Falling Iron (IM MCU/WORM)

Iron Man's first patrol

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Chaos Blade said:
awesome to see this gets its own thread.
That said, a really sweet story, arthur. hope we will see more of it soon.
Auks said:
Unfortunately, the third can rip it to shreds in short order and would almost certainly interfere with the construction. Not to mention I don't think MCU Tony actually had anything to do with the Helicarrier's construction. And really, the PRT already has excellent logistics and rapid response capabilities; they don't need a Helicarrier.
Shields seem to be effective, so a herlicarrier isn't impossible.
The Unicorn said:
We seem to be talking past one another. I'm not questioning why she was sent to the hospital after the Locker incident, I'm pointing out that the line
The papers were mostly accurate, even (she winced here) the part where she had her psychotic breakdown due to her trigger.
implies that the records she's reading state she had a trigger event. Since I doubt that's what you meant you might consider rewriting it.
Taylor added the 'her trigger', though some guy at the PRT probably has assigned a small chance that it was a trigger.
arthurh3535 said:
Taylor added the 'her trigger', though some guy at the PRT probably has assigned a small chance that it was a trigger.
The sentence is a little unclear, and it can be read as the papers saying that she had her trigger then. Because of that, an edit to make things clearer in the text might be a good idea- even though you've clarified things here, not everyone will read all the posts outside of the main snippets. Maybe something like:
The papers were mostly accurate, even (she winced here) the part where she had her psychotic breakdown, although it didn't give any indication that they knew she'd triggered because of it.
Responding to reveals in the general Worm thread about JARVIS playing the movie footage:
Poor Armsmaster, thinking he's seeing a well practiced and coordinated team when he's actually just watched the craziest pickup combat jam session outside of an Exalted crossover.

"So, how long were you guys working together before you ended up here?"
'Oh, uh, a couple days. Why?'
"You must have been training like mad."
'Wha- oh, you mean fighting together? That was more like the length of the fight. In that we hadn't before. Bruce and I were spending most of the lead up trying to track down Thor's crazy adopted brother.'
Essex said:
I figure that Tony already has JARVIS filling out patent forms like mad. Hundreds of fundamental Stark breakthroughs will get bundled up and auctioned off for tens of millions of dollars, which Tony will use as seed money for a new Stark Industries. He'll then use his new company to patent all of the moderately good stuff, making himself even richer.
Sadly, that costs a bit of money. That Tony doesn't have.
MrGazzer said:
Who said he'd use his money? :p
The government (which the PRT and Protectorate is technically part of) frowns on people using its money to patent things developed for them. They usually want it to be controlled by whoever it is connected to (DARPA, universities, etc)>
Angelform said:
Well this should be interesting.

Although I would have expected every precognitive on the planet to be ordering everyone to guard and or kidnap Tony by now. His tech is mass producible.
Heck it probably isn't even that hard to reverse engineer and understand if you have access to the hardware.

Give it a few years and every soldier, cape and SWAT will be outfitted in armour. Not necessarily full IM-grade but far superior to anything 'modern' tech can create.
The Endbriggers will be horribly overworked trying to destroy all the space shuttles being built (repulsors give insane space-lift).
The fuel/energy crises will be a memory as ARC reactors are installed all over the place.

This all without Dragon getting unbound.
Oh, they are starting to wake up to his affect. Cauldron likes what Tony can do insanely, where as the villains that are gearing up just saw the 'new' guy take fight three Dragonslayers by himself (by external looks) and then finished off two in the air.)

And his tech appears to be about 10x to 50x as effective as Dragon's tech, one of the best, if not best tech. (Again, Dragon actually uses her tech better than a human can. And doesn't have cheat-sheets like ARC reactors of near perpetual high-octane energy.)
Yog said:
Well, for one, Taylor threw caution to the wind and used her powers already. She's becoming a ward (and gets partial credit for taking down Dragonslayers - Tony's nice like that, and she bought him time he needed). She's very likely getting an irontech armor (still think that Iron Spider would be incredibly appropriate).

And Tony would just throw his lawyers (whom he'll be able to hire very soon, with bounty from capturing Dragonslayers (they have to have some bounty on their heads; or at least a treasury he could raid), or from playing on the market (via JARVIS)) at Emma, the school and such (or just tell Taylor to throw lawyers at them).
Oh, Taylor did not throw 'caution to the wind' quite that much, as she figured (fairly correctly) that these guys weren't going to murder a young teen if she acted properly scared and tried to run away. The only use of bugs she did there was to keep track of Moe and Curly as they opened the door to Shop #5 (again and again) and then to fill the card reader with bugs (which will probably be replaced by some electronics tech in a few weeks after Tony's stuff gets moved.
Nikas said:
I wonder if Tony is going to have a long talk with Taylor, because it is a pretty good bet he had a flashback to the cave and the last guy that 'bought him time' to get his armor up and running.
Now this is really quite likely. Tony doesn't actually know (or even suspect) that Taylor is a super-power. And he's not very comfortable with the idea of under age heroes. Vista makes him twitch a little bit.
Essex said:
Small business loans. Tony may not have his credentials in this universe, but he has enough in depth business knowledge that he'll be able to convince some bank officer to loan him a few thousand dollars for a technology startup company. That gets him cheap office space and the cash to file the patent applications. Since his stuff can be patented, it obviously isn't tinker tech and thus isn't the PRT's concern. If anyone pushes, he can use a CAT scan and a good lawyer to prove he isn't a parahuman and thus none of the PRT's concern. Once the news hits the mainstream media, there will be plenty of people willing to invest in his firm.
The PRT and Protectorate have resources.

