I'm guessing one of the few project that wont is the Journal. Unless that could pop us when we eventually get back to the vault to reclaim the rest of it in the future.
A bit late but all well...

[ ] Modifier Radio Receiver and Antennae

Could certainly be interesting and might lead to infor on Legion and NCR activities with some work put into things.

[ ] Software update

Is minor and all, but could be interesting and improve some things if it works. Granted suppose it is possible to start work without it...

[ ] Project Arbiter

Overall just sounds rather great and is in my top of wanting

[ ] Project Hoplite
Holdable shield that can be deployed with the possibility of improving it. Honestly I just like these type of things and is basicly bringing cover. Even if at moment it's more for light stuff, possible policing? Either way I like it.

...Wonder if we could find an example of force field/repulsion device tech if we could integrate that or something? I recall the fallout wiki saying some were at the Hoover dam though no ideal if that was already there or something the NCR brought. Been awhile since I played New Vegas but looking at the fallout wiki for sidding with the Legion does mention Oliver's Compound in the Hoover dam having force fields.

Though speaking of power armor, wonder if we could find any. Not sure, granted also thinking of that riot armor. Also the Enclave remnants base and wondering if that vertibird has crashed yet or not...

[ ] Project Lancer
I just overall like this laser and it using a blue laser along with everything else. Just sounds like it could be neat let alone how she also had a hidden weapon technically somewhere. One that was an energy weapon and something I like the sound of.

[ ] Project Athena

These are all projects that interest me, granted due to Athena that could possibly be of some interesting result.

[X] Plan: Lock it all down
-[X] Bygones be Bygones
-[X]Lock it
-[X] Project Arbiter
-[X] Project Athena
-[X]Destroy the panel

Secure where we settle and maybe we could later secure the vault area and spend time getting through everything. Just to be safe.

Not sure if I missed something, but is there a chance of in the future acquiring any of these other projects?
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[X] Plan: A not so Lonesome Road with Athena's Company
-[X]Lock it
-[X] Project Athena
-[X] Project Wellspring
-[X] Leave the panel alone
Just as a question does anyone know if we will either be able to, re-research the other projects at a later point and or find them again if/when we return to acquire additional hardware from the vault?
Just as a question does anyone know if we will either be able to, re-research the other projects at a later point and or find them again if/when we return to acquire additional hardware from the vault?

The answer was posted by the QM a few posts ago, at the end of page 13. The answer is that they may or may not come up to be researched again.

[X] Plan: A not so Lonesome Road with Athena's Company

Which is why I'm going with this as whatever Athena is, it probably won't show up without us going back in, and the one most likely to take crippling damage if a radroach decides to nibble on it or something. The other options... I like some more than others but not enough to form a decisive opinion one way or another.

@Tempest Warden , your plan involves both destroying the panel and leaving it alone. Is good otherwise.
[X] Plan: A not so Lonesome Road with Athena's Company

i even read that post twice and it still took me another read through to catch the part i missed, dyslexia sucks sometimes.
Roughly an hour left to vote on the choices from the Prologue 0.5 Results Post.
For the next part on where to go, imo we could stay near the vault to protect it, move for hoover dam, head to nellis AFB(I'm thinking of voting for this) or heading to vegas maybe?
Nellis would be my vote i think. It's got everything we would need, and also we can go grab the artillery from area 2.
A bit late, but the vote is closed!

Plan: A not so Lonesome Road with Athena's Company is the winner.
Working through the next post at the moment. So long as nothing happens to delay it, it should be out either tonight or tomorrow.
Prologue 0.6
-[X]Lock it
-[X] Project Athena
-[X] Project Wellspring
-[X] Leave the panel alone

Despite both the SimuSun Lighting of the Vault and taking a couple Vault-Tec Visual-Adaptment eyedrops to improve adaptation from underground lighting to that of the surface, you still found yourself squinting as you left behind the cave entrance.

Nonetheless, both of those things provided by Vault-Tec prove their worth, as within a few minutes you manage to adjust to the light levels enough to stop squinting. Looking up at the sky is still problematic, so you let your eyes adjust for now. And it totally isn't because of the slight unease at seeing, well, the sky. You hadn't thought that it would be an issue, but in the context of having lived your entire life in a vast bunker with a close and defined ceiling...

It was disorientating. Speaking of which actually, you turn to see how the first group which had come up was fairing, and their reactions weren't too surprising. Some seemed to be unbothered by the sky, instead just looking around the new dry landscape, while some others were staring up in awe at the open sky.

A noticeable few were having worse reactions, looking nervous and even fearful, and a few had even taken a step back. Ultimately, this was going to be something that they'd have to push through, as you all weren't staying around.

Turning your attention from that, you approvingly take note of the security perimeter set up around the mouth of the cave and in the flat area area out, likely a makeshift parking point going by a few rusted wrecks neatly parked and the railing surrounding it all. A select few were also on watch on the rocky terrain above, keeping both an overheard view and making sure nothing can jump down onto the stream of people leaving the Vault. As you looked over this, you noticed a pair of dead... oversized lizards?

Curious now, you step forward towards the security group near it, one of the officers bringing back their Pip-Boy equipped arm from over it, the faint ticking of the in-built Geiger Counter going down as you get close. A few heads turn in your direction, with one of the officers fully turning to you and standing up.

"Ma'am! When we were securing the perimeter, we found these couple of creatures. As soon as they noticed us, they moved in to attack. We brought them down, but it definitely took more firepower then what it would've taken to bring down a person." He says as another one approaches, the one who brought their Pip-Boy close to it.

"It's also irradiated ma'am. Not too much being emitted from it exactly, but there's definitely an uptick near it's clawed hands and especially the mouth, along with a couple more open spots from our rounds going into it." He says, causing you to sharply look at this... ah a Gecko! They're not supposed to be this big, but there's definitely some resemblances to the old animal you've seen a few pictures of in textbooks. It's interesting to see that this species mutated into such a specimen, but they were certainly dangerous!

"I see. Stay back from these oversized Geckos, and should you engage in others do your best to keep it at range. Those teeth and nails look deadly, and with them emitting this rad level anyone who fights it at close range is liable to get radiation poisoning. Should this happen, report to one of the medical staff immediately for RadAway treatment and diagnosis. Now, is there anything else to report?" You ask, getting a nod from the initial officer who treated you.

"Yes ma'am. The area seems to currently be clear of threats, but we've noticed a few trucks filled with radioactive waste not far from the cave entrance. One of them is toppled over, and all of them seem to have a breach in containment. We'll need to avoid the site for as long as we're here." He says as he points, and looking in the direction he pointed at you see it. A trio of army-surplus trucks, their backs filled with radioactive waste barrels. Then you frown as you look at it, a memory coming to mind as you glance between it and the cave entrance.

Suddenly it clicks and you scowl.

"Oh son of a bitch." You mutter, stalking forward. Ignoring the inquisitive and concerned questions and exclamations from your Security, you circle around the trio of ruined vehicles and... yep there it is. Poking just above the mass of spilt barrels and waste was a rusted box and antenna filled with sensors, namely those of one of the primary clusters used to detect radiation levels on the surface. What happened to the others you did not know, but you had confirmed in the Vault that this set was working despite the abnormal radiation level. And now you knew why. Decades of staying isolated below ground, using the belief that the surface was irradiated to hell and back still... all because of this! Why the hell were the waste trucks here anyway!?

Grumbling, you back up from the vehicles to the relief of the Security present. You can't afford to get emotional over... illogical and stupid things such as this. Ranting and theorizing can come later.

Rubbing your forehead, you glance up as you see another Vault Dweller approach you.

"Ma'am, the last group of our people is leaving the Vault, and we've confirmed that everyone is accounted for. It's time to... seal the Vault doors." She says, getting a nod from you. That distraction, no matter how dower, will help get your mind on track.

"Let us finish this then." You say as you begin striding back to the Cave entrance.

Note: A few options DC and descriptions/notes have been modified or added on to. A few new options have been added.

Current Vault population: 1056 (15 wounded, 5 unable to walk)

Current Morale: 35/200 (Grimly Determined/In Shock/Slightly hopeful)

Current modifiers:
- Common Defense: +5 for initial defense roll no matter the circumstances (due to entire pop being armed along with a more armed/armored core)
- Heavy-Ordinance away: +10 to fighting Scrap-Tier or below equipped opponents, +5 in other circumstances.
- Military-equipped (Untrained): +10 to combat if your militarily equipped but not specifically trained core troops are specifically deployed
- New land: -10 to gathering food and rations, -5 to exploring rural areas and scavenging without having explored the area first.
- Surprise Exodus Effect: Morale prevented from naturally increasing or decreasing, no random negative rolls unless morale gets to or below 20, broken when morale reaches 65 or a permanent/semi-permanent home is established- upon which Surprise Exodus is replaced by the Effect Home Sickness

Current Supplies and Assets gathered:
- Hastily assembled hand-drawn carts and wagons
- 2 months and a 1 week of food and water for current population
- 1056 Pip-Boys (1055 Pip-Boy 3000s, 1 Overseer Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV)
- 144 Vault-Tec Immuno-Boosters
- 3 Vault Jumpsuits for each Dweller
- a few assorted personal items for each person inside Vault-Tec or Army-Surplus Backpacks and basic hygenics.
- Community-Sized survival supplies (Tents, basic perimeter fencing, campfire-starters, etc)
- six Mister Handy Robot
- Enough personal weapons for everyone and then some (submachine guns and pistols mostly, along with some shotguns)
- 29 Military-Carbine Guns
-- Including All-American Carbine
- 70 Combat Shotguns
- 24 Trail-Carbine Type Guns
- 3 Sniper Rifles
- 6 Rocket Launchers
- 24 Grenade Launchers (M79)
- 2 Deployable Machine-Gun Turrets
- Tear Gas and Smoke Grenades
- Couple dozen weapon repair kits
- Decent stockpile of Ballistic and Explosive ammunition
- Small Stockpile of basic security/police equipment
- 200 Vault 34 Security Armor Sets
- 100 standard-issue Army Combat Armors
- 10 Reinforced Army Combat Armors
- Various spare platting, patch kits, and camo-paints for combat and security armor
- Large Weapon and Munitions Assembly Workstation
- All of the equipment for a Vault-Tec Security Station
- 1 High Quality Vault 34 Flag
- 1 High Quality 50-Star USA Flag
- 3 High-Tech Scrap
- 1 Genesis-Model G.E.C.K
- Various parts for a Medium-Grade Water Purifier, including a new Water Chip
- Enough crop seeds to (barely) do a full planting for both food and additional seed
- Basic farming equipment
- Decent First-Aid Supply/Chem Stockpile, minor amount of light equipment and specialized chems (Buffout, Mentats, Calmex, a few Super-Stimpacks and Fixer Tablets).
- Vault 34 Database on holotapes
- Couple hundred various textbooks, books, magazines, and such.
- Basic (normal and specialized) Engineering tools/gear/supplies, some more advanced specialized tools gathered.

Personal Inventory:
- 1 Overseer Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV
- 3 Vault-Tec Jumpsuits
- Hygienic/basic supplies
- a couple backpacks and duffel bag containing personal items, various notes, and tools and parts from your Personal Workstation
- Project Athena Advanced-Holotape and Coded Notebook
- Project Wellspring
- Personal 9mm pistol with harness.
- Mini-Fridge.

Unique Information gathered
- Information on the locations and security of the REPCONN Headquarters Complex and a Virtual Strategic Solutions office at Eagleton, the attending town for Nellis AFB.
- Knowledge that two people besides the first Overseer were behind the Vault getting a G.E.C.K to begin with, a Colonel Blackwell from Nellis AFB and a 'Vanny' from Future-Tec.
- The rough capabilities of a Genesis-Model G.E.C.K unit.
- Knowledge that at least some had been preparing for a violent conflict within the Vault before the Reactor became partially broken, including stockpiling explosive weaponry.
- Knowledge that, for some reason, trucks with nuclear waste were near the Vault, and that one of them is responsible for tricking the Primary Sensor Node.
- Knowledge that background radiation is around pre-war levels, and that at least some life survived on the surface (if irradiated so far)

You currently have four Action Points which can be used.

[ ] Set up camp
If you intend to linger in an area without setting up permanently, it would be advisable to set up a rather large camp for your people- whether it be out in the open or among some suitable ruins.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 95%
Reward: Camp set, prevent morale penalty from staying in an area for an entire turn without moving on, basic supply security.

[ ] Explore the area
Exploring around the area does have some dangers, but at the same time it can provide good information on the immediate and beyond lay of the land, possible opportunities, any people or threats, and potential other information. Being currently on top of Frenchman Mountain in particular gives you a good opportunity to see the far surrounding areas.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 90/60%
Reward: Information on the local area and anything in it as well as beyond, possible +5 bonus to Prospective Salvage action.

[ ] Prospective Salvage
You may be currently on the move, but that doesn't stop you from trying to scavenge around for any loot of value.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 70/50/5%
Reward: Potential loot and areas of interest discovered.

[ ] Checking the Waves
Everyone's Pip-Boys have an inbuilt radio. While the transmitters are very short range, the actual receivers can pick up from a decent if mostly local range. Furthermore, being on top of Frenchman Mountain provides something of a boost to signal reception.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 90/60/20%
Reward: Detection of radio signals- both current and potentially old ones continuing to broadcast. Potential information. Verification that people not only survive but are capable of using technology.

[ ] Foraging the Wasteland
It seems like a desolate place, but besides a bit of wildlife and abandoned nuclear-waste, radiation levels seem to be pretty normal. With that in mind, perhaps there's some usable food and water around which could be used to supplant what you currently have?
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 75/50/20%
Reward: Food and water for the day discovered, possibility of finding enough for a few days or even beyond.

[ ] Study the Wildlife: Golden Gecko
You and your people haven't been on the surface for long, and already life has been discovered! It seems that at least one species of pre-war Gecko has mutated, its shape and size greatly changing into the specimens encountered. Some (careful) studying could help identify any more information on them.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 70/40%
Reward: Some basic knowledge or more about the (Golden Gecko), including locations of vitals and such so that less ammunition has to be spent on taking others down in the future.

