Hm, at least project wellspring once it's improved will likely make it if we go to Nellis not have to rely as much on a pipe for water from the lake unless I'm misremembering. But on the other hand the Hoover dam...

...Still don't know if the whole force fields being present in Oliver's compound at the Hoover dam was already there or brought by the NCR. Though if we go there could probably find the chinese stealth suit there and possibly study them.

mmh, as much as I like possibly going to the Hoover dam will probably prefer Nellis.

...Though now wonder what might happen if we set up at Black Mountain? Just curious really...
Nellis has been done it a big flat area surronded on all sides with the only thing keep it safe in a fence sure in game you have to go through in a narrow area but since this a au it not gonna be as defensible. Also since it a au it prob has some squating there for the howitzers and such, or those have been picked apart already, like it a milltiary base all the nice mil goodies are likely to be gone or even more likely a raider group is squatting there or some other group. Also it been done that what we did in the orignial timeline let do something else and not retread old ground
Thinking more on it, we cant really say what IS a good area to settle. We're currently doing a meta, problem is what map we're using. Are we just gonna use the NV one? The Real Life location? NV says Nellis would be in a bowl if anything else. Best to make camp and scout the area. We should have a good vantage point where we are.
Thinking more on it, we cant really say what IS a good area to settle. We're currently doing a meta, problem is what map we're using. Are we just gonna use the NV one? The Real Life location? NV says Nellis would be in a bowl if anything else. Best to make camp and scout the area. We should have a good vantage point where we are.
honestly yah I like dbrevend plan of getting a lay of the land and figuring everything out first
I vote for Nellis.

It's very defensible and has good tech and salvage. If we can turn the area into a paradise with the GECK even better. Lots of space there to farm.

It's right next to Vegas so we could become their best trade partner if we play our cards right.

No need to go full isolationist like canon. Let's just be able to defend ourselves from most anything and start building up through tech and salvage.
Double march vote legal?
[ ] On the March: South
[ ] On the March: East
[ ] Checking the Waves
[ ] Set up camp

It can be done, but that means splitting up your group and dividing what you have. There'll be a miniturn on how to divy up everything that you have if this is done, and it could lead to potential consequences.
Also, it is time!

The voting has been opened! Time to decide what you want to do and possibly what direction you'll be heading to in creating your settlement, which will be a great factor in how things will be shaped in the quest!
It can be done, but that means splitting up your group and dividing what you have. There'll be a miniturn on how to divy up everything that you have if this is done, and it could lead to potential consequences.

Ah, no I don't want to split up. I meant as in 'double time' march. Whole group moves south and then east in the example for instance.
[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
[X] Plan: Get Our Bearings
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] On the March: South
[X] Moving to Nellis
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Prospective Salvage
-[X] On the March: Northwest

[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko

[X] Plan: Get Our Bearings
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] On the March: South
[X] Moving to Nellis
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Prospective Salvage
-[X] On the March: Northwest

[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko

[X] Plan: Get Our Bearings
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] On the March: South
Hellteddy: If I play all sides I can't lose :V
[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
[X] Moving to Nellis
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Prospective Salvage
-[X] On the March: Northwest
[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
[X] Plan: no need to rush
-[X] Set up camp
-[X] Explore the area
-[X] Checking the Waves
-[X] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko