunculus.

...Did he kidnap the Einzbern master as well?

That was either a really good thing, or a really bad thing. Depends, really.

Gentles spent a moment to admire the old spear, and wonder if he had enough money to buy a postage stamp and send it to his museum, before he went to the kitchen. Sweeping a few bugs off the bench, he reached for the book.

As he did so, he noticed that he only had two Command Seals.

...At this point, that wasn't even surprising.

Picking up the book, Gentles examined it for a moment.

Definitely magic.

As the boy came out of the bathroom, Gentles put the book down, and moved over to the boy.

"I'm surprised you aren't struggling more."

"I'm going back up on the wall anyway." He replied. "I just get to keep my teeth and limbs this way."

Smart kid.

Upon sticking the blue-haired boy on the wall, Gentles briefly considered his options.

Use a Command Seal to call Saber back?
[X] Yes
[X] No

You need to talk to someone to find out what the hell happened. Who?
[X] The Servant in the bed.
[X] The Kid on the wall.
[X] The Einzbern Homunculus.
[X] The Dog.
Status Update
Name: Aaron Gentles
Master of Saber
Command Seals: 2/3
Element: Wood
Origin: Preservation
Motivation: Acquire Loot, Give Middle Finger to Aliens, Return to Car.
Sorcery Trait: All-Faiths. Gentles is able to earn the favour of an Elemental by giving it it's preferred method of worship, without a penalty.
Magecraft: Runes