[ ] On the March: North
Your people are on the move, and a direction must be chosen. In this you decide to head North, along Frenchman mountain and towards distant Nellis Air Force Base and Eagleton. This will take you over rough terrain, which will let you avoid the ruins of Las Vegas, but in exchange means for a slower pace and potentially coming into contact with any surviving wildlife.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 95%
Reward: Your people are on the move
Note: Cannot be taken if you have taken Set up camp option and have not disassembled the camp. Also, if you choose to go more then one direction, a mini-turn will be initiated on how your group is split up and any complications involving it.

[ ] On the March: Northwest
Your people are on the move, and a direction must be chosen. In this you decide to head Northwest, into the eastern edge of the North Vegas ruins and the northern part of the old Sunrise community near Frenchman Mountain. This will pretty quickly take you down from the mountain and into the old city outskirts, from which you could later on choose to follow the old highway northeast to Nellis, getting their quicker then straight north from Vault 34, travel quickly southwards, or split further off into the Vegas Ruins directly west or north.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 95%
Reward: Your people are on the move
Note: Cannot be taken if you have taken Set up camp option and have not disassembled the camp. Also, if you choose to go more then one direction, a mini-turn will be initiated on how your group is split up and any complications involving it.

[ ] On the March: West
Your people are on the move, and a direction must be chosen. In this you decide to head directly west into the larger part of the old Sunshine community at the outskirts of Las Vegas. From there you could move along the highway north or south, or head further west into the ruins.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 95%
Reward: Your people are on the move
Note: Cannot be taken if you have taken Set up camp option and have not disassembled the camp. Also, if you choose to go more then one direction, a mini-turn will be initiated on how your group is split up and any complications involving it.

[ ] On the March: South
Your people are on the move, and a direction must be chosen. In this you decide to head South, going over some semi-rough terrain in order to reach the area that from pre-war records described as a wetlands with the adjacent Lake Las Vegas. Whether or not these have persisted post-war or are simply dried out lands you do not know, but from there you could travel west into Paradise, south into Henderson, or southeast/east to reach Boulder City and Lake Mead.
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 95%
Reward: Your people are on the move
Note: Cannot be taken if you have taken Set up camp option and have not disassembled the camp. Also, if you choose to go more then one direction, a mini-turn will be initiated on how your group is split up and any complications involving it.

[ ] On the March: East
Your people are on the move, and a direction must be chosen. In this you decide to head east, over rough terrain and to State Routes 147 and 167. There isn't much in this direction until you reach Lake Mead and a small pre-war community named Callville Bay, but perhaps there's things that aren't on the basic maps you have or that's changed post-apocalypse?
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 95%
Reward: Your people are on the move
Note: Cannot be taken if you have taken Set up camp option and have not disassembled the camp. Also, if you choose to go more then one direction, a mini-turn will be initiated on how your group is split up and any complications involving it.

[ ] A New Home
You've decided that this area is a suitable place for a new home, so now it's time to stake your claim
Cost: 1 Action Point
Chance of Success: 100%
Reward: Set up a permanent home, possible mini-turn(s) for specifics.
Note: Ends the Prologue

AN: New post up, you are now in the wasteland proper! And with it comes a few new things.

First off, modifiers! You have a few combat-based modifiers due to the sheer number of basic-weapons that are among your people along with a strong Security force and military-equipped (but not trained) core. The bonuses are a lot, but combat wise they do match with the kill-death ratio of the Boomers as they travelled from Vault 34. Of course you have practically no knowledge of the surface beyond pre-war information, so there are some maluses there- especially with scavenging for more food and water to top off reserves. Finally, should you not do an 'On the March' action without having set up camp for a turn, you will receive a negative hit to morale.

Also, there will be random event/encounter rolls every turn now, in which your group could encounter new people and creatures, interesting sites to check out or note, events to intervene in, or even just nothing at all.

I will admit that this post was a slight struggle to get finished in a satisfactory way, so if I missed something or didn't explain it well enough, please do ask me for clarification! I will let you all know if anything major is added/put in.

As per usual, there is a 24 hour moratorium, after which voting will begin.
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don't have a strong prefence for stuff other than heading east or south for lake mead await us! With the insane gecko we got we could turn whereever we settle alonglake mead into a paradise
Thanks for the update!

Imo best choices are go for Nellis AFB as in canon or go for Hoover dam.

How bad would it be if we just set up where we are, infront of the vault? :V
Even igroning how good lake mead is/the hoober dam I don't want to head to Nellis since that what we did in canon and is just retreading history it also just not as good as other options too