If Tony tried to cut and run right now he is dead in a week.
First, I'm really enjoying this story so far.

I'm kind of wondering if the PRT isn't going to be disappointed when they start trying to mass-produce Tony's stuff, though. Just from a meta-perspective, heroes like Iron Man are exactly what Tinkers and the maintenance restriction were written to imitate, and it's hard to see this:

as anything other than a great example of what normal engineers trying to deal with Tinker tech look like.

He might get at it through his own innate genius instead of parahuman abilities, but Tony's probably just as far ahead of Earth Bet science as a lot of Tinkers, and he's going to face a lot of the same challenges they do in "dumbing down" maintenance instructions and the like for normal people to understand properly.
anowack said:
First, I'm really enjoying this story so far.

I'm kind of wondering though if the PRT isn't going to be disappointed when they start trying to mass-produce Tony's stuff, though. Just from a meta-perspective, heroes like Iron Man are exactly what Tinkers and the maintenance restriction were written to imitate, and it's hard to see this:
as anything other than a great example of what normal engineers trying to deal with Tinker tech look like.

He might get at it through his own innate genius instead of parahuman abilities, but Tony's probably just as far ahead of Earth Bet science as a lot of Tinkers, and he's going to face a lot of the same challenges they do in "dumbing down" maintenance instructions and the like for normal people to understand properly.
Well, Tony is going Guardsman route. And ARC reactors (haxxor that they are) are something that really intelligent people can build/use.

The big difference is Tony doesn't have to 'reverse-engineer' his own creations. Armsman, one of the best tinkers in the world, was going to have to take about six months to figure out how to mass-produce his programmed-response fighting suit.

Tony would probably be able to explain in a week a similar level of tech.

And Palladium isn't that hard to get, just expensive.
Nikas said:
I'm not that up on the Wormverse, don't have the time to read the full archives. OTOH it seems the Wards are the underage 'junior hero' team? Sort of an apprentice/work-study program with an eye to train younger would be heroes and keeping them in lower risk roles till they are at least of age?

Tony might take the view, "If she's going to do this, might as well get properly trained up first." Even better if said training keeps her off the front lines till after she turns eighteen. OTOH he'll probably want to keep her around as a part time assistant too.

On the ARC reactor, note they were trying to reverse engineer Tony's brilliant idea, without him. Now with Tony to explain how he managed things, would it be different?
Wards are PRT directly managed super-minors. While you do not have to join, it's incentivized heavily by the higher ups. And they are very strictly controlled (no lethal force most of the time and all under-age Tinker designs have to be vetted as safe.)

So it's actually not a bad place for Taylor.

Now adult 'Tinkers' do have to make sure their stuff isn't leaking enough radiation to kill the entire team in the Protectorate, but they are expected to understand how to not escalate to lethal force unless needed (something Kid Win got in trouble with during the bank fight, BTW).

I'm pretty sure there are some Protectorate Tinkers that are chaperoned closer than others, but basically if you can control it and it won't irradiate your team, you are pretty well off.
I'm liking what I'm seeing so far, but good god, please get a Beta, all these grammatical mistakes are painful to look at.
Auks said:
Taylor might actually be really good practice for that actually. If he can come up with a maintenance procedure simple enough a High school Sophomore can figure it out, surely that's good enough, right?

But yeah, can definitely see him getting bad flashbacks to Yinsen, to the point that he might even try to get her some very low profile body armor, which is ironically just about the only thing she can do better then he can.

Actually, random thought- when Taylor tells Tony she can weave spider silk, he may suggest she mass produce vests in an attempt to keep her from fighting. And from there, may suggest she start a line of Spider Silk clothing to protect people in their day to day activities, and make lots of money at the same time. At which point they're going to need a fashion designer who can work with Capes. Because bringing in Parian early would be fun.
Tony's already told them how he's solved 99% of their problem of Tinker maintenance for his super-gear.

He built a smart system to do it for him.

Too busy trying to get feeling well enough to do a nasty social attack on Taylor in Panacea.
Essex said:
Why would they kill him? Becoming a military-industrial does not equal cutting and running. Tony Stark has convinced Armsmaster that he is fully capable of outfitting government troops with an assembly line supply of cheap but effective armored suits and other high tech stuff. I'm pretty sure that he government doesn't really make any of its production model weapon systems. They're all built by private companies like Lockheed-Martin and Boeing. If Stark makes a company to build his suits and sell them to the government, the government will be just fine with that. They're not going to shoot the goose that is able to lay golden eggs at will just because the goose wants to obtain profit from his own work, as would be expected of any military contractor.
The Protectorate wouldn't kill him, all the villains gunning to get ahold of him would.

Just think of how easy a target he would be for Mannequin if he didn't have any resources, for example.
Thing is: If Tony can get them mass produced power armor he could go and start his own company while still geting the same level of protection the PRT would give him if he stayed with them. They want the tech that much.
Tony doesn't sell weapons anymore because he's seen what his weapons do in the hands of the wrong people. He's seen his weapons kill innocent people.

The Endbringers are destroying humanity. They're doing it relatively slowly, but clever people can see the endgame. If the PRT promises to only use the armors against the Endbringers and S-class threats, Tony would give them away like candy. He might program in fail-safes that prevent their use against human opponents (unless cleared by Tony himself, in the event of S-class threats like the Nine), though.
Essex said:
Why would they kill him? Becoming a military-industrial does not equal cutting and running. Tony Stark has convinced Armsmaster that he is fully capable of outfitting government troops with an assembly line supply of cheap but effective armored suits and other high tech stuff. I'm pretty sure that he government doesn't really make any of its production model weapon systems. They're all built by private companies like Lockheed-Martin and Boeing. If Stark makes a company to build his suits and sell them to the government, the government will be just fine with that. They're not going to shoot the goose that is able to lay golden eggs at will just because the goose wants to obtain profit from his own work, as would be expected of any military contractor.
Cytokinesis said:
The Protectorate wouldn't kill him, all the villains gunning to get ahold of him would.

Just think of how easy a target he would be for Mannequin if he didn't have any resources, for example.
Yeah, it's not the government he has to worry about, but the A and S-class threats that would want his gear ASAP.
Odysseus2099 said:
Does he know that? And does he care? Knowing Tony he'd just see that as a challenge. Also, it'd be pretty dumb of the PRT to kill him just cause they can't control him. If he's gonna try to make the world a better place, killing him over a control fantasy would be about as stupid as they could get, considering there are stronger rouges that they aren't going after.

Also, they're gonna run into problems soon with looking over his stuff. Tony doesn't let anyone else look at his weapons. Ever.
Yes, Tony is quite aware in Wormverse he's one guy among thousands of superpowers and in many ways, not that unique. Certainly not the most powerful or toughest.

Tony won't because of the fact in Marvel, it's basically people vs. people (and normally humans only). Here he is seeing existential threats to humanity. Thor and the Destoyer fight in the movie Thor? I'd give good odd's on any of the Triumverate soloing both of them.

And these guys can't stop any one of the Endbringers permanently.
Odysseus2099 said:
This is movieverse Tony, who refuses to make weapons for anyone but himself though. He'll just solve the energy crisis, and use the money to arm himself to take on the Endbringers.
Not an energy crisis, ELE. Extinction Level Events. Tony is going to go and actually see Kyushu and New Foundland and other cities that have been attacked himself.
hpackrat said:
No reason why he can't give them weapons that they already have. Kinda like how they've tacked on regular guns on the War Machine.
Not enough power or penetration. I suspect he's going to be making BFG's powered by foot-wide ARC reactors.
Nikas said:
Actually the ARC reactor can be the ultimate control. Using palladium it was slowly poisoning Tony. He had to synthesise a replacement that wasn't toxic. Both sides would see this as a feature, not a bug. Simply put, without 'Starkium' for the reactor, you can't use the armor without slowly killing yourself. Controlling the bullets rather than the guns.

OTOH, getting into the power business? I'm sure the full size reactor can just put some shielding around it.
It was really only poisonous because Tony had it implanted in his chest.
Instead of little bug armors Taylor could control untold numbers of drones. She has complete control of all insects in her range so train up her multi-tasking and she can use them as multiple hands to drive and direct untold numbers of remote control combat robots.
hydraulic man said:
I know everyone's busy debating serious story stuff, but I'm sorry, all I can think about is Tony challenging himself to make a bunch of tiny little Iron-Bug armors for Taylor's bugs to pilot around. I just can't get the image out of my head.
While that in incredibly cute... ah, no.
arthurh3535 said:
Which isn't really going to happen in this version.
That's not to say that the range can't be expanded some other way, is it? After all, Tony would be very interested in parahumans in general, I think, and in Taylor in particular (unblockable, virtually undetectable signals that can be received and transmitted (feedback) by unaugmented bugs are interesting and have all kinds of applications, like cloud computing), and I can see him figuring something out, then building a signal booster.
SilentStriker said:
Think of it the other way. The bugs stay near Taylor and control the drones remotely. Think of all the tiny simulators! a 1 inch beetle could control a much larger iron bug drone (think 3 feet or so), a few hundred of those...

: D
I am thinking that Tony might use his assistant to test out the female variant of the Guardsman armor. 'Just in case' you know.