Falling Iron (IM MCU/WORM)

Iron Man's first patrol

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Sorry, my last post was posted at 1ish in the morning and I've had a long last couple of days. Now that I'm actually awake, I can actually remember things and just want to say that I'm really enjoying the way this story is turning out. Keep up the good work.
For the record, this is one of the few worm fics that I don't need to read part of the update to remember.
Falling Iron 12
Falling Iron XII

"Did you hear? Someone's posted a picture of a possible new cape at the PRT building?"

Taylor blinked, wondering what they were talking about. Everyone crowded around Laura Adams because she owned a Tinker-tech cell phone.

She stretched out the holoscreen out to about two feet wide. Everyone oohed and ahhed as the bright emerald green figure tried to chase Iron Man around the downtown area.

"You think it is another Tinker? Like Kid Win?" a tall latino boy asked.

"I heard a rumor that Iron Man can replicate his technology," a chubby girl with thick glasses said.

"Yeah, right."

Taylor studied the screen as the Weaver armor flew through its paces. She wondered who Tony put inside of it?

"Come on, let's see what they are saying on the news," someone yelled just as the teacher walked into the room.

"Phones away. Tablets away. It'll be there after class," the short, round and very dour man said as he walked into the classroom.

The whole class groaned.

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♦Topic: That new guy called Iron Man in Brockton Bay?
In: Boards ► North America ► USA ► New England ► Brockton Bay

(Original Poster) (Cape Groupie) (Part Time Troll)
Posted on February 15, 2011:

Can you believe this guy showing up out of nowhere and defeating the Dragonslayers? I hear he had to be rescued from his first use of his flying armor and then in less than two weeks he's taking down big name villains/mercenaries?

Are we sure he isn't actually Armsmuster in disguise or sumthing?

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► Bagrat (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member) (Cape Geek)
Replied on February 15th, 2011:
Like I said before, that armor is not a prototype by any definition I've ever heard of. And to use Hero's colors as a Tinker is almost normal these days.

I mean look at Kid Win. No one has been verbally abusing him for using the same colors, right?

I'm more interested in the fact that it appears he can produce knock-offs of his armor. I heard third-hand that the green armor is for a new Ward, but no names have been mentioned. Some sort of hold up on the logistics side.

► Zach5353 (Temp-banned) (Power Guru) (Sculptor)
Replied on February 16, 2011:
Taking out the Dragon Slayers (sorry, taking out two of the three Dragonslayers) and then taking down Leet and Uber are all the hallmarks of someone that's been in the game for years.

Which still makes me think he could be someone known, but under a new "style". I mean, I can think of several Tinkers that could possibly make the Iron Man "armor". Heck, I would have said that Squealer might have made something. I mean, it's technically a vehicle too.

► Lithium Dreams (Moderator)
Replied on February 16, 2011:
We talked about this already. Enjoy a 24 hour temp ban for trying to figured out anything about a Cape's ID, Zack.
► TES_Eskyrum (Cape Son)
Replied on February 20, 2011:
From what I've heard, Iron Man is a bit of a rogue. Not as in he's not a hero, but he's cut from a different cloth. He crashed a villain gang down here in New Orleans and rescued one of the local Protectorate. Paradisio said the SSE Protectorate owes Iron Man a lot. She even tried to get his monitor duty punishment lessened.

► RatPackH (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member) (Cape Groupie) (Power Guru)
Replied on February 20, 2011:
I finally managed to piece a bit about the time frame from when Iron Man left the ENE's base. A couple of tourists caught Iron Man rocketing straight up at 2:14 PM. The numbers are a bit loose, but he had to be pushing 8 to 12 gravities of accelerationg.

He arrived and started a fight with the New Black Panthers (New Orleans villain group) at 1:32PM.

Which is pretty BS. 17 minutes to go from Massachussets to Louisiana? And that's his normal suit, not some sort of specialty suit.

There is no way that he can pack that much propellent into his armor. He's got to have some parahuman source of flight on top of the armor.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on February 20, 2011:
I wonder if the 'logistics' it PRT speak for setting up to send the new cape to Arcadia?

► Proziac
Replied on February 20, 2011:
Yeah, but we aren't supposed to talk about any of the new students or the fact that they might be a Cape. Anyways, only recent transfers is that one girl from Winslow that got transferred after being bullied and two blonde girls yesterday.

But after talking to the blondes, I can't see them as Wards. One of them might be part of the E88 though. She was a real bitch.

► Lithium Dreams (Moderator)
Replied on February 16, 2011:
You two need to knock it off. As this is the first time and you weren't really trying, I'll just give you a warning.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 ... 98 , 99, 100

♦Topic: PRT getting a big upgrade to their equipment?
In: Boards ► North America ► USA ► National PRT

(Original Poster) (Man in the know) (Veteran)
Posted on February 18, 2011:
So I've heard through the grapevine that the PRT is looking at budgeting for a big purchase of Tinker tech equipment. I don't have any details so far, but they have a lot of people signing off on it. Even the head of the Parahumans Budget committee in the Senate. So someone has hit the jackpot. Or they've managed to trick an awful lot of people.

Our good boys and gals in chain armor could use an upgrade.

(Showing Page 32 of 81)

► TapperDanc (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member) (Shiney)
Replied on February 20, 2011:
I heard from the voices in my head that everyone is going to be sealed in power armor because the Endbringers are about to destroy the atmosphere!

► UpperTop (Cape Groupie)
Replied on February 20, 2011:
Man, did you slip off your meds again, Tapper?

► XiangXiaXoom (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied on February 20, 2011:
The only Tinker that can mass produce his stuff is Marasme. And he can't do super-tech power armor on that level man. ToommyToom, your source has to be pulling your leg.

And what sort of name is "Guardsman" anyways? Even if we could mass produce armor like that, the villains would just steal some and we'd be right back where we are with the villains outnumbering the heroes.

► Zellos_Secret (Certified Nuts)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
The Lord COMES! The day of the Endbringer is nigh! And a new, Marvelous and Strange Day will come! And it's all the fault of the Red and Gold Knight of Alcohol!

► JackBeQuick (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
What does any of that even mean?

► MisterUnderPresident (Cape Husband)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
Man, I wonder if Zellos really is a cape? This is like the sixth time he's started going nuts on the boards. And each of the five previous times an Endbringer attack happened within a day.

► A.Dowers (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
There's no reason to set off a panic. Zellos goes a little off kilter all the time. And we don't have Endbringer attacks that often.

► SomeCallMeTim (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
Well, he called it today. The Simurgh just left orbit on a direct de-orbit towards Australia. Today is looking to be a shitty day indeed.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 ... 79 , 80, 81

Taylor's phone started vibrating as she walked to the bus stop. "Hey, Tony."

"Heya, Angel! You need to get to the PRT Headquarters asap. We just got notice that the Simurgh just landed in Canberra, Australia. Looks like she wants to dissolve the government the nasty, evil way," Tony replied. "I'm readying the first three Guardsman Armor."

Taylor looked around as she started power walking down towards the Brockton Downtown Mall, which happened to be a block from the PRT Headquarters. "Get my armor ready. I guess Weaver's debut is going to be a week earlier than we thought."

"Only if your dad agrees," her boss replied, sounding quite the unhappy indeed.

"We already talked it over. While I can't hurt any of them, I can run search and rescue. Especially with the armor."

Tony frowned as all of the waldos worked at their fastest pace. "I really don't like this idea. But it's not my Earth, so not my rules. I'll see you in twenty."
He stepped on top of the scorched, red painted X on the ground.

"Okay boys, time to suit up. I want everything double checked. JARVIS, how much time do we have?"

"Strider will be here to pick up the local volunteers in thirty-eight minutes down on the helipad," the A.I. replied. "Dragon is readying for battle and will be enroute in ten minutes. I will be assisting her on the logistics end."

"Good old JARVIS. Let's see what we can do to give the Simurgh a bit of a headache," Tony said as armor started to be socketed into place.
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I came here to watch the Moderators bring thier holy wrath upon a foul Necromancer, but lo and behold, we witness a holy ressurection!
Posting "burn the necro" and such meanwhile can be interpreted as violation of rules, if I am not mistaken, so you might want to be more careful with this.
Posting "burn the necro" and such meanwhile can be interpreted as violation of rules, if I am not mistaken, so you might want to be more careful with this.

Considering the OP gave me a funny, I'm not terribly concerned, as he seems to have taken it as the joke it was meant to be.

But yes, dog piling on a necro post violates the rules regarding how we're to treat our follow posters.
It's alive! It's aliveeeee!

I think I reread this like a month ago, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I could actually follow along on what was happening.
Tony - Jarvis, is it ready?
Jarvis - ~You mean the Rock-of-Ages Protocol sir?~
Tony - *Smiles widely behind his mask as he takes off and goes Hypersonic*
Jarvis - ~That is affirmative sir. Shall I begin deployment procedures?~
Tony - Cue the music.

- Canbera -

Ziz - [Look at my wings, my wings are amazing! Give em a flick, they smell so amazing!]


Dragon - Your late.

Jarvis - ~Sorry, but we had to stop for something...~

Tony - Hey, I'm not the one who forgot my starbucks... *Slurps* Ahh!
Dragon - Well, she's singing again. Got a plan?
Tony - Yes. Jarvis, deploy.
Jarvis - ~Teleporting incoming, you really must thank kid win for this.~

Tony - *Grabs equipment as it flashes into being, he begins assembling some kind of ramshackle device*

Dragon - What... is that? It looks way rougher than your equipment usually does...

Tony - Skipped the spinning rims as time was a factor, technically it's not done yet... but it should last one or two shots before it burns itself out.
Dragon - So... what is it?
Tony - A Cymatic Propulsion Gun.
Dragon - English.
Tony - It's easier to just do this. *Holds it up and points at the Simurgh* Fire in the hole! *Depresses the trigger and an ear splitting sound pierces the air as a blue beam shoots forward and strikes the Simurgh, it spliters off and begins to englobe her until with a crack she disappears from the field of battle* Boom, headshot!

Dragon - So, where is she?

Jarvis - ~In another dimension. Uninhabited of course. That is supposing she maintained integrity during the transference through the black hole.~

- Elsewhere -

Ziz - *Looks around until she sights a cave with a woman wearing a sharp fedora waves* [He got me presents! How Thoughtful!]

Contessa - Fuck you Iron Man!
► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on February 20, 2011:
I wonder if the 'logistics' it PRT speak for setting up to send the new cape to Arcadia?

► Proziac
Replied on February 20, 2011:
Yeah, but we aren't supposed to talk about any of the new students or the fact that they might be a Cape. Anyways, only recent transfers is that one girl from Winslow that got transferred after being bullied and two blonde girls yesterday.

But after talking to the blondes, I can't see them as Wards. One of them might be part of the E88 though. She was a real bitch.
The mod should have burned this comment with fire as soon as it was posted. Winslow id's should be nearly as well protected as capes.
The mod should have burned this comment with fire as soon as it was posted. Winslow id's should be nearly as well protected as capes.
Sorta. Not responding shows they might be 'checking' in the background at human speed levels, rather than instabotting like Dragon could technically do. Also, 'missing' it and the duo blondes throws them off from the real Ward, who was transferred over singly and seperately.

Double/triple think spook processing.
► Zach5353 (Temp-banned) (Power Guru) (Sculptor)
Replied on February 16, 2011:
Taking out the Dragon Slayers (sorry, taking out two of the three Dragonslayers) and then taking down Leet and Uber are all the hallmarks of someone that's been in the game for years.

Which still makes me think he could be someone known, but under a new "style". I mean, I can think of several Tinkers that could possibly make the Iron Man "armor". Heck, I would have said that Squealer might have made something. I mean, it's technically a vehicle too.

► Lithium Dreams (Moderator)
Replied on February 16, 2011:
We talked about this already. Enjoy a 24 hour temp ban for trying to figured out anything about a Cape's ID, Zack.
You get banned for trying to figure out if a Cape's changed their gettup? So if Purity started going by a different costume and name, pointingout the blatantly obvious power similarity gets a ban? What about Madcap-Assault stuff?
"Did you hear? Someone's posted a picture of a possible new cape at the PRT building?"

Taylor blinked, wondering what they were talking about. Everyone crowded around Laura Adams because she owned a Tinker-tech cell phone.

She stretched out the holoscreen out to about two feet wide.
That's a thing? o_OIsn't tinker-tech ultra-prohibitively expensive?
► Proziac
Replied on February 20, 2011:
Yeah, but we aren't supposed to talk about any of the new students or the fact that they might be a Cape. Anyways, only recent transfers is that one girl from Winslow that got transferred after being bullied and two blonde girls yesterday.

But after talking to the blondes, I can't see them as Wards. One of them might be part of the E88 though. She was a real bitch.
If those two are Fenja and Menja, I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.
► Zellos_Secret (Certified Nuts)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
The Lord COMES! The day of the Endbringer is nigh! And a new, Marvelous and Strange Day will come! And it's all the fault of the Red and Gold Knight of Alcohol!

► JackBeQuick (Unverified Cape)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
What does any of that even mean?

Like nobody wasn't going to make that reference.
Also Hansen, I'll give you props for not only Zellos's awesome rant, but including a Jack Slash account.
► MisterUnderPresident (Cape Husband)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
Man, I wonder if Zellos really is a cape? This is like the sixth time he's started going nuts on the boards. And each of the five previous times an Endbringer attack happened within a day.

► A.Dowers (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
There's no reason to set off a panic. Zellos goes a little off kilter all the time. And we don't have Endbringer attacks that often.

► SomeCallMeTim (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on February 21, 2011:
Well, he called it today. The Simurgh just left orbit on a direct de-orbit towards Australia. Today is looking to be a shitty day indeed.
EEeeesh. Guy's got to have one broken precog-shard to get past Endbringer-immunity.
"We already talked it over. While I can't hurt any of them, I can run search and rescue. Especially with the armor."

Tony frowned as all of the waldos worked at their fastest pace. "I really don't like this idea. But it's not my Earth, so not my rules. I'll see you in twenty."
He stepped on top of the scorched, red painted X on the ground.
I really need to re-read this fic.
Nice little chapter, Hansen.
You get banned for trying to figure out if a Cape's changed their gettup? So if Purity started going by a different costume and name, pointingout the blatantly obvious power similarity gets a ban? What about Madcap-Assault stuff?

Reforming villains is why the PRT 'stretches' this rule. They would look really bad if it got out that they "reformed" villains with a list of bodies.

That's a thing? o_OIsn't tinker-tech ultra-prohibitively expensive?

Yes? Some people would be rich enough to do it anyways.

If those two are Fenja and Menja, I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Nope, two random girls were picked to 'transfer' over to Arcadia. They purposefully keep enough open slots to do this sort of shellgame.

Like nobody wasn't going to make that reference.
Also Hansen, I'll give you props for not only Zellos's awesome rant, but including a Jack Slash account.

Sure. We'll go with that. I totally meant to do it. /whistles.

EEeeesh. Guy's got to have one broken precog-shard to get past Endbringer-immunity.
As a quick aside that matters nothing really to the story, he's actually a psychic. No shard.
I really need to re-read this fic.
Nice little chapter, Hansen.
Thank you!
Dr Strange? Captain Marvel (or Mar-Vel)?
To be revealed!
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Reforming villains is why the PRT 'stretches' this rule. They would look really bad if it got out that they "reformed" villains with a list of bodies.
Yes? Some people would be rich enough to do it anyways.
Nope, two random girls were picked to 'transfer' over to Arcadia. They purposefully keep enough open slots to do this sort of shellgame.
Fair enough to all three.
As a quick aside that matters nothing really to the story, he's actually a psychic. No shard.
Threadmarks are your friend! Don't forget them! They want to help you.

Seriously though, I thought this was just a necro post that bumped the story. It updated over 6 hours ago, lots of time to hit that special button.